Is it necessary, when and how to write an application for maternity leave: rules, necessary documents, errors, sample and form of writing a statement for the payment of maternity

Is it necessary, when and how to write an application for maternity leave: rules, necessary documents, errors, sample and form of writing a statement for the payment of maternity

This article will tell you whether it is necessary to write an application for maternity leave.

Typically, the period before and after childbirth is popularly called “maternity”, but in fact it is divided into two parts - maternity leave (BIR) and parental leave (UPR). Although many believe that this is one and the same, and unite these vacations into a single point. But it is worth remembering that two separate statements are required for each type of vacation and different documents.

We write an application for vacation by BIR correctly: maternity subtleties

You can go to any vacation and payments for it only after official registration. Therefore, a pregnant woman must write a mandatory statement if the company in which she works is required. Demand only a pregnant woman is entitled to vacation by BIR, but not her husband or one of the family members.Unlike a childcare leave, which a man can go into. That is why a BIR vacation application should be written only by a woman.

This type of vacation is paid only by officially employed girls. But if a pregnant woman works unofficially, and receives a “salary in envelopes”, then she can solve this situation only with her employer. If he voluntarily agrees to pay for a vacation and save a place for his employee, then the issue has been resolved. But in case of refusal, the state is not able to influence the decision of the entrepreneur.

Work experience, as well as the workplace and position remains with the woman, While she is in the "Decree". Only if a pregnant girl works under an urgent contract, that is, replaces someone while that employee is on vacation, the place for her is not preserved. But according to the law, after the end of the decree, the woman has the opportunity to get another position in the company where she worked. But provided that it is not satisfied with new working conditions, the contract between the employee and the employer is breaking up.

Unfortunately, birch bark or unofficially arranged workers cannot count on maternity
The situation with unofficial contentment is complicated

Is it possible not to write a maternity leave application?

  • This cannot be called an exception to the rules, rather it will be just a financial neglect of the future young mother. The fact is that with the official confirmation of her interesting situation, the girl may not go to work. And her absence will not be considered absenteeism! After all, there is a good reason.
  • But in this case, the employer will not be able to transfer documents for the crediting of benefits, since it will formally wage. But in fact, she will not be, since the girl will be absent at the workplace. That is, she will have absenteeism at work, albeit for a good reason.
  • Therefore, the verdict is as according to Art. 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the calculation and accrual of maternity manuals is possible only when submitting an application! By the way, if you want to calculate the decree and its manuals, as well as learn about the minimum and maximum amounts after the reforms of 2018, then look at the material "How to calculate maternity leave and find out the size of the manual?".

Important: if a girl is registered in the early stages - up to 12 weeks, then she may require a one -time minimum payment. This request should also be indicated in the application.

The device in the early stages in the LCD has its own small bonuses
The device in the early stages in the LCD has its own small bonuses

The deadlines for the care and execution of the announcement of the BIR vacation

  • This vacation is prescribed, as a rule, after 30 weeks of pregnancy. The requirements of the future mother are substantiated for objective reasons. At a minimum, a woman at such a period is already quite difficult, and she also needs to prepare for the birth of a baby. Vacation is given in the early stages or regardless of them, if there are complications of pregnancy or when a hospital is required.
  • In the case when a woman receives sick leave not at the time, it will be written out later, but the report of maternity leave begins from 30 weeks in any case. Even if the future woman in labor feels good and is ready to work further, then, in principle, it makes no sense to make a delay.
  • With multiple pregnancy from two children or more, a woman has the right to go on vacation from 28 weeks. If desired, a woman has the right not to use all days of vacation to childbirth, that is, to go to the “decree” later and stay at the workplace. But after the expectant mother has already given birth, these days cannot be used. A new vacation begins - for the care of the child.
The countdown begins at 28-30 weeks, depending on the state
The countdown depends on the state of the woman in labor and the number of fruits

What documents do you need except for a vacation application?

  • First of all, you need to take sick leave about disability. This document is issued by a gynecologist who is pregnant. It confirms the position of the woman, and the deadlines for the departure are indicated.
    • If necessary, you can take a certificate in several copies. Basically, this is necessary for women who are employed in several places at the same time. In each of the organizations, in this case, a woman must issue maternity leave.
    • That is, if a pregnant girl works in several companies at the same time, while officially arranged, then all employers are obliged to pay bire leave benefits. But this does not at all concern the parental leave. It is paid the same way.
  • After that, the woman writes the application immediately before leaving, because The employer will pay for leave only after it begins, but no earlier.

Therefore, you can summarize what are the documents for the BIR allowance:

  • disability of disability, which can be obtained from your pregnancy doctor in a antenatal clinic;
  • the statement itself;
  • copy of the passport;
  • account number or card for crediting payments;
  • salary certificate. If the girl changed her job and the company.

Important: on the basis of these documents, an order is issued to leave on maternity leave, but the employer himself may require additional documents from the employee. Therefore, before proceeding with the writing of the application, it is worth clarifying all the details and nuances for leaving the decree with its employer.

Check about the proper list in your personnel or accounting department
Check about the proper list in your personnel department

Basic rules for drawing up an application for maternity leave

  • The application is written in any form, but there are a number of requirements that must be reflected in the document, for example:
    • The name of the employer and the name of the company where the woman works;
    • surname and initials, as well as the position of an employee that submits this application;
    • the duration of the desired vacation. As a rule, it is registered in a sheet of disability;
    • it is also necessary to indicate the documents that are attached to the application;
    • in an arbitrary form, a woman indicates her request for care precisely on this vacation;
    • at the end, you must definitely put the date and signature by hand.
  • The application can be written both by hand and recruit on the computer. But it needs a woman’s signature. This document, in fact, is an organizational formality, because The employer cannot refuse a woman to provide maternity leave.
  • But, despite this, the employer does not accept the document for his ward if errors are made in the application or the basic requirements for the application are not described. Although this is a fairly simple document, in the spelling of which it is very difficult to make a mistake.

Errors when drawing up an application for maternity leave

  • If the word “decree” is written in the text of the statement. This term in the Law of the Russian Federation is not used.
  • If the data on the start and end of the vacation does not correspond to the dates specified by the doctor who led the pregnancy.
  • There is no number and series of sick leave.
  • There is no signature of a pregnant employee by hand, even if the document is printed.

An example of writing a statement

An approximate illustration
An approximate illustration
Filling form
Filling form

As you can see, such a small formality really plays a big role in such an important matter. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in writing an application for maternity leave. And if any difficulties arise, expectant mothers always go to the rescue or concessions.

Video: We write an application for vacation on maternity leave correctly

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