Vitamin D for women and men after 50 years: how to take it correctly?

Vitamin D for women and men after 50 years: how to take it correctly?

The role of vitamin D and methods of eliminating its deficiency.

Vitamin D3 is a source of beauty and health not only for women, but also for men. This component is involved in metabolic processes, slows down aging, improving calcium absorption. In this article we will talk about vitamin D for men and women after 50 years. 

Why do you need vitamin D after 50 years for women

In both men and women, after 50 years, aging processes are launched, due to hormonal restructuring. There is an opinion that men during this period are no less than usual, and they do not suffer from hormonal imbalance. However, it is not.

Men are subject to reducing the level of hormones, which cannot but affect the state of their health and, in general, all systems. Of great importance is the concentration in the blood of vitamin D. This vitamin helps to be absorbed by calcium, regulates the metabolism and excretion of insulin, and also prevents aging. 


Why do you need vitamin D after 50 years for women:

  • Vitamin is involved in metabolic processes and improves metabolism, which is very important for women after 50 years. Indeed, it is precisely because of hormonal restructuring and reduction in estrogen levels that metabolic processes are slowed down, and a woman often recovered according to the male type, in the abdomen, as well as her hands. This suggests that the level of testosterone in the blood of a woman has increased, so the body tries to catch up, increasing the concentration of estrogens in the blood.
  • He does this with a stock of fat, because really a lot of estrogen is produced in subcutaneous fat. So that this does not happen, and the process of losing weight is much faster, Vitamin D. But this is notmain Its purpose. After 50 years, vitamin D improves libido, enhances sexual desire. Since during this period the number of estrogen is reduced, the lubricant during the lesson is released in small quantities.
  • In this regard, itching and discomfort in the process of sex may be observed. Vitamin D increases libido, thereby increasing the amount of lubricant during sex. If you work on nervous work, then you need to take vitamin D, since it prevents the occurrence of depression. After 50 years in the body, a woman begins to be washed out with calcium due to the deficiency of estrogen, which prevent bone resorption.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency in women after 50 years, what to do?

Calcium can be taken in large quantities, but there will be no effect if the body does not enter the body Vitamin D. This can be said to be said to the calcium companion, which contributes to its absorption in the small intestine. Therefore, if you do not take vitamin D along with calcium, the woman will soon be disturbed by arthrosis, osteoporosis and other diseases of the bones.

In addition, calciferol increases the body's defenses and makes it less susceptible to viruses. It supports the menstrual cycle. Vitamin D is also a runner, so receptors that are in the ovaries, uterus, and placenta react to it. Therefore, the lack of vitamin D affects the general standing of a woman. Thus, the aging process after 50 years is much faster. 

Products with vitamin D
Products with vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency in women after 50 years, what to do:

  • It is worth noting that there is a conservative opinion according to which any nutrition received by a person is not able to fully provide vitamin D. The daily dose cannot be used during the day. So, for example, one egg yolk contains 25 international units, while in 100 g in the liver of an animal, chicken or beef, contain 50 international units.
  • To make up for the daily deficiency of vitamin D, it is necessary to eat a kilogram of the liver, as well as 4 yolks. The use of such a large number of products is impossible, and can be fraught with other disorders in the body. That is why it is recommended to introduce this vitamin in addition, in the form of additives. For children it is recommended to take Aquetrim, which contains vitamin D3. For adults after 50 years, this drug is not recommended. 
  • They are recommended to use substances that contain calcium. Most often, such vitamins are sold in capsules or drops that contains trace elements and minerals, in particular calcium, phosphorus, as well as selenium. It is they who impede bone resorption, and can be useful to women after 50 years suffering from osteoporosis, and for men who often complain of bones, knees and muscles. 
Drug with vitamin D
Drug with vitamin D

Vitamin D - Why do men need it?

Vitamin D for men is no less important than for women. In a strong half of humanity, it contributes to spermatogenesis, the production of a large amount of seed fluid, as well as an increase in the concentration of testosterone. Very often, men after 50 years suffer from prostate adenoma, which is very often associated with a lack of testosterone, and a decrease in its level.

Vitamin D, why men need it:

  • Few people know that the amount of vitamin D affects the concentration of testosterone and increases it. Therefore, it is important to introduce additionally vitamin D not only babies, newborn, but even men and women after 50 years old. 
  • Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium, prevents the brittleness of bones. This is of course more relevant for women, but men after 50 years often suffer from arthritis, arthrosis and bone diseases.
  • Therefore, it will also be useful for them to accept Vitamin D. It is worth noting that the inhabitants of the warm countries who live in South America do not need additional sources of vitamin D.
Products with vitamin D
Products with vitamin D

Vitamin D for men - how to make up for a deficit?

Since this component is produced under the influence of sunlight, ultraviolet radiation.

Vitamin D for men, how to make up for a deficit:

  • But residents of the northern regions, which Russia include additional introduction of vitamin D, especially in winter. This is due to the fact that in winter there is little sun, respectively, the production of vitamin D is reduced many times.
  • However, even proper nutrition and consumption of products that contain this component cannot fully fill the deficiency. This is due to the fact that in nuts, red meat, as well as eggs, vitamin D is not enough to contribute to normal spermatogenesis and strengthening bones.
  • Accordingly, in winter, it is advisable to introduce it additionally, in the form of tablet drugs or drops. 
Therapeutic capsules
Therapeutic capsules

Vitamin D for women and men after 50 years: List of drugs

Despite the fact that vitamin D is very useful and necessary for the normal life of the body, its excess of its concentration leads to serious consequences. It accumulates in the liver and can cause serious health problems.

That is why we do not recommend exceeding these norms, and take this vitamin exclusively as prescribed by the doctor. The norms that are part of complex drugs containing calcium and minerals for men and women after 50 years are quite enough to ensure the daily norm. That is, there is no need to additionally take medications.

List of drugs that contain vitamin D: 

  • 21 Century Health Careliquid calcium and vitamin D3. This is a great drug that contains vitamin D3. The main advantage of the drug is a large package containing 90 capsules, which is quite economical. 
  • Vitamin Multi Tabs D3. This is a complex of vitamins, which contains additionally vitamin D3. The price is not the lowest, but the drug is quite effective. 
  • Another effective drug is Calcium D3 Nicomed. It contains calcium and cholecalciferol, which is often prescribed for women suffering from osteoporosis. It will be useful for men after 50 years to improve spermatogenesis, and strengthen testosterone production. 

    Calcium D3 Nicomed
    Calcium D3 Nicomed
  • Complit calcium d3 forte. The main advantage of the drug is its low price. It contains calcium and calciferol, in the quantities necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the body. It is recommended to take women and men after 50 years. The main advantage is a pleasant taste and smell, low price.
  • Devisol drops. It is notdrug The drug, and a biologically active supplement that contains vitamin D3. Recommended for both children and adults. It contains vitamin E, which perfectly affects the state of the reproductive system, both women and men. The main drawback is sold only through the Internet, it is quite difficult to purchase in a regular pharmacy. 
  • Vitrum osteomag. This drug containing vitamin D is a mixture. The composition contains minerals that slow down bone resorption. 

Use drugs strictly following the instructions and quantity. Usually, all drugs that contain vitamin D3 and calcium take 1-2 capsules during the day. 

Video: Vitamin D for men and women after 50


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Comments K. article

  1. I am not yet 50, but I have already thought about the deficiency of vitamin D. Who takes which vitamin and what dosage?

  2. Inna, I will write personally to myself. Vitamin D began to take more recently on the recommendation of an endocrinologist. I had a consultation with him about weight loss, so it turns out that if the body has a deficiency of vitamin D, then weight loss will be extremely difficult. Therefore, having passed the analysis, I began to take minisan D3, a dosage of 20 mcg or 800 IU, as you are more convenient.

  3. The doctor told me that vitamin D generally wants to be considered hormones, it is so important ... And it affects the mood, and on the heart and the bone system. In our country, many have deficiency, and even after 50 years, especially. Therefore, I accept vitamin D3 Evalar on a regular basis (I always take it, because the dosage is good). Well, in the sun I try to visit more often ... Prevention has not harmed anyone else))

  4. Vitamin D must be taken without exception. And yes, at any age. I really like minisan d3 in this regard. He has forms for small children in drops, but for myself I buy chewing pills. The dosage of vitamin D there is optimal, just the necessary daily dose. Everything suits me, I already see the result, since I accept this tool regularly, you can already talk about the results)) The mood is excellent, the weight even leaves a little (the doctor was consulted, he confirmed that vitamin D and the effect have the effect on metabolic processes).

  5. And vitamin D for immunity is important in addition to weight, mood and bone system. In general, it is needed and important for the whole organism. Therefore, once every six months I accept minisan vitamin D3 and is satisfied.

  6. A simple question is what is the daily dose of vitamin D for adults in drops? Without IU and MKG. Please!

  7. Julia, I have vitamin D3 in drops with an oil dosage 500MO EVAP, the analysis showed me the norm, but close to the lower border, I take two drops in a preventive dose. It is better to choose the oil, in mine I also like that there are no alcohol and auxiliary additives, there is no smell and taste.

  8. What vitamin d is also not worth taking. It is better to buy in combination with other vitamins and minerals so that the assimilation is good. For example, I like the Lady's formula more than multivitamins. There is not only D, but also C, and zinc for immunity. +Magnesium, B6 for nerves. For women in menopause, it seems to me, an indispensable thing for good health.

  9. And on the recommendation of the doctor, I accept Detrimarin. In addition to vitamin D3, there is also omega (important for the work of the cardiovascular system and women's health).

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