How to determine the deficiency of vitamin D yourself? Lack of vitamin D in adults: symptoms, consequences, treatment

How to determine the deficiency of vitamin D yourself? Lack of vitamin D in adults: symptoms, consequences, treatment

Symptoms, signs of vitamin D deficiency and treatment methods.

VitaminD. - a very important substance that is involved in the metabolic processes of the body. With its deficiency, a lot of serious ailments and complications can be observed. In this article, we will talk about the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in adults, and ways to combat it. 

Lack of vitamin D: Symptoms in adults

In most cases, vitamin D is produced under the influence of sunlight. That is, people, in order to make up for a deficiency, it is necessary to stay in the sun. It was established that enough 15-20 minutes of walking in sunny times to cover the lack of vitamin D.
The most interesting thing is that this contradicts the recommendations of dermatologists, because you need to do this from 11:00 to 15:00, when the sun's rays are very aggressive and bright.

Lack of vitamin D, symptoms in adults:

  • Headache 
  • Muscle weakness 
  • Seizures in the muscles 
  • Frequent fractures or bone resorption 
  • Frequent depression 
  • Insomnia
  • Increased sweating
  • Frequent constipation
Food with vitamin D
Food with vitamin D

Treatment of a lack of vitamin D in adults

Almost all symptoms are not specific, and it is quite difficult to suspect the lack of vitamin D. However, as indicated above, almost all residents of Russia have this deficit, especially in the winter, when there are practically no sunlight.

Treatment of a lack of vitamin D in adults:

  • To replenish the deficiency, you can remain in the sun, but if it is not, or in winter, then this vitamin should be introduced into the body additionally. This can be done with food or special additives.
  • It is worth noting that a large amount of vitamin D is contained in the cabbage of broccoli, greens, dairy products, hard cheese, as well as in fatty fish.
  • Of course, you can introduce this component separately, in the form of food additives and vitamins. Usually this tool is not sold separately, but is implemented in combination with calcium preparations or vitamin agents.
Additives with vitamins
Additives with vitamins

A pronounced deficiency of vitamin D in adults: who is found, how to determine?

There are separate categories of people who recommend an additional introduction of vitamin D daily. 

A pronounced deficiency of vitamin D in adults, who meets, how to determine:

  • A stable lack of vitamin D, even with constant use of calcium, will not contribute to the absorption of calcium. Thus, this tool will be deposited in the kidneys, in the form of stones in the bladder. To prevent this from happening, it is almost always necessary to supplement calcium preparations with vitamin D.
  • Most of the manufacturers took care of this, and introduced vitamin D. among them, you can highlight calcium D3 Nicomed, and a number of drugs. They replenish the deficiency of calcium and vitamin D in the body, which helps to strengthen bones, reduce the probability of fractures. 
  • Scientists have proved that almost half of people aged after 50 suffers from fractures, as well as osteoporosis, which is provoked by a lack of vitamin D. This can happen even with the introduction of additional calcium in the form of tablets and biological additives. 

How to determine the lack of vitamin D at an adult?

Most often, it is difficult to determine the lack of this vitamin by symptoms.How to determine the lack of vitamin D at an adult?
We advise you to take tests. If the concentration of vitamin D is less than 30 milligrams per milliliter of blood, then it is necessary to engage in its additional administration with the use of food additives, dietary supplements, and drugs. The easiest to buy in a pharmacy and take according to the instructions an adult for infants with vitamin D Aquadetrim.
If there is no time to go to the clinic, then you can determine the feasibility of introducing vitamin D by risk group.

Who suffers from a pronounced deficiency of vitamin D: risk group

The risk group includes certain categories of the population.

Who suffers from a pronounced deficiency of vitamin D:

  • Elderly people, aged after 50 years. It is proved that vitamin D is involved in the formation and assimilation of calcium. Accordingly, this trace element may not be absorbed without it. Rthe ecotors of their skin capture the sun's rays less and are not able to turn them into vitamin D. Such people need to stay in the sun longer. 
  • Children under 5 years old. Due to the younger preschool age, babies can spend most of the time at home, so there is a deficiency of vitamin D. 
  • Office workers. That is, these are people who leave for the office in the morning, and in the evening I go home. That is, almost at the active hours of the sun they are indoors. Their skin is not able to catch sunlight for processing vitamin D. 
  • Pregnant women and in the period of lactation. At this time, the body needs an additional introduction of vitamin D. It should be noted that it is in sufficient quantities in pregnant women vitamins. This vitamin is provided, and is always found in multivitamin preparations. 
  • Women after 50 years. At this time, the production of estrogens is reduced, which provokes the excretion of calcium from the body, due to a lack of vitamin D. Therefore, for the prevention of osteoporosis, it is necessary not only to take calcium preparations, but also to administer vitamin D. 
  • People who adhere to diets with a low content of vitamin D. Most often this is a category of population, with lactose intolerance. That is, those who do not eat dairy products.By the way, It is worth noting that it is in the egg yolks and dairy products that a decent amount of vitamin D is contained. However, even when using a large amount of milk and eggs, it is quite difficult to fill the deficit with food. 
  • People with a high body weight index. Scientists have proved that patients with a body weight index are above 34, need an increased amount of vitamin D. Accordingly, if you belong to any of these categories, the additional administration of vitamin D. can be administered in the form of certain drugs in which they Contained in combined form, or separately. Here You can learn more about drugs that contain Vitamin D. 

The consequences of the deficit
The consequences of the deficit

Diseases associated with a deficiency of vitamin D: List

There are many consequences of the deficiency of vitamin D. Many note that even if a certain low -calorie diet is observed, it is not possible to lose weight. This may be associated with a deficiency of vitamin D. As scientists indicate, with a more detailed study of the substance it was found that this is not a vitamin, but a hormone -like substance. Accordingly, it is involved in metabolic processes and stimulates the burning of fat. Therefore, vitamin D deficiency can provoke obesity and weight gain, even with normal nutrition.

Diseases associated with a lack of vitamin D:

  • Diabetes. Thirty -year studies of scientists have shown that Venezuelan children 30 times less often suffer from diabetes than the kids who live in Norway. This is provoked by the lack of sunlight that promotes the development of vitamin D.
  • Problems with conception. Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium, which is contained in the egg. Therefore, with a deficiency of vitamin D, the so -called pathological eggs are formed that are not capable of fertilization. In men, with a deficiency of vitamin D, a decrease in the speed of sperm, which leads to male infertility.
  • Excessive brittle bones and osteoporosis. This is especially true in people of pre -retirement and retirement age. Most often, women of the elderly suffer from diseases, after menopause. At this moment, bone resorption is observed associated with a lack of vitamin D and calcium in the body.
  • Constant depression. Scientists have proven that the maintenance of vitamin D at a normal level contributes to the production of the hormone of happiness, that is, serotonin. Deficiency, in turn, helps to reduce the concentration of serotonin in the blood, therefore, people may have depression.
  • High risk of oncology. The normal concentration of vitamin D in the body prevents cancer. Therefore, with the daily use of a normal amount of this substance, it is possible to prevent the development of cancer tumors.
  • Reducing immunity. It is proved that people with a lack of vitamin D are more likely to suffer from colds and a variety of infectious ailments, which are transmitted by airborne droplets. The disadvantage of vitamin D affects the immunity, worsening it.
  • Weakening of the heart muscle.
The consequences of the deficit
The consequences of the deficit

Russia is located inso The climatic zone, where in the summer the weather and sunny days are not always warm. In the best case, you can calculate in 30 days with the bright sun. Accordingly, almost all Russians have a deficiency of vitamin D, which in turn leads to serious consequences. 

Video: Vitamin D deficiency

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Comments K. article

  1. It is quite easy to determine the level of vitamin D- to hand over in any laboratory and an analysis will be ready in a day. In my well -being, I realized, a constantly depressed depressive mood, the doctor advised me to take an analysis for vitamin d. And it turned out the doctor was right! I have a shortage! She began to take minisan vitamin D and the health after some time began to change)) The mood is completely different, there is a lot of energy, I began to study, everything is great !!

  2. Article cool, thanks!)

  3. The doctor can determine the deficit. It was like that for me, I took Vita D3, it is a micelled format, it is better absorbed by the body. And it is much more convenient to take in the case of large dosages, since you do not need to swallow 10 tablets, as in other cases

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