NUBUK: What is the material for shoes? How to distinguish a real nubuk from an artificial one?

NUBUK: What is the material for shoes? How to distinguish a real nubuk from an artificial one?

What kind of material is a shoe nubuk? Read more in the article.

Nubuk - genuine leather with small pile. Shoes from this material are very popular, since it is not only strong and durable, but also has a presentable, expensive appearance.

Read on our website an article on how to paint at home leather, suede or nubuk shoes. It gives valuable tips and recommendations.

It is largely similar to suede, but it also has its own characteristics that you need to know if you want to purchase shoes from this material. Read more in this article.

What is a natural and artificial nubuk for shoes?

Natural nubuk
Natural nubuk

Nubuk for shoes can be natural and artificial. At first glance, there are no differences between them, because products from them look equally gorgeous. But this is the problem, since an unprecedented person under the guise of shoes made of natural material can easily sell a product from leatherette. Read more:

Natural Nubuk:

  • This is a material that is obtained during the processing of the skin of young cattle.
  • It is characterized by high strength, beautiful appearance and good quality.
  • It is used for tightening furniture, as well as in the production of shoes.

In the manufacture of natural nubuk, it is used:

  • Health. These are skins of 6-month (or younger) calves. The material is durable, but very soft, delicate and elastic.
  • Growth. It is taken from year -old calves. Its texture is rude and dense, so it is not as elastic as a prison.
  • Half -haired man. It is received from cattle over 1 year.

To obtain velvety material from which the shoes are further made, the nubuk passes the process of thorough processing. In particular, chrome tanning is performed using chromium salts. After that, the material becomes rather soft and elastic, so nubble shoes do not constrain the movements of the legs.

Artificial Nubuk:

  • It is a synthetic material that is obtained during the spraying of polymers on top of each other.
  • This manufacturing method allows you to get raw materials with villi of the desired length and diameter.
  • Artificial nubuk has a longer storage period.
  • It tolerates mechanical exposure and temperature changes well.
  • In addition, shoes made from it are represented in a wider color scheme.

Many are distrustful of products of this type. But, apparently, she has its advantages, besides, it costs cheaper than natural nubuck boots.

How to distinguish a real nubuk from an artificial one?

Real natural nubuk
Real natural nubuk

Distinguishing genuine skin from a fake - artificial nubuk is actually very simple, and you can do it both at home and in the store. Read more:

  • Pay attention to the tag. If the shoes are natural, then the tag will be made of the same material. In addition, it will have a mark with the figure of the animal.
  • Regarding the shoes made of artificial nubuk, the tag in this case can be perfect differently - from paper, cardboard, x/b flap.
  • The presence of synthetic material is indicated by a rhombus.

Now about the test that can be held at home. Nubuk is distinguished by the property of quickly absorb moisture, but its substitute, on the contrary, repels it. Therefore, moisten the surface of the product with water and observe. If the fluid is quickly absorbed, you are in front of you, but for artificial raw materials, such a feature is unusual, so it will be easy for you to recognize it.

What is the difference between Nubuk and suede: which is better?


In fact, there are not very many differences in nubuk and suede. They even have a similar principle of care and cleaning. The difference between these materials is the method of obtaining them. What is the difference between Nubuk and suede?

  • If Nubuk is a skin of cattle, then the suede is obtained from the skins of smaller animals. In particular, deer.
  • Therefore, it is somewhat more tender, and after tanning with the help of fats and oils it becomes completely very soft.

What's better? What to choose?

  • You need to proceed primarily from how and where you will wear shoes.
  • After all, nubuk is very easily dirty and gets wet, unlike suede. This is a huge drawback of this material, although outwardly it also looks very attractive.
  • But in this case, there are nuances. For example, suede is more suitable for long -term wearing than nubuk. It is more resistant to moisture and pollution, and it is easier to clean it.

Therefore, the choice remains with you.

Nubuk or leather: which is better?


When asked what is better - nubuk or smooth skin - there is also no unambiguous answer. Both types of material perfectly save heat and are durable. Both leather and nubble boots look perfect, stylish and expensive.

  • But the difference is that calf products can maintain their original appearance much longer. They are less susceptible to creases, of course, if you care for them correctly.
  • Leather boots, unlike nubukovs, do not pass water. Therefore, they are perfect for wearing raw weather. They have no negative effects of precipitation or temperature changes.

Such a comparative characteristic of both types of skin shoes will help you make the right choice. But if there is such an opportunity, it is better to purchase both couples at once to have an alternative to any weather.

Nubuk shoes: pros and cons of

Nubuk shoes
Nubuk shoes

Any shoes have their advantages and disadvantages, and nubuk products are no exception. Among the advantages of material leather (nubuka) material can be noted:

  • Beautiful appearance: Nubuk is very similar to suede, looks elegant and elegant
  • Pleasant tactile qualities
  • Strength
  • Good ventilation that does not allow the feet to sweat
  • Nubuk shoes are quite practical, presentable attractive
  • It can be safely put on a corporate party or a business meeting

Now about the minuses of the products. Among them:

  • The need to buy special nubuk care products
  • Difficulties with shoe cleaning
  • Mandatory regular processing
  • Fast loss of gloss due to incorrect or incomplete care

Number products are picky in terms of care. However, if you do not neglect simple rules, your shoes will always look like new.

Does an artificial or natural nubuk get wet?

Natural nubuk can get wet
Natural nubuk can get wet

Nubuk is a durable material, especially if it is natural. But, alas, he is not devoid of shortcomings. Shoes from this skin have the ability to pass water. And although it takes a lot of time for this, the long -term wearing of nubuk boots in conditions of high humidity on the street leads to the wetting of the product.

It is worth knowing: If you do not completely dry the wet product from natural nubuk, creases will begin to appear on its surface. Therefore, always use newspaper paper or a special device for drying boots from the inside.

As for the artificial nubuk, it is more durable and hardy. Since its surface is tougher than that of natural material, it repels water much more effective. Therefore, to be afraid of getting wet of such a product is less.

If still shoes are wet, then read the article on our website about how to quickly dry boots and leather boots, suede or nubuk.

However, in both cases other nuances are possible:

  • It is important to monitor the integrity of the sole of the boots, since over time it can exfoliate.
  • The water “enters” the resulting cracks faster.
  • Therefore, the legs after wearing shoes can also be wet.

To avoid this, experts recommend doing special prevention. It is carried out in specialized salons involved in the repair of shoes. In addition, preventive measures add durability shoes, reduce its wear, so it is advisable not to regret the money to conduct it. It costs much cheaper than buying new leather boots. Good luck!

Video: Nubuk and its properties

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