An unknown planet comes closer to the ground: frightening discovery, brief description, photo, reviews of astronomers

An unknown planet comes closer to the ground: frightening discovery, brief description, photo, reviews of astronomers

In this article, we will consider which planet began rapprochement with the ground. And we also learn some interesting facts from knowledge of ancient civilization.

Everyone knows that our planet Earth is not the only heavenly body in outer space. There are other planets and distant solar systems, information about which is not enough or not at all. And such a mysterious object recently managed to fix astronomers. This planet is still unknown, but it began rapprochement with the ground. What is this cosmic body and whether it poses the threat of life on our planet, we learn in this material. After all, discussions do not stop on this subject.

Unknown planet began rapprochement with the Earth: the frightening find of the Chilean astronomer and the photographs of photographs

The find of the Chilean astronomer Roberto Antizan shocked the whole scientific world. The publication on the official Facebook page tells that he managed to find something mysterious.

  • The object was photographed using powerful telescopes. And he turned out to be a planet who went to visit you and me, or rather, towards planet Earth.
  • The alleged dimensions of the celestial body are comparable to the dimensions of the planet Mars, the radius of which is 3390 kilometers. The movement of the planet, which has already been dubbed by the name Nibiru, in honor of the planet from the ancient predictions of the Sumerians, does not occur in a certain orbit.
  • It will not work out to call the body a comet or asteroid, since it has a correct spherical shape, which more resembles the form of planets. That is, what we represent them and are used to seeing in photos or pictures.
  • In addition, disputes also go about the unusual V-shaped cloud or train, which accompanies the planet from behind. The structure of this train is still unknown. But, if it looks like a comet’s tail, then stones, ice and parts of cosmic dust may turn out to be there.
  • It is also impossible to reliably predict the trajectory of movement of the find, but the danger that it will fly close or collide with the ground is quite real. Roberto Antysan shared all the collected information with the Authoritative Laboratory of NASA, but so far there has been no official reaction of the American agency.
Here's what the Chilean astrologer managed to shoot
Here's what the Chilean astronomer managed to shoot
The object is clearly visible for the train
The object is clearly visible for the train
But the enlarged version is more like a blurry spot
But the enlarged version is more like a blurry spot
Fantasy can draw different objects
Fantasy can draw different objects

Unknown Planet Nibiru is close to the ground: ancient predictions and a brief description

Sumerians are the population of the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia. They left us a lot of mysterious predictions and myths, the truthfulness of which the disputes are still underway.

  • One of them is a myth and interpretation of the planet Nibiru, which they painted in the form of a ball with wings. Pictures of the planet found by Roberto Antysan have much in common with these drawings.
  • Some scientists and myth researchers claim that we are talking about the planet Jupiter. But this planet is not accompanied by a train of a V-shaped type, which in the ancient image looks like wings.
  • The Sumerians were famous experts in space space, already in those days they spoke about the existence of a certain planet X, which was called Nibiru. The location of the celestial body, according to their theory, behind Pluto, which is currently deprived of the title of the planet.
  • Every 3600 years, Nibiru appears in our solar system, and, according to calculations, it was time to fly to her. And, perhaps, Antizan took pictures of this particular mythical planet.
  • It is very interesting that, according to the ancient Sumerians, the mysterious Nibiru is not a lifeless planet. The legend says that a certain civilization of Anunnaki lives there. Her translation literally sounds, like "settled from heaven."
  • The inhabitants of the planet have been living for a long time for several centuries (about 350 earthly years), and their growth can reach 4 m. Based on this, the Sumerians had their own idea of \u200b\u200bthe origin of man on Earth.
  • When Nibiru more than 440 thousand years ago came close to the ground, the Anunnaki landed on the planet in their spacecraft. They arrived in search of gold and other minerals.
Their knowledge of space is even a little amazing
Their knowledge of space is even a little amazing
  • By the way, they needed it so that the precious metal saved the contaminated atmosphere on their planet. After all, they sprayed the gold powder in the ozone ball, which protected the planet from light and heat.
  • In the Sumer region, the oldest city called Erid was built, but gold was found only near Madagascar. The captain of the aliens named Enki and his younger brother, whose name was Enlil, commanded workers. To avoid rebellion among their workers and provide them with a certain help, a new type of servant was bred by aliens scientists.
  • The genes of primates inhabited on the planet were taken as a basis. So, according to the Sumerians, already 300 thousand years ago the first people appeared on the planet. Anunnaki wanted to destroy their experiment, but Enki saved several representatives, giving them the right to life.
  • The Sumerians also believed that the aliens see everything that is happening on Earth. Using a certain eye for this, which is located very high. And they are also endowed with incredible power and have the most powerful weapon - a certain red beam. All this, of course, is more like fairy tales or fables, but knowledge about space and planets that this ancient civilization had is amazing at the accuracy of modern scientists and astronomers.
It is only known that niribu has similar sizes to Mars
It is only known that niribu has similar sizes to Mars

What consequences can be expected from an unknown planet Nibiru: reviews of astronomers

If we allow the actual existence of a given heavenly body, as well as the fact of its rapprochement with the Earth, that is, what to think about and what to be scared. What opinions do scientists express about this, and what can happen to us, we will discuss below.

  • An unknown planet has already been photographed. And, as a result, many theories and assumptions were poured. Strong gravity of any alien cosmic body that will approach the Earth will cause it irreparable harm.
  • Some scientists even put forward their assumption of what could happen. The rotation of the planet can slow down and reach 25 degrees for one day. Due to the fact that the gravitational influence of Nibiru will be concentrated in Alaska, a catastrophic change of all poles of our planet can occur.
  • The glaciers will melt, and the ocean level will rise by 100 m. Therefore, the plains and islands can be completely flooded. But this is not the most terrible script.
  • Winds with a speed of 400 km/h, earthquakes and eruptions of stratovolkans, for example Yellowstone, will violate the life cycle of our planet. Turning it into a huge desert, similar to Mars.
The forecasts of astrologers are far disappointing
The forecasts of astronomers are far from disappointing
  • Such a scenario was not described by the creators of the catastrophe films. The theory has the right to exist, but we will hope that it will remain only the theory.

Roberto Antysan notified the world about his find. If this is true, then the studies will continue. But you do not need to worry every year due to the next end of the world, you should collect information and draw conclusions. Humanity was always afraid of the new one, not even knowing whether it is dangerous.

Video: An unknown planet moves towards the earth

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