If you have a mantle vaccine for the child - that children should not eat up to two and two years old: a list of products, food recommendations during the Mantoux reaction. Mantoux vaccination, why you can’t eat sweet to children: causes, consequences

If you have a mantle vaccine for the child - that children should not eat up to two and two years old: a list of products, food recommendations during the Mantoux reaction. Mantoux vaccination, why you can’t eat sweet to children: causes, consequences

The manti vaccination is familiar to us from childhood. But now, in the conditions of introducing a large number of allergens into food, it is important to monitor the child’s diet after vaccination.

Vaccination of Mantoux Refers to preventive measures against tuberculosis. The body's reaction to this type of vaccination allows you to identify the presence of a virus in the body. For the reliability of the result, the vaccination period is reinforced by a diet. The exclusion of a number of products from the daily menu allows you to prevent their side effects.

They gave the child a mantle vaccine - that you can’t eat: a list of products, recommendations for nutrition during the Mantoux reaction

The recommendations for nutrition during the Mantoux reaction should be voiced by your pediatrician. Refusing to adhere to a healthy menu, you provoke an allergic reaction. A negative result entails the need for repeated vaccination.

Interested parents can easily affect painless vaccination and reliable result. Before you plan a vaccine, check out with prohibited products during the vaccination to the Mantoux reaction.

One of the types of prevention
One of the types of prevention

A list of products that cannot be consumed before and after vaccination Mantoux:

  • Fruit juices, fruit drinks.
  • Citrus fruits and fresh berries.
  • Egg yolk.
  • Fat meat.
  • Fish products.
  • Chocolate and confectionery pastries.
  • Sharp spices.
  • Nuts.
  • Milk products.
  • Fast food.
  • Gas drinks.

Basic recommendations for mantisa diet They consist in a short -term diet. Restrictions on the list of products are applicable to all children.

Features of children under 2 years before and after vaccination Mantoux

  • The diet of children under the age of 2 years is slightly different from the regime of children of kindergarten and school age.
  • After the cessation of breastfeeding, the babies begin to get acquainted with new products. Every day the diet expands. The child’s body can show an allergic reaction to new products.
  • That's why a week before the planned vaccination mantu It is necessary to suspend the enrichment of the children's diet.
  • Analyze external manifestations on the skin of the child. Redness and rashes indicate an allergic reaction. Such manifestations are an occasion to transfer vaccination for a while.
  • The combination of an allergic process with a mantle vaccination will affect an inaccurate result. Most likely the Mantoux reaction will be higher than the norm.
  • In children under the age of 2 years, allergies can provoke dairy products from adult diets.
  • Among the fruits, frequent allergens are citrus. Set aside the use of berries strawberries, currants, strawberries.
  • During the vaccination period, postpone the manti the use of eggs, carrots and fatty types of meat.
  • Allergies can provoke acquaintance with a new type of porridge or prolonged use of only one variety.
  • Overflow can also provoke an allergy. Therefore, adjust the number of products used and do not force to eat through force. After vaccinating, appetite may decrease.
  • The recommendations of doctors to strengthen the drinking regime should also not go to violent measure.

Mantoux vaccination, why you can’t eat sweet to children: causes, consequences

  • The influence of the products used on the result of vaccination should be considered in each individual case. Many parents are convinced that this rule is not applicable to everyone.
  • One of the first questions arising from disturbing parents - is it possible to eat sweet after a manti vaccination? Limit sweets after the mantu test First of all, children who are prone to allergies and diabetics are necessary. In the absence of problems with nutrition, a strict diet is not needed.
Sweet is banned by allergy sufferers
Sweet is banned by allergy sufferers
  • Store products do not always meet the declared quality and lead to unpredictable consequences. For example, everyone's favorite chocolates often cause a rash in a child. Confectionery can contain dyes and additives leading to an allergic reaction.
  • Sweet foods are most likely to cause allergies in a child. The use of allergens during vaccination can provoke an inaccurate manti reaction.
  • The introduction of tuberculin causes an inflammatory process under the skin. Excessive eating sweet and external factors are capable of strengthen the Mantoux reaction. During any ailments, vaccination must be postponed. If the vaccine took place, then it is advisable not to eat sweet for several days. With a careful attitude of parents, such a restriction is easily feasible.
The reaction may increase due to external factors
The reaction may increase due to external factors
  • Cakes and cakes must be replaced with home baking. The composition of the ingredients will be completely under your control. The stores present a large assortment of dietary products. They contain a minimum of carbohydrates, and there are no dyes.
  • Subject to preventive measures, side effects are reduced to zero. It is necessary to balance the nutrition, add moderate physical activity and walking in the fresh air.

How to feed the child after vaccination Mantoux: tips, recommendations

During the vaccination period for the child, it is recommended to make an individual menu. Choose a decent replacement for products without which it is difficult for a child to do. Using simple recommendations and it will be easier for you to navigate, how to feed the child after vaccination of the mantu.

  • Favorite chocolate sweets Replace for several days dried fruits.
  • Satisfy the child's need for fruit juice It is possible by it breeding with water.
  • Change the size of portions with prolonged absorption products. Instead of the usual one meat brothprefer vegetable. Replace the fatty varieties of meat with dietary.
  • Going to public places, stock up on food for snack. Then the need to visit fast foods will disappear.
  • Instead of soda Buy simple water. Does the child are capricious and asks for soda? Be more cunning and imperceptibly release excess gas.
  • Exclude products with sharp spices. Limit the use of snack products and home conservation.
  • Honey pastries Replace on a biscuit or sand dough. Honey is a strong allergen.
Food after vaccination
Food after vaccination
  • In addition to light soups, cook a variety of cereals. Satisfy the need for fruit partially. Instead of a whole fruit, cut a slice, half, ring.
  • An allergic reaction often causes Vitamin C, Cdefeating in large numbers in citrus fruits. Therefore, if the child drinks vitamins, then you need to inform the doctor. To maintain weakened immunity, a multivitamin complex that compensates for dietary nutrition is prescribed.
  • Each child is individual, so any ban should be considered as a recommendation. The absence of problems with the tolerance of certain products has a full -fledged familiar nutrition.
  • If the child visits the kindergarten, then parents need to take into account the diet of the visited institution. After you made a mantu, do not forget to view the skin for external extraneous manifestations. Sometimes harmless products provoke an unforeseen reaction of the body. As the child grows, intolerance to certain food may appear, which will become a surprise for parents.
After Mantoux, follow the diet
After Mantoux, follow the diet

Vaccination of Mantoux Often gives a distorted result. Do not rush to draw independent conclusions. Any suspicious symptoms are an urgent reason for a visit to a doctor.

Video: About the sample mantu from Komarovsky

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