Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: reviews. The stretch ceiling in the bathroom, which is better?

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: reviews. The stretch ceiling in the bathroom, which is better?

Rules for choosing materials for suspended ceilings in the bathroom.

For several decades stretch films for several decades have been one of the most common materials used in the repair. In the bedroom and living room, this option is considered one of the best and most economically profitable. But in the process of repairing the bathroom, many doubt whether it is worth installing a stretch ceiling. If we take into account the assortment of materials that perfectly withstand temperature changes and a high level of humidity, then PVC film is ideal.

Is it possible to install stretch ceilings in the bathroom, how to do it correctly?

A few decades ago, the most optimal finishing material that was used to repair the ceiling in the bathroom was plastic. However, it looks cheap, visually reduces a room that does not differ in a large area. Therefore, more and more people prefer PVC film during the repair in the bathroom and bathroom.

You can in the bath of the stretch ceiling:

  • In order for such material to serve for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to several rules. Most of the owners of houses who cannot boast of a large area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom want to expand the space without a “theft” of extra centimeters. This issue is especially relevant for the owners of Khrushchevs, the height of the room in which does not reach 2.70 m. 
  • You should not worry, because stretch ceilings during the installation are taken very little. With proper installation, it will be possible to maintain a height, and even visually expand the room. Therefore, in rooms with a small area, glossy plain ceilings are considered the best option, which are installed in one level. In this case, a lot of attention should be paid to lighting devices. 
  • The main task when installing a stretch ceiling -Correctly calculate the area, as well as the distance from the solid surface to the PVC film. The larger the gap between the film and the ceiling, the better. This improves air circulation and reduces the possibility of mold to zero.  If ordinary fabric canvases breathe, then there is no glossy PVC film. The main problem is the formation of a significant amount of mold and fungus in the lamp space, as well as the accumulation of condensate on the surface of the film. To avoid accumulation of condensate and moisture, natural ventilation is not enough.
  • Forced ventilation is needed, Moreover, installed not on the wall, but on the ceiling. That is why, before the installation of a stretch ceiling, it is recommended to lay a ventilation move to the channel, which is located in the wall. It is necessary that the hood is on the ceiling. This most efficiently eliminates moisture, removes it from the room, preventing the formation of mold and fungus. It is worth refusing to install stretch films if high -quality exhaust ventilation is not provided. 
Multi -level design
Multi -level design

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: pluses

A wide range of decorative solutions allows you to carry out repairs in any style. In addition, stretch ceilings are durable, because their service life is more than 15 years. In addition, during operation, even with significant changes in temperature and humidity, PVC films do not deteriorate, look like new ones.

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom, pluses:

  • High installation speed. This is due to the fact that the entire amount of work can be performed in a few hours. Given the small dimensions of the bathroom, the work is performed extremely quickly. It is done at the very end, after laying the tiles. 
  • The minimum amount of dirt and garbage during installation. Thus, after installing stretch ceilings, there is no need to wash the floor and contaminated tiles. 
  • Saving money. Bathroom is a room in which high humidity is observed. Very often, mold forms on the ceilings made of drywall. On PVC film, the fungus does not grow, the room remains clean, beautiful longer. 
  • The ability to hide the wiring, other communications. It also saves funds in the process of updating the wiring. After all, you do not need to cut the strokes and put a cable in them. 
  • Another advantage is the simplicity of leaving and repair. The fact is that the neighbors are not always of reliability. Often, in apartment buildings, the bathroom is a weak place in which sinks and flooding from neighbors are often visible.
  • With stretch ceilings, the situation is simplified, so there are no traces of mold on them, and the water that has flowed can be drained with the help of specialists. It is enough to drain the water through the hole in the ceiling, which is designed for lighting devices, and smooth it using a gas gun.
Stretch film
Stretch film

The stretch ceiling in the bathroom, which is better?

However, such ceilings have a number of disadvantages. The most basic is a width restriction. For standard bathrooms in apartment buildings, this problem does not exist, since most of these premises cannot boast of a large area. If, nevertheless, the bathroom is large in size, then it is best to mount multi -level structures so that there are no joints of two paintings from PVC. 

Separately, you should pay attention to the choice of color scheme. At the moment, there are both color films and plain on sale. You can even make photo printing. However, due to limited space, and a small area, the ideal option is plain coatings. It is also worth avoiding the appearance of a significant number of speakers. 

Stretch ceiling in the bathroom, which is better:

  • Stretch ceilings can be divided into PVC film and cloths on a fabric base. The ideal option for the bathroom is PVC film. Fabric -based finishing materials do not protect against moisture from exposure, and can occur in the process of flooding. In addition, this destroys the structure of the fiber, and makes the coating unusable. Therefore, the most optimal option is PVC film, which are distinguished by a wide color scheme, a large number of stylistic solutions. 
  • Many owners of large houses do not want a stretch ceiling with a glossy shine, as it looks cheap. In fact, glossy coating is well suited for small rooms that must be visually expanded. However, in this case, it is necessary to be very attentive to the choice of lighting. For such premises, the best option is lateral lamps that are not reflected from the ceiling, but directed to the walls. Therefore, if you use ordinary luminaires, gear with yellow light, it does not look very aesthetically pleasing and “steals” the space. Therefore, for bathrooms with a large area, it is worth giving preference not to glossy canvases, but by matte. Such repair looks expensive, and almost indistinguishable from plaster. 
  • During the installation of a stretch ceiling, it is necessary to give preference to single -tier structures. There are rooms in which combined constructions made of drywall and stretch PVC tenes look very beautiful and unusual. It is possible to achieve a non -standard shape and texture of the ceiling. However, the bathroom is a small room. Therefore, the best option is single -level structures. They do not steal space, visually expanding it. 
With backlighting in the lamb space
With backlighting in the lamb space

How can stretch ceilings be washed in the bathroom?

Licking stains and soap drops are very difficult to remove from the fabric surfaces, so it is best to give preference to PVC film from a matte or glossy canvas. The choice of a particular material depends on the preferences of the owner. However, drops of detergents are easily removed from both glossy and matte surfaces. 

How can you wash stretch ceilings:

  • Many questions arise regarding cleaning and washing PVC tin. To remove drops from the surface of the film, it is enough to use a microfiber moistened with warm water. However, sometimes, after such an effect, the drops are not washed out. In this case, you can use a soap solution. In no case should you use bulk substances with a high content of abrasives to clean the PVC tale. They scratch the glossy surface, can ruin the ceiling. For cleaning, it is recommended to use exclusively liquid agents. These are tools based on solvents that operate quickly, are easily applied and removed without traces. 
  • It copes well with the removal of stains and divorces. It is best to choose a tool that contains ammonia or ethyl alcohol. Many questions arise relative to the washing of fabric ceilings. Unlike conventional PVC tanes from a glossy or matte fabric, they are not allowed to wash using aggressive means. For tissue structures, products with ethyl alcohol or ammonia are not suitable. Therefore, before installing such a ceiling in the bathroom, you need to think a hundred times, since they are very capricious in care.
  • In no case do not use aggressive solvents, for example, White Spirit or acetone, to clean any types of suspended ceilings. They damage the surface of the PVC film, destroying it. The best option is to purchase special tools designed to clean such surfaces. Basically, they are sold in bottles with a spray and easily applied to the surface. There are no traces, as they contain all the necessary components. They contain antistatics that prevent dust from the dust on the film. Do not use solutions made from ordinary washing powder for cleaning. It may contain abrasive particles, and will lead to scratches. In any case, before cleaning, you need to try the product on an inconspicuous piece of ceiling in the corner. If there are no spots, the canvas is not destroyed, it is possible to clean the entire area. You can’t use brushes with a hard pile for cleaning. Only a sponge, flannel tissue and microfiber. 

How can you wash stretch ceilings, professional tools:

  • Mr. Proper
  • Fairy
  • Myth
  • Biolan
Little bathroom
Little bathroom

Hood in a stretch ceiling in the bathroom

Many owners of small apartments are careful about PVC film, because they do not understand how to care for them. Indeed, in bathrooms, with a poorly equipped hood, droplets of water, detergent often settle on the surface. Thus, after just a few bathing they look stained, untidy.To prevent this from happening, it is best to install a device with forced ventilation, so that in the process of bathing, pull the pairs, preventing the settling of droplets on the surface of the film. Such drops are removed quite simply using wet microfiber tissue. No need to use aggressive detergents, since PVC films poorly absorb pollution. 

AT styozhaka in a stretch ceiling in the bathroom:

  • Despite the fact that PVC is artificial material, it still has a number of shortcomings when installing in the bathroom. Between the ceiling and the PVC film, airspace remains that does not breathe. Streams of air do not penetrate into it, moisture accumulates there. When exposed to steam during bathing, heat the air. This contributes to the growth of mold. Thus, soon mold can form on the back of the PVC film. In the same way, the fungus will grow on the surface of the ceiling, which is closed. The same happens in case of flooding. Despite the fact that water can be drained from a stretch ceiling, but there will be moisture that is on the surface of the plate. Accordingly, it is on the solid surface that mold and fungus will grow.
  • Conditions without access and air circulation contribute to this. If you remove the stretch ceiling, then the surface of the walls at the top will be covered with a fungus. That is why the main task is to devote a lot of attention to ventilation. Ventilation in ordinary panel houses does not always work well. Mine are clogged with construction garbage or leaves. Therefore, the air does not circulate normally. The optimal installation of forced ventilation is optimal. That is, a special fan is inserted into the hole for ventilation, which will stretch the air and steam outward. The larger the bathroom, the air circulation is better, the less likely the formation of mold and fungus. 
In a gypsum plastic box
In a gypsum plastic box

Stretch ceiling in the bathroom: reviews

Sometimes difficulties arise with cleaning stretch matte ceilings. Dirt and dust can clog in the recesses. In this case, it is worth using a special solution with antistatic. Such substances are added to some means for washing the ceiling, which reduces dust settlement.Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of people who installed stretch ceilings in the bathroom. 

Stretch ceiling in the bathroom, reviews:

Olga. Two years ago, we still decided on a stretch ceiling in the bathroom. The solution was not easy for us, since the humidity in the room is high. The specialist explained the need for high -quality exhaust ventilation, which we did not have. I had to spend 2 weeks to clean the ventilation shaft, which was scored by perennial garbage, leaves. After that, a special channel was equipped to install the grille on the ceiling. The specialist completed the work in just a few hours. For two years we enjoy the repair in the bathroom and a beautiful stretch ceiling. Everything sparkles and shines. It is necessary to carefully take the shower so that the drops do not fly on the ceiling, as well as constantly turn on exhaust ventilation during bathing, so that small droplets of steam and condensate quickly leave the room. It is washed the ceiling perfectly, for this I do not use special tools. I usually use Fairy. 

Veronica. My dream of a large bathroom with a matte white ceiling and LED light has come true. Thanks to this multi -level structure, it was possible to visually raise the ceiling and expand the room. It looks very harmonious, there are no problems with the ceiling. My usual mop with a removable microfiber rag. Separately, I keep rags to guide cleanliness in the bathroom. You can not use the abrasive cleaning, as the master has forbidden to use these products so as not to scratch the surface. 

Svetlana. Installed a stretch ceiling several years ago. My dream is a black and white bathroom with a black ceiling. There are more worries associated with cleaning. All the steam, despite the hood turned on, still covers the glossy tile and ceiling with small droplets. From time to time, you have to use microfiber to wipe traces. Now we thought about the additional installation of another fan. After all, we have a large family, children often take a shower, bathe. Perhaps due to a large amount of condensate, a plaque of drops appears. For three years, the neighbors drowned twice. It was safely possible to drain the entire liquid with the restoration of the surface. 

Multi -level design
Multi -level design

Read on the topic:

The main difficulty that faces during the cleaning of suspended ceilings is the appearance of divorces. In almost 100% of cases, divorces appear after using soap water or fairies. This tool removes dust well, the remaining fat, but at the same time often provokes stains. To remove them, it is enough to prepare a weak solution of ammonia. It is necessary to dissolve the bottle of 30 ml in a half-liter jar of water. It is necessary to moisten the microfiber with liquid, wipe the pollution and spots. 

Video: stretch ceilings in the bathroom

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