Musical scenes, funny fairy tales for an anniversary, birthday to a woman

Musical scenes, funny fairy tales for an anniversary, birthday to a woman

Options for musical scenes for a woman's birthday.

Cool fairy tales are not limited by the age category, so it can be interesting to both children and adults. Humor and funny subjects easily adapt to the interests and age group of guests. Cool fairy tales help to relax, relax and recharge with a positive. Laughter and jokes bring people together, create an atmosphere of friendly communication. 

Cool music fairy tales for the anniversary 

The cool fairy tale, written specifically for the birthday man, will become a unique and memorable gift. You can include personal jokes, stories and memories associated with the hero of the day in the fairy tale. 

"Cinderella and Fairy" 


  • Jubilee (Cinderella) 
  • Prince (presenter) 
  • Stepmother (guest) 
  • Two non-study daughter (guests) 
  • Fairy-Crust (guest) 


  • Instead of Cinderella, tired of household chores, her harmful stepmother with two daughters gathers on the ball. The prince, fascinated by their "beauty", invites them to dance. 
  • But then a fairy-cross appears, which transforms Cinderella into a gorgeous princess. The prince, not recognizing Cinderella, falls in love with her. 
  • At the end of the fairy tale, Cinderella “takes off the mask” and all the guests will recognize her. 

Musical accompaniment: 

  1. “Ah, what a woman” - Philip Kirkorov (for stepmother) 
  2. "Berry-Malinka"-Habib (for daughters) 
  3. "Cinderella" - Angelica Varum (for Cinderella) 
  4. “Ah, these clouds” - Vladimir Presnyakov (for the prince) 
  5. “I will not give you to anyone” - Sergey Lazarev (for the final song) 

Additional ideas: 

  • You can add to the script of the songs of your own essays dedicated to the hero of the day. 
  • You can use costumes and decorations to create a more colorful performance. 
  • You can involve other guests to participate in the fairy tale. 
  • The main thing is that it is fun and interesting to everyone! 

Here are a few more ideas for funny musical fairy tales for the anniversary: 

  • "Fly-choptukha"-in the style of rap 
  • "Tale of King Saltan"-in the style of rock opera 
  • "Bremen musicians" - in the style of the musical 
  • "Master duckling" - in the style of jazz 
  • "Little Prince" - in the style of electronic music 
Birthday musical scene
Birthday musical scene

Musical fairy tales on the anniversary of a woman, cool 

"Turnip in a new way" 


  • Grandfather (anniversary) 
  • Grandma (guest) 
  • Granddaughter (guest) 
  • Bug (guest) 
  • Cat (guest) 
  • Mouse (guest) 


  • Grandfather plants a turnip, but cannot pull it out. 
  • He comes to the rescue: grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat and mouse. 
  • Together, they together stretch the turnip. 
  • Musical accompaniment: 
  • "Turnip" - a children's song (for all characters) 

"Teremok of the 21st century" 


  1. Mouse (jubilee) 
  2. Frog (guest) 
  3. Bunny (guest) 
  4. Fox (guest) 
  5. Wolf (guest) 
  6. Bear (guest) 


  • The mouse is building a tower. 
  • A frog, a bunny, a fox, a wolf and a bear come to her in turn. 
  • Together, they live together in Teremke. 
  • Musical accompaniment: 
  • "Teremok" - a children's song (for all characters) 

"Kolobok in a new way" 


  • Kolobok (anniversary) 
  • Grandfather (presenter) 
  • Grandma (guest) 
  • Hare (guest) 
  • Wolf (guest) 
  • Bear (guest) 
  • Fox (guest) 


  • Kolobok, skillfully dodging his grandfather and grandmother, goes on a trip. 
  • He meets a hare, a wolf, a bear, but the fox, using cunning, eats it. 

Musical accompaniment: 

"Kolobok" - a children's song (for Kolobok) 

  • "I am a wolf" - a cartoon "Masha and the Bear" (for the Wolf) 
  • "Clotted Bear" - a children's song (for a bear) 
  • "Ah, what a woman" - Philip Kirkorov (for the fox) 
A musical scene is sung under a melody of ditties
A musical scene is sung under a melody of ditties

Scenes for the anniversary of a woman: cool fairy tales 

Cool fairy tales encourage creativity, improvisation and the search for new ideas. A joint essay or staging of a fairy tale can be a fun entertainment for the whole company. Cool fairy tales give a charge of positive and fun, which will remain in the memory of the guests for a long time. Such fairy tales can become a new family tradition that will be remembered with a smile. 

Cinderella is on the contrary 


  • Leading 
  • Jubilee (Cinderella) 
  • Guests (stepmother, daughter, fairy-cross, prince) 


  • Broom 
  • Mop 
  • Pot 
  • Old clothes 
  • Nice dress 
  • Shoes 
  • Crown 


  • Presenter: In some kingdom, some state, there was a woman (the name of the anniversary). And she was not just a woman, but a real Cinderella! 
  • (The song "Ah, what a woman" sounds). 
  • Presenter: I did all the things around the house, looked after everyone, and did not leave my time at all. 
  • (Cinderella with the music, the floor, wash the dishes, prepares dinner). 
  • Presenter: And once I came to her house a holiday - an anniversary! 
  • (Includes the stepmother and daughters, dressed in bright outfits). 
  • Strack: Ah, Cinderella, you did not go again? Come on, lively for work! 
  • Daughters: Yes, and help us, lazy! 
  • (Cinderella sighs and is accepted for work). 
  • Presenter: And then a fairy-cross came to her! 
  • (A fairy-cross-sized, dressed in a beautiful dress enters). 
  • Fairy-cross: Don’t be sad, Cinderella! I will help you get to the ball! 
  • (The fairy waves a magic wand, and Cinderella transforms: she has a beautiful dress, shoes, crown). 
  • Presenter: And now Cinderella appeared for the anniversary, more beautiful than all! 
  • (The song "Ah, what a woman" sounds). 
  • Presenter: All guests were struck by her beauty and charm. 
  • (The prince approaches Cinderella and invites her to dance). 
  • Presenter: And they danced until the morning, and then the prince confessed to Cinderella in love. 
  • (The prince gives Cinderella a bouquet of flowers). 
  • Presenter: And they lived happily ever after! 
  • (All guests raise glasses for the anniversary). 
  • Presenter: And I want to remain as beautiful, charming and cheerful! 

Sad Princess


  • Leading 
  • Jubilee (princess) 
  • Buffoons (2-3 people) 
  • Props: 
  • Tambourine 
  • Horn 
  • Tablespoons 


  • Presenter: In some kingdom, some state lived, there was a princess. And she was so sad that no one could make her laugh. 
  • (Sounds a sad melody). 
  • Presenter: And now the king decided to declare the competition: whoever makes the princess laugh will receive her hand and heart. 
  • (Fucking come in). 
  • Buffoon 1: Hey, Princess, do not be sad! 
  • (Buffoons sing ditties, dance, play musical instruments). 
  • Buffoon 2: Let's have fun with us! 
  • (The princess does not smile). 
  • Presenter: But not one of the suitors could make the princess. 
  • (Buffoons are upset). 
  • Presenter: And then the turn has come (the name of the anniversary). 
  • (The jubilee goes to the princess). 
  • Jubileesh: Hello, Princess! 
  • (The anniversary tells funny stories, jokes, sings funny songs). 
  • Presenter: And the princess laughed! 
  • (Princess laughs). 
  • Presenter: And so she liked to have fun with (the name of the Jubilee) that she chose her in her girlfriends. 
  • (Princess and jubilee are hugged). 
  • Presenter: And I want to always remain as funny, cheerful. 
Funny ditties for a birthday, a woman's anniversary
Funny ditties for a birthday, a woman's anniversary

Cool fairy tales for the anniversary of a woman 50 

"Princess Nesmeyana 2.0" 


  • Princess Nesmeyana (anniversary) 
  • Tsar (host) 
  • Buffoons (guests) 
  • Ivan-Durak (guest) 


  • The king promises half the kingdom and the princess’s hand is non -humane to the one who makes her laugh. 
  • The buffoons are trying to joke, but the princess remains gloomy. 
  • Ivan-Durak, using funny songs and ditties, amuses Princess. 
  • At the end of the fairy tale, the king, reluctantly, gives half a kingdom to the princess Ivan-Durak. 

Musical accompaniment: 

  1. “Ah, Samara-Gorodok”-a folk song (for the king) 
  2. “Oh, viburnum blooms” - folk song (for buffoons) 
  3. "Baryna"-a folk song (for Ivan-Durak) 
  4. Kalinka Malinka is a folk song (for the final song) 
Musical scene for a woman's birthday
Musical scene for a woman's birthday

Tales of impromptu for the anniversary, cool 

Options for fairy tales for a woman's birthday: 

  • The kingdom-state is anniversary. In some kingdom, the state of the anniversary, there was a king (name of the hero of the day). He ruled wisely and fairly, the people loved him. And then a significant day has come - (number) years to the king! The guests gathered from the whole corners of the kingdom to congratulate the wise ruler. 
  • Three wishes. In the distant kingdom, there was a beautiful fairy. On the day of the anniversary, she appeared to (the name of the anniversary) and offered to fulfill three desires. I made (the name of the anniversary) health, happiness and fulfillment of all his cherished desires. 
  • The tale of a magic glomerulus. Once upon a time there was a good fellow in the world (the name of the hero of the day). And he had a magic glomerulus, who always pointed the path to happiness. And then one day, Cloth led (the name of the hero of the day) to the beautiful castle, where he was waiting for faithful friends, a loving family and a sea of \u200b\u200bfun. 
  • Fairytale tournament. In honor of the anniversary (name of the anniversary), a grandiose tournament was arranged. Speech, heroes, beauties and wizards competed in different competitions. And at the end of the tournament (the name of the anniversary) was proclaimed the winner and the most wise ruler. 
  • Friendship Tale. Once upon a time there were three friends in the world: (the name of the anniversary), (name of a friend) and (name of a friend). Their friendship was strong and indestructible. Together they went through fire, water and copper pipes. And then the day came when (the name of the anniversary) celebrated his anniversary. And friends, of course, were nearby to share this holiday with him. 


  • For each fairy tale, you can come up with a sequel using the names and events from the life of the hero of the day. 
  • You can add songs, dancing, games and other elements to fairy tales to make them even more funny and interesting. 
  • The main thing is to create an atmosphere of the holiday and please the hero of the day. 

Additional ideas: 

  • Fairy Tale: a famous fairy tale in a new way, where the heroes change places, and events occur the other way around. 
  • Multfilm fairy tale: impromptu, played by guests in the form of a cartoon. 
  • Fairy Tale: Exprompetus, where all the heroes sing songs. 

Congratulations: Happy birthday fairy tales cool 

Birthday fairy tale: 

In some kingdom, in a certain state there was a beautiful birthday (name). And then one day, on her birthday, three sorceresses appeared to her. 

The first sorceress said: 

  • Live, (name), as a queen, in luxury and without worries! 
  • The second sorceress added: 
  • May you have an unearthly beauty, the mind is sharp and good health! 
  • And the third sorceress smiled slyly and said: 
  • And I give you a fabulous adventure! 
  • And then the birthday girl found herself in a magic forest. 
  • A mischievous bunny ran out towards her. 
  • Happy birthday, (name)! He exclaimed. - I prepared you a game! 
  • And they cheerfully played hide and seek among trees. 
  • Then the birthday girl met a wise owl. 
  • Happy birthday, (name)! - the owl hesed. - I give you advice: always follow your dream! 
  • And the birthday girl, inspired by wise words, continued her path. 
  • Suddenly she saw a shining chest in the clearing. 
  • Happy birthday, (name)! - read the inscription on the chest. - A gift awaits you in it! 
  • The birthday girl opened the chest and gasped - inside there were the most cherished desires! 
  • Happy and gifted, the birthday girl returned home. 
  • And since then every day of her life was filled with joy, love and magic. 
  • Happy birthday! 
  • May your life be as fabulous as this story! 
Giving a bouquet
Giving a bouquet

Funny scenes for the anniversary: \u200b\u200bcool fairy tales 

"Tsarevna for a storage" 


  • The king promises to give the princess to marry the one who makes her laugh. 
  • Different grooms come, but no one can make the princess laugh. 
  • A simple guy comes and tells the joke. 
  • The princess laughs, and the king marries her as a guy. 



  • The old man and the old woman sculpt Kolobok. 
  • Kolobok runs away from them, meets a hare, a wolf, a bear. 
  • The fox deceives Kolobok and eats it. 



  • The mouse is building a tower. 
  • A frog, a bunny, a fox, a top and a bear come to her. 
  • Everyone lives together in Teremke. 
  • The bear breaks the tower, but all the animals are building a new one. 
Musical scene under the melody Karavay
Musical scene for the melody "Karavay"

Scenarios of cool fairy tales on the anniversary 

Creating a script for a cool fairy tale for an anniversary is a great way to add fun and originality to the holiday. Here is the idea of \u200b\u200ba script that you can adapt to your event: 

Scenario: "Magic anniversary in the kingdom of time" 

Decorations: royal hall with a throne, a clock on the wall, magic elements (stars, luminous balls). 


  • Jubilee (King/Queen of Time) 
  • Time (magical character) 
  • Funny clock (comedy character) 
  • Guests (courtiers) 


  • Introduction: the presenter announces the beginning of the holiday and invites everyone to the kingdom of the time where the magical anniversary is celebrated today. 
  • The appearance of the hero of the day: the anniversary enters the hall for solemn music and takes a place on the throne. 
  • Time comes to the holiday: a magic character time appears with a magic wand and congratulates the anniversary, promising to give unforgettable moments. 
  • Funny clock: a comedic character in the form of a watch enters, confused in his arrows, and tells funny stories about how he always late for important events. 
  • Games and contests: The presenter invites guests to participate in funny competitions and games related to the topic of time and the anniversary. 
  • Dancing: music sounds, and everyone is invited to the dance. Funny watches arrange an incendiary dance number. 
  • Congratulations: Guests take turns approaching the anniversary to congratulate and give gifts. 
  • Final: Time announces that the moment of magic has come, and gives the anniversary a symbolic gift - sand clock, which will remind of a perfectly spent time together. 

Cool fairy tales for adults for the anniversary 

"Tsarevna Nesmeyan in a new way" 

  • In some kingdom, some state lived, there was a princess Nesmeyan. The beauty was written, but with character - she did not know how to laugh, and indeed she rarely smiled. 
  • And so, the day of her 50th anniversary has come! Guests from all lands, a feast with a mountain, fun, jokes, songs gathered. And the princess sits, frowning, does not flinch with a muscle. 
  • Then Ivanushka-Durachka appeared. Not empty -handed, but with button accordion. And how it will play, how it pounds ditties about the anniversary! About her beauty, about her mind, about her economicity. 
  • And what do you think? Nesmeyana could not stand it, smiled, and then she began to laugh at all. So Ivanushka became famous, as a cheerful princess. 

"Kolobok Programmer" 

  • Once upon a time there was a bun, not a simple, but a programmer. His grandmother made of rye flour baked him, and with twig-bugs. 
  • Kolobok rolled away from his grandmother, from his grandfather, and he dodged the fox from the wolf. Sits on a hemp, writes the code. 
  • Then the bear draws, growls, wants to eat a bun. And Kolobok is to him: “Do not eat me, Bear, I will make you a site, you will become famous throughout the forest district!” 
  • The bear thought for a moment, scratched his head. “Okay,” says, “Come on the site, and then we'll see.” 
  • The site began to do the site, and so carried away that I forgot about Mishka. And Mishka, meanwhile, ate raspberries from his hunger and sang songs. 
  • So the Kolobok remained safe and unharmed, and the bear with the site. 

"Cinderella of the 21st century" 

  • There was a Cinderella, not in the castle, but in Khrushchev. The stepmother with her daughters did not give her life, all the work was dumped on her. 
  • And then the ball is in the kingdom! All girls are invited, and Cinderella, too. But how can she get to the ball if she has no dresses or carriage? 
  • But then the fairy-cross appeared. Not with a magic wand, but with a laptop. And how to stand on the keys! 
  • Supreme instantly created a virtual dress, hairstyle, makeup. And not on a carriage, but on a taxi sent to the ball. 
  • The prince, of course, fell in love with Cinderella. And when he found out that she was a programmer, he lost his head at all. 
  • Since then, Cinderella lives in the kingdom, does not push, programs, and the prince helps her in everything. 

Read on the topic:

Video: Musical Tales for Birthday

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