Do I need and why wash the windows in front of Easter? When to wash the windows in the spring before Easter: signs, tips

Do I need and why wash the windows in front of Easter? When to wash the windows in the spring before Easter: signs, tips

The time of cleaning and washing windows in front of Easter.

A lot of traditions are also connected with Easter cleaning. However, few people know what they are connected with and why they arose. In this article we will tell you when and how to wash the windows in front of Easter correctly.

Why do you need to wash the windows before Easter?

There is an opinion that before this solemn holiday, it is necessary to be cleared not only spiritually, but also in physical terms. It is worth putting yourself in order, get a cut. It is also worth completely throwing the trash from the house, wash all surfaces and conduct general cleaning. One of the stages of preparation for the celebration of Easter is to wash the windows.

Why should the windows be washed before Easter:

  • Our ancestors considered the windows - through the eyes of the house, housing through which their owner looks at the world around him. If the glasses are dirty, it distorts the worldview of housing owners.
  • Accordingly, he can inadequately respond to different life situations, this in turn will attract the disease, and negative energy.
  • Windows are a portal to the other world, so it is necessary to protect it, to keep it clean. Please note that in ancient Russia there was a separate day designed to wash windows and glasses.
Preparation for the holiday
Preparation for the holiday

When to wash the windows in front of Easter?

It is believed that usually such manipulations must be carried out on a clean Thursday. It is on this day that it is advisable to wash all glass surfaces, including windows, mirrors, tables, if they are in the house. He was called Fedul Okollenik. It was celebrated on April 18.

When to wash the windows in front of Easter:

  • It was believed that before this date it is impossible to open the windows wide open, since you can glue trouble, and let the unpleasant wind into housing, which will bring with you negative, illness, as well as a deterioration in the financial situation.
  • All the windows were kept completely closed before this day and were in no hurry to ventilate. It was on April 18 that the day came when it is necessary to open windows, doors and let a fresh spring breeze into the house.
  • Tfrom, who will open the windows on the day of Fedula, will be able to heed their house without firewood. There is even such a proverb. On this day, not only ventilate the room, but also wash windows. It is believed that the wind of change that the good carries, good luck, as well as pleasant news, will not be able to penetrate the house if it has dirty windows or glass.
  • It was on April 18 that in the morning it was necessary to wash the windows. It was believed that a person who will cleanse the windows of garbage, dust on this day, gives them shine, will be able to enjoy warmth and comfort in his own house for a year. However, this is not the only sign that concerns washing windows.
  • It is on this day that it is necessary to wash absolutely all windows in the room. That is, to postpone manipulation for the evening time, after lunch or another day, in no case. You must first remove the curtains, wipe the frames from dust, then start washing windows.  
Before the holiday
Before the holiday

How to wash the windows to Easter?

In no case should you wash windows in cloudy weather. If it is rain outside, it is useless to do it, manipulation can bring misfortune. Such cleaning manipulations are carried out only during good weather.  

How to wash the windows to Easter:

  • In no case could it be possible to throw SRS from the window on this day, even if it is very small. Before opening the window, it is necessary to completely wash the window sill so that there is nothing on it.
  • The person who will throw the SRC from the window on this day will lose material well -being, quickly go bankrupt and feel problems with money.That is why it was not allowed to throw garbage through the window.
Glass cleaning
Glass cleaning

How to wash windows in the apartment correctly: signs

Please note that all curtains must be hung before sunset. Our ancestors considered the windows a portal to the other world, and only the curtains are a kind of obstacle, indicating that someone lives in the house, and this is not at all the entrance to the monastery of the dead.

How to wash the windows in the apartment, signs:

  • If there are no curtains on the window, then unclean forces can penetrate the house. Therefore, they tried to wash all the windows before sunset, and hang clean curtains.  
  • There was a tradition that made it possible to make the house successful, rich, and to ensure that warmth and mutual understanding reigned in it. That is why, before washing the windows, it is necessary to dial a bucket of water, throw a handful of coins and dip the tissue for cleaning windows into this liquid.
  • Please note that dirty water merged not at all in the toilet, and not in the sewer, but beyond the threshold. Even if you live in an apartment building, we recommend going outside and pour dirty water under a tree that grows near the house.
  • In no case do not pour water in the house. It is believed that this can cause the accumulation of negative energy, dirt and garbage. At the same time, the coins were not thrown away, but invested in a bag, stored in the house.
  • You cannot exchange them, or use them to buy products. It is believed that they bring happiness, luck to the house, they must be stored. In exactly the same way they did with the washing of the floor.  

Do I need to wash the windows in front of Easter?

Of course, washing the windows is not a prerequisite for Easter. If you before this carried out manipulations for cleaning the house, including washing the windows, they are clean, then they do not need to be cleaned again.

Do I need to wash the windows in front of Easter:

  • All manipulations associated with cleaning in the house, cleaning all angles and nooks from dirt are directed to configure the psychological state of a person in the right way, clear thoughts, for the perception of new information.
  • That is why, if you do not have time to wash the windows to Easter, or are sick, do not be upset. The main thing is that all thoughts are clean. In no case, during preparation for Easter, it is impossible to have bad thoughts in the head, you should not be angry with anyone.
  • This is the main goal of cleaning before Easter. It is necessary to clean your own thoughts, souls, in order to meet Easter in an updated state.  

Which side to start washing the windows from: signs

Easter is a Christian holiday, but regarding washing windows, there are a lot of folk signs, which many try to adhere to.  

Which side to start washing the windows, signs:

  • At the initial stage, the windows were cleaned indoors, because first of all it is necessary to put in order the inner world, fill the house, clean its aura, and only then proceed to clean the outer part.
  • The curtains were removed, their washing, after a damp cloth, the frames of the room were washed, as well as the inside of the glasses. Only after that the window opened, and the outer part was cleaned.
Washing windows
Washing windows

How to wash the windows in front of Easter correctly by folk signs?

It is necessary to start a general cleaning before Easter by washing windows. It is believed that it is they who open our eyes to the outside world, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to clean the glass.  

How to wash the windows in front of Easter correctly by folk signs:

  • It is necessary to pour a little holy water into a bucket with soapy solution to protect the house from evil spirits. This is allowed to remove demons, as well as evil spirits. This will protect you from incorrect solutions. If the family has a woman in a position, it is necessary to protect her from the washing of the windows. It is believed that this can lead to a miscarriage, or heavy childbirth. After sunset, no one washes the window, it is believed that in this period the unclean force is activated, it can penetrate through open wings.  
  • If you choose the correct color of the curtains, you can achieve certain success in life. After all, the shade of the curtains affects the aura in the apartment. White color symbolizes purity, and also helps to push the negative. This is a kind of sieve or partition that filters all negative energy, not allowing it to penetrate the house. Yellow color is a symbol of the sun and communication.
  • Therefore, if you usually do not have a lot of guests, hang yellow curtains. This will make new friends and acquaintances. Green reduces fatigue and health. Therefore, it is recommended to hang them in the kitchen for those who have a very hard job. Brown color is the cause of discomfort, causing anxiety. It is best to hang the curtains of dark shades in winter.  
  • Red color is a symbol of vital energy, but for too active people, with a choleric temperament, it is best to do with pastel shades. Pink blocks aggression, and can cause a romantic mood. Therefore, it is suitable for the newlyweds. Blue calms people, thereby blocking excessive emotionality and susceptibility to troubles.

When to wash the windows in front of Easter in 2021?

In 2020, Easter fell on April 19. It is worth noting that Fedul Owen April 18. That is, on Great Saturday, on the eve of Easter celebration. However, on Saturday, in no case should you begin to wash windows.

When to wash the windows in front of Easter in 2021:

  • It is believed that from Saturday it is necessary to postpone almost all complex and large -scale affairs until better times. In 2020, according to signs, it is necessary to wash windows after Easter. That is, a week after April 19.
  • For May holidays, this is ideal. It is not recommended to wash the windows until April 18, since according to folk signs this means launching a cold wind into your house, which can endure wealth, luck, happiness from the house. 
  • In 2021, Easter fell on May 2. Therefore, you can clean the cleaning, starting on April 18, after Fedula Everen.

A lot of useful information can be found on our website:

Remember that all the curtains in the process of washing windows must be washed in the morning, so that in the evening they hang on the windows. In order to get rid of misfortune, and give the curtains a lot of strength, it is necessary to sprinkle them with Thursday salt, or sprinkle with holy water.  

Video: Window Window in front of Easter

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