What symbolize the colors of tulips in a bouquet in the language of flowers? What color of tulips to give a girl?

What symbolize the colors of tulips in a bouquet in the language of flowers? What color of tulips to give a girl?

The value of colors and the number of tulips in floristry.

Tulips are spring flowers that are one of the first to delight with their beauty. Due to the simplicity of care, these flowers are planted both near a private house and in personal plots, gardens. Often it is tulips that give on March 8. In this article we will talk about the meaning of tulips, and what bouquets are customary to give. 

What does a tulip flower mean, a symbol of what is Feng Shui?

There are several legends about the origin of this flower. According to the first legend in the ancient state, the king lived, who wanted to tie himself the bonds with a beautiful girl. However, many people wanted to interfere with the Union, so they lied to the king, saying that the girl had died. From grief and annoyance, the young man rushed from the cliff. In the place where droplets of blood spilled, beautiful flowers grew. Flowers were named in the honor of the king’s name - tulips. 

What does the tulip flower mean, a symbol of which is on the Feng Shui:

  • There is another legend, according to which the fields were not far from the ancient village, with an unusual flower, with closed buds. Anyone who looks at the open bud will find happiness. That is why many residents came to the flower, waiting for its disclosure. However, he was still closed. Only when a young woman with her child walked in the field, the tulip opened. Since then, they began to believe that the tulip is a symbol of happiness, good luck.
  • In the eastern countries, these flowers are given to those to whom they want happiness, love. According to Feng Shui, this is a symbol of the feminine, passionate love. Depending on the color of tulips, their meaning varies. 

White tulips: meaning

In different states, the decoding of white tulips is different. This is due to the features of the development of folklore.

White tulips, meaning:

  • According to the German giving, a woman lived in the mountains who walked in light clothes. Where she passed, beautiful white flowers grew. Locals believed that this is a ghost that could not find peace. However, the young man did not believe the gives, rushed white tulips, and gave his lover. Soon he died of an unknown illness. Since then, white tulips have been considered a sign of afterlife, and in the East it is a symbol of peace and balance. 
  • If you believe English folklore, then a white tulip is a bed for a fairy. This is the giving fabulous folklore, so white tulips are considered a sign of kindness, success.
  • Now white tulips can be given at the beginning of the relationship, and a similar gift speaks of sympathy, sincerity.
  • It is also recommended to give flowers for weddings. They go well with white wedding dresses.
  • Such flowers are recommended to give people who are sick. It is believed that they contribute to a speedy recovery. 

Red tulips: meaning

Unlike white buds, red flowers symbolize passion, attraction, crazy desire. Therefore, most often they are given to lovers, beloved people, as well as at the beginning of the relationship to women, when they want to tell about their vivid feelings. It is believed that the red tulip symbolizes fiery love and delight. They are often used instead of the first recognition of love. 

Yellow tulips: meaning

At the mention of yellow tulips, associations with the song of Natasha Koroleva immediately arise. Are these flowers really messengers? In fact, not quite. As for yellow tulips, for the first time the legend about them arose in Arabic in countries. It was believed that a jealous spouse put a red rose under a pillow of his wife, and in the morning the flower acquired a yellow color. This was explained by the fact that the wife is incorrect. That is why yellow flowers began to be considered the messengers of separation. However, soon the woman proved the wife of the husband, but yellow flowers are still considered a sign of separation. According to legend, these were not tulips, but roses. The opinion that yellow tulips are messengers of separation, just a myth. A lot about yellow tulips, you can find out In the article on our website

Yellow tulips, meaning:

  • The yellow color in the East is the color of happiness, joy, hope, success. The color belongs to warm colors, and its shades carry only positive energy. In most cases, yellow colors are associated with gold, hope for a bright future.
  • Florists say that yellow tulips acquire only those who love yellow. It is believed that such people are active, cheerful, love parties, communication, often enter into adventures. The most interesting thing is that in our country it is not customary for lovers to give yellow tulips.
  • However, people engaged in business are very fond of these flowers. If during negotiations a bouquet of yellow colors will be in the room, this will lead to success, improve the financial situation. It is believed that this is a symbol of gold, enrichment, good financial situation. 

Pink tulips: meaning

Very often, white and pink tulips combine in bouquets, because their values \u200b\u200bare very similar. It is pink flowers that can be given at first of the relationship to tell about your feelings.

Pink tulips, meaning:

  • This is a kind of recognition of love, sympathy. Pink color means trembling feeling, tenderness, desire to protect.
  • Unlike red flowers, pink mean the beginning of relationships, the birth of trembling feelings that have not yet switched to a new stage, relations are not passionate.
  • You can give such flowers to friends. Very often it is recommended to hand pink bouquets to a friend, mother, as well as to all the people you love. 
Pink bouquet
Pink bouquet

The value of lilac, purple, orange, blue tulips in the language of flowers: Description

Lilac and purple tulips are artificially bred varieties that are very difficult to find in the gardens. Basically grown for sale in greenhouses, since such a variety requires appropriate care. Therefore, most often the cost of such a bouquet is high. They present lilac and purple tulips with business partners, high -ranking persons.

The value of lilac, purple, orange, blue tulips in the language of flowers, description:

  • In ancient times, purple and lilac tulips were considered a sign of a noble family, therefore, exceptional nobles, kings, or people with high status were awarded. Now nothing has changed, so purple bouquets are presented to the leaders, the school principal. 
  • There are a lot of colors that are exclusively bred by breeders, cost decent money. Therefore, their value is not too common. For example, purple buds indicate fidelity, admiration for the object. Orange flowers speak of a wish for good health. That is why it is recommended to bring buds of this shade to the hospital. This is a wish for a speedy recovery. 
  • In nature there are no blue, blue tulips, they are bred by breeders. The meaning of these colors suggests that the chosen one wants to hit his second half, to surprise it. Presenting such a bouquet means a willingness to perform complex tasks, as well as any whims of a lover. 

Who is given tulips?

Tulips are beautiful spring flowers that can be given to any people and for any reason.

To whom tulips are given:

  • Bouquets of tulips can be presented for a wedding, anniversaries, birthdays and even on the first date. When compiling bouquets, it is best to be guided by the knowledge and experience of the florists. It is they who will help to create the right floral arrangement, which will carry a certain message.
  • You should not avoid these colors, in particular yellow shades, which are considered signs of separation. This is not true. 
flower composition
flower composition

What does it mean if a man gave a woman white, lilac, purple, red, yellow, black, pink, orange, blue tulips?

If a man presented a bouquet of white tulips, this speaks of feelings, love languor and constraint. Perhaps the man is shy about telling about his feelings. Such a bouquet is considered a sign of chastity, respect. Often such flowers give in confirmation of the seriousness of intentions, their love. It is believed that the man is very attached to his chosen one and does not see the barriers in his path. These flowers give in order to apologize, ask for forgiveness. White flowers smooth out negative emotions from a quarrel. 

What does it mean if a man gave a woman white, lilac, purple, red, yellow, black, pink, orange, blue tulips:

  • The lover gives violet tulips if he wants to talk about his devotion, fidelity. Such a partner is ready to accompany his beloved, help her, solve her difficulties. Such flowers give to relatives to the anniversary. This is the color of love, deep respect, respect. 
  • A bouquet of red tulips most often give a lover to tell about their unbridled love, passionate feelings. Usually they give a few months after meeting, when partners only know each other, enjoy the time spent together. Perhaps this is a hint of the development of relations in an intimate plane. 
  • If a loved one handed you yellow tulips, this does not mean at all that he wants to part. On the contrary, this indicates a desire to give joy, love, to improve your financial situation. A person thus speaks of his devotion, as well as the desire to help.
  • Black flowers do not mean anything bad, on the contrary, this suggests that a person wants to seem extraordinary, wants to surprise his partner, lover. 
  • Pink flowers are usually awarded to girls who have warm feelings to, often such bouquets are presented to friends, relatives. This is the wish of the best, a manifestation of warm feelings. 
  • Blue tulips are the result of the painstaking work of breeders, so the man who presents them to his woman wants to impress her, tell about his readiness for almost everything for the sake of her lover. This is a sign of non -standard thinking. A person is ready for any feats to satisfy the desire of his beloved woman. Orange tulips give as a wish for happiness, good luck, to improve the financial situation. 

In the bouquet 7 tulips: meaning

Some of the colors are recommended to be given in a single copy. Tulip does not apply to such colors. It is believed that in a single copy it does not look very presentable. Most often, tulips are combined in large bouquets, supplementing with buds of different colors, other species of plants. If you count the number of colors, then you can tell something about the person who awards the bouquet. 

There are 7 tulips in the bouquet, meaning:

  • Tulips are usually given in an amount of more than 7 pieces. It is believed that such buds look best in large quantities.
  • Seven tulips mean love and respect. Although it is believed, the more colors, the better. Usually seven buds are given to people who are respected and adored.
  • This means delight and admiration. If a young man gives seven tulips, this speaks of hidden feelings, a secret desire to be closer to his chosen one. 

In the bouquet 9, 11, 15, 17, 19 tulips: meaning

Lovers are customary to give 21-25 flowers. It is believed that this is a symbol of love, as well as passion. This is a way to admit your warm feelings. 

In the bouquet 9, 11, 15, 17, 19 tulips, meaning:

  • Bouquet from Nine flowers Most often they give relatives, colleagues, strangers. This is a great option for a bouquet to a teacher, a respected person. Lovers usually do not give nine flowers. 
  • Eleven - This is not a very common number of buds in the bouquet. They make up similar compositions if they want to somehow tie a bouquet to the date. For example, 11 months or years of relations, from the date of marriage. Therefore, most often 11 colors are a symbol of something, the meaning knows the meaning exclusively. 
  • It is believed that bouquets with fifteen Butons are a symbol of respect. That is why such compositions are given by business partners, with the hope of further cooperation. This means that a person really hopes for cooperation, respects you, wants to continue business relationships. Such bouquets give respected partners, very valuable people. 
  • Seventeen flowers are given if they want to make peace, ask for forgiveness. Often they are presented to lovers if there was a quarrel before that. 
  • Nineteen tulips - A good option for weddings, anniversaries and various solemn bouquets. This speaks of respect, the wish of happiness. 

What color of tulips to give a girl?

The choice of a bouquet for a lover depends on the relationship. Therefore, if they are only at the stage of development, the partners recently met, know each other, it is best to hand white or pink flowers. 

What color tulips to give to the girl:

  • To tell about your passion, the desire to translate relationships into an intimate channel, it is best to give red bouquets. This is a symbol of sensuality, passion, unbridled desire. 
  • If you want to present flowers as a sign of respect, wishes for happiness, wealth, it is best to choose yellow and orange buds. 
  • To surprise a partner, tell you that your feeling has no barriers, it is worth choosing blue or black tulips. 
A chic bouquet
A chic bouquet

Also relevant topics about tulips:

For the first time, tulips appeared in the 11th century in the East, but they gained immense popularity in Europe in the 16th century. Their meaning has completely changed and differs from the eastern countries. Plants that are difficult to give in selection and cultivation became the subject of luxury. They were given to noble people, nobles. They began to mean wealth and luxury. Although initially the meaning in the east was different. 

Video: Tulip flowers value

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