If the dog has bitten a person, what threatens the owner? What to do to the owner with a dog biting a person?

If the dog has bitten a person, what threatens the owner? What to do to the owner with a dog biting a person?

The dog bites - what to do?

The cause of the bite is very often walks in the park. Accordingly, in these places, breeders love to walk dogs, play with their pets, often lower them from a leash for active games and running. This becomes unsafe for ordinary people, especially for those who walk with children. In this article we will tell you what a fine is provided for the dog’s bite and what responsibility lies with its owner. 

How to walk a dog?

There is no specific law that regulates the rules of walking. However, there are several legislative acts that are scheduled for various documents that say the following.

How to walk a dog:

  • To walk with the dog, you need to put a collar on it with the name, address and phone of the owner. It is allowed to let go of the dog, that is, to lower the leash, only in places in which people practically do not walk. 
  • If the animal is aggressive, it is walked in muzzles. 
  • The most interesting thing is that in these documents there is no clear justification which dog must be considered evil or aggressive. Accordingly, the owner himself may not consider his pet dangerous, and therefore not to put on a muzzle on him, and lower the leash.
  • Very often the culprit of the bite becomes the victim itself. This happens due to improper behavior in the presence of the animal. 
The attack of the dog
The attack of the dog

How to behave with someone else's dog?

Several rules should be followed.

How to behave with someone else's dog:

  • Try not to approach the unfamiliar animal, do not try to stroke or touch it. 
  • If you go for a walk with a small child, try to bypass the dogs. After all, young children very often climb even to unfamiliar dogs, trying to touch them by the tail, ears or paws. This is precisely the cause of the bite, aggressive actions from the dog. 
  • You can not touch the puppies, since the mother can very aggressively react to this gesture. 
  • If a dog ran up to you, tries to sniff, do not scream in any case, do not wave your hands and do not make sudden movements. The fact is that the dog can perceive sharp movements as a threat. 
  • In no case should you look the dog in the eye, because it is also perceived as a kind of threat orcall.  

My dog \u200b\u200bbit a man, what threatens me?

If the dog was bitten not by chance, but due to the interference of the owner, which often happens with fighting breeds, then the breeder faces not just a fine, but criminal liability. However, you have to try to punish the breeder. 

My dog \u200b\u200bbit a man that threatens me:

  • There are a number of reasons why the breeder can be brought to criminal or administrative liability. Of course, criminal liability is quite difficult to prove, but the administrative is quite real.
  • If the dog has bit you or a acquaintance, with the cause of not very serious health disorders, and causing harm, which caused a short lack of performance, then you have the right to get up to 40,000 rubles.
  • If this is an average severity, then the owner can be deprived of a period of up to three years. If the owner of the dog was accused of negligence, then he may be discharged Fulfillment up to 80,000 rub. If there are severe consequences of the victim, with prolonged deprivation of performance, then the breeder they may be deprived of freedom up to 8 years. 

The dog bit a man, what to do?

Punishment and fines are regulated in the Code of Administrative responsibility. The most interesting thing is that in order to obtain compensation, the fact of an attack, as well as causing harm to health, must be documented.

The dog bit a man what to do:

  • To do this, after a dog’s bite, contact the police so that the official registers damage and conduct an inspection. Even if there is damage to property, but everything is fine with health, you must contact the police. In this case, the dog will be charged from the owner of the dog, which is equal to the cost of damaged things. 
  • If the dogs were bitten by a boot, then the owner must return the money for these boots. Further, the police officer must examine the place on which the attack occurred. In addition, a survey of witnesses is conducted, and video shooting is carried out. They may ask to leave objects that are material evidence.
  • That is, these are torn boots, or clothes. If there are significant violations, then the criminal case is initiated with the examination.

What will happen if your dog has bitten a person?

However, most often the owners themselves are interested in pre -trial settlement.

What to do if your dog bit a person:

  • After all, the fines in fact are quite high, respectively, it is more profitable for the dog owner to go to the world with the victim, and compensate for everything related to damage to the property, or causing harm to health.
  • For pre -trial settlement, it is necessary to provide facts of the dog’s attack. These are usually photos or videos that shows how much the victim was damaged by the dog’s bite and whether there are spoiled things. 
  • Next, it is necessary to provide all the checks, as well as documents confirming the amount spent on treatment in the hospital. And in the most extreme case, a claim is drawn up due to the attack. The claim must be attached to the claim and the amount of the desired compensation, with a detailed description of the harm done.
  • Usually a sane owner who is interested in a peaceful settlement, compensates for a certain damage. If the victim and the owner cannot come to a compromise, then all evidence is sent to the court.

If a person refuses to accept the claim, it is necessary to send it by registered letter, with a notification of delivery. Thus, for the court, you will have confirmation that the dog owner received a claim, but evades the fulfillment of the requirements. 


The dog bit a person: what to do to the owner?

Many owners do not understand how to behave in situations where their dog attacked a passerby or child. They can evade responsibility, in every possible way avoiding communication with the victims.

The dog bit a man what to do to the owner:

  • In fact, this is not worth doing this, since the victim can go to court, and then the unwillingness to negotiate or evasion, from fulfilling his duties, can result in a serious amount of fine, or imprisonment.
  • In practice, this happens extremely rarely, but more often the court ends with the award of the payment of material damage that was caused to the victim. In order not to delay and not pay for the services of a lawyer, as well as ship workers, it is easier to agree on your own.
  • Not only the victim, but also the owner is interested in this. Thus, it is necessary to agree with the victim how you can resolve the conflict. Most often, this is a certain amount of money that is spent on treatment, and compensation for damage.
  • That is, it is a purchase of new spoiled things, as well as paying for consultation, the services of a doctor to suture the wound, and the acquisition of medicines. Therefore, the owner of the dog should by no means avoid communicating with the victims, try to agree on their own, without the involvement of law enforcementorgans. 

What to do to the owner with a dog biting a person?

There are breeds that often attack people due to genetic characteristics. These are mainly fighting dogs that are bred to conduct fights. In this case, it is usually recommended to take pets in a muzzle and on a leash. Typically, such breeds inspire fear of passers -by, you can hear the indignation that the owner does not put on the dogmuzzle.  

What to do to the owner with a dog bitten by a person:

  • First of all, you need to contact a veterinary clinic to conduct an examination for specific diseases. If the dog is healthy, the fact of rabies has not been confirmed, it is necessary to inform the victim. This will help in treatment, and there will be no need to do injections and rabies vaccinations. Further, it is necessary to take certain disciplinary measures against the dog.
  • Try to analyze her behavior. Most often, if a friendly dog \u200b\u200bis not aggressive, then it can attack in exceptional cases. This usually happens if the dog feels some threat from a passerby person. Try to pay attention and understand what the dog was doing at the time of the attack. If she took food, played with a stick, and a passerby tried to take food or a toy from her, then the fact of the attack is not surprising.
  • In ordinary natural conditions, the dog behaves in such a way as to provide food for rest and games. Accordingly, the attack is quite due to the behavior of the dog. In this case, you should not punish it. If you know that the dog can aggressively lead himself with strangers, but at the same time affectionate at home, a muzzle is necessarily put on during a walk. 
The teeth rock
The teeth rock

How to avoid dog attacks?

Walk the dog in places in which people do not walk, that is, in landings, a forest belt. Here you can let the dog out of the leash, removing a muzzle from it. In such conditions, the dog can run, play with toys and frolic with other dogs.

How to avoid dog attacks:

  • However, in most cases, the owners of the pets are lazy to play with them in places that are far from home. Usually they walk them in a forest belt, landing or park, which are near the housing.
  • Often children and passers -by walk in such places. Accordingly, the fact of an attack by a dog on a person is not excluded. Of course, most often the cause of the dog’s attack is the incorrect behavior of the victim. Often people can run away, scream, try to hit the dog. All this is due to the fear of the attack.
  • If you know that many people, children usually walk in this park, it is better to protect yourself and put a muzzle on a dog. Because predicting the behavior of the dog in the next few minutes is absolutely impossible. The dog can perceive the wrong look or sharp movement as a threat, and in response to attack a person. 

The dog bites, how to punish the dog?

Many owners are very aggressive to attacks on people. On the one hand, this is correct, but on the other, you need to know the psychology of the dog before punishing it.

The dog bit how to punish the dog:

  • If the dog behaved aggressively in an incomprehensible situation, there was no threat to her life and health, it is best to turn to a psychologist in order to analyze the situation in detail. If you are not sure that you can cope with the breed of a fighting dog, you should not start.
  • It is necessary to educate and train a dog from a small age, it is almost impossible to raise a mature individual. Especially if these are fighting breeds, which in their genetics are very aggressive. Often such dogs bite the owners, and with the cause of serious harm to health. In this case, it is best to put a dog, or give it to a shelter.
  • If the dog is quite adequate, and the reasons why it showed aggression for a passerby or to the victim has no need to punish. Because the dog acted correctly, because she perceived the incorrect behavior of the victim as a threat to herself. So that in the future there are no such problems, from the smallest age it is necessary to teach the dog the teams “near” and “to me”.
  • This is necessary that the dog implicitly execute all the teams and instantly run to the owner.

Details about how to train a dog, if it is prone to aggression, attacks owners, households, family members can be found in the article: “If the dog bit a person, what threatens the owner? What to do to the owner with a dog bitten by a person. ” These tips are suitable if you often walk in crowded places. In general, a trained dog, which implicitly performs the commands of the owner, will not be able to attack a person. 


Below interesting articles for dog breeders:

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Video: Dog bit a person

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Comments K. article

  1. The dog and varieties of animal breeds showed, who served in a person’s house. Shame that does not understand the rules of conduct, feeding and walking dogs. A dog, a person’s friend, their behavior does not depend on the choice of an official, but helps people. The homeless dog is not an enemy, the world carries what the inhabitant deserves.
    The law is on the side of the victim, consult a doctor in the event of a bite with a dog and to court for the owner for improper behavior when playing an animal.

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