How is a cheerful Russian Shrovetide celebrated in Russia by day of the week? Traditions and rituals of the folk festival of Shrovetide: burning stuffed, wheel, bear, mummers, fist fights

How is a cheerful Russian Shrovetide celebrated in Russia by day of the week? Traditions and rituals of the folk festival of Shrovetide: burning stuffed, wheel, bear, mummers, fist fights

Shrovetide is a holiday that allows you to say goodbye to the load of past grievances and start life from a clean page.

The oily week is filled with warm family traditions, funny festivities, congratulations and delicious pancakes. This is what the article tells about this.

Symbols of the festival of Shrovetide

Shrovetide is a vivid example of the interweaving of pagan and Christian traditions. The beginning of the holiday was laid by pagan festivals in honor of the Slavic god Yaril and the god of Veles. Shields of Shrovetide have pagan roots.

Shrovetide - Pancake Feast

In pre -Christian Russia, pancakes were considered sacrificial bread and were brought as a gift to pagan gods.

There is a hypothesis that the pancake of the pancake was oatmeal jelly, which was unsuccessfully warmed up on fire and received a sprayed thin cake. Over time, pancakes began to be prepared from wheat, rye, buckwheat flour.

Important: it was believed that pancakes need to be eaten only with your hands. If you cut them with a knife or prick them with a fork, you can get trouble into the house. That is why many of us eat pancakes, folding envelopes or rolling a tube.

Historical fact: Pancakes became the main treat of oil only in the 19th century.

Building at Shrovetide

Another sign image of Shrovetide is the straw stuffed up of Marena. Marena is one of the strongest goddesses of the Slavic pantheon. It was she who was subject to winter, death, night.

The destruction of the scarecrow-male was provided by an imminent arrival of heat, a good harvest, protection from all misfortune for the whole community, and imminent weddings for young people.

In the oily tradition, Maren is greeted as a dear guest at the beginning of the festive week. That is why the pancake Monday is called the "meeting." At the end of the week, a straw doll is burned at the stake. According to ethnographers, Moren in this case acts as a messenger to the Higher Forces. Its main purpose is to convey the wishes and hopes of the community to the gods.

Bear and mummers on Shrovetide: photo

Mowing in bear skins is an indispensable attribute of all oil festivities. But few people know that their appearance is also owed to the Gentiles. On the day of the solar solstice, the Slavs revered the god Veles, mainly of which was a bear.

In the ancient Slavic language, the bear was designated by the word "com". The holiday dedicated to Veles was called "Komeditsa."

It was the pre -Christian "Komedians" that reincarnated in the cheese week (Shrovetide).

Wheel for Shrovetide - a symbol of the holiday

A brightly decorated wheel on Shrovetide is a solar symbol, because the Slavs represented the sun in the image of a wheel rolling along the sky. That is why one of the most popular ritual fun on the oil week was the tradition of rolling lighted wheels along the roads.

In addition, the wheel decorated with ribbons was attached to the pole and worn through the streets during festive processions. Around the pillar with a wheel, round dances were driven.

How the meeting of Shrovetide celebrates: the name of Shrovetide days and their meaning

The whole cheese week consisted of many rites, games, ritual actions. All of them were streamlined in accordance with the calendar days of the week. Every day Maslyana had its own rules and traditions.

Narrow Shrovetide: Monday - Day matchmakers


We met a straw scarecrow of Marens-Maslenitsa:

Hello, annual Maslenitsa,
Our guest is dear!
Come to our horses, come to us
Yes, on the sledges of the ambulances.
So that the servants in the sled are young,
Dear would be brought to us dear ones:
And pancakes, and pancakes, and kalachi,
To our stove and in the window of their swords!
Are you my soul, Shrovetide,

Quail bones,
Your straw body
Your mouth is
Your sweet speech!
Come to us a width yard,
Ride on the mountains, lie in the pancakes,
Get on my heart!
Come out, people, to the great miracle,
Meet Shrovetide, they lead to us!

Monday Monday was also the day of meeting matchmakers. Families discussed plans for the holidays, made a menu, lists of invited to visit.

By the beginning of the week, they tried to finish the design of booths, swing, snow slides and fortresses, rinks, pancakes began to bake.

Who is dedicated to the first pancake for Shrovetide?

The first pancake for Shrovetide was always given to the poor, so that they mentioned the deceased relatives. This tradition is also rooted in pagan times: the first pancake at the festival of a mosquito, the current Shrovetide, was given to the comes (bears).

That is why we are still saying: “The first pancake is coma” (and not lumpy, as many of us are confident).

Narrow Shrovetide: Tuesday - bride's bride

Little-playing day or day

On this day, it was customary to carry out the old Russian ceremony of the bride's reviewer. If everything turned out well, the wedding was planned for the first after Easter Sunday, the people of the Red Hill.

Free from the bridegroom, the youth went to have fun, since all the planned festivities and fairs began on Tuesday.

Narrow Shrovetide: Wednesday - pancakes for son -in -law

Lucky Day

On this day, the mother -in -law personally cooked pancakes for my son -in -law.

The houses were open for guests.

Theaters appeared on city streets and squares. In shopping tents, you could enjoy scolded nuts, honey gingerbread, drink confusion.

Wide Shrovetide: Thursday - Kolyada

Day-DRAGUL, Kolyada

From this day to Monday, all economic work stopped.

The time began, skiing on triples, noisy feasts, competitions.

Necessarily in the walking program there was a storm of snow fortress, jumping over the fire.

Fist fights for Shrovetide

It was on the pancake day-progul that the famous fist fights or fists were held.

Even taking into account universal fun, the battles were carried out according to strict rules:
• do not take stones, sticks;
• you can not beat the bed bed;
• you can not beat two;
• You can not beat on the back of the head, liver, kidneys.

As the participants of the fists themselves spoke jokingly, the battles were needed in order to knock pancakes out of the enemy. Fists began in the early morning and lasted until late in the evening.

By and large, the capture of the fortress and fist fights personified the struggle of cold and warmth.

Pastens for Shrovetide: Words

The carols belong to the congratulatory songs of the winter cycle.

In the Russian tradition, it was not customary to refuse those who congratulate the owners on a wide butter and asks for permission to have a carol.

Singers were generously awarded with pancakes and other goodies, be sure to give a sip of wine.

How the guys were the guys,
Grapes, red green!
Carols, all factory workers,
We were looking for the court of our master
Master courtyard seven miles,
On seven miles, eight pillars.
In the middle of the courtyard, in the middle is wide,
There are three towers,
Three tower is golden -haired.
In the first tower of the red sun,
In the second tower, the stars are frequent,
The owner himself is in the house, the gentleman in the tower,
Mistress in the house, mistress in high,
Young girls in the house, like nuts in honey,
Grapes, red green!
Grate the owner,
On bread, on salt and salary.
Grapes, red green!
Fed, watered, let go from the yard,
Grapes, red green!

Ogusti for Shrovetide: Words

Not a single festivities in Russia did without ditties - short funny songs that give an emotional assessment of the events.

Come, come in
On ruddy pancakes.
Today olives week -
Be happy like us!

I'm ready for Maslen
Eat 50 pancakes.
I will buy them in a way
I'll try to lose weight

Cunning, kuma, pancakes,
Yes, so that there are magnificent.
Today olives week -
You can eat too much.

Martians flew in,
Satisfied were satisfied.
Their plates are not empty,
And the pancakes are complete.

The fifth pancake I broke
The skirt burst on me.
I'll go for the skirt,
To eat pancakes again.

Play more fun, accordion,
Shrovetide, do not be sad!
Come, spring, rather
Drive the winter away from us!

We end up to sing ditties
Until another evening.
You are sitting until the morning
If there is nothing to do.

Video: ditties at the festival of Shrovetide

What costumes prepared for Maslenitsa's walk?

The general European tradition of the celebration of Shrovetide was an ash (dressing).

For Russia, ritual dressing is another echo of a pagan mosquito. In pagan celebrations, there was always a rite of dressing in the skins of totem animals of the community.

The following characters are considered to be traditional carrier for Shrovetide bypasses:

  • elders (sometimes dead)
  • beggars, devils, buffoons
  • young or pregnant
  • bear, goat, cow
  • crane, duck, chicken, goose, etc.

In the evening, after ritual bypasses, the mummers burned small elements of costumes and necessarily passed the church rite of purification.

Wide Shrovetide: Friday - mother -in -law evening

Day of mother -in -law evenings

On this day, the guests received the son -in -law.

Yes, in the mother -in -law of the evening, the tables are rich
Mother -in -law expects invitations from their favorite son -in -law.
Yes, in the morning and early whole guts
They go with invitations - these are calls.

With low bows, with spring songs
They call the mother -in -law for son -in -law and treats.
Oh yes butter-spring, you are fun,
Well, to mother -in -law and son -in -law for a year reconciliation.

Wide Shrovetide: Saturday - Zolovykin Day

Zolovkin's day

On this day, the young daughter -in -law took her husband’s sister (sinking) as the mistress of the house.

If the sister -in -law was a married woman, then married couples from the daughter -in -law were invited to visit. If the sister -in -law is a girl, then the daughter -in -law could call her unmarried girlfriends into the house.

Be sure on this day, the daughter -in -law presented the Zolovka a gift.

Wide Shrovetide: Sunday - forgiven Sunday

Day-wires, forgiven Sunday

On this day, the festivities reach their peak: in addition to the main entertainment, fairs and theatrical performances are held.

Video: Maslayan Maslenitsa. Seeing the winter

Rituals on Shrovetide

  • Skating from the mountains. The descent from a high slide imitated mediation between the two worlds. It was believed that the longer the descent will be, the higher the crop will rise.
  • Sledging, skates in a circle, driving round dances helped the sun to warm up. The movement must have begun from left to right (in the sun).
  • Ritual battles (fist, taking snow fortresses).
  • Pillars Or a popular kissing recently married couples.
  • First pancake Sometimes they put at night near the auditory window. It was believed that he would be eaten by deceased relatives.
  • The last pancake They put a moraine moraine in the hand of a straw stuffed animal.

Shrovetide sign: If you eat peas on Wednesday, and on Thursday - pancakes, then the money will be in the house all year round.

Maslenitsa events: Wedding for Shrovetide

The wedding for Shrovetide was considered a very good sign. Marriage in the cheese week provided a young family with a gross for a lifetime. In such cases, they said that life will be like clockwork.

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All the oily week is permeated with rituals and traditions, the main goal of which is to fasten the family and bring prosperity to the house.

Accordingly, Shrovetide was and remains the best time to create new family ties.

Fairs for Shrovetide

Maslenitsa fairs were held on a special scale. By and large, all the festivities on the cheesecake were held outside the houses. They only went into the room.

Therefore, fairs, especially large Sunday, became necessity: here it was possible to eat, warm up tea, buy small gifts and souvenirs for relatives.

Theatrical performance for Shrovetide

The largest theatrical performance, finishing the wide Shrovetide, was the burning of a straw stuffed animal morale. This is an amazing rite through which a person tried to get closer to understanding the sacrament of death and resurrection. Now the sacred filling of this rite has practically disappeared. Only the cheerfulness and theatrical surroundings remained.

Video: Maslayan Maslenitsa. Burning a scarecrow

After the burning of the stuffed, the ashes were launched over the fields, buried in the gardens. People believed that he had magical power to protect the crop from the last frosts.

The evening of Sunday stopped all the amusements. Everyone said goodbye, that is, they asked each other for forgiveness.

How is the last day of Shrovetide celebrated?

In addition to pagan traditions of celebrating Shrovetide, Christian traditions occupied an important place on the last pancake day. After all, the next week began the great post, which had to be prepared for.

It was necessary to clear the soul of the load of resentment. After a traditional kiss when parting and a low bow, they exchanged the words:

- Forgive me, perhaps, if you have to blame before you!
- God will forgive! And I forgive! And you forgive me!

By tradition, in families, forgiveness began to ask the elder in the family. The godson must have visited the godfather and mother.

In the evening of Sunday, the houses were carefully cleaned, the dishes washed, the remaining food was thrown away.

Mandatory was a trip to the bathhouse to cleanse the body.

Video: forgiven Sunday. How to forgive old grievances

Maslenitsa menu: Pasteen dishes

Shrovetide menu suggested rejection of meat dishes. That is why in church calendars, Shrovetide is often called meat -pounding or cheese week.

This was quite justified. During the celebration, the pancakes of the cows began to finish, and dairy products were abundant. On the eve of a long post, it was impractical to score pets for meat.

In addition, the body had to be prepared for a smooth transition to a lean table. Refusal of meat with the preservation of the fish and dairy menu allowed to go to the post as smoothly as possible.

The traditional dishes of Shrovetide menu were: pancakes, dumplings, cheesecakes, all kinds of pies and pies, gingerbread. In abundance, fish, vegetables, and mushrooms were served. As a drink was very popular.

Shrovetide - cook and bake pancakes: cooking secrets

Each mistress had its own, proven pancakes, proven. The recipe has never been shared. It was believed that the loss of a family pancake recipe would cause trouble.

Finding your most delicious recipe is now quite easy. But the rules of cooking in recipes are often not prescribed.

Several simple secrets will help to make pancakes really tasty:

  1. The fluid in the dough for pancakes should be added hot. This will increase flour stickiness
  2. Seded flour should be slightly settled. Do not add it to the dough right away
  3. Salt and sugar are added strictly according to the recipe. The overlapped dough wanders poorly, the damn it will turn out pale. From an excess of sugar, the pancake will become solid
  4. If the flour for the dough is diluted with salt water, there will be no lumps in the dough
  5. Whipped egg proteins are inserted into the dough after it is suitable. You need to intervene proteins from top to bottom, and not in a circle, otherwise the dough will settle
  6. Buckwheat flour for pancakes should be dry, fresh, without black dots and a musty smell
  7. It is better to bake pancakes in thick -walled pans of small size
  8. The heated pan is first sprinkled with salt, wiped with a napkin and only after it is lubricated with vegetable oil for frying
  9. The dough should be poured into a well -heated pan
  10. Fry pancakes over high heat.

Video: pancakes from Alexander Seleznev

Video: Pancake cake from Alexander Seleznev

How did the dough for pancakes prepare cooks for Shrovetide?

Important: for pancakes you only need live yeast.

Recipe of dough: 50 g of living yeast dilute 2 cups of warm water. Add 0.5 kg of flour (buckwheat, wheat, rye). Mix well and put in a warm place for lifting.

Pancake recipe for Shrovetide

Add to the finished dough

• 0.5 kg of flour (it is better to use the one on which the academic was started),
• 3 tablespoons of melted butter,
• 2 tablespoons of sugar-sand,
• 4 - 5 eggs (at first the yolks are added; after lifting the dough - whipped proteins),
• A pinch of salt,
• 4 - 5 cups of warm milk.

Advice: Milk needs to be poured gradually, controlling the density of the dough. The dough in consistency should resemble kefir.

Important: before baking, the dough should come three times!

We bake pancakes in a well -heated frying pan previously greased with vegetable oil.

Advice: When lubricating the pan with butter, the pancake can burn.

SMS congratulations on Shrovetide

Congratulations on Shrovetide,
Have fun, rejoice people!
Sun, we wish you joy
Note spring parish!
Let with rosy pancakes
Happiness in your house will knock
Kalachi, pies
The table will generously reward you!

SMS congratulations on Shrovetide

Meet Shield Shrovetide
Open and be kind.
And your world will become more interesting
And there will be delicious pancakes.
We wish you noisy fun
Breath of sunny spring,
Accept our congratulations,
Let the days be full of happiness!

SMS congratulations on Shrovetide

With a rampant Shrovetide, the sun
We hasten to congratulate you, friends.
Let the heart joyfully clog,
Spring meets the whole earth!
Singing her arrival
Blinov ruddy, rolls.
Invite friends and loved ones
To meet the holiday more fun!

SMS congratulations on Shrovetide

Congratulations on Shrovetide,
We wish you big changes.
Let the spring bring you
A lot of light and warmth!
Fun life is beautiful!
Let the good dominate!
Well, we wish you happiness
And so that you are lucky in everything!

SMS congratulations on Shrovetide

Let the trooper
Spring will go into your life,
The sun is golden
With happiness in the heart will be responding.
Roll a feast with a mountain
And you will bake pancakes.
And say goodbye to us in winter
Call you with joy!

And openwork and beautiful, and beautiful
Both blush and tasty
In Shrovetide, everyone is marvelous
Pancakes are obtained.
We wish you fun.
Jokes, laughter and good,
Mischievous mood,
Sun, light and warmth!

SMS congratulations on Shrovetide

With meat, cottage cheese, mushrooms -
How tasty the pancakes are!
This is Shrovetide with us
It escorts winter days.
With songs, jokes, fun
Call, people, spring!
And with a good mood
Eat each pancake!

SMS congratulations on Shrovetide

With the onset of Shrovetide
Pirogov and puffs
An hour occurs
There can be no pancakes
Winter wires,
Celebrate a holiday with songs
We invite you!

SMS congratulations on Shrovetide

Congratulations on Shrovetide
We invite you to meet the holiday:
All the worries you drop,
We are waiting for you today!
Let's treat you with dust
And pancakes lush,
In February, we’ll take your hand
Marta together "Hello", let's say.

SMS congratulations on Shrovetide

I am on Shrovetide to you
I wish you joy
Let it be rewarded on business
And do not know sorrow!
Let everythnig will be alright,
It will come true what is needed.
The miracle holiday came to us,
Mark it together!

SMS congratulations on Shrovetide

Congratulations on Shrovetide!
I wish you warmth
And to make life happy
And it was joyful!
May happiness come to you
How warm is the warmth,
And they will be with you
Joy and fun!

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