How to treat prostatitis with folk remedies at home? Is it possible to cure prostatitis forever?

How to treat prostatitis with folk remedies at home? Is it possible to cure prostatitis forever?

Painful urination and weak erection inspire the idea that a man has prostatitis. The article will help to figure out how to recognize this disease and treat folk remedies.

Is it possible to cure prostatitis? Unfortunately, this issue is relevant for a significant number of male population. According to some statistics, the number of men suffering from this disease reaches almost 50%. Moreover, prostatitis can be diagnosed in men in different age groups.

The causes of prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate often has a bacterial nature.
Inflammation of the prostate often has a bacterial nature.

The causes of prostatitis, and this is inflammation of the prostate gland - call various infections:

  • staphylococcus
  • enterobacter
  • klebsiella
  • e. coli
  • pseudomonal stick
  • infections that cause sexually transmitted diseases
  • infections that cause genital diseases

Infection of the male body can have an external cause, as well as the internal cause.

  • The fact is that with the weakening of immunity due to different causes, as well as due to an incorrect lifestyle and due to irregular sexual intercourse, even those bacteria that are present in the human body can be activated and caused by the infection of the prostate gland and lead to its inflammation
  • The infection and inflammation of the organ negatively affects the entire genitourinary and reproductive system of a man. In addition to the prostate, the urethra, and the rectum, and the entire blood and lymphatic system of the small pelvis are affected, turn out to be affected.
  • Since the main function of the prostate gland is the development of a secret that maintains the activity and stability of sperm, the consequence of inflammation of the infected prostate is not just a violation of libido and erection, but also the quality of the sperm itself
Prostatitis is the cause of sexual impotence and infertility in men.
Prostatitis is the cause of sexual impotence and infertility in men.

Important: infertility can be a consequence of not cured prostatitis.

The inflammatory process begins acutely: high temperature appears, soreness during urination due to edema of the prostate gland.
Acute form of prostatitis requires immediate treatment with antibiotics and other means.
Prostatitis can also acquire a chronic form. In chronic prostatitis, acute symptoms of the disease can be less pronounced, but remain:

  • frequent urination, sometimes painful
  • lower abdominal pain
  • a feeling of non -emptiness of the bladder
  • weak erection
  • premature or painful ejaculation
It is very difficult to live with symptoms of prostatitis.
It is very difficult to live with symptoms of prostatitis.

Is it possible to cure prostatitis? Is prostatitis treated in men?

Important: timely and correct treatment of prostatitis makes its prognosis favorable

When active treatment with medicines is completed, then effective folk remedies will help to support the body and consolidate the recovery process. These include treatment of prostatitis:

  • oils
  • herbal herbs
  • juices
  • pumpkin seeds
  • with the help of onions
  • with a honey confusion
  • with celandine

Treatment of prostatitis in oils

For the treatment of prostatitis, various essential oils can be used. Methods of their use are external rubbing, oral administration and microclysters.

You can treat prostatitis with essential oils
You can treat prostatitis with essential oils
  • Essential oils with antibacterial, antispasmodic, soothing and stimulating effects penetrate the blood system of a person and affect the internal organs, including the prostate
  • For example, grapefruit It has an antibacterial and antiviral effect. It can be used by diluting 3 to 5 drops of the extract on a glass of warm water. You need to drink it twice a day before meals
  • Tea tree oil It will also have a bactericidal and anti -inflammatory effect, will also have an anti -allergic effect. It is taken 1 drop per tablespoon of milk or a bread crumb after eating. The course of treatment - 3 weeks

Important: tea tree oil can be characterized by individual intolerance

Juniper extract will help relieve inflammation and swelling of the organ. Taken on a teaspoon three times a day for 3 weeks.
The same juniper oil, or tea tree oil, as well as eucalyptus and thyme oil, are used and externally.
For example, you can organize sedentary baths.

RECIPE: 5 drops of oil in water are diluted into the bathtub with a temperature of 37 - 38 degrees. You can add sea salt to the water. The time spent in the bath is 10 - 15 minutes. The number of procedures is 10 - 12.
Based on essential oils, special creams are prepared that can be rubbed into the pelvis area or use as an additive to massage.

Treatment of prostatitis with pumpkin seeds

In the chemical composition of pumpkin seeds, elements are balanced that have a beneficial effect on the secretion of the prostate gland, therefore they are considered one of the first means of traditional medicine for the treatment of the disease. You can use pumpkin seeds with prostatitis using several ways.

Pumpkin seeds contribute to improving the work of the prostate.
Pumpkin seeds contribute to improving the work of the prostate.

Method number 1: You can simply eat 20 - 25 pumpkin seeds (raw) before each meal for three months.

Method number 2: You need to take a certain amount of pre -dried pumpkin seeds, grind them with a coffee grinder along with the peel. The resulting crushed mass can be sift through a sieve to get a powder. Such powder should be taken two tablespoons three times a day, washed down with warm water with honey diluted in it. Take powder before meals also for three months.

Method number 3: A powder from raw pumpkin seeds (see above) can be immediately mixed with honey. For half a kilogram of pumpkin seeds, you will need a glass of honey. Roll the resulting mass in balls and put in the refrigerator until thickened. Take a ball of seeds and honey 3 times a day before meals for three months.
On the basis of an extract of pumpkin seeds, a special dietary supplement “pumpkin” was developed for the treatment of prostatitis. Her instructions can be found in the places of sale of dietary supplements.

Onion from prostatitis

Onions, both on -hand and green are an excellent remedy for many diseases, including prostatitis.

The antibacterial properties of onions are effective in the fight against inflammation of the prostate.
The antibacterial properties of onions are effective in the fight against inflammation of the prostate.

For prostatitis in Luke, its antibacterial properties and mutual balance of zinc, copper and iron are important.
It is recommended to use on the night the head of onions daily. As an option, you can squeeze the juice from the bow and mix it with honey. Eat a tablespoon for the treatment of prostatitis.

Important: onions should be used with caution to people with diseases of the stomach, duodenum, pancreas, intestines.

Honey down from prostatitis, recipe

  • Honey down is sold in pharmacies. This is a drink based on water, which includes honey, healing herbs, spices and sugar
  • This is an ancient folk remedy for prostatitis, which will help eliminate stagnation in the prostate gland, normalize urination and rectal function, reduce unpleasant and pain syndromes, and strengthen immunity
  • The honey down is taken by breeding 1 tablespoon of infusion in a glass of water on an empty stomach courses at 4 weeks. You can also take it twice a day, also in the evening
A tasty cure for prostatitis is a honey down.
A tasty cure for prostatitis is a honey down.

Judging by the reviews, honey bezen is very convenient for use and a pleasant remedy, in addition to its effectiveness for the treatment of prostatitis and strengthening immunity.

Juices with prostatitis

Effective folk remedies for prostatitis with additional cleansing and strengthening the body are vegetable juices. They are prepared from:

  • carrots, beets, cucumbers
  • carrots and spinach
  • carrots, celery and parsley

It is necessary to cook juices from these products directly before their use, then they will produce the greatest effect. You need to drink juices in a glass of at least 2 times a day. In case of intolerance and a laxative effect on the body, emphasis should be placed on carrots as part of juice.

With inflammation of the prostate, socotherapy is used.
With inflammation of the prostate, socotherapy is used.

Black elderberry juice also helps. They drink it on a tablespoon after eating.

Herbs with prostatitis are the most effective

Medicinal herbs are an effective, not expensive, affordable treatment for many diseases. With prostatitis, the task of treatment is to remove the inflammatory process and prevent its repetition.

It is also necessary to reduce the pain syndrome and other unpleasant sensations, improve the secretory function of the prostate, normalize blood circulation. It is also important to strengthen the nervous system of a man and his psychological state. For this purpose, the following medicinal herbs cope with one degree or another:

  • air swamp (rhizomes)
  • st. John's wort
  • ginseng
  • peony
  • nettle
  • plantain
  • burdock (roots)
  • solo
  • grushanka
  • aspen
  • celandine
Herbs from prostatitis are very effective.
Herbs from prostatitis are very effective.

You can prepare one of these elements according to the instructions on the pharmacy packaging.
RECIPE: You can prepare a herbal collection that will include:
Cornflower flowers, cinarmaging root, hazel sheet. 100 g of each of the raw materials is mixed together. Then 3 tablespoons of the collection pour 3 cups of boiling water overnight in the thermos and let it brew until morning. Strain the infusion and drink 1 glass before meals 3 times a day.

VIDEO: Herbs with prostatitis

Celandine from prostatitis

RECIPE: The celandine must be mixed with a carbon pinge in an equal proportion. 1 tablespoon of the mixture pour 100 g of alcohol and insist in the dark for 10 days. Take in the morning before meals with milk or water, starting from 1 drop, bringing to 60 cap, and then in the reverse order - from 60 to 1 drop.

Celandine guarding male health.
Celandine guarding male health.

How to cure prostatitis at home: tips and reviews

Important: do not rely on the treatment of prostatitis with only folk remedies

  • It is necessary to undergo a medical and physiotherapeutic course, which includes treatment with antibiotics, antispasmodics, hormones, darsonvalization, ultrasound treatment, electrophoresis, massage
  • It is good to go through the spa treatment. Folk remedies will be good and effective in the process of consolidating recovery and for the prevention of the disease and its relapses
  • In addition to the recommended compulsory treatment, patients with prostatitis should be more actively involved in sports, make a rational regime of nutrition, labor and rest, abandon smoking and alcohol excesses

VIDEO: prostatitis treatment of prostatitis at home folk remedies

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Comments K. article

  1. it is unrealistic to cure this misfortune, probably. But at least after good medicines and smart work, it becomes easier, and sometimes you forget about the disease. Probably the essence of treatment, so as not to just remember the disease.

  2. The husband also had prostatitis. At first, he often began to run to the toilet, somehow he did not attach much importance to this, although I said, go check. Then it hurt to go to the toilet, a burning sensation appeared, I thought of the venereal that I picked up.
    Then she drove him to the doctor, it turned out to be prostatitis. The doctor prescribed medications that only slightly alleviated the symptoms. Then all the symptoms were added to the groin and lower back, he began to quickly finish (this is generally horror), went to the doctor again, already to the paid hospital, prescribed other medicines and physio, also facilitated a little, and then everything became as it were.
    That he just did not try, folk remedies, vitaprost, prostamol, prostaphylene, nothing helped, and drugs with advertising on television turned out to be especially useless.
    The husband no longer knew what to do, he was going to go to the hospital in a large city. And once a friend advised me this tool -

    It turns out that her husband also had prostatitis, and even in acute form, also he was treated a lot, and only this tool helped. Well, I think there is nothing to lose, in general I bought it.
    In 10 days of use, he began to take place with symptoms, and in a month and a half he was completely cured. Two years have passed, everything is fine, prostatitis does not return, for prevention, sometimes I make him decoctions of herbs, as they say, easier to warn, than to treat it later
    These are the pies with kittens) Be sure to look, good luck to everyone!

  3. Tatyana, smart distribution is a device to combat impotence. You need something else.

  4. I can’t say about forever, let's see, I only started drinking licoprofit, in which lycopine, accumulating in the tissues of the prostate and reducing inflammation. Later I can unsubscribe about the results.

  5. Igor, how do you accept it?

  6. Ulyana, good afternoon. I take a licoprofit - one capsule per day, during meals. The course is a month, I drank a week only. But I want to note that the pain has become much less, horsetail in these capsules, favorably affects my body. Yes, and swelling began to subside, as I realized that it was thanks to the fruits of the palm of Sabal, which are also in the composition.

  7. Chronic prostatitis can no longer be cured, this is true, it is important that there are no exacerbations.

  8. I have been living with prostatitis for the third year, I have already used to, that you can’t hypothermia, eat acute and smoked. In general, I keep everything under control, Likoprofit, by the way, is well contributing to a decrease in inflammation, as well as the risk of neoplasms and prostate tissues. Therefore, I drink it periodically.

  9. The people do not know how to treat prostatitis, before there was no such sores, all the men were healthy before old age in this regard. Prevention was simply.

  10. Recently I learned that there is such a substance of lycopines, which should be taken for prostate, that chronic prostatitis has not become aggravated. As I began to drink licoprofit, in which Likopin was just, I forgot so when I bothered prostatitis.

  11. The drug Helped the drug with a tribulus, a familiar doctor helped, I liked that the natural composition on the grass is creeping. The course was three months, but by the third week I was already in good shape, an erection and libido recovered.

  12. Lycoprofit - norms, I accept when prostatitis grabs. The composition is rich in utility, and not only necessary to reduce the symptoms of prostatitis, but also to improve the functioning of the prostate itself. So I buy immediately, at the first symptoms of prostatitis, I begin to take. Satisfied.

  13. My spouse takes antibiotics, but it does not give him such a treatment for a long effect.

  14. Olga, in general, with exacerbation of prostatitis, there should be comprehensive treatment. The doctor prescribed me massage, antibiotics and took a licoprofit, about which the psycho is already higher. So Likopin turned out to be in handy with his anti -inflammatory property, and the palm of Sabal is decongestant. And in general, the composition of this complex is good, balanced. No wonder his doctor prescribed me.

  15. With only antibiotics, this infection is definitely not to overcome. Another prostate massage is quite effective.

  16. Egor, as far as I am in the know, massage only after stopping exacerbation is prescribed and used. So not everything is so simple. I bought a licoprofit, I accept this complex when prostatitis is aggravated. So its components are very good and affect inflammation, and on symptoms, and even on the reproductive function as a whole.

  17. I don’t really imagine how to treat prostatitis at home, except that some herbs are collected and massage to learn how to do it yourself. And in - good is still better to see a doctor.

  18. You directly raise such questions, individually, after all, everyone who is better suits with prostatitis. It is best to eliminate everything in the acute period, and not to drown out, so that it does not go into a chronic form, like mine. And then, I do not observe special problems, I began to take licoprofit so that the inflammation did not exacerbate due to the lycopene, horsetail and extract of the fruits of the palm of the Sabal as part of this. I live and as before the same life.

  19. Thank you for the article. We will keep in mind.

  20. Of course, a lot depends on the form of prostatitis. For example, I had a strong exacerbation, therefore, even a prostate massage was needed. And at home he was already taking Likoprofit and an antibiotic. Such therapy gave a positive result, since for example in Lycoprofit there are various herbs that reduce their effects and inflammation and pain. And urination is normalized.

  21. massage with chronic prostatitis really works. But it is necessary to make specials. If this is not better, something like a smart manner is taken and not tormented

  22. I have especially no time to bother with all kinds of decoctions, so I buy licoprofit when prostatitis is aggravated. There, there are useful grass in the composition and herbs, and vitamins with trace elements that can not only mitigate the symptoms of the disease, but also in general, to influence male health. Everything suits me. I drank a capsule - and norms. Month course.

  23. it is necessary to make a beautiful girl :) no smartprost can compare with this

  24. My husband cured prostatitis according to an old Jewish recipe. Only 3 weeks of treatment and for more than 5 years no manifestations! And now it turns out and the drug has been released based on this prescription.

  25. Of the folk remedies, it makes sense to drink chaga, it will protect at least from the adenoma. And more recently, I read the research of the wounds about the smart industry, interesting results. They are pushed for thoughts ...

  26. My antibiotics were prescribed to enhance the effect of Likoprofit. It contains useful extracts for male health, vitamins, trace elements. For example, Sabal extract relieves inflammation, edema, reduces the number of night urge.

  27. I don’t know, I did not have a single treatment of exacerbation of prostatitis without taking antibiotics. And when they decided to conceive the child with his wife, it did not work out for a long time, the seed fluid was not assets, antibiotics just affected her so negatively. But I took the Babertil’s course. Plus, healthy diet and sports, and everything happened to us. How happy I was when my son was born) and now I am very happy for him.

  28. I will share for free personal experience in the treatment of chronic prostatitis, prostate adenomas with herbal tinctures and medical training at home. Call by phone: +380949740590 (Weiber).

  29. The doctor convinced me that prostatitis is not a sentence and that if you choose the right treatment, then you can get rid of all unpleasant symptoms and consequences. I advised me to prostacle candles. They are placed rectally. I did not expect a quick result and was surprised when, after a couple of days, it became much easier to go to the toilet, and by the end of treatment, everything was completely normalized.

  30. Well, I would definitely not experiment with folk remedies and wait for the same result from them as from medicines with proven effectiveness. After all, prostatitis if you do not treat, but to sit and wait for something, then it will turn into chronic. I can advise a good drug that really helps, these are Prostalic candles. There, in the prostate extract, which acts precisely on the prostate gland and quickly relieves edema, inflammation. After him and in bed with his wife, everything is fine.

  31. when I had prostatitis, he treated the case and massage, after a while everything returned to normal, now in order to prevent relapses, I spend the prevention of prostatitis, at the moment, I try to play sports and observe proper nutrition

  32. Prostidal treatment with candles is very effective. I had an increased prostate, which was the cause of sudden urge to urinate, and this greatly influenced my work and daily routine. Thanks to the advice of a friend who had exactly the same problem, began to use candles once a day before bedtime. There are no more sharp urge to the toilet and other symptoms also decreased every day. Currently I feel great!

  33. I have been using candles Prostail for a week and I can say that they are very effective. He began to notice an improvement in the condition after the first candle. Pain in the pelvic area passed, there were fewer urge to the toilet and slept all nights like a child). So quickly, not a single medicine helped me yet! My doctor urologist said to use this medicine if necessary for prevention.

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