How are the rings on the fingers affect fate: Symbolism - how to determine the character of a person depending on the location of the rings on the fingers?

How are the rings on the fingers affect fate: Symbolism - how to determine the character of a person depending on the location of the rings on the fingers?

In this article, we suggest to find out the symbolism and influence of rings depending on the chosen finger.

Rings are one of the first jewelry of mankind. Moreover, they used to determine not only the status of a person, but also were a symbol of power. Now many say that the rings on the fingers affect fate and have special symbols. And you can even determine the character of a person depending on their location. But there is also a reverse side - with their help you can activate the necessary energy in yourself or create the necessary balance in life.

What the rings on the fingers are talking about: little finger

  • Regardless by hand, the ring on the fingers of the little finger mean that you Good negotiator. It also symbolizes intuition, communication, the ability to establish contact and rapid intelligence, as well as creativity. In addition, such personalities are endowed with charisma, artistry, great friendship and They love attention to their person.
  • Astrologically he represents the planet Mercury. And from this point of view, the ring is used as a symbol of intelligence and beliefs.
  • Woman, The wearing ring on the little finger is flirty, cunning and is in no hurry to tie marriage.
  • But a man - he never sits still, loves to be in the spotlight and performs his work at the highest level.

The right little finger

It is classified as a ring of professional status. For a graduate of the faculty of ecology, engineering or any other respected discipline, the ring on the right little finger is a symbol of the resulting degree or professional fame. Chinese philosophy believes that the ring on the right little finger means being a good follower. And this means a good understanding of other people's desires and ideas.

Left little finger

Often the ring on it speaks of relations with crimes or the mafia, it indicates lovers of flirting and excitement. For example, some famous ladies, such as Soprano, often wore rings on the little finger.

Conclusion: to wear a ring on the little finger for those who want to strengthen their gift of eloquence, belief, creativity and charisma. But too emotional personalities should refrain - this will only strengthen your inconstancy and variability in making any decisions.

What are the rings on the ring fingers: meaning

  • Officially it Relationship finger, Since the rings on the ring fingers of any hand symbolize love, marriage and creativity.
  • It is this finger that speaks of a romantic and dreamy person, which strive for beautiful and has a soft character.
  • A person wearing a ring on this finger is a good interlocutor who can laugh and cry from the heart. And they always have in their heads A large stock of ideas. Such people strive for fame, recognition and luxury.
  • Much attention should be given to design. A small decoration will give calm and balance. But here is a bright engraving or a large pattern/stone - to increase your emotionality.

Right finger

In some countries, including in our country, it is this finger is intended for a marriage ring, or in the case of engagement. He can also be a sign of abstinence. That is, when a young man or girl does not plan to create a family and tie the bonds. In this case, this can be called a ring of chastity or purity. But it is also believed that this finger is responsible for creative success and potential, happiness and luck. Although this finger is chosen by those who lack optimism or it needs an additional feeding.

Left finger

The left ring finger is reserved for marriage in many Western countries. If we talk about psychology, then this finger is chosen by those who need additional creative potential and energy. The left hand is controlled by the moon (silver), and the sun (gold) is controlled by the right side. Therefore, you should not wear a silver ring on your finger, if you do not get married - this causes personal difficulties.

Chinese philosophy, On the other hand, it offers a different approach. Yan (right hand) is a sign of learning ability. You can easily and effectively teach other skills. Yin (left hand) means that the relationship has deteriorated, you are divorced or experienced by widowhood.

Conclusion: in any case, this ring is necessary for those who need inspiration and attention.

What are the rings on the middle fingers: influence on fate

  • The middle finger is the least popular finger for rings. Astronomically, it symbolizes the planet Saturn, metal - lead, but any gray metals are suitable.
  • Many underestimate the rings on the middle fingers of the hands - this place is capable of Activate promotion in public and political affairs, in business.
  • This finger is responsible for the ego of a person and a sense of his dignity. It is also believed that carriers of rings on the middle fingers They do not depend on the opinions of others and achieve their goals.
  • The Chinese claim that this is due to the ability to make their own decision. You - individualist, which does not strive for power, but wants to show its central place.

Right finger

It is on this finger that family jewelry is often worn to emphasize their status. But the ring also helps to increase common sense and overcome life difficulties. If we talk about psychology, then this is deeply and comprehensively developed natures.

Left finger

The ring has a simple meaning - for beauty and pleasure. But psychologists argue that the carriers of the rings on this finger are engaged in introspection, friendly, but slightly closed. And the ring also helps to find balance and calm.

Conclusion: This finger is ideal for those who are very restless or unbalanced. Also, wearing rings on it will help in making decisions, intellectual work or sphere of negotiations. This finger is able to bring you out of the "black strip", attracting success and prosperity.

What are the rings on the index fingers: symbolism and influence on the character

  • Rings from the index fingers of both hands mean authority. These are careerists and born leaders who are in every possible way strive for this.
  • Such personalities are arrogant, self -confident, reasonable and Incredibly purposeful! But at the same time, these people can safely point out the truth, concisely exchange ideas and communicate with other people.
  • From an astrological point of view, this is a finger of Jupiter. Wearing a ring on the index finger induces to action, Enhances independence and pride. Such people are not afraid of responsibility and leadership.

Right finger

For most religions and nationalities, the ring on this finger does not carry any semantic load. But the Jews have the index finger is responsible for the marriage status. If you are married, then the ring dresses on the right hand, and after the divorce - on the left. But from the point of view of psychology, wearing a ring on this finger enhances intuition, helps in a career. It speaks of leadership inclinations, great wisdom and the ability to weigh and analyze everything. But there is a small minus - with constant wearing, it can make you unbalanced or even aggressive.

Left finger

In principle, the value on the left hand is similar to the right side. But such people are more calm and restrained, although they are no less striving for recognition and leadership. They do not strive so much for material wealth as for recognition and glory.

Chinese philosophy He speaks of perseverance to lead others - on the left index finger, like yin energy. On the right (Yan) this means obedience and humility to learn from others.

Conclusion: this finger should be chosen by those who interfere with shyness and timidity, the ring will help to increase self -esteem. It is also an ideal place for a ring if you have important negotiations or a business meeting, where the quick decision is important.

What are the rings on the thumbs: influence and meaning

  • Rings on these fingers have long been wore noble persons who sought to emphasize their authority and power. This seal is very temperamental and strong -willed people, Which do not become for anything for the sake of the goal.
  • They always have their own opinion and strive for individualism. This is a finger of Mars, so such people assertive and full of determination. But often they are asserted at the expense of others and love to lead in all respects. Sometimes it’s hard for them to restrain aggression.
  • Choose this finger very stubborn personalities, that they do not know how to work in the team have a lot of ambitions and energy to achieve their goals. It is believed that wearing rings on the thumbs, most often take the position of the commander.

Right or left finger

In this meaning, it does not play a role, which finger you choose to wear a ring - the interpretation is the same. Even in ancient Greece, it was believed that both men and women with male character and high dignity choose the thumb. This place indicates perseverance, willpower and self -affirmation, as well as temper. But for women, this can still say that the mistress of the ring is not completely pleased with the intimate part of life.

Chinese philosophy It has a different opinion. The ring on the thumb (on the left) is confidence, and on the thumb, Yan (right) is a flexible character and quick adaptation to people.

Conclusion: this finger should be chosen by those who want to emphasize their authority, to obtain a charge of internal power. And this finger attracts wealth.

In the modern world, rings on different fingers are exclusively from beauty and fashion. Although, perhaps, unknowingly everyone chooses his finger, which, from the point of view of psychology, gives out desires or some character traits. And also, as we found out, wearing rings on certain fingers can strengthen the qualities you need.

Video: What are they talking about and how do they affect the fate of the ring on different fingers?

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