Fables for children and adults - funny, funny, folk, for entertainment: the most complete selection

Fables for children and adults - funny, funny, folk, for entertainment: the most complete selection

A large selection of fables for children and adults.

Fables for children and adults - funny

Fables for children and adults - funny

Fables for children and adults are ridiculous:

What is a fable?
This means - wolf and lioness
They brought their guys
By car to kindergarten.
And then - rushed into the mountains
To work in a children's city,
Where in the "Salon of Kindness"
Give the squirrels flowers.

Listen to guys,
I will sing an unlaw
The bull flies on the airplane,
The rooster plows on a pig.
Borov flies on the fence,
The leaves measure on arshin,
Collects on a needle,
So that there are no wrinkles.
Lies a cow on a ditch,
Ever -sang a sauer
The dough is knocked out and whips,
Refuels with a swan.

The horse ate weed, ate,
And she was tired of the grass.
A horse came to the store
And I bought a chocolate.

Because of the cloud, because of the mountains
Uncle Egor is going.
He is on a peg on a cart
On a creaky horse
The ax is underfoil,
On my bare foot is a caftan,
And on the head is a pocket.

The hare is sitting on the birch,
Smokes a dried boot.
The telephone column married
I took a cart from the bull.
Bull to thisget angry
And the samovar stabbed.

- They say you are alive, well?
- No, I'm lying in the hospital.
- They say you're fed up in the throat?
- No, I really want to eat
At least I will swallow the cow!

Murzik pulled out of the snow
Two -wheeled cart.
Dogs harnessed her,
They took the cat to jumps.

The cook goes on a plate,
Two pots in front,
And the pelvis is behind.
The cook shouts to him:
"Where is the Lohanka May?"
They heard cast iron
Glated like beetles.
They heard spoons
They jumped like fleas.
The poker went to dance,
And the grasp her to sing along.

Once upon a time there was Grandfather Egor
On the forest edge,
He grew up flyer
Right on the top of the head.
A moose came out from behind the bush
The mushroom was beautiful
And Egor whispered:
"We need to clean your ears."

The goat has a goiter
Two frogs live,
A bear sits on his back
Holds by the ears.

The wolf worked as a shepherd
On the "preschool farm".
I went with a fiery whip
The cow is harmful.
Pass of children-wore
On the candy field.
They told them a secret
How to study at school.
And the guys-world
Cucumbers tore the cucumbers in the field
The shepherd was treated
And they laughed: "Ha ha ha!"

The hare is sitting on the fence
In aluminum pants.
And who cares -
Maybe the hare of an astronaut.

You guys listen
I will sing an unlaw
The pig is placed on the oak
A bear is steamed in the bathhouse

Under Ovin two forty
They fried jam
Hens ate a rooster
They say dogs.

At the station in the new hall,
The cat lies without a head.
While looking for a head
The legs got up and went.

A cow floats along the river,
I overtook the ship.
There is a raven on the horns
And rowing with a straw.

Video: funny carousel - "fables"

Fables for children for entertainment

Fables for children for entertainment

Fables for children for entertainment:

Who will believe that it happens
A cat with a mouse in a hug walks.
The wolf is rolled in a stroller.
And in the evening he reads her fairy tales.
Fish sings songs like a bird.
The coward is afraid of the bunny
The toad flies from the branch to the branch ...
Who will believe that it happens?

Two bears were sitting
On a thin bitch,
One read the newspaper,
The other grinded flour.
Once ku-ku, two ku-ku,
Both flopped into flour.

Mom saw
Dad told.
Dad was surprised
He fell down the stairs.
From the stairs to the street,
From the street to the chicken,
From chicken to the rooster.
Here is such nonsense.

I praise myself not in vain
I say everyone everywhere,
That any proposal
I will repeat right away.
Vanya rode on a horse,
Led the dog on the belt
And the old woman at this time
Soap cactus on the window.
Vanya rode on a horse,
Led the dog on the belt
Well, and the cactus at this time
Washed the old woman on the window ...
Vanya rode on a horse,
Led an old woman on a belt
And the dog at this time
Soap Vanya on the window ...
I know what I say.
I said that I will repeat
So it turned out without errors,
Why boast to want?

Rada, Rada, Rada
Light birches,
And on them with joy
Roses grow.
Rada, Rada, Rada
Dark aspen,
And on them with joy
Oranges grow.
Then it did not rain from the cloud
And not hail
Then sprinkled from the cloud
And crows over the fields
Suddenly they sang nightingale.
And streams from the ground
Sweet honey flowed.
Chickens became Pavas,
Bald curly.
Even the mill and that
Loose at the bridge.
So run after me
To green meadows,
Where above the blue river
The rainbow-fool got up.
We will climb into the rainbow,
Let's play in the clouds
And from there down the rainbow
On the sleds, on skates!

Where it is visible, where it is heard
So that the bull's hen gives birth to
The piglet was demolished
Yes, he took to the shelf.
And the shelf broke off
And the testicle broke.
The sheep was dried up,
The filly dangled:
-Oh, where-it-cas!
We didn't have it like that
So that the armless chopping up is robbed,
The hungry for the bosom was wrapped,
And the blind man was peeping
And the deaf eavesdropped,
And the legless vodgol ran,
The blessed "guard" shouted!

Good fables for children and adults

Good fables for children and adults

Good fables for children and adults:

I guys once
Frusted with crucian carp.
Carace came to me
Chat about this.
He knew how to dance gopak,
The songs sang folk
And there was a mastak
The dishes are excellent.
Sewed, knitted and embroidered -
Cross and surface.
How he managed to do it -
I can't understand.
He was in all matters
For any took ...
I just didn't know how to swim
And he was afraid of water.

We have a funny elephant yesterday
He landed on the balcony.
He flew into the light
Like a huge moth.
I hear a bell at midnight at midnight.
"Who?" asked. In response, silent
I'm in the eye, and there is a vampire!
I screamed out of fear.

In the morning I was very happy
Lemonada poured from the tap!
I drank until the evening, tired
I was almost late at school.

We have a lesson yesterday,
Fantomas enters the class!
“If your teacher is strict
Can I keep a lesson for me? "

Past our quarter
The grandmother flew in a mortar.
The course took, for sure,
In Sochi, grandmother Yaga.

We switched to the left ties,
The ship brought to Mars!
Only this does not matter
After all, there is also water!

UFOs flew to us
Weighing as many as a hundred kilos!
I kicked out the whole dinner
Undefined object!

Mom promised tomorrow
Give me a dinosaur!
I will sit on top of him,
The guys will envy!

I walked by the forest and at the house
I met my friends:
One equestrian, the other on foot,
But I don’t remember who was the goblin.

I caught a snail
I tied it by the thread,
Let all dogs bark at all,
I'm walking with snails!

Behind the hunch by the road
The beast in the den settled!
Come to visit the world,
He will treat you with a seal!

In our house on Sunday
Saw tea, sweets ate,
Speaking - flew away!

I went to school on a pig,
He lost his boots on the way.
I'll look, let the pig is not angry,
And there is only one to study!

I sailed somehow on the field
Along the River of the Wide Lena.
Because it was scattered
Finded in the Yenisei!

They say who was not in Nice
He did not hear the fable!
Come to our village,
They’ll tell you not yet!

This is all, my friend, not true,
Do not judge very strictly ...
If you do not like the author,
So we are not on the way ...

Adult fables to raise mood

Adult fables to raise mood

Nebodies for adults to uplift the mood:

Ulyana, Ulyana,
Sit down in the sled,
Let's go with us
To the new village.
In the new village
In the old village
You will see a lot of diva:
Kurochka in earrings,
Goat in new ports,
Goat in the sundress
And the bull is in Kozhan
Duck in a skirt,
Spleen in the necklaces,
Cow in the mat
There is no more expensive it!
Our Danila
A cattle broke through
Both cows and bulls
They opened the kadyki
Ducks in puffs,
Cockroaches in drums;
Goat in the blue sundress
In linen pants,
In woolen stockings,
Ox and dances,
Waves his foot
The cranes went dancing
Debt of legs exhibit,
Bukh, Bukh, Bukh.

The goat family performs peasant work:
Goat flour grinds,
The goat is pouring
And small kids
They walk in barns.

I walked and asked
Different passers -by
About the red mouse
And a green horse.
And they answered me
Dozens of passers -by:
- We have not seen such
Even similar.
They smiled around:
- All this is a fantasy!
Some old man grumbled:
- Cares!

I walked through the city
Absolute and disheveled.
I asked everywhere
You won't bother me:
-Well, someone saw
Green horse
Green horse
And the red mouse?

Suddenly someone called out
Me from the window.
And I saw
Blue elephant,
Who said:
- Look for them on the pier.
Recently there
They walked by tourists
Green horse
And the red mouse.
Well, stomp rather
What are you standing?

In excitement, I came running
On the pier
Where is the white boat
He rocked with stern.
The boat was already leaving
From the pier.
Green horse
On the side stood
And the red mouse
I waved me from the stern ...
Since then, unfortunately,
We did not see each other.
You will say all this
One is not true.
Do not trust?
Ask the blue elephant.

Or maybe maybe ...
One simple fairy tale,
Or maybe not a fairy tale
Or maybe not simple
We want to tell you.
We remember her since childhood,
Or maybe not from childhood,
Or maybe we don't remember
But we will remember.

I remember Vorone,
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe the cow,
Once lucky.
Someone sent her cheese
Gram, I think two hundred,
Or maybe three hundred,
Or maybe half a kilo.

She took off her spruce
Or maybe I didn't take off
Or maybe on a palm tree
I climbed out of the run.
And there she have breakfast,
Or maybe have lunch
Or maybe have dinner
She was calmly gathered.

But then the fox ran
Or maybe I didn't run
Or maybe this is an evil ostrich,
Or maybe not evil.
Or maybe this janitor was.
He walked in rural areas
To the nearest hazel
Behind a new broom.

Listen, crow,
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow,
But also good.
You have such feathers,
You have such horns,
The hooves are very slender
And a kind soul.

And if you sing
Or maybe you will come in
Or maybe soak V
After all, the cows are mumbled
Then the saddle is large for you
Carpet and TV
As a gift they will immediately be awarded,
Or maybe they will be handed.

And a stupid crow,
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow,
How something will sing.
And from such singing,
Or maybe not singing,
Falled immediately
From laughter, all the people.

And the cheese at that raven
Or maybe dogs,
Or maybe cows,
Of course fell.
And right on the fox,
Or maybe an ostrich,
Or maybe on the janitor
I immediately hit.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis fairy tale,
Or maybe not fairy tales,
Not only an adult will understand
But even a peanut,
Do not stand and do not jump
Don't sing, don't dance
Where construction is going on,
Or a load is suspended.

I bought a ram of lamb
In the bazaar is the instrument
Baran Baranok bought it:
For lambs, for sheep
Ten poppy rings,
Nine dryers,
Eight buns
Seven cakes,
Six cheesecakes,
Five cakes,
Four pyshki,
Three cakes,
Two rugs
And one kalach bought -
I have not forgotten to myself!
And for the wife - sunflower.

The ship runs on the sea of \u200b\u200bsea,
The gray wolf is on the nose,
And the bear is attached to the sail.
Zayushka boat leads for a rope,
The fox from behind the bush stares cunningly:
How to steal a bunny,
How to tear the rope.
I went to the bast to tear a mountain.
I see that the lake floats on the ducks.
I cut down three sticks:
One spruce, another birch, third rowan.
He threw the spruce - did not respect
He threw birch - threw it.
He abandoned the mountain ash - please.
The lake fluttered, flew away,
And the ducks remained.

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late at dawn
The lady rides on foot
In the chintz carriage.

The hare on the pine is sitting -
He whistled the nest there.
And who cares
That hares have no wings?

All the birds flown:
Eyes squinted;
Sat in place.
Only there is no groom.
Would you call a rooster?

The old hare mows the hay,
And the fox rakes.
Fly of hay to the cart,
And the mosquito throws.
Brought to hay -
From the cart, the fly screamed:
“I won't go to the attic
I'll fall from there
I will break the knife,
I will be lame. "

Knock tastes, look at the goal:
True, someone is going to visit:
A whole family is going
There is a pig ahead.
Gusli the goose set up,
And a rooster with a pipe.
The cat and dog were surprised -
Even reconciled.

Funny fables for children and adults

Funny fables for children and adults

Funny fables for children and adults:

A traffic light in the sun melts,
The shepherd barks on the cat
The snowman in the corner meows,
The dump truck teaches lessons,
The chess player burns without smoke,
The spider caught a burbot,
The fisherman climbed onto the sheaf,
The red cat wrinkled his forehead.
The student brought the sand,
Foxsterier is blowing into the horn ...
We need it as soon as possible
Put everything in place!

The village was driving
Past the man.
Suddenly from under the dog
Barking the gate.
He grabbed a club
Cut the ax.
And by our cat
The fence ran.

It was in January
First of April.
It was hot in the yard
We are stiff.
On the iron bridge
Made from the boards,
There was a tall man
Low growth.
Was curly without hair,
Thin as a barrel.
He had no children
Only son and daughter

Mammoth and Papont walked on the river,
Babant and Dedant lay on the stove.
And the granddaughter was sitting on the porch
And folded the trunk into the rings.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandfather Egor is going.
He is on a sivi on a cart
On a creaky on a horse,
The ax is underfoil,
The belt for the belt will shut up
Boots wide open,
On the barefoot leg of zipun.
Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandfather Egor is going.
On the mare itself,
Wife on the cow,
Children on calves,
Grandchildren on kids.
We moved off the mountains
Damed the fire,
They eat porridge
Listen to a fairy tale.

Cats love to eat bananas,
Drink from mugs and glasses
The juice is tomato and cabbage.
Mice? - It's tasteless.

Cats love to eat potatoes,
They like to eat a little
Pumpkin, zucchini and poppies.
Let dogs eat mice

Cats love to eat jam.
They eat cookies
Crackers, lambs, drying.
Let the mice eat cuckoos.

Cats love to eat porridge.
They drink yogurt from mugs,
Drink compote and juice from plums.
Mouse to eat ugly.

Cats love to sew caftans.
They sew sundresses to the kids
From sweets and marmalade.
Children need to be beautiful.

Cats love sultry summer
Perform jazz on a clarinet.
And in student weather
Waltz is played on the basement.

Cats love in nature
Make beds in the garden,
And plant cats in the beds
Pastille and chocolate.

Cats love to make beads.
Why do watermelons take,
Also copper threads.
Beads are just a miracle, children.

The evil wild boar sharpened fangs,
The ship gave beeps
The nightingale was sitting on a branch
The outcome languished in the cage,
The cat caught his tail,
Masha taught physics,
Pinocchio ate pancakes
The tailor sewed his pants
The hedgehog was chasing mice,
Chizh flew under the clouds,
Cancer moved the mustache,
The table was set for dinner,
The kettle gurgled at the stake,
The boy jumped in the yard.

There is a sweet word - a rocket,
There is a quick word - candy.
There is an sour word - a car,
There is a word with a window - a lemon.
There is a thorny word - rain,
There is a wet word - a hedgehog.
There is a stubborn word - spruce,
There is a green word - a goal.
There is a book word - a tit,
There is a forest word - a page.
There is a funny word - snow,
There is a fluffy word - laughter.
Stop! Stop! Sorry guys.
My machine is to blame.
A mistake in the verses is not a trifle,
It is necessary to print like this:

Undead, but non -Salkhalshchina.
On the mountain of a cow barking a squirrel,
Expanding legs and bulging eyes.
Fable in faces, unprecedentedness,
Undead, but non -Salkhalshchina.

The nest was moving to the oak tree,
The nest rode, brought the children.
Fable in faces, unprecedented
Undead, but non -Salkhalshchina.

Small kids piglets
They sit on the bitch, look at the top,
They look at the tops, want to fly away.

Fable in faces, unprecedented
Undead, but non -Salkhalshchina.
The cockroach walked, walked behind the stove,
Suddenly, he walked on the white light.

Fable in faces, unprecedented
Undead, but non -Salkhalshchina.
I saw a cockroach in Lohani water:
“Is this, brothers, the sea is blue?” -

Fable in faces, unprecedented
Undead, but non -Salkhalshchina.
I saw a cockroach - they slope from the cup with spoons:
- And not that, brothers, ships run,

Are the ships running, are rowers rowing on them?
Fable in faces, unprecedented
Undead, but non -Salkhalshchina.

With marmalade in the beard
To his dad
The bear sailed in a pan
On a curly porridge!
The watermelon flies above the ground,
He sees, whistles:
-I'm mustard, I'm a lemon!
I closed for repairs!
Yam-Tirim-Tirim, in a stroller
Two mustachioed whistles
Barefoot, run-in
Catch the wind with a boot!

Video: last year's snow fell. Plasticine cartoon. Golden Collection


The best fables for children about school

The best fables for children about school

The best fables for children about school:

From hollow birch wind
Lights everything around
First -graders every evening
They build a circle from the lessons.
Everything sparkles loudly in the class -
Silence stands a pillar
The board is carrying the ears
A cabinet with a pigtail behind the forehead.
The desks seemed to be stunned -
They began to play in the nashens,
And air portfolios -
Rub the air with chalk.

The fish leafs were allowed,
The curtains bloomed together,
The numbers were surrounded by the card,
They led to visit notes.

Books, pens and penalties
Tears pour tears from fun
Only school magazines
For the marks of the nest.

Even a ball in charging
Beats, groaning, - Tik - so!
Everything is in order in our school!
Or maybe what's wrong?
Notebook on Anna Petrovna
In offense - for which she is a deuce
Put Vita?! I did not undertake to decide
A couple of tedious tasks?
But he took the dogs with a felt -tip pen!
There is no point in the center of the circle?
But the cat smiles from the leaflet!
The mouse is laughing happily with him ...
The mark is unfair!

Grounded Vasily Poslikin
And sighed: “This is yes!
The diary is fatter than the deuce
I have never seen!
On the page spread out,
Brazenly sticking out the stomach.
As if I was happy to eat
Pies for a year.
The type is plain, unfortunately,
And the terrible size!
She would be from a trough on a stump
It didn’t hurt to take an example! "

I'm too lazy to work hard
I'm too lazy to learn.
And from the sky, the five can't fall?
Either a deuce, then a three,
Then a three, then a deuce,
And mom sighs:
- "In the notebook garbage!"
I seem to try
I'm a little distracted
Then I scare the results in the notebook!
All this learning -
Solid torment!
When will the Sunday come?

The schoolboy was dreaming of Yegor,
As he ascended to Knowing the mountain.
There are five waterfall.
Oh, how Egor was glad!

He filled his pockets for the future,
Three pieces per lesson ...
The guy woke the dawn.
Looking Egor - there are no five!

The dream melted. Here is an annoyance!
You need to teach everything yourself.

School board
Ivan Petrov
Drove into longing.

Board on "Russian"
(It was not visible
From under the chalk).

And blushed
In English",
I thought:
- How is it low

Tolerate mistakes
Day after day.
I'm with shame
Grief with fire -

Errors are angry
And cold ...
Well, and Petrov
If only henna.

One day
Excellent student Masha Petrova
I brought to the first lesson ...

All day,
Observing the usual order,
He sat quietly
Among books and notebooks,
And after lessons
Petrova grabbed
I looked into the backpack -
There is no brownie!

Where did you go?
Where did he disappear?
On physics,
Did you climb under the desk?
Or maybe
He himself
At a big break
Did you move to the portfolio to Samsonov Gene?
Or maybe
Went to the school buffet
Buy yourself

The whole school that day
In the pocket of Misha Kozlov,
We searched from Viti,
We searched from Petit,
They searched in the buffet
And in the medical cabinet.
Found three nails,
Torn sneakers,
Bright from an apple,
The frog was found in someone in the portfolio ...
And here is the brownie
They could not find it.

There was no order in our school ...
Genka Samsonov
The deuce is gone!
Was in the diary -
And disappeared somewhere:
- Where did you go?
The guys do not know.
- And who was smeared yesterday between the matter
Teacher chair around the perimeter with chalk?
- Who dropped the door to the locker room?
- The window dug up a football?
- At the desk, scratched: "Seryozha + Sveta"?
- Who did all this?
- Who did all this?
But the chorus stubbornly guys say
What, they say, in everything
The brownie is to blame.

And if
By chance
In some
This will happen again
Then you
Do not rush to blame, -
First, friends, look at yourself:
Well, is it always to blame the brownie,
When in your school
Is he guilty
If anyone is in disorder
Left the textbooks
Threw notebooks?
And if you hit the window with the ball?
And here the brownie
Not to it!
Not to it!

I ask you guys:
No need, guys,
Behave like that
As if you are

Lame behavior
He sits under the desk
It is like a ghost
It has a pale look.

It is like a ghost
Secretly comes to class,
And immediately the mood
It changes with us.

And immediately revitalization,
The fall,
And even someone's singing ...

Our filths are bad.
I will tell you, however:
We guys are approximate,
The behavior is lame!

Neplie poems for children and adults about everything in the world

Neplie poems for children and adults about everything in the world

Nebitsa poems for children and adults about everything in the world:

Listen to a fairy tale, don't miss
Yes, the mistakes are forced.
The granddaughter loves vegetables:
Pear, apple, ray,
And carrot and lemon, -
He is friends with vegetables.

Two girlfriends go to the garden.
They do something wrong:
If the rain is in the yard
The umbrella is hidden as soon as possible.
The old dog looks slyly.
He has a question in his eyes:
“Leaves swim in puddles.
In the yard, probably, a cold? "

So that there is more strength,
Ira asked Medu.
Mom treated her daughter to her daughter
Spoon of sour honey,
I put a sweet lemon on top.
Didn't this mother surprise you?

Children walked
Poems composed:
“Leaf fall, leaf fall -
Snow flakes fly. ”
“Birds arrived from the south,
So, there will be a blizzard soon ” -
Thought the old sparrow.
Well, are you smarter than him?

Sanka pulled out the light -
In the yard, probably, summer?
Or autumn? Or snow?
Give the answer as soon as possible.
We ask my mother for a fur coat -
So, autumn has returned to us?
We will walk in fur coats
And collect mushrooms.
I am Narus a bouquet of daisies
And the wreath is a wip itself.
Light on chamomile,
Our winter is winter.

Wild animals
If the bear is sleeping in the den -
So summer is on the threshold.
Answer, what's right?
Are they sleeping in the den in the summer?
Green at the fox
The tail of unprecedented beauty.
And in which forest
Find the fox-beautiful?
Dunno told us
But he probably lied:
“Sasha Wolf stroked for a long time,
Because the wolf is in needles. "
“In the morning the sun gets up,
The fish sings songs ” -
One fisherman told.
Is it really so?

Our cat fell ill:
She has a leg sneezed.
Take the iris from the table,
Treat the sick pussy.
Migratory birds
On the feeder in the yard
Many birds in January:
Swinkle, bullfinch and sparrow,
Cranes and nightingale.

Winter fun
The snowman was afraid of a cold
And he ran under a warm shower.
I loved to steam very much -
Often he went to the bathhouse.

On the window we have
Alanina Cotle,
Alan sleeps under the bed
Very, very sweet.

I'm sweeping my shovel
On the nails knock with a saw,
I wash the linen with an iron,
And I dig a broom.

The teacher cooks food for us,
The cook reads fairy tales to us in the garden,
The doctor will quickly cut our hair,
And the hairdresser gives the medicine.

Clothes, shoes
Antoshka put on
Mittens on the legs,
In the hands of the boots,
A cap to horns.
Everything is wrong, everything is wrong!
Again, let's say, only how?
Sasha cries small:
“Legs freeze in felt boots.
Give me sandals
Or sovereigns are old. "

I'll sit on the plane -
His motor roars.
He rushes underground,
It will roll us with you.
The plane flies easily
Above clouds and clouds,
Above cottages, trees above,
And he sits on the roofs.

In the garden blossomed
Cacti in the beds,
And in the thorn of the nightingale
Sells sweetly
It happens?

On the planet beauty!
Rats, mice and water.
On donkeys, friends, we fly,
We wash the dust with a motorcycle.
Eat on a broomstick,
And we wash in the boiler.
We sleep on the roof and always ...
The rain flows and heat.
Sit to us, friends!
We will tell you how to do it.
We fly on the donkey
And, of course, we chat.

Counter-tobone for children and adults

Counter-tobone for children and adults

Counter-tobone for children and adults:

Under the city by the river
Dwarf dwarves live.
They have a bell hanging
The gilded calls.
Come out soon!

Skinny pike from the river
The fishermen dragged.
Pike is worse than a predatory
Than the horror story of Kashchei.
We gave her vegetables
And thoroughly fat.
Pike slapped her tail
As if clicking a whip,
And with such a stroke strong
I split the table into chips.

Behind the high mountains
There is a bear with pies.
Hello, Mishenka-Druzhok,
How much does a pie cost?
Pies are not sold,
They themselves are put in their mouths,
But who will take them,
He will go to drive.

It rolls on the ditch
Blue dress,
On the side is a green bow.
The musician loves me.
The musician is young,
Call him Volodenka.

Dora, Dora - tomato,
We caught a thief in the garden.
They began to think and guess
How to punish a thief.
We tied our hands?
And let them down on the road.
The thief walked, walked, walked
And I found the basket.
In this small basket
There are drawings and pictures.
One two Three,
Who do you want to give!

The toad jumped, galloped,
I almost fell into the swamp.
Grandfather came out of the swamp
Two hundred eighty years.
He carried herbs and flowers.
Come out of the circle.

I sailed across the sea
In the suitcase
There was a sofa
On the sofa
The elephant rode.
Who does not believe -
Get out!

Horses, horses, horses, horses,
We sat on the balcony.
They drank tea, beat the cups,
In Turkish they said.

Eni, Beni, Ricky, still,
Urba, Urba, Senderbryaki,
Eus, Daus, Cosmodeus - bam!

Aene, Ben, slave,
Queenter, Finter, toad.
Aene, Bene, Res,
Queener, Finter, Tors!

Along the path, along the path
Four prudes were walking.
And towards peas
Three potatoes passed.
If every Ponaroshka
Give for breakfast on potatoes,
Then one of the prudes
That peas will get.

At the foundry of the bridge
I caught a whale in the Neva,
He hid the window.
He ate his cat
Two cats helped ...
That's not a whale now!
Don't you believe a friend?
Go out of the circle!

Once upon a time there were a vest
Three loops and two cuffs.
If you consider them together,
Three and two, of course, five!
You just know what is the secret?
The vest has no cuffs!

Walked from the pay -in -law
Fat uncle Robinson,
And from the pay -outs on the crowd
He acquired an umbrella.
The umbrella is cheap, three -ruble,
But so healthy,
To hide under it
It would be possible three!

Nebelitsa tales for a fun company of adults

Counter-tobone for children and adults

Counter-tobone for children and adults:

red Riding Hood

Hungry red cap
I was looking for prey in the forest,
A wolf, harmless paw,
The basket is on weight.

Under a white napkin satin
Lay cakes in it,
And the wild hat is red
I did not eat eleven days!

I sensed a scarlet hat
Confectionery products.
“For a long time,” he says, “I did not eat,
But finally, lunch! "

A wolf, more carefree children,
Rode along the path to the relatives,
And jumped with rosettes cream
In a wicker basket at the bottom.

But suddenly a red hat
He was cut the path:
“Where are you going, Lapochka?
For the holiday, I suppose someone? "

“I have been in a hurry to my grandmother for a century,”
Braced, bewildered, a top. -
One of the old woman in the world I,
Native, bosom granddaughter. "

The hat was grinned all red,
Hearing about the parish's dose,
As soon as she neutered unhealthy
Rumbling in his stomach.

“Come on,” he says, “Darling,
I'll deprive you now
Your dear grandmother
I will surround my care!

And these hotels basket
I'll take it as soon as possible
And you jump into the rubber band here,
Heat your appetite! "

Red hat bowed
Kindly to the ground
And, champion, like uncultured,
With the basket disappeared in the distance.

Rushed, shameless, to my grandmother,
Sat down and brazenly visiting
She is chewing sweets, chocolate,
The cookies crunch loudly.

The hostess is blind
The granddaughter strokes the cap
And the tea is stuck with the mint,
The steam room carries milk.

And the cap, know yourself cracks,
Raising the deafening fragile,
But this cracking is sharp
I heard one lumberjack.

He appeared, very alarmed,
Putting an ax on the porch,
And immediately caught with ice cream
A deceiver in a red cap!

The hat was coughed red,
Sensing that things are bad
And then the hiccups are terrible
She took her from fright.

The unfortunate baby was walking,
Ikala is eleven days
And the buns, sweets, candy, jumped,
Cookies and gingerbread in it.

Since then, a hat has not pierced
And I went home to eat
To their birthmark with daddy
Forest path straight.

Grandma promised to grandfather
KOLOBOK SOW to dinner,
Yes, burned him in the stove -
Though the window is now swords.

Grandfather with a grandmother shouted.
The kolob was stained with a rag:
"That's the monster is black!" -
Yes, and his lab is out of the window.

Black bun rolled
In the dark forest with a weed path.
All repria in-o-oo-explosion,
Dust collected as a vacuum cleaner.

Suddenly looks: under the Christmas tree - a bunny!
Asks: “Bunny, get out!
Studge your muzzle.
I will sing a song to you:

Kolobok I'm black-black,
Over -frauded on fire,
Podged Cinderella.
I am for a grandfather with a grandfather - a shock.
Roughly thrown out the window ...
Have lunch me a little? "

But he grimaced with a scythe
And fled, spray with dew.
Black bun rolled
Further in the forest with a weed path.
A leaf stuck on his side,
And a snail, like a whistle.

Sees the wolf looping the grove,
With hunger, stunted, skinny.
“Hey, top, feel a bit!
Rap my list is simple:

Kolobok I'm black-black,
Breeding on fire.
Miserable Cinderella.
I am for a grandfather with a grandfather - shock!
Bunny - Miracle is ineffective!
Maybe you will eat me at least you? "

But the wolf snorted squeamishly
Before the singer fell silent.
Then the track stretches -
Bump ... puddle, like a bowl ...
Buekerak ... Special network ...
Look, in the raspberry bear!

Kolobok to the bear: “Hear,
Pity me, Toptyka!
I've been swinging for half a day
In somersaults he is sick of me.
I was thrown by my grandfather and my grandfather,
The bunny is also abandoned after
The Gray Wolf told me "Be" -
Maybe you like me? "

He waved Toptygin with his paw,
“Come on the chapai away from here.
There are no edible places in you.
Who will eat you this? "

So, further the path is short ...
Look, the tail of the fox flashes!
Kolobok and shout: “Hey,
Substitute the tongue soon!
Varone raven cheese!
He flies from the sky! "

Opened the mouth of the fox,
And the language is like a sausage!
Kolobok, not sewn with a bast
He took and jumped open into his mouth.
He shoved into the esophagus
Yes, and thumped into the stomach.

Kurochka Ryaba

Once upon a time there were grandfather and woman
Together with the chicken pockmarked,
And once demolished Ryaba
They are an egg, of course.

But, of course, not simple
As everyone knows already,
And not just gold,
And the work of Faberge!

Everything is decorated with stones
Precious breeds.
Everyone shines with lights,
Already in the eyes of the cycle!

Dear masterpiece of art -
Immediately visible without glasses.
Amazing feelings
He called the old people!

Jewelry poem!
Antique dream!
Not an egg, but chrysanthemum -
Oh, and glad poverty!

Grandma is dancing, Grandfather dances.
Here is a happy fate!
The motley hen is dancing.
Well, with them all the hut

The shop is dancing, the stove is dancing,
Kocherga tipsy
Rocker, spinning ground, candle
And stew on the table,

Dance walls, floorboards,
The porch led his shoulder -
There is an testicle and falling away ...
Even the mouse has nothing to do with it!

It crashed into pieces from the fly -
Apparently, a fragile copy,
Too thin work
To withstand the blow.

Immediately in tears grandfather and woman
On diamonds.
“Nothing,” Ryaba clucks, “
We will sell in parts! ”


Tired of Grandfather Turnip.
Sing it every year!
He was tired very tightly
With her in the last crop.

Even fell down with radiculitis
After hard work.
The grandmother littered with arthritis -
Directly a whole trouble!

Granddaughter, strong girl,
But suddenly that
I started to get sickbroke
From work is not easy.

The bug was tormented by shortness of breath
Cat - hernia on the navel,
And three days Ikala Mouse
Somewhere in a dark cellar.

I feel sorry for grandfather's mouse, pussy,
Bug, granddaughter and wife.
“I will put it,” grumbles, “radish,
Yes, I’ll take a rest from the turnip! "


Alone the wife and husband
Seven children grew besides.
Everyone is loved hot.
The eldest is a boy on the shoulder.
The second brother is a little lower,
He was called a boy on the chest.
Have not caught up with him yet
The third is the boy to the navel.
Then there were smaller buttons:
Twins of the boys to the priests,
A glorious boy knee
Well, the youngest certainly -
The most nimble boy with a finger,
In the rogue there is a teaser!

These people lived badly:
The acorn is dried on a dish -
That's the whole lunch ...
How to live without troubles!

And dad and mom decided
For a bad act, the most ...
There is no money on Hercules -
Took the kids to the forest,
Planted in a clearing
And they rushed to rob banks!
They robbed all the savings bank -
They bought meat for barbecue,
Mountain of all edible
And they returned to the children again,
In his boyish flower garden,
Having rolled a big picnic!

Blue Beard

There lived a strange uncle in the world
With a bright blue beard.
All the people were baptized, looking, -
I saw in this a bad sign.

Those who knew him hardly
They said he was a villain
Their poor wives in the basement
Cuts secret from people.

Relfates were also disputes,
But in reality it was like this:
The beard of his fence
He painted that eccentric at night.

A series of wavy lines
As a marine artist,
He covered the paint of blue
Wood is a clean sheet.

And people were wondering soon
Going out in the morning on the threshold,
Like the fences of the blue sea
Worried along the roads.

Bubble, straw and bast

Bubble, straw and bast
We went in the forest trees to blow.
But then they had a dispute
About who to carry an ax.
"Not for me!" - stubbornly bastoo stamped.
"Not for me!" - The bubble almost burst.
A straw shouts: “Not for me!
I'm too fragile in the back! "
"Ah well! Then sit without firewood! " -
The ax said even serpess.

sleeping Beauty

The king and queen
The daughter was born into the light,
And all their family tree
For three days it was noisy, having fun.

And only a second cousin
Great -grandmothers of the King of the King
They forgot to call for a tank
And she appeared - Voila!

But not diapers, not a dress
Brought with me as a gift
And a sophisticated curse,
Fruit of witchcraft craft!

Awesome The toast was added,
Having caught up with metaphor more frustrated.
Yes, suddenly I forgot the beginning in it.
As soon as they gave her a word ...

And stammer with excitement,
All confused words:
Like, "I am very glad that day I
Hug the cause of the celebration!
What a humble beauty -
He sleeps calmly like an angel
Although noise everywhere, tapeworm,
The floor and the ceiling are shaking!
Let your native child
The same cute will continue to be!
Well, call, if necessary
Sit with a lovely baby ... "

Seven goats

If the seven goats
Mom will be too angry
Mom calls the wolf
From the Bureau "Angry View":

Send a wolf as soon as possible
For my wobble
So that the ruff was like a Christmas tree,
And on the roar of animal LIH!

Only the most terrible,
To instill children instantly,
And not that "hero" yesterday,
That he himself faded from fear.

There is no NEW
With this shistro chantrape!
At least three send in a row
Or at once everyone in a crowd!

Find pelvuses
So that fangs are like axes
They stuck out his mouth ...
Urgently! Will you be so kind!"

Nebolits are funny for children and adults

Nebolits are funny for children and adults

Nebolits are funny for children and adults:

- Great, Nicodemus!
- Great, Yegor!
Where are you going from?
- From the Kudykin mountains.
- And how are you, Yegor, are they doing?
- They put a clip of a leg to a barefoot,
The grass is mowed by a boot,
They wear water in the lattice.
Our sled
They go themselves
And our horses are with a mustache,
Run in underground for mice.
- Why, these are cats!
- A mosquito in a basket!

Our cats live in a nest,
Fly everywhere.
We flew into the yard
They started a conversation:
"Kar, kar!"

- Why, this is a crow!
- Antamine is boiled for you!

Our raven of Ushast
It often rummages in the garden
Skok and skok
Through a bridge,
A white spot is a tail.

- Why, this is a bunny!
- In your nose, a spruce bump!

Our hare
All animals are scared.
Last winter in fierce frost
Barana's gray bunny took away.

- Why, this is a wolf!
- On the forehead you clicked!

Have you ever heard you
What are the wolves of our hornes?
The wolf shakes the beard,
I had lunch with a swan.

- Why, this is a goat!
- You are a thousand clicks!

Our goat
He went under the snag
The tail moves,
It does not tell the nets.

- Why, this is a burbot!
- No, not burbot.

We are not talking about burbot.
Burbot Nicodemus
Proud of it,
Burbot Nicodemus
It wears a hat with a sable
Does not break her before anyone
And he also does not understand jokes.

Children love chocolate.
Sleep on the clouds of horses.
It’s dark during the day. Dogs bark.
Cats fly high.
Mice love crumbs.
Swallows eat midges.
Cars on the road.
The bear is sleeping in the winter in the den,
And the fox is afraid of the hare,
And the rooster brings us eggs.
Add a cucumber to the salad.
Who listened to the verse - well done!

Children feed dad with mom
Semolina - delicious itself,
Dad "I don't want!" - Screams,
A spoon on the table knocks.

Dad goes to work.
Mom usually sleeps in bots.
Grandma sits on a branch
And an hour chatting with a neighbor.

Love crackers mice,
Mom beats them out of the slingshot.
Grandmother knits socks
From a magic moon yarn.

Mom cooks soup deliciously.
I love the compote cabbage.
It's good that I have
There is a favorite family!

Russian fables for children and adults

Russian fables for children and adults

Russian fables for children and adults:

Here is a bud. And here is the can.
Here is a can. And here is a python.
Baton is baked in the stove,
Python creeps along the grass,
And there is concrete at the construction site,
Repeat you to the tone and you:

Where is the bud and where the loaf,
Where is the can, and where is the python,
Well, where is concrete.

One, two, three, four, five,
I'm starting to repeat.
A bud is baked in the stove,
And the loaf is pushed into the buttonhole,
A can crawls along the grass,
Milk flows into concrete,
And there is a python at the construction site.

No not like this! No not like this!
Tell me yourself: how?
Understand yourself
Where is the bud, and where is the python,
Well, where is the concrete.

In one country,
In the wonderful country,
Where do not go
You and me
Black boot with tongue
In the morning the milk is varnishing
And all day in the window
The eye looks at the potato.
The bottle sings with a neck,
Gives concerts in the evening,
And a chair on bent legs
Dancing under the accordion.
In one country,
In a wonderful country ...
Why don't you believe me?

In the yellow meadow,
Where the nonsense grows,
Like ink
I met
Crocodile with a rooster's head
A rooster with a crocodile's head.

And both said such words:
- What a wonderful one
You have a head!
I may be wrong
But it seems to me that you
Worthy soon
My head.

- Want to change? -
The rooster suggested.
- Excellent! Let's! -
The crocodile said.
Exchanging such words,
They changed their heads.

And everyone thought:
“Beautiful on the marvel!
I deceived him
Eccentric ".
And left
With the head of the crocodile
And the rooster -
With the head of a rooster.

On funny,
On green
Horizontal islands,
According to scientists,
Everyone walks
On the head!

They say,
What lives there
Three -headed sperm whale,
He plays the piano himself
He dances himself
Sings himself!

In the mountains on the scooter
Go there
Gobies in tomato!
And one scientist cat
Even leads

There are growing pears on Verb,
And marmalade,
And by sea, as if by land,
Hares jump
They say!

Teach in schools!
In a nutshell,
On those funny
Horizon Islands!

Sometimes I'm sorry a little
What's nothing -
Neither me nor you! -
Do not find anywhere
The road
To these glorious islands!

Nebilia from the cartoon for children and adults

Nebilia from the cartoon for children and adults

Nebilia from the cartoon for children and adults:

Like our Miron
A raven sits on the nose.
And on the tree of the ruff
Build nests from noodles.
Sat on the steamboat
And went to the garden.
In the garden in the garden
Chocolate grows.
Like ours at the gate
A miracle is growing.
Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle
Permanent! Not leaflets on it,
Not flowers on it,
And stockings and shoes,
Like apples!
Mom will go through the garden
Mom from a tree will tear off
Shoes, boots.
New Hacks.
Dad will go through the garden
Dad will tear off the tree
Masha - Gamashi,
Zinka - boots,
Ninka - stockings,
And for Murochka are such
Tiny blue
Knitted shoes
And with pompom!
Here is what tree,
Wonderful tree!
Hey you guys
Naked heels,
Torn boots,
Who needs boots
Run to a miracle-ruff!
Bast shoes are ripe
The felt boots ripened
What are you yawning
Do you cut them off?
Tear them, wretched!
Tear, barefoot!
You don't have to again
Flaunt in the cold
Naked heels!

The bears rode
On a bicycle.
And behind them the cat
And behind him is mosquitoes
On a balloon.
And behind them are crayfish
On a lame dog.
Wolves on the mare.
Lions in the car.
Bunnies in the tram.
Toad on a broomstick ... go and laugh,
Gingerbread cooks.
Suddenly from the gateway
A terrible giant,
Red and mustachioed
Cockroach, cockroach, cockroach!
He growls and screams
And the mustache moves:
“Wait, do not rush
I will swallow you in an instant!
I swallow, swallow, I won’t have mercy. ”
The animals trembled
They fainted.
Wolves from fright
They eaten each other.
Poor crocodile
The toad swallowed.
And the elephant, all trembling
So and sat on a hedgehog.
Only crayfish crash
Not afraid of fighting fights:
Although they will back
But they move a mustache
And they shout to the giant mustachioed:
“Do not scream and do not growl,
We ourselves are barbeling
We can ourselves
Move a mustache! "
And back they backed away even further.
And he said hippo
Crocodiles and whales:
“Who is not afraid of the villain
And he will fight the monster,
I am a hero
I will give two frogs
And I'll please the spruce bump! ”
“We are not afraid of him,
Your giant:
We are teeth
We are fangs
We are his hooves! "
And cheerful with a crowd
The animals rushed into battle.
But when you see a barbel
(Ah ah ah!),
The animals gave Stepachach
(Ah ah ah!).
In the forests, in the fields scattered:
The cockroach mustache was frightened.
And cried out hippo:
“What a shame, what a shame!
Hey bulls and rhinos,
Come out of the den
And the enemy
On the horns
Raise! "
But bulls and rhinos
Respond from the den:
“We would be enemy
On the horns would.
Only the skin of the road,
And the horns today too
Not cheap ",
And sit and tremble
Under the bushes,
They hide behind the swamps
Crocodiles in nettles
And in the ditch elephants
Only you can hear
How teeth knock
Only visible
How the ears tremble.
And dashing monkeys
They picked up suitcases
And rather from all legs
Office. And the shark snapped,
Only a tail waved.
And behind it is a karakatitsa -
So it bothers,
So it rolls.

Video: Cartoon: Fables in Persons

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