Is it possible to wear other people's rings, why is it impossible to wear other people's rings, what will happen if you wear someone else's ring?

Is it possible to wear other people's rings, why is it impossible to wear other people's rings, what will happen if you wear someone else's ring?

The opinion of esoterics, adherents of all kinds of practices and religions as a whole is unanimous: in no case should not be worn, but even try on someone else's ring on your finger. Since the shape of this decoration is rounded and has a closed circuit, the energy of its former owner in it is very powerfully accumulated and preserved - this is brief information, but you should understand it in more detail.

Even if the person who bore this ring before you was quite successful, his whole life path could not be covered with rose petals. Surely he had upsets, and falls, and black stripes of failure. And it is not known what human emotions, positive or negative, has absorbed more than others.

Why can't you wear someone else's engagement ring?

  • Our ancestors attributed some mysterious properties to engagement rings and believed that they contain Love and harmonious family values \u200b\u200bof a particular couple. That is, those two lovers who, on a happy day for them, with the words of the oath, put the rings on each other's finger. Therefore, mothers were forbidden to young give someone else's wedding rings to someone else.
  • This was not just a decoration and visual evidence that a person is married. And also some talisman designed to protect family happiness -That is why the attitude was special towards him.
  • In the old days, they sacredly believed that lose a wedding ring- This is unfortunately. And now many more believe in this. It is possible that all these are prejudices, but, according to one young woman, she divorced her husband six months after the wedding - as soon as she lost her ring.
Your ring cannot be given to anyone to measure
Your ring cannot be given to anyone to measure

Is it possible to wear someone else's engagement ring from a pawnshop?

  • Of course, not every newlyweds now can afford to buy rings for betrothal in jewelry salons. That's why they go to pawnshopWhere the price of gold and silver jewelry is much lower than the store.
  • People in contact with thin matters argue that with a high degree of probability in such an attribute can concentrate Negative energy of an outsider. And do not build your new family on the wreckage of a stranger. After all, judge for yourself, with what on earth will a happy and successful person become for no reason to sell, and even more so cheap, his engagement ring?
  • There may be two options for events. Or the extreme need forced him to do this, or for some reason he tried to get rid of him as soon as possible. It could have so happened that in a person’s family life there were sad events that he wants to forget about. Or it may happen that you will purchase a ring you like at a pawnshop specially imposed on it by a negative program, damage or evil eye.
  • People who are not alien to psychic knowledge say that such jewelry can be spoke On illness, failure and even death. So some practices can save from the existing troubles and misfortunes of one person and with the help of the conspired ring to shift them to another.
Ring from a pawnshop can destroy your family
Ring from a pawnshop can destroy your family
  • Therefore, it should not be worn as the wedding ring found at intersections, cemeteries and even just on the road. And if it was given to you by some distant relatives or unfamiliar people, then this should also not be done. At least not to put on yourself without making a previously defined ritual to get rid of the ring from negativity. And it is best to buy inexpensive rings, for example, from silver in the store, but they will only be yours, without an admixture of other people's lives and unhappy destinies.

Is it possible to wear engagement rings of parents?

  • Often, parents present their engagement rings in the form of a wedding gift or they are inherited by them. How to do children in such cases - whether the wedding ring of parents wear - The question is individual.
  • According to psychics, even the rings of the most dear people can be charged with polar energy and turn Both in a powerful amulet and bring negativity with you.

Mamino ring can become a protection for her daughter, especially if she read special magical conspiracies over him. If my mother was married, then her ring will bring her daughter alone alone.

  • Put it on his finger, his daughter will seem to pull through him and in her family life happiness and prosperity. But if the mother’s fate was difficult and complete unpleasant moments, then her ring should not be worn.
What marriage was your parents?
What marriage was your parents?

Is it possible to wear a wedding ring of a grandmother?

  • The same mechanism is triggered with a grandmother’s ring as with my mother.
  • The grandmother was happy  married - Wear the engagement ring with pleasure (especially if she handed it to her granddaughter with love with love). If not, then this is not worth it. At least, psychics say so.

Is it possible to wear a ring by inheritance?

  • If in the family there is a tradition in which jewelry through years are transmitted from parents to children, then engagement rings during this time turn into a family relic.
  • Not worth it wear a wedding ring by inheritance, Since it is not known what fate happened to your ancestors - their former owners.
There are such decorations transmitted for centuries
There are such decorations transmitted for centuries
  • If suddenly you have confidence that failures and misfortunes occurred among representatives of your kind before, and now they happen to you precisely because of this family relic, then it is worth getting rid of it. Or cleanse the negative karma of the ring with the help of spells of specialists who, at your request, can give the decoration a positive energy.
  • The ring can be incurred to the church, where the priest will conduct a certain ritual over it and consecrate it.
  • If the ring is not antique, then it can be completely melted and made for yourself some kind of decoration- the melted metal is cleaned with high temperatures and loses its former magical properties.
  • But you can - just put the ring in a pawnshop and give money to charity. There is an opinion that negative energy evaporates from the power of good.

Can I wear your husband’s wedding ring after a divorce?

  • If the wife loved her husband very much, but for some reason they had to part, and his ring remained in the family, then a woman can do anything with him. Some they stretch a chain into it and wear it on the neck in the form of a pendant, others hide it in casket to other jewelry, and once again, opening it, again and again heavily experiences parting. Third - give it to the children, So that they themselves decide what to do with him.
  • Better yet, use it for charity purposes, so that the Higher Forces help the woman in the future to arrange her fate.
  • Knowers say that if a woman has a desire to find a new pair, then wear a wedding ring after a divorce No need - it can scare away a potential partner.
  • The clergy do not approve of divorce, and in church canons nothing is said about what to do with engagement rings after a divorce. But if the former happiness can no longer be returned, is it worth it to torment yourself with memories? We must try again to become happy in a new relationship.
It is better not to wear a ring after a divorce
It is better not to wear a ring after a divorce

Is it possible to wear a ring of a deceased person?

  • There is such superstition that widows or widowers you can not wear a ring of a deceased person. Psychics and necromancers warn that in this case there is a life alive with someone who has already moved into another world, and dead energy, as you understand, will not lead to anything good.
  • If the ring is inherited From the late grandparents, grandfathers or other relatives, then you should not immediately put them on your fingers. Let them lie down somewhere in a secluded corner for 40 days, until the dead vibrations leave them. And then after cleaning them - in spiritual and physical terms, They can be safely worn.

How to clean a ring from someone else's energy?

  • Bought or received as a gift (inherited), the ring should not immediately decorate your hand - first you need to remove all of it from it accumulated negative energy. Let the ring lie down somewhere in the box for some time, after which it should be thoroughly physical cleaning of dull dirty raid.
  • You can do this yourself, for example, with the help of ammonia solution, or you can seek this for help to professionals - employees of a jewelry workshop.
  • Next, you need to remove a possible negative from it - for this the product is put for 3 days in a vessel with waterand then put the container on the windowsill with the light of the moon, regularly opening the window for ventilation.
  • Very superstitious and imaginary people can additionally conduct in the church, the rite of consecration of the ring. You can also seek help and spiritual practices for this. If the ring was removed from the finger of the deceased person, then the ritual actions to clean it should be repeated 2-3 times.
The ring should be cleaned of negative energy
The ring should be cleaned of negative energy

There is an opinion that decoration is quite capable of reward another person with all kinds of failures and force him to live someone else's life. It can even bring a completely prosperous married couple to a divorce, and a lonely man to force a bachelor for life. Whether to believe in mysticism is your business, but if you still firmly decide to wear the jewelry you like, it would not be superfluous to safe, and turn to knowledgeable people to consecrate or conduct a cleansing ritual. Who knows, suddenly you really will have to experience some life turmoil because of his negative impact.

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Video: Why can't you wear someone else's engagement ring?

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