Vaccination from measles, rubella, mumps: Rules for conducting, when and how many times in life do children make?

Vaccination from measles, rubella, mumps: Rules for conducting, when and how many times in life do children make?

From this article you will find out why you need a vaccine against measles, rubella and mumps.

Those who lived in the Soviet Union know that from the very infancy, children have made a lot of vaccinations. Now, many parents refuse to vaccinate, believe that the child should fight all his misfortunes. And in the end - the Corey epidemic in Ukraine in our time, when they have already begun to forget about measles that there was such a disease in general. How to do measles, rubella and mumps? How many times per life? We find out in this article.

When, and how many times, they make a child a vaccine against measles, rubella, mumps?

When the child is born, he is protected by the immunity of the mother, but this is not long-the first 2-3 months, and then he is subject to various diseases, especially the first 5 years of life. So that the baby does not get sick, it needs to be instilled.

Recall that measles, rubella and mumps are viral diseases.

  • Measles It manifests itself as follows: high temperature (up to 40̊c), the red rash first appears on the face, head, and then on the whole body, runny nose, malaise, cough, redness of the throat. Complications after the disease are different: pneumonia, inflammation of the ears, intestines and stomach, meningitis, encephalitis.
  • At rubber Also a rash, but small and spots, an increase in lymph nodes, fever, general malaise. Complications after the disease are as follows: tonsillitis, sometimes pneumonia, otitis media, very rarely - meningitis, encephalitis.
  • Small - swelling around the ears and neck, general ailments, often with a complication in the form of deafness and male infertility.

A vaccine for vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps most often enters the clinics combined: one from three diseases.

The first time the child is vaccinated at 1 year. But to vaccinate 1 time-this is not enough, it protects against these diseases by only 2-5%. For complete protection against measles, rubella and mumps, you need to get a vaccine again.

The second time vaccination is carried out at 6 years old. After this vaccination, the child is 90%protected, and this vaccination will protect a person for decades.

Vaccination from measles, rubella, mumps is most often made in the upper hand, near the shoulder or under the shoulder blade on the right side.

Core vaccinations, rubella, mumps, it is advisable to do so many times in a person’s life

What does a child need to do before measuring from measles, rubella, mumps?

So that there are no complications after vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps, a child before vaccination, you need to prepare:

  • In the morning, on the day of the alleged vaccination, measure the child temperature, find out how he feels, is there any ailments.
  • Show the child to the local doctor.
  • If necessary, take the child’s tests.
  • It is advisable for several days before vaccination not to visit public places with the child.
  • Children with diseases associated with the nervous system should visit a neurologist before vaccination.
  • Children with chronic diseases are vaccinated when there is no exacerbation.
Core vaccination, rubella, mumps are done if the baby is healthy

What should the baby do after vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps?

To reduce complications for the baby’s health, after vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps to a minimum, you need to do the right thing:

  • For half an hour after vaccination, you and the child should not go beyond the clinic if the child becomes bad for the nurse to call the doctor to help.
  • On the day of vaccination, the injection site does not wet.
  • On the day of vaccination, not to give the child there is a new unusual dish, and suddenly he has an allergy to this product.
  • On this day, do not walk with a child in public places.
After vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps, a child should be under the supervision of doctors for half an hour

How does the child carry the measles, rubella, mumps?

After vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps, in 1 and 6 years the child may appear a reaction to the vaccine. Most often, in a combined vaccine, the reaction manifests itself on core component The following symptoms:

  • Red speck in the place where the vaccine was made, 1-2 days
  • Cough for 6-11 days
  • No appetite
  • There is blood from the nose (rarely)
  • The temperature rises (37.2-38.5̊c)
  • A minor rash throughout the body, in rare cases, strong

Component from mumps In combined vaccination gives less complications. They are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • A little swelling behind the ears
  • Sore throat and runny nose
  • The temperature rises from 8th to 14 days from the start of vaccination
  • Allergy

Relassic component In combined vaccination is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • The lymph nodes are increasing
  • Red spot at the injection site
  • Rises (slightly) temperature 1-2 days
  • Sometimes the pain of the whole body and joints
A large number of children have no complications after a vaccine against measles, rubella, mumps, except for a red spot at the injection site

What vaccines are used to vaccinate from measles, rubella, mumps?

A combined vaccine that is used for measles, rubella, mumps are weak, but living cells of these viruses. The following countries release them:

  • Core vaccination, mumps (Russia)
  • Rubber vaccination (Russia)
  • MMR (USA Holland)
  • "Priorix" (Belgium)
  • "Ervevak" (England)

Note. Import vaccinations come from 3 diseases immediately (measles, rubella, mumps).

Russian vaccines from measles, mumps, and separately vaccination from rubella of high -quality, are not inferior to imported, but there is a little inconvenience: Russian vaccines will have to do 2, and imported ones - one, but domestic vaccines are free, and for imported ones you will have to pay considerable money, but Previously, the vaccine needs to be found and brought to the clinic.

Belgian vaccine against measles, rubella, mumps "Prioryr"

Contraindications to the introduction of measles, rubella, mumps vaccinated

Contraindications to the introduction of measles, rubella, mumps can be constant and temporary.

It is contraindicated to be vaccinated children and adults with the following diseases and painful conditions:

  • AIDS patients
  • With oncological diseases
  • Who has an allergy to aminoglycosides (“streptomycin”, “kanamycin”, “gentamycin”, “amikacin”, “Izepamycin”)
  • Who is allergic to the protein of eggs
  • If after the first time the vaccine was introduced there was a strong complication

Temporary contraindications They mean that vaccination is possible, but after 3 months or more. These conditions include the following:

  • Immediately after chemotherapy
  • The child is sick with an infectious disease or the chronic form of the disease has worsened
  • Immediately after blood transfusion
  • After treatment with immunoglobulin

What to do if a vaccine from measles, rubella, mumps was not done in time?

If a vaccine against measles, rubella, mumps was not done in childhood, it can be made to an adult, but preferably up to 30 years. Two vaccinations are considered effective. They need to be done with a difference of at least 1 month.

And what if you do not know, did you give you a vaccine against measles, rubella, mumps or not?

  • To find out you have a vaccine or not in childhood, you need to consult a local doctor. It will give a referral to the laboratory where you will pass the tests (identification of IgG) for the presence of immunity from these three infections. If you have immunity from measles, rubella, mumps, then you need to make two vaccinations with a difference of 1 month.
Core vaccination, rubella, mumps can be done at any age

So, now we know how and when they are vaccinated against measles, rubella, mumps, and what needs to be done so that vaccination goes without complications.

Video: Do \u200b\u200byou need to vaccinate from measles, rubella, mumps

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