How to stretch and spread varnish shoes at home: methods. How to stretch varnish shoes with alcohol, vodka, ice, hairdryer, cream, boiling water, vinegar, in the workshop and special means?

How to stretch and spread varnish shoes at home: methods. How to stretch varnish shoes with alcohol, vodka, ice, hairdryer, cream, boiling water, vinegar, in the workshop and special means?

Methods of stretching varnish shoes. Review of stretching products.

Lacquer shoes are very popular now. Many girls acquire varnish shoes, ballet shoes, as well as boats. They look very stylish and fit almost any clothes. In this article we will tell you how to stretch varnish shoes.

How to stretch varnish shoes: methods

It is worth noting that not any shoes are able to stretch and sit down in the shape of a leg. Therefore, be careful with the choice of material, as well as the manufacturer. Cheap Chinese shoes, which is made of leatherette, stretches poorly enough. If you still manage to do this, it is possible to appear directly on the lacquer surface. If the shoes bought from a well-known seller and are made of genuine leather, you may still be able to stretch them. There are several ways of stretching.

Ways to spread varnish shoes:

  • The use of stumps and sprays
  • Streeping with a terry towel
  • Stretching with alcohol or vodka
  • Stretching with cream and hair dryer
  • Stretching varnish shoes with ice
Patent leather shoes
Patent leather shoes

How to spread varnish shoes with fat cream and a hairdryer?

One of the most popular and affordable methods is the sock of shoes for those who have a little larger than yours. Ask a girlfriend who has a slightly larger size of yours, walk a little in shoes. Perhaps over time she carries these shoes. If your girlfriend is not ready for such sacrifices, use another way.

An excellent option would be to catch the fatty cream and hair dryer.

And netstation:

  • It is necessary to turn on the hair dryer and heat your shoes with hot air from the inside
  • Until the shoes have cooled down, it is necessary to lubricate them with fatty cream or sunflower oil, and put on
  • Preferably on a dense, warm toe. Walk a little in such shoes
  • If one procedure is not enough, repeat the manipulation several times
Beautiful shoes
Beautiful shoes

How to stretch varnish shoes with vodka?

You can successfully stretch shoes with alcohol or vodka.


  • With the help of a cotton swab, completely the entire shoes from the inside, treat with vodka or alcohol, and then put on wet socks
  • Wash in wet socks and new shoes for about an hour in the apartment
  • After that you can remove socks, and grease the surface of the shoes from the inside with cream
  • When you are going to put on shoes, wipe them with a damp cloth from the remnants of fat
Stretch varnish shoes
Stretch varnish shoes

How to stretch varnish shoes with special products?

Another good way to increase the width of the shoes is the use of special stretch marks. They contain beeswax, fats, petroleum jelly and glycerin. Spraying such a tool on the inner part of the shoes and catching it, you can stretch the shoes a little and make more convenient.

Review of funds:

  • Salamander Professional Aerosol Shoe Stretch
  • Kiwi spray stretching for shoes
  • COLUMBUS LEATHER STRETCher Spray shoes spray
  • Schuman shoes stretch
  • Palc shoes stretch
Means for stretching
Means for stretching

Stretching of varnish shoes in the workshop


  • There are special devices in shoe workshops that resemble a leg, but its size can be regulated
  • Therefore, in the workshops they spray on the inner surface of the shoes with a stretcher, and then plant it on a special block
  • Then gradually increase the size. Thus stretch the shoes. In this way you can stretch both in length and in width
  • Of course, this method is not suitable if you need to increase the sizes to the size
  • This is an ideal option if the shoes do not fit you in width just a little bit

If you do not want to risk expensive shoes, you can immediately take it to the workshop in which they will help to stretch this pair. Remember that varnish shoes made of artificial leather should not be stretched, because most often cracks, as well as scuffs, may appear on it. It is impossible for the means that you use to stretch, fall on the outside of the shoe. In this case, you can erase or damage the paint on shoes.

Stretching in the workshop
Stretching in the workshop

How to stretch varnish shoes with ice?

A very interesting and unusual way to increase the size of shoes is the use of water and plastic bags.


  • It is necessary to take two packages that are fastened with zipper, pour water and completely immerse bags of water in shoes
  • Put them in the freezer and leave them for about a day
  • During this time, the water will freeze and expand a little, thereby increasing the size of the shoes
  • The next day, remove the freezes from the freezer and pull out the bags
  • Please note that this method is suitable only if the shoes are made of genuine leather
  • Artificial skin can just bust out from the effects of frost
Ice stretching
Ice stretching

Stretching of shoes with a towel, vinegar and boiling water: tips

Use the method of wet terry towel and vinegar.


  • Take dip the towel in hot water and wrap your pair in this towel
  • Let you lie down all night, in the morning put your shoes on a thick woolen sock and walk around the house
  • Vinegar can cope with the problem, or rather its solution. It must be dissolved in water in water in a ratio of 2: 1
  • Lubricate the inner surface with a solution and put on a thick sock again
  • Thus to be able to
  • A very unusual way is to use boiling water
  • A rather risky option, especially if your shoes cost a fortune and bought in a brand store
  • It is necessary to pour a little boiling water inside the shoes and hold for 2-3 minutes
  • After that, pour water and put hot shoes on your feet with thick woolen socks
Close shoes
Close shoes

After using any aggressive remedy, do not forget to care for your shoes. To do this, apply a special caring cream or gel to them.

Video: How to stretch varnish shoes?

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