The official website of Aliexpress for residents of Ukraine - how to use? What can you buy for Aliexpress in Ukraine in hryvnias? When and what sales are held on Aliexpress in Ukraine: Dates

The official website of Aliexpress for residents of Ukraine - how to use? What can you buy for Aliexpress in Ukraine in hryvnias? When and what sales are held on Aliexpress in Ukraine: Dates

In this article we will talk, which is an official site Aliexpress For residents of Ukraine and what can be bought here.

Aliexpressit is a very large Internet market that is very popular. What is so remarkable in it? The fact is that only here you can purchase goods from Chinese manufacturers at very low prices, and you will be satisfied with quality. As you know, the site gained the greatest popularity in Russia, but at the moment, residents of other countries, for example, Ukrainians have become actively interested in it. Let's figure it out with you how to use the product catalog correctly, what does it have in it and what sales are able to please the inhabitants of Ukraine Aliexpress.

If you are on this site for the first time, then it will definitely be useful for you to read our article on the link here. She will tell you how to correctly pass and start active shopping in China.

How to establish a country of delivery and prices in hryvnias on Aliexpress in Ukraine?

As soon as you open the site Aliexpress, you may notice that the prices of goods here are not indicated in the currency of your country. Therefore, for convenience, we should configure the display of value precisely in hryvnias. Thus, it will be easier for you to understand how much this or that product costs. Although, if it is convenient for you, then you may well leave rubles or dollars, depending on what you have displayed there at all. The country of delivery should essentially be displayed automatically, but if this suddenly did not happen, then it also needs to be changed, since the goods will be displayed in accordance with the selected country.

To choose a delivery country, do the following:

  • On the main page above on the right side, select the button "Delivery to ..." or "ship to"(see the picture below)
Delivery in
Delivery in

  • You will boot a small window in which there are two lines
  • In the first line, the country you need is selected, and in the second - currency. After everything is ready, click "Save"
  • The page will immediately be updated and new data will already be displayed

Catalog of goods for Aliexpress for Ukraine: Review

Now that you and I set up a catalog for Ukraine, you can start studying the catalog Aliexpress. Carefully study the main page of the site. Here, on the left side, a list with popular categories in your country is displayed.

  • If you put a mouse cursor to any category, you will open a more detailed list with different sections. Choose what you like more and you will find yourself in the product catalog.
  • There is another option. The fact is that all categories will not work from the main page. To do this, click "See all" Above the list.
  • On the new page, also choose the desired category and a more detailed catalog will open.

Buy on Aliexpress you can absolutely everything that the soul wants. Therefore, you should not even say what is here, but always most in demand:

  • clothing
  • Accessories
  • Electronics
  • Smartphones
  • Tablets
  • Children's products
  • Toys

If you carefully look at the catalog that you opened, you will see that on the left there is a list of adjacent categories. For example, we will open the dresses:

  • As you can see, here the catalog is divided into several subsections that contain different models.
  • A little below is more detailed sorting by characteristics. So, you can only choose dresses of a certain size, color, with a pattern and so on.
  • There are several more filters under the search line. Here you can choose brands, price, free delivery and only demanded goods or new items.
  • Among other things, you can always look for something uninteresting at sales. We will talk about them further.

When there are sales on Aliexpress in Ukraine: Dates

Aliexpressit always carries out a huge number of sales where you can buy certain products very cheaply. It is worth noting that usually products are allowed only from proven sellers before sales, so do not be afraid of them. Be a little careful during the largest sales, because all sellers can participate in them and they are not always honest.

Sales Aliexpress
Sales Aliexpress

So on Aliexpress in Ukraine, you can participate in the following sales:

  • Festive. These shares always take place before major holidays - New Year, February 23, March 8and so on. During their conduct, good goods are always on sale that are suitable for the theme of the holiday or just as a gift. The largest discounts, as a rule, are given by sellers for those goods that are more suitable for the theme of the holiday.
  • Seasonal. At the end of this or that season on Aliexpress a large sale of things is arranged that did not have time to sell stores. Agree that in the spring no one will buy things for the winter and they turn out to be unclaimed, and if they offer them with a big discount, it is unlikely that anyone will refuse such an offer. Discounts are provided up to 90%. This is due to the fact that sellers need to free the regiments of warehouses from old things in order to purchase new ones that are already suitable for season. Despite this, you can buy winter jackets here in the summer.
    Seasonal sales in late March and August.
  • Sale 11.11. This is one of the largest on Aliexpress and it passes annually on November 11th. Its uniqueness is that here discounts act on almost all the goods, so if you have long wanted to buy something, then this is the best time. In addition, it is always worthulting to the beginning of the sale, since the goods are displayed in limited quantities and many on it just buy gifts for their relatives so that they can come to the New Year in time.
  • Black Friday. Another extremely popular sale for Aliexpress. The date of its implementation falls on the last Friday of November somewhere on the 23-29th. It is also carried out with a huge number of discounts and bonuses, while it lasts 3 days.
Black Friday
Black Friday
  • Cyberpolonaeal. It passes immediately after Black Friday and here the remains of goods from the previous sale are already being sold. Discounts here are no longer so attractive, but you can still find good ones. Cyberpolnate is carried out specifically for those who did not have time to take part in Black Friday.
  • Sale of the year. In general, this sale is considered New Year's, since the period of its implementation falls on the first half of December. That is, for about two weeks, the most products have discounts. There is another sale, but it takes place a few days before the New Year.
  • Chinese New Year. Though Aliexpress and works in the international market - it is Chinese. Accordingly, it would be simply blasphemy not to celebrate such a holiday with its favorite customers. But how else to do this, if not with the help of a sale? This action is held in the last week of February and lasts about 10 days, so you will definitely have time to buy everything you need here. The exact date of the Chinese New Year see this link.
  • Aliexpress's birthday. We all celebrate our birthday. That's Aliexpress does the same and again holds the sale. The date of its implementation falls at the end of March, since it is during this period that the site began its work.
  • Happy Sale. If you actively use the purchase application, then you will definitely be interested to participate in the sale at the end of August with discounts up to 50%. If you try to find it in the full version of the site, then you will not see anything, it is only in the application.
  • Last mining products, Lowcoster, Branding territory, quick transactions, cheaper than $ 5. Is on Aliexpress and daily discounts. You can find them in the listed sections. Every day the goods are updated here, so go into them more often so as not to miss anything interesting.

Video: How to buy on AliExpress, if you are from Ukraine?

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