The shoes creaks when walking leather, lacquer, rubber, from leatherette, nubuk, new, old: reasons, useful tips and methods of getting rid of creak, video. What is the heel, sole, platform, skin cover from shoes creaks?

The shoes creaks when walking leather, lacquer, rubber, from leatherette, nubuk, new, old: reasons, useful tips and methods of getting rid of creak, video. What is the heel, sole, platform, skin cover from shoes creaks?

When shoes creaks, this is not very pleasant. To get rid of this problem is simple, read the tips in the article.

The gait of each person is individual, like a fingerprint or shape of the auricle. But such a person can spoil such a personal line, it would seem, one insignificant trifle - shoes that creaks.

  • When we walk along the street in such shoes, we begin to attract the attention of others.
  • At the same time, I would like to correct such a nuisance with a gait, stepping on the foot is not so hard or go more slowly, but nothing happens.
  • How to get rid of the creak of shoes? What to do so that leather or other shoes do not creak? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Why is shoes creaking when walking - leather, lacquer, rubber, from leatherette, from nubuk, new, old: reasons


It can creak, both new and already worn shoes. At the same time, it does not matter what material it is made of, to publish “melodic” sounds can begin shoes from textiles, leather -substituter, genuine leather, nubuk and so on. With what it can be connected? These are the reasons:

  • When creating the product, the master or mechanism of the conveyor pulled the thread too much. Because of this, there is an uneven tension of the seam, which leads to the appearance of a characteristic sound.
  • During production, when gluing the parts of the product, particles of sand or pebbles hit.
  • In the manufacture, poor -quality materials were used: With microcracks, poor flexibility in the upper part of the product, insole and so on.
  • Deformed insole or poorly glued material. The inside of the shoes should be finished with a qualitatively and correctly glued. If the manufacturer is negligent to the creation of products, then the inside of the shoes moves away and begins to creak from friction with skin or leatherette.

Advice: To understand in which part of the shoes creaks is simple. You need to put on products on your feet and walk, listening to where the sounds come from. If this does not work out, then take the product in the hand and slightly pull it in different directions or bend it into the sole. It’s easier to understand where the sound comes from.

From which the heel, sole, platform, skin of the shoes: reasons creaks from


Often the cause of the shoe creak is not only the manufacturer. Shoes may begin to make an unpleasant sound during operation. Here are a few reasons, which is why heels, sole, platform, skin cover can creak: shoes:

  • Heel It can make a characteristic sound due to the fact that the supervisor has become unusable.
  • Platform Usually creaks at the base where it is connected to the upper part of the shoes, boots or boots. This happens due to the fact that it has peeled off in some place. Friction occurs and sound appears.
  • Sole can start creaking with wear. Its material during the sock became unusable, inside, between the sole and the top of the product, dirt, sand and other small particles came, and therefore a creak appeared.
  • The skin of the shoesit can start creaking due to increased humidity inside the product. Wet details inside the shoes rub among themselves and make a characteristic sound. Shoes, boots or boots saturated with sweat of the legs can also creak.

Many of these problems can be eliminated. Read about this below.

Ways to get rid of shoes creaking: video


We always want to eliminate any problem that has arisen on our own, but this may not work with shoes. These are complex products, with many different details, so you often have to contact specialists. Here are the ways to get rid of the creak of shoes:

Wondered Suppinator

  • This part is inside the heel, so it will not work to eliminate the problem on its own - it is necessary to contact specialists.

Heel or platform at the base was peeled off

  • In this case, you can get rid of the creak yourself.
  • Buy quality glue with good adhesion.
  • Then take the syringe and pour some glue into it.
  • Now, using a syringe, pour the glue into the right place and fix the details of the shoes for 12-24 hours well.
  • You can put something heavy on top of the product or fix it with several clothespins.

The sole has worn out

  • If dirt or sand came under the sole, then in some place it has peeled off from the base of the product. Find this place, clean the dirt and glue the sole to the base, as described above.
  • So that the sole does not creak during the operation of the shoes, it is necessary to warm it with a hot hairdryer for several minutes. Then bend the heated sole in different places in different direction and it will not make an unpleasant sound.
  • The creak of the sole can be removed using castor oil or olifa. Lubricate the internal details of the shoes first, then move on to the external. If you use Olifa, then take it a little, otherwise there is a risk of spoiling the product. Olifa has a small specific smell. After processing, leave the products alone for a day.

Microsiness on the skin of the shoes

  • In this case, ordinary shoe cream will help.
  • Lubricate the surface of the skin. But first wash the shoes with cool water. Then dry with a dry rag, and only after that proceed to processing with cream.
  • To prevent this from repeating, it is necessary to properly care for shoes - wash and lubricate with cream every day.

Sickling when walking

  • Ordinary baby powder helps to get rid of unpleasant sound in shoes when walking. Grate the sole with it, the outer and inner part of the products. The powder removes excess moisture, which increases the adhesion of the sole with the surface and insole with the internal details of the product.
  • Ordinary paper napkins also help. Remove the insole and put the napkin. Then bed insole and wear shoes as usual, the creak should disappear.

Tightly stretched threads of the seam

  • Grate the seats with castor oil or hot wax. The threads will warm up and stretch a little, and the sound will disappear.

If these methods do not help, then you will have to either contact specialists or not wear creaky shoes, but buy a new one.

Video: The sole creaks? What to do?

Useful tips so that the shoes serve for a long time and does not creak


In fact, there are several tricks that help to prevent a shoe creak when it is still new. We need to do the following:

  • Grate products with any animal fat. You can mix wax, goose fat in equal proportions and grate shoes with this mixture. She will not crunch during the sock.
  • Put new leather boots with the sole on a wet rag for 8-9 hours. This method is very effective and shoes usually do not creak after such manipulations.
  • Before use, grate new shoes with special impregnations, which serve to repulse water and dirt.
  • Do not wear wet shoes. This applies to winter, autumn and spring periods. If you put on products when they are not completely dry, then a creak or an unpleasant crunch will definitely appear. You need to dry the shoes for at least 24 hours in a dry ventilated room, but not near a hot battery.
  • In the shoe workshop, you can order a special sticker on the sole. It will help maintain this part of the shoes and the supervisor from deformation, and such a detail helps to prevent the appearance of a creak.
  • Be sure to take care of shoes correctly With the help of special tools that can be bought in any household. Every day, wash the shoes with cool water, and then wipe with a dry cloth. After that, you can apply a cream or other cosmetics for shoes.
  • Store shoes in a closed closet. Do not put dirty shoes, boots, boots or sandals for storage.

Carry out preventive measures with new shoes to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant sound. If the creak still appeared, evaluate your strength and think about whether you can independently eliminate the problem, otherwise you can finally ruin the product. Otherwise, contact specialists. Good luck!

Video: How to get rid of the creak of shoes?

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  1. The video should show techniques on a specific example, and not repetition of the text.

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