How much is it allowed to order goods with Aliexpress in Belarus in 2022 without customs duties per month: calculation, limit, the weight of the parcel, how to avoid tax payment, which goods are prohibited from transporting across the border?

How much is it allowed to order goods with Aliexpress in Belarus in 2022 without customs duties per month: calculation, limit, the weight of the parcel, how to avoid tax payment, which goods are prohibited from transporting across the border?

In Belarus, there are restrictions on the import of goods with Aliexpress Without customs duties. Read more in the article.

Aliexpress - This is a trading platform that is known in many countries of the world. Each country has its own customs rules. How much can the goods be ordered with Aliexpress In Belarus, so as not to pay a customs fee? You will find answers to this and other questions in the following article.

How much is it allowed to order goods with Aliexpress in Belarus in 2022 without customs duties per month: calculation, limit, the weight of the parcel

If you are for the first time on Aliexpressbut you want to plunge into this interesting world of shopping, then study the information in the article on our website on this link. She will help make the first order, pay for it and make further design.

There are several countries in the Customs Union. Everyone has different laws for the import of goods from abroad.

Residents of Belarus can import goods worth up to 22 euros And weighing before 10 kilograms for one parcel, and per month (30 days) no more than 200 euros And with a common weight no more than 31 kg. There are no restrictions on the number of parcels. Moreover, there is no binding to the calendar month. The main thing is that during any 30 days, the limits do not exceed 200 euros and 31 kg.

How much is it allowed to order goods with Aliexpress in Belarus without customs duties per month?
How much is it allowed to order goods with Aliexpress in Belarus without customs duties per month?

Of course, the limit is not too big, and many customers Aliexpress I don't like it. There are many rumors about the further increase in the limit, but so far there are no changes in the legislation of Belarus. Therefore, if the norms established by customs are exceeded, you will have to pay tax - 15% from the cost of goods or 2 euros per 1 kilogram of weight.

Important: You need to pay the fee only for the part on which there is an excess of the permissible duty -free threshold.

You will also have to give a plus to everything, gathering in the amount of 5 euros For the registration of services from customs officers. This amount does not depend on the total cost of your parcels, it is established. In addition, mail will also charge an additional cost for its services for exceeding limits.

Naturally, the first time you can not understand these tariffs. Therefore, it is worth considering the calculation by example:

  • At a time you purchased a thing for Aliexpress In one store in the amount $ 90 and the seller sent it one parcel. When recalling the currency of the EU countries - this is approximately 80 euros.
  • The amount of the fee will be calculated according to this formula: (The amount of your product in the euro is 22 euros of the accepted limit) x 15% + 5 euros \u003d the amount of customs tax.
  • Now in numbers (80 euros - 22 euros) x 15% + 5 euros \u003d 13, 7 euros.
  • If your package weighs more than 10 kg, let's say 13 kg, then the customs will accrue a fee:
    2 euros x (13 kg - 10 kg) + 5 euros (collection at customs) \u003d 11 euros

Per month (any 30 days) you can get several parcels not exceeding 22 euros at a cost of 10 kg by weight, but with a total weight of not more than 31 kg and a total cost of not more than 200 euros.

If you have received more such parcels over the past 30 days than on 200 euros, then for excess also we pay 15%.

  • For example: you received 9 parcels of 21 euros and 1 kg of weight during this period. The limit is not exceeded. But, when you receive a tenth such parcel in this period (30 days), the total amount will be - 21 euros x 10 parcels \u003d 210 euros. For 10 euros, a fee will be charged 15%. So, they will accrue to you:
    10 euros x 15% \u003d 1.5 euros + 5 euros (collection) \u003d 6.5 euros to payment.
  • If over the past 30 days the weight of all parcels is 35 kg, then for 4 kg you will have to pay 2 euros. So, they will accrue you - 2 euros x (35 kg - 31 kg) + 5 euros (collection) \u003d 13 euros to payment.

In cases where the limits are exceeded by weight and cost, you do not pay for both excesses, but only for one. Therefore, calculate both excesses, and the excess is subject to payment, in which the amount is greater. And of course do not forget about the collection 5 euros.

Where and how to pay for the customs fee in Belarus?

You will make payment upon receipt of the parcel by mail. As usual, order the goods within a month, pay it for AliexpressAnd when there is an exceeding the limit, you will have to pay a specific amount by mail in order to get your parcel without problems.

Important: Often buyers begin to panic when they see the cost of delivery on the package of their parcel. Now on Aliexpress New delivery rules and sellers must make a shipment of goods with a single track number. They have to indicate the cost of delivery. But do not worry, this amount is not included in the calculation of the customs tax.

Customs officers can overestimate the goods and increase its value according to the documents, if there is suspicion that the price was intentionally underestimated. They use the price classifier for similar goods from catalogs of foreign companies.

Advice: If you have disagreements with the customs service, you have the right to provide documents that confirm the price of the goods. This may be an account, receipt, check, contract and others.

How to avoid tax paying when ordering goods with Aliexpress in Belarus?

I never want to pay extra money, especially for receiving your own product whose cost has already been paid. Therefore, many buyers have Aliexpress The question arises, how to avoid taxes in the customs service? Here are some tips:

  • Try to purchase goods on Aliexpress within 22 euros per parcel.
  • If you buy several goods from one seller and their cost more 22 euros, then ask to send it with several premises. Or make such orders from different sellers so that the goods do not get into one parcel.
  • If it turns out that you need to get the goods for a large amountThen you can send parcels to other addresses at the place of residence of your relatives or friends. In addition, AliExpress sellers have the opportunity to send parcels to one address, but with different people's names. In this case, the customs tax will not be checked, since it is calculated for each recipient separately.
  • Ask the seller in a personal message on Aliexpress indicate a smaller amount of the parcel than it is actually. Usually sellers understand and make concessions to their customers. But do not forget that customs officers, if it is noticed that the value is underestimated, will be accrued on tax taking into account the resulting amount of the order.
  • If your order is too expensive Or do you know that within a month you ordered the goods for a large amount of money, then it is more advisable to use the services of special companies. They deliver goods with Aliexpress from Russia or Kazakhstan, where the limit is much higher. The company first delivers to the Russian Federation, and then to Belarus at the specified address. Such companies for an additional fee provide the buyer with the Moscow address. For the buyer, this is additional costs, but sometimes this approach to buying is much more profitable than paying for a customs duty
  • If you live near the Russian border, then the parcel with Aliexpress You can order directly in the Russian Federation, and then just go and get it by mail without tax and companies of intermediaries. Such a service is called "Mail Forwarding". Translated, this means "Your address abroad", abbreviated - Mf.

As you can see, so as not to pay customs tax, you can find any way out of this situation. Choose the option that suits you the most, and use it to receive goods with Aliexpress.

What goods are forbidden to transport across the border of Belarus with Aliexpress?

Despite the fact that you observe the norms of the limit of transportation of goods across the border, customs officers may still not miss your parcel across the border, and this applies not only to goods with Aliexpress. Here is a list of goods that are prohibited from transporting across the border:

Goods that are prohibited to transport across the border of Belarus with Aliexpress
Goods that are prohibited to transport across the border of Belarus with Aliexpress

When ordering goods on Aliexpress Keep in mind what can be transported across the border and how much. This will help to avoid problems with the customs service. Successful shopping!

Video: Parcel from China to Belarus, Parcels for ALIEXPress, BELARUS, RB Parcels

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