Inappropriate laughter, I can’t stop laughing: reasons, how to overcome laughter? How to stop laughing a student in a lesson, for no reason?

Inappropriate laughter, I can’t stop laughing: reasons, how to overcome laughter? How to stop laughing a student in a lesson, for no reason?

If this condition often arises, I can’t stop laughing, then read the article. There are many tips in it how to overcome laughter.

Laughter is a natural reaction, and if a person begins to laugh, he cannot be called bad. However, it all depends on the situation. If the latter is not entirely joyful or even sad, and the lips themselves begin to smile, or inappropriate laughter appears, you will feel awkward. For example, they shout at you, but you simply cannot hold back a laugh. Or you got sad news, but you cannot restrain yourself and start laughing. Of course, this cannot be called a real laugh. In such situations, a person is unlikely to feel joy.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "How is it always good and excellent in the photographs?". You will learn how to learn beautifully pose for photos, and smile in photographs.

The situation when you begin to laugh inappropriately, it turns out awkward and offensive - laughter can insult the people who stand next to you. If this happened to you, this does not mean that you have health problems. A similar reaction is found quite often and it is called nervous laughter. Let's find out why he appears and how to overcome him. Read further.

Why I want to laugh at the wrong moment: the reasons for inappropriate laughter

Laughs at the wrong time
Laughs at the wrong time

One of the first psychologists who drew attention to a nervous laughter was Stanley Miles Gram. It happened in 60s of the XX century. The psychologist worked in Yale University. There he was engaged in research on how far people would go if they blindly believed in authorities. So why do you want to laugh at the wrong moment? What are the causes of inappropriate laughter?

  • A psychologist suggested one group of people involved in the experiment to hit the electric current of others. However, there was no category, derived people simply diligently portrayed that they were painful. And the second group of tormentors diligently laughed.
  • Such an experiment made it possible to conclude that laughter does not appear from evil, it can occur if a person falls into a very uncomfortable situation. This is one of the main reasons.
  • After that, another psychologist - Vileyanur Ramachadran, suggested that the initially laughter was a specific indicator showing the individual that everything is fine, that he should not worry and can relax.
  • And the nervous smiles and giggling are a kind of psychological defense - if I smile, nothing negative happened. That is scientist He believes that laughter helps to distract from bad emotions.

Similar conclusions were drawn by the authors of the study conducted in Yale University in 2015. They examined unusual emotional situations, for example, the desire to pinch someone or sniffing at the time of stress. Studies helped to draw conclusions that emotionality overloads a person and he wants to lose tension as soon as possible and restore the balance, and he begins to laugh.

How to quickly stop smiling and laughing loudly from stupid jokes: ways, how to overcome laughter

The reason for the untimely mistake is of course good, and this happens to many people. But this does not facilitate the fate of those who suddenly began to giggle at the funeral of a relative or during serious negotiations with the boss. How to quickly stop smiling and laughing loudly from stupid jokes or in other situations? Below are the ways to overcome laughter. In these situations, psychologists advise to do the following:

  • Pay attention when you laugh

Try to analyze, which most often causes you a similar reaction and avoid such situations. This may concern the following:

  • Conflict or scandal
  • Sad event
  • You feel guilt

There are certain situations because of which you can start laughing for no reason and if you understand them, you can prepare yourself.

  • Tune in

If you need to get together for some event where the laughter will be inappropriate, try to set yourself in a few hours. You can do the following:

  • Take a walk to remove the tension
  • Make deep breaths
  • Lose the scenario of upcoming events in mind
  • Relay good behavior
  • Try to communicate a lot

The ability to control emotions and choose the necessary reactions is an experience that can be developed and trained. The more the personality speaks, the more often it is able to work out various situations (this applies to both conflict and sad). Communication will allow less stress.

I have already begun to laugh and I can’t stop: how to overcome laughter?

I started laughing and cannot stop
I started laughing and cannot stop

Many were in such situations and said: I have already begun to laugh and I can’t stop - what to do? How to overcome laughter in this case? An unpleasant situation, but there are several solutions that can help.

  • Imagine something that can scare you

Try to imagine something terrible. Preferably in detail. This will switch.

  • Think about boring things

For example, about what you ate for breakfast today. You can also list what exactly is he worried about or surrounding objects. Think about plans for this week. Another good idea is to calculate expenses and income. If you concentrate on boring things, this will interrupt the nervous reaction and take control.

  • Take your hands

Try to twist a bracelet or watch on your hand, touch your hair, touch your clothes or rearrange things on the surface of the table. This will allow you to be distracted and calm down.

  • Find the opportunity to go out

If possible, try to go out. Find a secluded place. There you can make fun of, breathe or drink water.

  • I am about to laugh

If you felt that you are about to laugh, try to close yourself and repeat phrases like "I can hold back laughter" or "I control the situation". Try not to say a word with a particle "not", for example, "I'm not laughing". Convince yourself by pronouncing exclusively affirmative sentences to yourself. If you see that someone’s laughs besides you, try not to pay attention to this person, because laughter is an infectious thing. Try to take deep breaths.

  • Pain

It is better to resort to this method if nothing helps. This is the strongest of the feelings that interrupts all other emotions. Try biting the tip of the tongue or turn your finger. A nervous impulse will not be long in coming, you will immediately shake and be able to forget about laughter.

How to stop constantly and always laugh with everything, over stupid things, for every reason?

The most important thing is to understand what kind of stupid things you have a laughter. Scientists have established that it is specific situations that cause a smile. How to stop constantly and always laugh with everything, over stupid things, for every reason?

  • Perhaps laughter causes a certain person, the style of his communication or appearance.
  • In this case, you should contact him less until you learn to restrain yourself.
  • In general, the removal from the situation that mixes you is the best solution.
  • It is important not to participate in what is happening, but to be only a witness.
  • Look on the other hand at what is happening.

Advice: If you simply cannot get rid of nervous laughter with your efforts, and it becomes a real problem, try to go to a consultation with a therapist.

The doctor will be able to figure out why you laugh and influence it.

What diseases can be indicated by constant laughter?

Constant laughter may indicate the presence of diseases
Constant laughter may indicate the presence of diseases

If a person often encounters a causeless laugh, it is advisable to test his health, as doctors are sure that he may have health problems. What diseases can be indicated by constant laughter? This can be a symptom of one of the following diseases:

  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Graves disease
  • Pseudobulbaric syndrome

Less often laughter can indicate angelman syndrome. This is a rare chromosomal disease that affects the nervous system. Patients can laugh due to severe stimulation of the parts of the brain that are responsible for the joy.

There is also tours syndrome. This is a neurobiological disorder that can cause tick and vocal flashes. Usually people who suffer from this syndrome do not need treatment, but only in cases where laughter does not interfere with study or work. Many medicines and therapy are able to help minimize symptoms.

Laughter can also be disturbed by those who consumes alcohol or drugs. Such people are not always able to control their nervous system. The latter gives signals that cause laughter.

In addition, unreasonable laughter can appear if a person suffers from the following states:

  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Anxiety
  • Stress

In such cases, it is advisable for a person to get rid of the source of the problem or drink a sedative.

How to stop laughing a student in a lesson, for no reason?

Laughter in the lesson for schoolchildren, for no reason - a common problem. Usually this is due to ordinary pranks-the child could put something on a classmate’s chair, or simply remembered a very funny joke. How to stop laughing?

  • The best solution would be to carefully listen to what the teacher says and concentrate in the lesson.
  • If you distract, the nervous system itself will calm down, and you can stop laughing.
  • If the work is independent, try to focus on the task.

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of inappropriate laughter. This may be due to both the usual natural reaction and with a certain disease. To overcome the inappropriate laughter, you need to learn how to be distracted. Think about something terrible, unpleasant or vice versa-pleasant and soothing. Just do not think about the thing that caused you a fit of laughter.

Video: Inappropriate laughter. Neurotic laughter. Protective mechanisms of the psyche

Video: Why do we laugh in inappropriate situations?

Video: How not to laugh when you really want - 2 ways, life hack

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