Prostate massage: how to do it right to a man? Types, methods, technology, benefits and massage schemes of prostate to yourself with a finger and massager for the treatment of prostatitis at home. How and how to massage the prostate for yourself?

Prostate massage: how to do it right to a man? Types, methods, technology, benefits and massage schemes of prostate to yourself with a finger and massager for the treatment of prostatitis at home. How and how to massage the prostate for yourself?

How and what to do direct and indirect prostate massage yourself? Contraindications for prostate massage.

The prostate or prostate is a very important organ in the male body. It is directly related to the men's genitourinary system. With any changes, inflammation and formations in the prostate, a failure of these systems is observed. One of the effective methods of treating the male prostate gland is its massage.

Is it possible to make a prostate massage to yourself?

Is it possible to do prostate massage yourself?
Is it possible to do prostate massage yourself?

Many men are afraid or embarrassed by such manipulations as prostate massage. They are even ready to risk their male health, just not to go to “shameful” procedures. Few of them know that you can do the prostate massage at home when no one sees anything.

Prostate massage with a finger to yourself: benefit

Prostate massage
Prostate massage

First of all, it is worth saying that it is necessary to engage in such manipulations only by prescription of the doctor. It is the doctor who will be able to orient his patient on what kind of massage he needs to use, how long he should last and how often to spend it.

From the point of view of medicine, the benefits of prostate massage are as follows:

  • blood flow in the organ improves
  • the effect of the effects of drugs by acceleration of blood flow is enhanced
  • all metabolic processes in the body are normalized
  • inflammation of the prostate is suppressed, its swelling leaves
  • together with the secret of the prostate gland, all pathogenic bacteria come out
Prostate massage benefits
Prostate massage benefits

For men, such processes are extremely important, since thanks to them the following happens:

  • the duration of sexual intercourse increases
  • orgasm becomes more pronounced
  • sexual attraction is enhanced
  • potency increases

Types, methods of prostate massage to yourself

Types of prostate massage
Types of prostate massage

To date, there are 2 types of prostate massage - external and internal. In turn, the internal massage is divided into such subspecies:

  • prostate massage with a finger
  • hardware massage
  • hydromassage

There is also an internal type of prostate massage with a boogle. However, such a procedure should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital.

How can a prostate be massive yourself?

How can you do prostate massage yourself?
How can you do prostate massage yourself?
  • Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning an independent prostate massage at home is a finger.
  • Also, the prostate gland can be kneaded using special devices - you can purchase them in a pharmacy or do it yourself.
  • For home hydromassage, you will need a rubber pear with a special solution (manganese, chamomile or furatsilin).

Prostate massage pose for yourself: photo

Prostate massage poses
Prostate massage poses
  • The most successful pose for self -massage of the prostate gland is the pose in which the man lies on his back, bending his knees and pulling them to his chest. At the same time, it is advisable to dilute the legs a little to the sides. With one hand, a man can hold his legs, and with the second hand, massage.
  • If desired, such a procedure can be carried out in the same position, but on the side. However, many patients note that making prostate massage on their backs is still more convenient than on the side.
  • Some men prefer to massage prostate in the knee-elbow position.
  • Quite complicated, but convenient for performing such manipulations, a pose is also considered when a man squatting, diluting bent knees to the sides.
  • With problems in the joints of the legs, a man can choose a standing pose, in which the case must be put on the table.
  • You can also use a pose in which the patient lies on his stomach by picking up his knees.
All posts for prostate massage
All posts for prostate massage

Direct prostate massage through the rectum on its own. How to make a medical prostate massage to yourself with a thumb: Technique

Prostate massage with your finger on your own
Prostate massage with your finger on your own

Before starting the prostate massage, it is necessary to carry out thorough preparation:

  1. The place of massage (bed, floor, sofa) is best covered with some kind of fabric (towel, sheet).
  2. An hour before the procedure, the patient needs to drink 1 liter of pure water so that at the time of massage of the prostate, his bladder is full.
  3. Before carrying out the procedure, you also need to clean the intestines from the excess feces. To do this, it is advisable to put a cleansing enema based on a solution of furatsilin, potassium permanganate or chamomile infusion.
  4. A man’s hands require special preparation - they must be thoroughly washed and trimmed on them.
  5. On the hand or finger that is supposed to be massage, it is recommended to put on gloves, an attacker or condom.
  6. For better gliding, it is advisable to lubricate the rubber surface of the protective layer with vaseline, special lubricant or children's cream.
  7. Immediately before the massage, the genitals and perineum must be thoroughly washed and wiped dry.

The algorithm of actions:

  • Having done all the preparatory procedures and laying down in a convenient pose, we insert your finger into an anus to a depth of about 5 cm.
  • On the anterior wall of the intestine, we grop the prostate gland-it will stand out somewhat against the background of other intestinal tissues and something to resemble walnut.
  • We begin to stimulate the prostate with soft stroking it from the sides to the center - you can alternately iron one side in turn, and then the other (about a minute).
  • Gradually increase the pressure on the stronger sections of the prostate, and reduce to soft ones (about a minute).
  • At the final stage of the massage, we make a stroking movement down along the central groove of the prostate.
  • With a careful movement of the hand, we remove the finger from the anus.
Independent prostate massage technique
Independent prostate massage technique
  • All the time of the massage, a man needs to monitor his well -being - the norm is considered the lack of pain and unpleasant sensations.
  • In the process of massage, a man can feel how a small amount of liquid (3-5 drops) comes out of it. Such a liquid is nothing more than the juice of the prostate gland.
  • Immediately after the procedure, the patient needs to empty the bladder. Together with the urine, the remains of the secret will come out. They also need to pay attention to them, since they can be judged by what processes occur in the prostate. Transparent fluid will be considered the norm, yellowish discharge indicates the presence of pus and inflammation in the gland, and bloody - tissue damage. In the last two cases, it is best for a man to abandon independent prostate massage and seek help from a doctor.

Inguinal, indirect self -massage of prostate to yourself: description, scheme, video

Inguinal indirect prostate massage
Inguinal indirect prostate massage
  • We put our palms over the pubic symphysis so that they are in contact.
  • The third and fourth fingers begin weak pressure on the skin of the abdomen.
  • We move the fingers to the right by a few centimeters, taking the clamped skin with it.
  • We do a similar manipulation in the left side.
  • We move your palms a couple of centimeters up.
  • We repeat the procedure with pressing and stretching to the sides.
  • In a similar way we go up to the navel twice.
  • Having reached the navel, in the same way we gradually lower our hands to the pubic joint.
  • We repeat the massage on the sides.
  • After the procedure, empty the bladder.

Indirect prostate massage: video

Prostate massage to itself with a massager: technique, scheme

Prostate massage technique using a massager
Prostate massage technique using a massager
  • Today, for a prostate massage in a pharmacy or other medical centers, special massagers can be purchased. When choosing such a device, it is necessary to take into account the physiological features of the structure of the male body. Based on them, it is necessary to choose an individual length, width and shape of the apparatus.
  • Having acquired a massager, it is also very important for a man to get acquainted with his instructions.
  • The doctor’s consultation regarding the nuances of such procedures will not be superfluous.
  • As a rule, the prostate massage using a massager is performed using the same technique as massage with a finger.

Prostate massage to yourself - how not to harm: tips and recommendations

Contraindications to an independent prostate massage
Contraindications to an independent prostate massage

So that the prostate massage does not become nasty, the patient is recommended to adhere to all the rules and advice of the doctors. At the slightest sensations of pain, the procedure must be stopped. In the presence of unhealthy discharge - it is also better to refuse massage.
The following conditions and diseases can become contraindications to prostate massage:

  • Acute prostatitis
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Inflammation in the rectum
  • Inflammation of the urinary system
  • Oncological or inflammatory diseases of the prostate
  • Anal cracks
  • Fever
  • Neglected adenoma

Dear men! No matter how you be shy and afraid of your problems, you must definitely go to the doctor. Only he can help you and prescribe adequate treatment. Prostate massage is not something terrible, but it cannot be called a panacea. If necessary, this manipulation will accelerate the recovery process and will quickly return your self -confidence. Health to you!

Prostate massage: video

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Comments K. article

  1. Good material, especially since urologists have long been talking about this and recommend this type of massages that prevent male infertility and generally stimulate this zone well. Well done, what did you write about it.

  2. Massage is actually very effective for prostatitis, but everything is fine in the complex.

  3. No one argues about the benefits of prostate massage with prostatitis. That's just this procedure is unpleasant in practice, and you yourself definitely can’t do it yourself. And a rare man will go to the doctor for this. I am also not up to it. In the acute stage of prostatitis, massage is contraindicated, I am saved by licoprofit in such cases. Rather, even the components of this complex. Among them are the lycopin anti -inflammatory, and the palm of the sabal is decongestant, and the horsetail is antispasmodic, etc. need. And when the exacerbation retreats, it’s not to the massage somehow).

  4. the main thing to see a doctor in time, and maybe even without massage treatment can do.

  5. Arina, if the form is neglected, then the doctor will certainly prescribe massage. I don’t know I went through 10 days to massage and I don’t feel flawed. In general, I am an experienced doctor for prostatitis, including chronic. The complex was prescribed to me, in which I am lycopin, horsetail, selenium and other trace elements and vitamins took Likoprofit in the form of capsules. So I feel good now. By the way, the doctor said that this complex can be accepted as a prevention, which I intend to do.

  6. There is a special external prostate massager to restore potency and prevent prostatitis in drivers and men leading a sedentary sedentary lifestyle

  7. There is a special external prostate massager is called Auto Sedlo designed to restore potency and prevention of prostatitis in drivers and men leading a sedentary sedentary lifestyle

  8. Yes, I also at one time did this massage. It helps very well. But this is not all, I also accept the licoprofit complex, in which components positively affecting the genitourinary system and on the whole organism as a whole. So lately, I have a good health.

  9. I don’t understand why do a massage to yourself if a prostitute can do it. I somehow called myself to have fun, and she suddenly began to do massage, so skillfully that he even got pleasure.

  10. My husband with such a problem at the doctor did prostate massage in due time, but it was a long time ago. And now he is taking a complex licoprofit, the components of which have a positive effect on the urinary tract and in general strengthen the body. So, now he began to feel better.

  11. It's funny, but you are unlikely to do a prostate massage yourself. Treat prostatitis is better than normal means. Try to drink urotrin, he almost saved my life at one time. For I just could no longer hide my "weakness" from my wife

  12. It's funny, but you are unlikely to do a prostate massage yourself. Treat prostatitis is better than normal means. Try to drink urotrin, he almost saved my life at one time. For I just could no longer hide my "weakness" from my wife

  13. I was told to be like a massage, so after the procedure I flew out of the office that the heels sparkled! An unpleasant, painful procedure for me. Honey, as a friend said that it is already exciting! No, he is probably a pervert is simple. And to do it himself, so it is, so it is. In general, it is hell. It’s easier to treat the head on folk remedies, and the M-16 spray is sting, it will calmly remove and strengthen potency. Massage is generally horror .. my wife laughed me for a week when I saw how I was trying to make it to myself!

  14. It seems to me, if you do such a massage at home, it is better to a device like smart work. At least a guarantee that will help. Otherwise, you can suffer any use.

  15. Well, it all depends on the situation. Read the instructions for the smartest! Not everyone needs such a powerful effect!

  16. Stupidity. Smartprost is an ordinary physio, do not embellish.

  17. I don’t know that so men are just against massage. The necessary thing, I say this by personal example. Yes, and Lycoprofit during the treatment of prostatitis was not superfluous. In reality, his grass, vitamins and trace elements that are collected in the composition only positively affect the men's genitourinary system. Inflammation, swelling, pain decreases. And taking this tool is not difficult.

  18. I have chronic prostatitis, so to conceive a child, I first relieved the next inflammation of the prostatitis, for this I had to take antibiotics that influenced the quality of the seed (the spermogram was bad. It is good that the doctor advised to drink a tartyl and did not regret it. After the course, everything was normal, and I will soon become a dad, like that.

  19. Likoprofit helps from everything! What hurts, you smear them!

  20. Attention! Want to change your life for the better? Start with the outer shell. And now, to make the body embossed, remove fat and pump up muscles do not need to sit on diets, go to the simulator and exhaust yourself. Sitting at home and devoting 15 minutes a day you will remove excess fat and pump up the Michens, I tried personally and here is my result in 2 weeks- \u003d\u003d-

  21. I did not know the Blog of a dude, Kostoriy, Telo Doma, with the help of a belt, a myotimulata, they didn’t have a good time, but they rejoiced to try it. It was a short time that the result was in the shock: the pool leaves, the cubes will deceive, the back was binded, and Zhnna removed a couple of cantimeters in the waist. DA and the prove that there was nothing to do, I put it and turned on, DA and the time of time in the DEN for 20 minutes. This is the same led and the current one to lose weight and accumulate, and there is a penny, his blog ---

  22. I did it myself. Perhaps this is not as effective as a specialist. But. We all know where we live and how we relate to penetration into the anus. And I am not so brought up to allow someone to eat there. But I don’t want to be impotent in the future. Here is such a compromise, a deal with a conscience.

  23. No devices prescribed me a doctor. Maybe the case was not neglected. After all, at the first symptoms I went to the doctor. As a result, there was simply complex therapy, which included the intake of Likoprofit. And I was pleased that I was accepting this tool. Substances in this complex, which are included in this complex, reduced the manifestation of symptoms and I began to feel much better.

  24. Excessive Lycoprofit Beijma according to reviews.

  25. Excellent advertising of licoprofita on recall

  26. What the hell is licoprofit to trap here

  27. There is nothing shameful in this, I use a massage for a prostate twice a week. You can also with a masturbator at the same time. There are no problems with potency at all.

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