Baptism is the Orthodox holiday January 19: the essence and history of the holiday, traditions, customs, rites, Epiphany Christmas Eve, Epiphany bathing in an ice hole, water lighting. Do children baptize?

Baptism is the Orthodox holiday January 19: the essence and history of the holiday, traditions, customs, rites, Epiphany Christmas Eve, Epiphany bathing in an ice hole, water lighting. Do children baptize?

We will tell you about the history of the appearance, traditions and meaning of the festival of baptism of the Lord.

Baptism — January 19 It is one of the main winter holidays that end with Christmas Christmas time.

The most important symbol of this day is water. It is believed that on this day it becomes healing and life -giving, so everyone who is redeemed in it will be able to restore health and extend his life.

Baptism - the Great Orthodox holiday January 19: the essence and history of the holiday

The history of the emergence of the holiday
  • Such a beloved holiday in our country takes its beginning in the most ancient times. As the old annals say, he appeared immediately after Jesus Christ passed the baptism rite in the pure waters of Jordan. We all know that in infancy the future Savior was not baptized, so he decided to do this already at a conscious age. At the time of baptism, Jesus Christ was already 30 years old.
  • In order for his soul to receive an angel of the Guardian, he went to the city of the Vifavar, where Ionna of the Baptist met. This holy man invited him to repent of all his sins and promise himself and God that in the future he will do everything that is destined for him by fate. And the most important thing is that he will faithfully serve people who are especially in need of his help. After that, John the Baptist consecrated the water of the Jordan and held a rite of baptism over Jesus Christ.
  • As soon as the Savior came out of the water on his shoulder, a screaming pigeon sat down and said in a human voice: This is my son, who is in his soul, my blessing. After that, everyone around them realized that they had a righteous person in front of them and began to ask him for God's mercy. But since Jesus believed that his soul was not yet quite ready for divine service, he went into the desert for forty days and all this time without water and food diligently prayed to God.
  • And only feeling that his soul and body were cleansed of everything bad, he returned to people and began to serve them. For a modern person, the essence of this holiday has not changed either. People continue to believe that if you swim in the water on January 19, you can get rid of all the sins made throughout the year. Therefore, a fairly large number of believers go to the water on this day and crossed, plunged into it three times.

Epiphany Eve January 18 - Epiphany evening: traditions, customs, rites

Epiphany Christmas Eve
  • Epiphany Eve is a fairly important stage in preparing for the celebration of baptism. In the old days, this day was called hungry kutia. It was believed that on this day, in general, nothing can be eaten, before the first star appeared in the sky. Moreover, the post before baptism was so strict that even water was allowed to drink in the most minimal quantities. Our ancestors believed that such a restriction helps their soul and body cleanse themselves of ailments and bad thoughts, and closely close to God as possible.
  • Therefore, in those days, women strictly watched that none of the family members on the day of the Epiphany Eve was eaten even by a tiny piece of food. The exception was made only for old people, sick people and small children. They were allowed to eat low -fat lean food. Another important tradition of Christmas Eve was the cleaning of the house. In the morning, all the housewives, without exception, began to clean up housing from garbage. On this day, the floors were surely washed, all the furniture wiped, and festive embroidered towels were thrown on the image.
  • Also on the eve of Christmas Eve, it was customary to take Christmas jewelry from the house. After the whole house was cleaned, the hostess began to cook a festive dinner. As a rule, it consisted of lean pancakes, dumplings, knots, peas or beans and, of course, Kuti. After the dinner was prepared by all family members from small to great went to church for service. After the festive service, the priest sanctified water and people gaining liquid in a glass container, carried it home. Having crossed the threshold, they immediately took wheat spikelets or just dry grass in their hand and carefully consecrated every corner of their home with water.
  • After the house was cleaned the same procedure with all outbuildings. The remaining water was put on the table and waited for the appearance in the sky of the first star. When she appeared, the family began to meal. At first, all family members drank consecrated water, Uzvar and always ate a spoon of Kuti. And only after all this it was possible to start eating the rest of the dishes standing on the table. Yes, and do not forget, although dinner in Christmas Eve must be modest, it should consist of 9-12 dishes.

Lighting water for baptism in the church and its healing properties

Water lighting for baptism
  • Those who carefully read the Holy Scripture know that the water in it is described as a healing liquid that can heal the soul and body and return the mind to a person. Actually, therefore, most believers on this day try to stock up with healing water. And although during the year, priests periodically relate to water, it is believed that it is Epiphany that is able to protect from misfortunes and man and his dwelling.
  • Winter watering is considered great for the reason that directly on this day God plunges into the water of Jordan in the appearance of man. That is why all the water on this day becomes healing, helping those in need and lost to find health, calm and confidence in the future. As a rule, in the church, water begins to be sanctified on January 18, immediately after the festive service.
  • They distribute water on this day for free, thereby contributing to that even the poorest person can feel God's grace on himself. If we talk about the beneficial properties of Epiphany water, then even scientists agreed that its structure is changing on this day. It becomes much softer and tastier, and such metamorphoses occur not only with consecrated water, but even with the one that you will collect from the well or from the tap. It is believed that Epiphany water is able to relieve pain, regain mental balance and expel ailments from the body.
  • But in order for it to be able to have a positive effect on your body, you need to drink it on an empty stomach and always after reading the prayer before the images. Also, using such water, you can protect babies from damage and evil eye. It is checked, if you wash the baby with baptismal water, then all the bad that wished him to bypass him.

Epiphany bathing in an ice hole

Epiphany bathing in an ice hole
  • Quite a lot of people decide to baptize in the hole. It is believed if on this day to plunge into the waters of the river, then it will help to cleanse itself from all sins and make a person more spiritually. In order for such a ceremony to bring to human souls the benefits, clergymen begin to prepare for it from the Christmas Eve. First, they carry out a festive service in the temple, and then go to the river and begin to prepare a hole for bathing.
  • To do this, a cross is cut in the thickness of the ice (it is also called Jordan), and then this place is sanctified again. After these actions, the water in the hole becomes healing, so each person who is redeemed in it feels a surge of both physical and spiritual. In addition, having plunged into Jordan, you will show the Almighty that you are ready to follow him and adhere to all his commandments. I want to say right away if you do not believe that baptismal water is able to work miracles or are just an atheist, then do not even try to swim.
  • This action will still not bring any benefit to you or your body. The same people who with all their souls believe in God and the beneficial properties of water are simply obliged to plunge into the Holy Jordan. But still, such people should be able to swim in the hole correctly. Firstly, you can not climb into the Epiphany water drunk and well-fed. Since drunkenness and gluttony are considered quite serious sins, the Almighty will still not send you his blessing. Secondly, before bathing, you must definitely go to the temple and pray to God.
  • On this day, it is not necessary to contact him with some certain prayers. You can just tell him what worries you, ask him for forgiveness and health for yourself and your loved ones. After that, you can go to the river and plunge into the ice hole. Yes, and do not forget that a woman is sinful to enter the holy water in an open swimsuit or underwear. This is best done in a closed shirt and preferably new. After you remove it, you can dry and wear it when you get sick or just feel bad. The grace that descended on it during bathing in the hole will protect you up to the next baptism.

Family traditions for baptism

Family traditions for baptism
  • The baptism of the Lord, like all Christmas Christmas time, is considered a family holiday. Therefore, this day is best spent with your family. It is believed that if all generations of the same kind are gathering under the roof of one house, then the whole next year a large family will live in the same composition and, most importantly, in health. It is accepted that relatives gather at home from anyone from the oldest members of the family.
  • Most often, baptism is celebrated in the house of grandparents. Typically, younger members of the family bring Christmas Eve at home, and then defending the festive service, go home to their parents. Entering the house, the guests congratulate each other on a bright day and sit down at the festive table. There should be 12 dishes on the table. Of course, there must be Kutia, Uzvar and pies with vegetable fillings.
  • It is better not to serve alcohol for this Orthodox holiday, if you are not enough for one knot, you can also serve berry fruit drinks or tea from honey and raspberries. After the feast, those present all together should thank God, for the bread that is on their table, and then it will be possible to go to “let go” the Christmas holidays. To do this, a white pigeon is available from the cage.

Can a child be baptized on a feast of baptism?

Baptism of the child
  • Among young parents, for some reason, there is an opinion that it is impossible to baptize the baby on the baptism of the Lord. But in fact, this statement has no soil. Church rules do not prohibit baptizing children on great Christian holidays and even posts. Moreover, some priests, on the contrary, welcome the fact that the guardian angel for the baby will be chosen on a bright church holiday. If we talk about baptism, then there is definitely no doubt here.
  • We all know that the sacrament of baptism of the baby takes place precisely in the sanctified water. In order for it to gain the necessary qualities, the clergyman has to conduct a special rite above her. And into Christmas Eve, as we know, all the water becomes healing in itself, the priest with his prayer simply increases its beneficial properties even more, making it the saint. Therefore, if you want your baby to receive the most powerful protection from the Almighty, then feel free to baptize him to baptize.
  • In principle, no priest has the right to refuse this. You can get a refusal only if the holiday itself in the church will be a very large influx of people. Therefore, if you want to baptize your child on this day, then be sure to try in advance to agree on a ceremony convenient for all time.

Video: How to swim in an ice hole on the baptism of the Lord?

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