Folk signs for January about the weather, nature associated with church holidays, for every day: description, customs, rites, what is possible and what cannot be done. Wedding, marry, get married, be born in January: signs

Folk signs for January about the weather, nature associated with church holidays, for every day: description, customs, rites, what is possible and what cannot be done. Wedding, marry, get married, be born in January: signs

The article contains all January signs that will help to avoid mistakes and diversify every day of the first month of winter.

Folk signs for January about the weather: Description, for children

  • If this year was frosty January, then next year it will be warm enough.
  • Relatively warm January can warn about the cold March and, accordingly, in late spring.
  • Severe frosts at the beginning of the month are a sign of hot and dry summer. In addition, January frosts promise the lack of summer rains with hail.
  • Snow January is a sign of rainy summer summer.

Read more about the January signs for every day on the text.

Folk signs for January about nature: Description, for children

  • Cold January without precipitation portends a poor harvest of mushrooms.
  • The longer January icicles grow and the more of them on the roofs, the more abundant the crop in the fields and in the gardens.
  • If a woodpecker is heard in the forest, then spring will be early.
  • Epiphany frosts, which surpass Christmas and Sretensky, predict a fruitful summer.

Read more about the January signs for every day on the text.

Folk signs for January for every day

Methods for determining the weather: observing the clouds.
Methods for determining the weather: observing the clouds.

1st of January

  • Strong wind - to the abundant harvest of nuts.
  • A clear night - by the berry year. In addition, legumes will please the crop.
  • A warm day promised a fruitful year for rye.
  • Small snow - to a good harvest of wheat.
  • On this day it was determined what the first day of summer will be.
  • If the wind is small, clear, smelter weather will last long.
  • I hoop on trees predicts a good honey collection in June.

January 2

  • A good sign on this day was considered to shake fruit trees, cleansing them of snow or hoarfrost. Shaking the trees, do not forget to frighten them a little in the spring, because such a ritual of intimidation promises a generous fruit crop. This tradition has pre -Christian roots.
  • According to the weather on this day, they made a forecast for August: the most “apple” month of the year. At the same time, according to the weather, apple saved was determined what the next January will be.
  • The day is gloomy, cloudy - to the early warming.
  • Bright star night - by a clear day.
  • A loud singing of tits is heard - to a prolonged cooling.

January 3

Weather forecasting methods: Trees observation
Weather forecasting methods: observing the trees
  • The ambulance indicates the bright red sun, which rises on this day.
  • If the echo is loud - to be frost.

4 January

  • Clouds going against the wind will bring snowstorms.

5 January

  • The windy day promised a fruitful year. However, a windy day with wet snow promised a cold and raw summer.

January 6

  • Frost promises a fruitful year.
  • The clear starry sky promises a generous harvest of berries and mushrooms.
  • If the paths are trampled to the ground, there will be a rich harvest of buckwheat.

January 7

  • The thaw on this day promises that spring will be warm and early.
  • Frost predicts severe baptismal frosts.
  • The new moon on Christmas predicts a bad crop.

January 8

  • Frosty day to cold summer.
  • The sunny morning promises a plentiful crop of millet.

January 9

  • There were no special signs on this day.

January 10

  • I hoop on trees - to prosperity.
  • The calm promises a rich harvest.
  • Snowfall with large snow flakes - to an ambulance. The blizzard predicts an inclement summer.

January 11

  • If the day is warm, then spring will delight with warmth.

January 12

  • Usually this day is very frosty.
  • The west wind will catch up with a lot of fish.
  • A loud sparrow tweet - to heat.
Weather determination methods: observation of animals
Weather determination methods: observing animals

13th of January

  • The wind from the south - to good fishing.
  • A warm day predicts the cold summer.
  • The new moon indicates that there will be no spring flood.

January 14

  • The snow morning promises late spring.
  • The north wind promised the cold summer, the western - carried summer squalls, and the eastern drought.

January 15

  • Early cocks - to the thaw.
  • The cocking scream in the late evening promises a change of weather.
  • A snow storm on this day can inflate frosts.

January 16

  • On this day the weather was determined for March.

January 17

  • The full moon that fell on this date predicted the flood.
Weather forecasting methods: watching the moon and stars
Weather forecasting methods: watching the moon and stars

January 18

  • According to the weather on this day, the weather was determined for Shrovetide. You can read about traditions for Shrovetide week here.
  • A strong wind from the south that day warns of a rainy summer.

January 19

  • If the water in the Epiphany’s hole has reached the edges, be a flood.
  • The blizzard that began for baptism will continue until the end of winter. Snow on this day promises a plentiful crop of grain and a very successful summer.

January 20th

  • Clear weather promises a dry summer.

January 21

  • On this day the weather was determined for August.

January 22

  • On this day the weather is determined in September.

January 23

  • The southern winds promise June bad weather.

January 24

  • The icicles on the roofs promise warm February.
  • The thaw on this day predicts late and short spring.

The 25th of January

  • Starry sky by early spring.

January 26

  • The chirping tits call on early spring.
Weather determination methods: Wind observation
Weather determination methods: observing the wind

January 27

  • There are no special signs.

28 January

  • A windy day promises a lot of snow/rain for a whole year.

January 29

  • Frost on this day to dry and hot summer.

January 30

  • Thaw - to dry spring.

Folk signs, customs, rites for January related to church holidays: what is possible and what cannot be done

the date Recommendations

Orthodox Christians continue the post, therefore, the consumption of animal products and sweets should be avoided.

On New Year's Eve, you should not borrow and take out the garbage.

On this day, it is good to go to church and will pray St. Vonifatia about healing from various diseases, including From alcoholism. If your family has a military, pray St. Ilya Muromets, who is their patron.


The day of the protection of houses from the evil eye and evil forces.

On this day, they were engaged in cleaning, minor repairs, purchasing products for Christmas.

For fasting - a day of raw food diet.


On this day, a small silver item was necessarily laid out in a prominent place, believing that this would protect the family from an evil eye.

In the morning they tried to wash themselves with cold spring water. It was believed that this ritual would give a person with health and beauty for the whole year.

You can’t make promises, oaths, make compliments on this day, say wishes - everything will happen exactly the opposite.


On the day of Anastasia, they pray about the health and happiness of children and pregnant women. In addition, St. Anastasia is considered the patroness of innocently convicted.

Today you can’t beat animals in order to avoid trouble and diseases in the house.

Previously, on this day they certainly cooked porridge and fed women and children to protect them from all misfortune.


On this day they pray to the Virgin.

It is recommended to avoid contact with sharp objects. It was believed that the cut on this day would bring illness and suffering for the whole year. That is why it is advisable not to plan surgical operations for this date.

It was not customary to pick up/shorten clothes so as not to shorten your life expectancy.


On this day, chickens were not fed. It was believed that this would protect garden from bird raids.

You can’t take out the garbage into the Christmas Eve. It was collected in a secluded place, and then burned.

They did not engage in needlework that day. Black clothes were banned.

It was recommended to take a steam bath. It was believed that this would bring health for a whole year.

7 The first to let the man be let into the house so that there was luck all year.

On this day, St. David, who patronizes the musicians. In addition, in families it is customary to read the recently given women and midwives.

Small children are raised above their heads today to grow strong and strong.

9 On this day, pies with different fillings and honey gingerbreads in the form of sheep, horses, cows and shepherds were baked. Gingerbreads decorated the house and gave guests and relatives.
10 Christmas meat -eater and the beginning of wedding festivities. Be sure to come to the red hill, tied a bright tape on a special peg and made a desire.

In the stake, pegs brought from a red slide were burned. This ritual was supposed to ensure the fulfillment of all desires and protection against troubles.

The day was considered very favorable for all evil spirits, so they tried not to go outside after sunset.

To protect children from the influence of dark forces, they necessarily put a metal object under the berth: a sickle, a hammer, etc.


On this day, it was customary to cut cattle and arrange a boar hunt.

With gastric ailments, they went to the temple and asked for St. Anisia about healing.

13 Today they do not recalculate small coins so as not to cry in the coming year. In addition, be sure to accept the carlyaders in the house.

Traditionally, on this day they cooked kutu and ate it with the whole family.

The table today should be diverse and satisfying. You can not slander and allow sad thoughts.

15 On this day, they tried not to eat meat, especially the bird.

The only day of the year in which you can be healed with obsession with dark forces, epilepsy and relieve even the most severe damage.

For dinner, dishes with cottage cheese were sure to prepare.

On this day, they tried not to brag about achievements, so as not to jinx themselves.

17 Rites are carried out to cleanse the dwelling of evil forces introducing a person into sin.
18 It was believed that not only water, but also snow has miraculous power. Epiphany washed with baptismal snow, applied him to sick places, fed their pets and birds, threw it into the well.

Be sure to plunge into the ice hole or at least wash with Epiphany water.

On this day, heaven is opened, so the most cherished desires can come true.


In the morning, on an empty stomach, you should drink Epiphany water. This will be the key to health for the whole year. But on this day you can’t wash yourself to avoid deception in the future.

Perhaps this is the only day of the year when it is recommended to sip alcohol.

On this day, it is good to conduct a rite of baptism.

21 The day when it is customary to visit the godsoners, godparents and Kumovs.
22 Be sure to go to the bathhouse in order to wash off the Christmas time and tune in to work.

Be sure to bring a handful of hay into the house. It was believed that this would bring good luck.

They could not stand the garbage so that they would not throw out well -being with him.

Be sure to prepare a meat dish for a generous table all year round.

24 On this day, our ancestors fought with a shabby with the help of fumigation of dwellings unpleasantly smelling compounds.
25 If you need help in learning, you must definitely visit the festive service.
26 The main character of the day is a cat. It was believed that on this day cats are able to heal a person from all diseases, especially if the sick person will sit all day in a place for a cat. But it is categorically impossible to fall asleep next to the cat on this day.
27 On this day, it was believed that cow's milk acquires miraculous properties and is able to heal from diseases and protect from misfortunes.
28 In the old days, they believed that this was the day of sorcerers, so they tried to protect themselves from the influence of dark forces.
29 There were no special recommendations for this day.
30 They baked round cookies and treated them to the children to attract spring.

Wedding, marriage, wedding in January: signs

Winter Wedding: Photoshoots of Zhenyah and Bride
Winter Wedding: Photoshoots of Zhenyah and Bride

On January 10, the wedding period began, which corresponded to the winter meat -eater. The winter weddingshop continued before the start of the Easter post.

The period from 14 to January 17, inclusive, was considered a period of rampant dark forces. They tried to refrain from wedding feasts. Wedding rites were not held during large church holidays.

The festivities were considered the ideal January date for matchmaking or wedding.

You can read more about wedding signs by clicking on link.

Born in January: signs

  • On January 1, people consisting of contradictions are born.
  • Born in Ignatiev, day (January 2), were considered people who are very tied to the family and the report of the house.
  • Very household people are born on January 3.
  • The light birth of God is promised by St. Anastasia, which is glorified on January 4. Children born on this day are healthy, beautiful and very prosperous.
  • It was believed that children born after the evening dawn on January 5th will be especially happy.
  • Born 6 January - lucky in everything: from good health and ending with financial well -being. We can also say about those who were born on January 7th.
  • On January 8, good masters are born, about which “golden hands” are said.
  • Born on January 9-10, beautiful owners, for whom the family will always be in the first place.
  • Idealists and philosophers come to the world on January 11.
  • On January 12, good hunters and carpenters from God are born.
  • Born on January 13, have a gift of foresight.
  • People born on January 14 are inquisitive and stubborn.
  • On January 15, bright and charismatic personalities are born.
  • In harmony with themselves and the surrounding world, people born on January 16 live. At the same time, born on January 17, there are amazing insight in business.
  • Eternal children are born on January 18. These are, most often, pure and naive people who love laughter and jokes.
  • About those born on January 19, they say that they are lucky in life, and optimists are born on January 20, easily overcoming all problems.
  • January 21 - the day when people are born with the characteristic "I see the goal - I see no obstacles."
  • Peacekeepers are born on January 22.
  • On January 23, strong in spirit and good health are born.
  • On January 24, those who will be imitated and who will admire them are born.
  • Traditionally, January 25 is considered a female date. However, boys born on this day find themselves in social activities. And on January 26, homebody is born.
  • Born on January 27 are very talented. But a light and frivolous attitude to life can ruin their future.
  • On January 28, those who are capable of heroic deeds are born, and 29 - good owners whose house is a complete bowl.
  • On January 30, merry and optimists are born.

Be sure to use the name for boys born in January.

January 7 - Christmas: signs

Kutia - a traditional dish of a Christmas table
Kutia - a traditional dish of a Christmas table

Be sure to visit the festive service. You can read about holiday services in Orthodox churches by clicking on link.

On this day, you need to think about good and joyful, avoiding the thoughts of sadness and sadness. A wonderful day in order to ask the universe for the fulfillment of secret desires. How to do it right, read here.

January 12 at Anisya: signs

  • You can not salt food so as not to bring trouble for the family.
  • If you have found a handkerchief on the road, then you are damaged.
  • To avoid a bad eye, on this day they do not accept gifts from unfamiliar or simply unpleasant people.
  • The Anisia dreams of prophetic dreams. So the dream associated with the ground predicted death in the family. Dreams about weddings could warn about quarrels in a circle of loved ones.
  • On this day, women were not engaged in needlework.

Signs for the old New Year

  • Most of the signs of this day are associated with Kutya, since it was a ritual dish.
  • Kutia was supposed to be tasty and rich, and the pot, in which the porridge was cooked - intact. If the porridge was bitter, and the pot cracked during cooking - this was regarded as a bad sign.
  • To avoid trouble, a pot with a failed porridge was drowned in the nearest ice hole.
  • In addition, on this day, a lot of pork dishes were served. It was believed that the more generous the table, the more successful the year will be.
  • It is better not to borrow on this day and not to loan.
  • Clothing for this day should be neat, and ideally new.

Signs for baptism

Baptism is one of the largest annual holidays among Orthodox Christians, including Pagan roots. Accordingly, the holiday was accompanied by many signs. You can read more about the Epiphany signs here and here.

Video: Folk signs for January

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