How beautifully and cool to answer the question: “What is new” or “What are you new?”

How beautifully and cool to answer the question: “What is new” or “What are you new?”

Answers to the question: "What's new?"

People ask: “What is new?” In order to show politeness and interest in the interlocutor. This is a simple way to start a conversation and show that you are not indifferent to a person and his life. Learn about current events in the life of the interlocutor. People want to be aware of what is happening with their friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances. This issue can be a starting point for discussing various topics. By asking this question, a person can subconsciously want to get a response and tell about his news. 

Funny answers to the question: “What's new?” 

Funny answers to the question "What is new?": 

  • 1. “I learned to read thoughts! But so far I can’t understand what my cockroaches think. " 
  • 2. “I try to grow superpower. While it turns out only lazily to lie on the couch. " 
  • 3. “I am looking for a recipe for eternal life. So far I have found only a recipe for eternal hunger. " 
  • 4. "I'm going to write the book" How to do nothing and at the same time be happy. " 
  • 5. “Tamed the Dragon. True, he spits only with a rainbow. " 
  • 6. “Opened the portal to another dimension. I don’t know what to do there, but I have already washed socks (a). ” 
  • 7. “I try to unravel the secret of the Egyptian pyramids. So far I have found only a delicious pizza recipe. ” 
  • 8. “Created a time machine. So far I only travel to the nearest store for dumplings. ” 
  • 9. “Won a million dollars in the lottery. True, so far only in their fantasies. " 
  • 10. “Found (a) the meaning of life. True, it turned out to be very tasty and quickly ended. " 

How to answer the question "What is new?" Original 

Original answers to the question "What is new?": 

  • "Yes, everything is the same: I'm struggling with world evil, I eat pizza and lie on the sofa." 
  • "I learned to fly on a broomstick, now traffic jams are not afraid of me!" 
  • "I try not to get old, but so far it turns out not very."
  • "Every day is a new adventure, and I look forward to what he will bring to me." 
  • "Life is a kaleidoscope of events, and I try to catch every moment." 
  • "The world around is changing, and I change with it." 
  • "My life is a seething boiler in which every day boils and seething." 
  • "I swim along the waves of life, and I wonder where I will bring me." 
  • "I am like a blank sheet of paper, and every day I write a new story on it." 
  • “Today I found out that they found life on Mars! Now I'm not alone! " 
  • “Prices in stores are rising like mushrooms after rain. We will eat air soon. " 
  • "Yesterday I watched a new film that turned my idea of \u200b\u200bthe world." 
  • "As Confucius said:" Every day you need to update your knowledge. " 
  • "Ovid said:" Everything flows, everything is changing. " 
  • "Heraclitus claimed:" You cannot enter the same river twice. " 
  • "What's new? Yes, everything is the same, only the sun has become brighter, the sky is bluer, and life is more beautiful. ” 
  • “I know the secret, but I can’t tell you it. I can only say that she will change your life. " 
  • “I saw a dream that changed my worldview. But I cannot tell you so as not to spoil the magic. " 
  • “Yes, nothing new, everything is as usual: work, house, family. Boring!" 
  • “Life is beautiful: the sun is shining, birds sing, prices in stores are pleasing. Oh, no, the latter is not about us. " 
  • “Every day I wake up with the hope that the world will change for the better. But so far nothing is changing. " 
  • “I learned to talk with cats. Now they tell me such stories from which the hair stands on end. " 
  • “Yesterday I met an alien. He said that on his planet everyone walks on his head. " 
  • “I bought a magic pill that makes me invisible. Now I can safely go shopping and not pay for products. " 
  • "I am so glad to see you! So many new things have happened! I have so much to you! " 
  • “I cannot restrain my emotions! My life turned upside down! ” 
  • “This is incredible! It's amazing! This is stunning! " 

How to answer the man to the question “What is new” romantic? 

Answers in a romantic style: 

  • Since we saw each other for the last time, every minute seemed eternity. My heart is yearning for you, and I look forward to meeting when we can be together again. 
  • Today I woke up with the thought of you. Your image filled my dreams, and I walk all day, like in a fog. I want to dissolve in your eyes, to swim in your love. 
  • Do you know what's new? I came up with a new game. It is called "Who loves you more?" And you know who always wins? That's right, I! 
  • My heart is burning with a fire of love for you. Every day my feeling is becoming stronger, and I can no longer imagine my life without you. 
  • You are like a beautiful rose whose aroma fills my soul with bliss. Your shining eyes overshadow the sun, and delicate lips beckon their sweet nectar. 
  • In my heart lies a secret that I can entrust only to you. This is the mystery of love, which is burning in me since our meeting. 
  • Do you know what song is playing in my heart now? This is a song about love, about you, about our meeting. 
  • If I could collect all the flowers of the world, I would put them at your feet. But even this bouquet would not be enough to express my whole love for you. 
  • You are my beautiful princess, for which I am ready to fight any dragon. 
  • You are like a sip of fresh air, like a ray of sun on a gloomy day. You make my life brighter, more rich, more beautiful. 

It is interesting to answer the question: "What's new?" 

Interesting and non -trivial answers to the question “What is new?”: 

  • “In my life, the tsunami rages, and I enthusiastically saddle this wave!” 
  • "My heart was blossomed with a lush garden, where the aromas of love, joy and inspiration are fragrant." 
  • "My mind is a labyrinth of ideas where every turn opens new opportunities and horizons." 
  • "I am mastering the art of teleportation so that traffic jams no longer overshadow my day." 
  • "Yesterday I started a virtual pet who teaches me to dance tango." 
  • "I became a witness to an incredible sunset that overshadowed all works of art." 
  • “New - darkness: new ideas, new plans, new holes in the budget, but this does not overshadow my optimism.” 
  • "Everything is new in my life: a new phone, a new computer, a new cat, but nostalgia for the old does not subside." 
  • "As Confucius said:" Every day you need to update my knowledge, and I try to update my life. " 
  • “Ovid said:“ Everything flows, everything changes, ”and I add:“ And I change with the world. ” 
  • "Hercitel argued:" You cannot enter the same river twice, "and I dive into the waterfall of change with my head." 
  • “I know the secret, but I can’t tell you it. I can only say that she will change your life, like mine. " 
  • “I saw a dream that changed my worldview. But I cannot tell you, so as not to spoil the magic, but it lives in my heart. " 
  • “Yesterday I met an alien. He said that on his planet everyone walks on his head, and I am thinking about moving. " 
  • “I bought a magic pill that makes me invisible. Now I can safely go shopping and not pay for products, but conscience does not allow. " 
  • "I am so glad to see you! So many new things have happened! I have so much to tell you that there is not enough day! " 
  • “I cannot restrain my emotions! My life turned upside down, and I want to share it with you! ” 
  • “This is incredible! It's amazing! This is stunning! And I want you to share these feelings with me! " 
  • “Yes, nothing new, everything is as usual: work, house, family. Boring! But I'm looking for ways to adventure. " 
  • “Every day I wake up with the hope that the world will change for the better. So far nothing is changing, but I am not losing optimism. " 
  • “Dolce vita reigns in my life, and I enjoy every moment!” 
  • "I feel like pez en el agua, and no difficulties are afraid to me!" 
  • "I live on the principle of Carpe Diem, and every day for me is a new gift!" 

How cool to answer the question: “What is new?” 

Several new options for the answer to the question “What is new?”: 

  • “New - with a rampart: new ideas, plans, holes in the budget, but I don’t lose heart, because I am a master of a corkscrew!” 
  • “I became a new person: I lost weight, wiser, got out, but bad habits do not give up. Apparently, they will have to update them too. " 
  • "My life is a kaleidoscope of events, where every day is like a fragment of multi -colored glass." 
  • "I am like a traveler who goes along an unknown road, complete surprises and surprises." 
  • "The world around me is a huge book that I read with greed, leafing through pages with bated breath." 
  • "The more I find out, the more I understand that I know nothing." 
  • "The further I go, the closer I am to the beginning." 
  • "The higher I rise, the more I fall." 
  • "Life is not a destination, but a trip." 
  • "It is important not what is happening to us, but how we react to this." 
  • "Every day is a gift that needs to be appreciated." 
  • "I am like a hamster in a wheel: I run, run, but no sense." 
  • "My life is a comedy in which I play the main role." 
  • "I am like the same cat that walks on its own, but sometimes allows myself to stroke." 
  • "My soul sings, my heart is dancing, my life is a song." 
  • "There is a lot of beauty in the world, and I want to see it." 
  • "I want to make the world better, at least a little." 

What can be answered: "What is new?" 

Answers to the question "What is new?": 

  • Nothing special, but I'm glad/and the new day. 
  • Life flows its turn. 
  • I am engaged in everyday business. 
  • Slowly, but right, I move to my goals. 
  • I try not to lose optimism. 
  • I read a lot/look/listen to interesting. 
  • I plan interesting things/trips. 
  • I study new and develop. 
  • I enjoy communication with loved ones. 
  • I just feel good. 
  • As always, I struggle with the world evil. 
  • I save the world from insidious procrastinators. 
  • I keep calm in this chaos. 
  • I hone the skill of nothing. 
  • I am looking for inspiration, but while it is hiding. 
  • Started (a) a new project/course/book. 
  • Completed an important stage of work/study. 
  • Met (As) with friends/relatives. 
  • I tried a new dish/hobby/place. 
  • I did something that I am proud of. 
  • I feel inspired/inspired/motivated. 
  • I am in search of myself/my place in the world. 
  • I am learning to appreciate simple things. 
  • I try to be attentive/conscious/grateful. 
  • I just live and enjoy the moment. 
  • Everything is still. 
  • Without special changes. 
  • Life goes on as usual. 
  • Nothing new happens. 
  • As usual, there are enough things. 
  • I follow the news and events in the world. 
  • I read a lot of interesting information. 
  • I learn a lot of new and useful. 
  • I share my knowledge with others. 
  • I try to keep abreast of what is happening. 
  • I am making plans for the future. 
  • I set new goals. 
  • I dream of new achievements. 
  • I am preparing for new achievements. 
  • I believe that all the best ahead. 

What to answer the question: "What is new?" guy? 

Answers to the guy to the question "What is new?" In different styles: 

  • Recently, I have not had any significant changes. I continue to fulfill my tasks in accordance with the plan. 
  • Yes, nothing special, life flows its turn. That's just last night the series watched a new one, hooked! 
  • Oh, so much new that you can’t remember! But yesterday I learned to sing in an opera voice, the neighbors, however, did not appreciate. 
  • As Heraclitus said, "everything flows, everything changes." And I'm no exception. Every day I learn something new, change, develop. 
  • Oh, a new rampart! Prices rose, the dollar flew up, traffic jams on the roads ... And the rest is fine, as always. 
  • You know, since we saw each other for the last time, the world around me shone with new colors. My heart is full of feelings, and the soul sings with happiness. 
  • Oh, this is a secret covered with darkness! I can only say that the changes are coming, and they will be stunning. 
  • YO, BRAN, what is the new one? Yes, everything is the same, I work out like Pope Carlo, there is little money, things to a fig, but I don’t lose heart, I move to the goal, because life is a struggle, and I am a champion in it! 

Read on the topic:

Video: Answers to the question: "What is new"

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