Table of food products with low, high and medium glycemic index for weight loss and diabetics. How to calculate the glycemic index: Formula

Table of food products with low, high and medium glycemic index for weight loss and diabetics. How to calculate the glycemic index: Formula

The article will tell you what Gi and AI are, and will also present you tables with the food value of products.

What is a glycemic and insulin food index: what is the differences between them, the difference?

The concepts of glycemic and insulin index (GI or AI) in medicine are quite common. It is worth considering each in detail:

  • Gi - process (or degree) of blood saturation
  • AI is the speed with which insulin produces the blood, as well as its required amount that the absorption of food needs.

Digging of food is accompanied by many chemical processes occurring in the body, in particular, an increase in glucose. People with diabetes can not digest food qualitatively, because their cells do not produce a sufficient amount of insulin, which means that the body does not cope with glucose. That is why diabetics should always be monitored by the GI and AI of food products.

Interesting: insulin is the name of the hormone present in the human body. If there is too much of it in the body, a person begins to accumulate fat and cannot burn them.

There is a close connection and dependence between Gi and AI, if the GI grows, then the AI \u200b\u200brises. A person will be able to lose excess weight only when he eats low indices products. So they will be able to prevent increased blood glucose in the blood, and hence insulin.

Ground products:

  • Bread and baking
  • Fast food
  • Potato
  • Cookie
  • Confectionery
  • Chocolate, bars and sweets
  • Milk
  • "Ready" breakfast
  • Sukhariks and chips
  • Ice cream
  • Sweet yogurts

Products with a moderate level of AI:

  • Fish (river and sea, different varieties)
  • Beef and veal
  • Rabbit
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Rice
  • Fruit

Low levels of AI:

  • Eggs
  • Buckwheat
  • Oatmeal
  • Muesli
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Vegetables

Nutrition, taking into account GI and AI, helps not only regulate weight, but also control the health of diabetics. In addition, these values \u200b\u200bhelp to know in advance which load will fall on the pancreas, as well as regulate therapy with insulin.


How to calculate the glycemic index: Formula

How to calculate and calculate the GI:

  • Guy of already cooked food and dishes - an indicator of the effects of products on the blood of a person.
  • The value of the GIA depends on how many dietary fibers in foods, the more fiber - the lower the values.
  • Another factor affecting the level of GI is the nature of the chopping of food and its culinary processing of products.
  • The smaller the food, the easier it is digested and the lower the gi, boiled and steam food has much lower than fried and baked, stewed.
  • It is worth remembering also that the longer the dish is prepared, the higher its level of GI.
  • The level of fats in products also affects the GI, lowering the index.

Important: special tables will help to calculate exactly the GI of any dish, adhering to which you can know for sure the food value of products.

The value of food
The value of food
The values \u200b\u200bof the glycemic index
The values \u200b\u200bof the glycemic index

How to use glycemic and insulin foods for weight loss and diabetes?

Man's food consists of many substances, in particular: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Each substance invariably affects human health, fats and carbohydrates provide the body and internal organs with energy, proteins nourish muscle mass, vitamins and minerals nourish the body. Carbohydrates are the main source of calories in products, and because the “carbohydrate” your food will be, the more calories you will receive. If you can’t spend the entire number of calories received, they will be postponed in your body “reserves”.

Carbohydrates break up in the process of digestion into a simpler substance - glucose and it is it that “launches” all energy processes in the body. Carbohydrates can be divided into “simple” (“fast”) and “complex”. “Simple” immediately turn into glucose and that regulates the level of sugar in the blood, “complex” split into the gastrointestinal tract for a long time. For weight loss, it is important to exclude “quick” carbohydrates from the diet, as they are quickly absorbed and after 30 minutes they provoke insulin production. The advantage of “complex” carbohydrates is that they do not provoke insulin jumps, which means they protect from a feeling of hunger during the day and favors good absorption of food.

Important: the same thing with GI indicators, if they are low - such a product does not cause fluctuations in blood glucose, which means that it is favored by weight loss and control of the level of insulin produced by the thyroid gland.

What is important to consider in the process of losing weight:

  • Exclude carbohydrates (sweet, fat, fried)
  • Saturate the food menu with "complex" carbohydrates
  • Enter into the diet products with low guts
  • Do not exceed permissible norms
  • Spend "eaten" calories (sports, movement, mental activity)
  • Don't eat too much
  • There are often, but not in large portions
GIA level affects the process of losing weight
GIA level affects the process of losing weight

Power food table with low glycemic index for weight loss and diabetics

Gosti will help you calculate the level of GI with indicators of all popular products and dishes.

Low indicators:


Power food table with an average glycemic index for weight loss and diabetics

Food and dish with medium gi should be eaten with caution, avoiding overeating.


Table of food products with a high glycemic index for weight loss and diabetics

Carefully and carefully eat foods with high Guy rates if you are insulin -dependent or try to lose weight.


Video: "GID of products"

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Comments K. article

  1. Natalia h
    Catherine, thank you very much for the article! Rarely when so much useful information is collected in one place! But to observe all the tips at once is very difficult. So simple - exclude sweets. You write that chocolate and other sweets are products with high AI. And the protein bars? Here I am with tea, EM TURBOSHEM, for example, before that I tried others. They write on it: food value (50 g): proteins - 12 g, fats - 4 g, carbohydrates - 14 g. This is very few! Plus there is L-carnettine fat burner. So that this is no longer a high indicator of AI?

  2. Natalia, of course, protein bars are much more useful than chocolate, pancakes with jam or tea crackers. However, even such a product as a protein bar should not always be allowed. The best time is breakfast. Then the food value of the product will serve you and transforms into the energy that you spend during the day. Esl is at night - do not wait for benefits.

  3. Thank you for the article.)))

  4. It turned out to be sweet, but to get energy from where? All the same, sweetly invigorates very much. I am now taking the Perfetta diet, it is energy that is called, there are vitamins, amino acids, caffeine guarana extract and acts on the body as energy feeding during the day, by the way, enhancing the effect of losing weight. And I don't want to eat sweets at all

  5. So zucchini with a low or high index?

  6. Try adding gammigate fruits to the diet. Once he helped me a lot. Then he drank his extract and remained under great impression.

  7. A very useful plate. For diabetics especially. I myself use it regularly ... In general, thanks to the competently composed nutrition and olijim (vitamins in diabetes) -I have sugar and does not jump, which is very important))

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