How to remove a ring from a finger with a thread, without a thread, in the service? Ways to remove the ring from a swollen finger

How to remove a ring from a finger with a thread, without a thread, in the service? Ways to remove the ring from a swollen finger

Ways to remove the ring from a swollen finger.

Summer is time for vacations. Accordingly, all girls strive to look at one hundred percent, especially visited foreign resorts. Often, representatives of the fair sex seek to decorate themselves using jewelry. In this article we will tell you how to remove the ring from a swollen finger. 

How to remove the ring from the finger?

The fact is that it is in the summer that such troubles arise. During severe heat, we consume a large amount of water, while we can not control the amount of salt food. As a result of this, swelling may occur.

How to remove the ring from the finger:

  • Most often, this is characteristic of the upper and lower extremities. Legs can be poured, swell, soreness occurs in them.
  • This is happening with the hands. Therefore, if you put on a gold jewelry in the morning, but in the evening you can’t remove it, you need to think about your diet and drinking regime.
  • In the evening, the ring, which digs into the fabric, causes a large amount of anxiety and pain. It’s just that you can’t remove the ring.
  • You can remove the jewelry using soap. It is necessary to moisten your hands with water, and apply a few drops of liquid soap to the ring. Now try to promote the jewelry from the side.
  • In no case do not pull up. Thus, it will not be possible to remove it. However, this one the method is suitable only if the tumor is insignificant, And the finger of the edema is not very much. Otherwise, you will have to resort to other methods.  
Sprinkled jewelry
Sprinkled jewelry

How to remove a small ring from a swollen finger?

You can get rid of decoration with fat. It can be vegetable, butter, nicheter, and even any oily cream that is available in the arsenal. Apply a little product to the ring and scrolling from the side to the side try to remove the decoration.

How to remove a small ring from a swollen finger:

  • The fact is that the fingers with which you will remove the decoration can slide. So that this does not happen, take a segment of cotton fabric or towel, but do not touch your finger. This will preserve the presence of fat on the finger and successfully remove the ring. 
  • There are some tips from doctors who are based on the features of physiology. If the finger really swelling, the person has heart problems, then the ideal option is to remove the extra amount of fluid.
  • It is necessary to raise your hands up, stand for several minutes in this position. Blood will move away from the fingers, blood circulation in the limbs will decrease, thereby the edema will come. The ring can be easily removed.
Swollen finger
Swollen finger

How to remove a ring from a swollen finger without a thread?

If you do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases, there is no severe leg swelling, while by the end of the day the decoration cannot be removed from the hand, you need to use hot water.

How to remove a ring from a swollen finger without a thread:

  • Lower your finger in hot water for a few seconds. Under the influence of temperature, the metal expands, so the size of the ring increases slightly, it can be removed. This method is not used if swelling is observed, because hot water can increase blood circulation and aggravate the situation.
  • You can also use salt water. The fact is that salt stretches excess fluid, so it can be used to solve the problem. Dial a little cold water into the container, dissolve a tablespoon of salt.
  • It is necessary that the solution is strong enough. Lower the limb into a salty solution for several minutes. Now try to remove the decoration with twisting movements.

How to remove the ring from a swollen finger with a thread?

In most cases, this helps. However, if severe edema is observed, an allergic reaction is possible, all these methods will be absolutely useless. 

How to remove a ring from a swollen finger with a thread:

  • It is necessary to proceed with the use of heavy artillery. One of them is the use of silk thread. It is necessary to take a silk thread and a very thin needle. Turn the thread into the needle and stretch it into the ring, in the direction from the tip of the finger to the phalanx.
  • Pull the edge of the silk thread through the ring. The other end, which is available on the coil, must be gradually screwed onto the finger so that there are no gaps. Try to do it tightly to reduce the size of the finger.
  • Now take for the second end, which is under the ring at the base of the palm, and spin in the opposite direction. Thus, the thread will move the ring, it will be possible to remove it. This is the most effective method if the tumor is strong, and all folk methods did not help. 

Lifehack, how to remove a ring from a swollen finger

It is often not possible to remove the ring due to the occurrence of strong pain. Due to a rush of blood, any manipulations in this area can be very painful. That is why you can use special anesthetics.

Life hack, how to remove the ring from a swollen finger:

  • An ideal option will be dental cream, which is used in dentistry to relieve pain when teething. You can also use and anesthetic of IMLA, or by means of novocaine, lidocaine.
  • The bandages impregnated with means are applied to the finger. Thus, it will be possible to reduce the pain and remove the ring or oil when using fatty substances. In some cases, these methods may not work.
  • This is especially the case when injuring a finger, the development of a strong allergic reaction. It is impossible to delay with the removal of the decoration, so blood circulation in this zone decreases, which can cause the development of tissue necrosis.
  • So that this does not happen, as soon as you notice that the finger begins to blue, you must contact the surgery or emergency room. In the departments you should provide first aid to you. The anesthetic is usually administered, and the drug that is removed inflammation.
  • Thus, it is possible to relieve pain and swelling. After these manipulations, after a few minutes it is possible to remove the ring without problems.

How to cut a ring from a finger in the service?

However, if there is a strong tumor, then usually the ring is cut or simply crushed. Do not worry, there will be no harm to the finger. Special methods are used that do not harm the limbs. You can also contact the Ministry of Emergencies in order to cut the ring. Remember, do not regret jewelry, as health is more important. Sometimes such problems end with finger loss. 

How to cut a ring from a finger in the service:

  • You can cut the ring from the finger in special services. It is simple enough and you should not be afraid. In such organizations, they usually do not use a power tool, mainly the product is cut using a hand file.
  • A special curly insert is put under the ring, which will prevent damage to the tissues of the finger. Often use nippers. Therefore, the service offers to cut the ring from the finger quite quickly, and inexpensively.
  • Of course, you will have to give the ring for remelting in order to restore it. But health is more important, and you should not regret decoration.
Work in the service
Work in the service

How to quickly remove the ring from the finger?

Experts know that you can remove the ring using a special procedure. The fact is that blood actively flows in the limbs that are lowered down. If they raise them above the level of the heart, then all the blood flows, and in this area it becomes much less. Accordingly, edema also decreases, which allows you to quickly remove the ring.

How to quickly remove the ring from the finger:

  • You should not be upset, because in most cases with the help of experts it is still possible to remove the jewel without a saw. Experts also advise using diuretics. This works if you cannot get rid of jewelry at the end of the working day, and early in the morning we put it on without problems.
  • Try from the afternoon when swelling appears, limit fluid intake, and drink diuretics. It is not necessary to use serious tablets that are sold in a pharmacy.
  • The safest way is a rosehip decoction or lingonberry tea. These are natural diuretics that will help get rid of excess fluid. Part of the excess water will leave the fingers, which will reduce them in volume.
  • If diuretics were lying around in your first -aid kit, then you can cope with a furosemide. If the finger is swollen, begins to blue, it is urgent to run to the emergency room. You should not delay, because prolonged turning the finger can cause tissue necrosis, and the deterioration of its flexible ability. 
Wedding ring
Wedding ring

Oddly enough, but the method with thread is often used by surgeons. The fact is that in therapeutic practice there are often cases when, after taking some drugs or severe trauma, a finger swells. In this case, it is urgent to get rid of the ring. A reliable way is the use of nippers and devices that cut the metal. They are usually resorted to as a last resort. 

Video: Remove the ring from a swollen finger

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