Name George and Igor: The origin of the names, are these names different or not? What is the difference between the name George and Igor? George and Igor: How to call it correctly, how to write a full name in the passport?

Name George and Igor: The origin of the names, are these names different or not? What is the difference between the name George and Igor? George and Igor: How to call it correctly, how to write a full name in the passport?

This article will talk about the meaning of the name George and Igor. What are the differences and similarities of male names

Many parents are puzzled by the choice of a name for the child, because such a great variety can focus even the most electoral people. In addition, there is a unique meaning of each name, which, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, can have a strong influence on fate and life path.

One of the most popular and beautiful male names in our country are George and Igor. But not all of us know about the origin of these names, as well as their translation from our native language.

Therefore, the vast majority accept them as a complete and abbreviated form of the same name. Is this so, and with what patronymics these names will sound in the best way can be determined by referring to their value, as well as the history of their origin.

Name George and Igor: Are these names different or not their similarity and difference?

The name carries more than a set of letters and sounds. In the old days, he was given to man, starting from social and personal qualities:

  • Origin
  • Appearance
  • Character
  • Kind of activity or profession

George literally translated as a "plowman." It first came to the territory of Russia in the 10th century from the ancient Greek language. Almost immediately, it gained wide popularity, and closer to the 18th century, its simplified forms began to appear:

  • Egor
  • Egoriy
  • Gosha
  • Zhora

In this regard, the Georges began to be called children whose parents were representatives of aristocratic dynasties.

Since this name was bore by the Christian martyr George the Victorious, who lived in the II century N.E, it is also widespread in different cultures and countries.

  • In Greece - Georgios
  • In the USA and the UK - George
  • In Ireland - Schorsha
  • In Germany - Georg
  • In France - Georges
  • In Bulgaria - Georges
  • In the Czech Republic - Yorga
  • In Denmark - Jorgen
  • In Sweden, Iceland and Denmark - Yergen
  • In Hungary - Dyurd
Name George and Igor
Name George and Igor

The name Igor has the Scandinavian roots and translated from the original language means "warrior."

  • It came to the territory of Russia with nomadic tribes in the XI century
  • The original form sounded like Ingvar, but it was not adapted to the Old Slavonic language, so over time it changed to the usual option for us. The name Igor is not widespread in Western Europe, the USA and other countries.

The primary form of Ingvar in the territory of such states remains the most popular until now:

  • Iceland
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Finland
  • Denmark

The modern form of the name - Igor, is common only in Slavic culture. Thus, it can be determined that the names Igor and George are not the same. They descended from different languages, and also have completely different meanings. In addition, George has other simplified forms, and Igor is only diminutive variations. They are also common in different countries and have nothing to do.

Name George and Igor: The origin of the names

Few of us thought about why we use exactly one or another form of the name in our speech. After all, the general trend in linguistics is reduced to simplification, which means that the usual names previously also had a longer sound and another number of letters. For example, we are used to calling our friends Georgians simplified forms:

  • Gogi
  • Goga
  • Hera
  • Gosha
  • Zhora
  • Zhorik

But in fact, the full version of the name sounds just like George and comes from an ancient Greek language. In the original version, they used the form "Georgos", which was interpreted as a "plowman" or "earth cultivator". At the present time, Greece uses a modern version of the name - Georgos. His special popularity came thanks to the warrior George the Victorious, who participated in Cappadocian campaigns in the II century BC. e., who subsequently accepted the martyrdom and was counted to the Holy of Saints.

The origin of the name is George
The origin of the name is George

And with the development of Christianity in different countries, the name acquired many variations that were characteristic of a particular culture.

Among the famous carriers of the name:

  • People's Artist George Vitsin
  • Soviet scientist Georgy Langemak
  • Composer and pianist George Sviridov
  • Polar researcher Georgy Sedov
  • Journalist and author of detectives George Weiner
  • Philosopher and cultural figure George Shchedrovitsky
  • Georgian film director George Shenglay

As for the name Igor, the scientists distinguish several of its forms, one of which could be initial:

  • Ingvar
  • Ingvar
  • Inggar

It comes from the ancient noskandinavian language and translates as a “warrior”. In Russia, it began to be used thanks to the northern nomads who brought a huge contribution to the development of Slavic culture. However, due to the fact that the sound row was somewhat different from the usual sound for the Ruschi, two variations were used until the XIV century:

  • The original form of Ingvar
  • Adapted form for the Slavs - Igor

And in the XII century, Orthodox baptism was accepted by Kyiv Prince Igor Olgovich, who took the name George. But since he had a Varangian origin, they did not call him according to Christian canons. It was after this situation that it was decided to subsequently call children Igor, without contradiction by the laws of the Church. Therefore, today every parent has the opportunity to dub the child without changing the name.

Name Igor
Name Igor

Among the famous carriers named Igor, it is worth noting:

  • Soviet actor of cinema and theater Igor Vladimirov
  • TV presenter and actor, People's Artist of Russia Igor Vernik
  • Theater and film actor Igor Kostolevsky
  • Composer and producer Igor Krutoy
  • Soviet scientist - biologist Igor Akimushkin
  • Nobel Prize and Soviet physicist Igor Tamm
  • Representative of the "Silver Age" and the poet Igor Seversin

George and Igor: How to call it correctly, how to write a full name in the passport?

Igor is a complete form of this name. That is why men named by this name are called only that.

  • In the birth certificate, the baby will be recorded as Igor. In the same way, then his name will be transferred to the passport
  • It is unacceptable to record the baby’s name in the birth certificate in diminutive forms like Igor, Igork
  • Also, these names cannot be used in the official circulation
  • Subsequently, children wear the middle name of Igorevich or Igorevna, so it is strictly prohibited to modify the name of the future father

George is also a complete form.

  • It is the form of George that is used to fill out all the documents
  • Also, the name does not change when the child is baptized and during other religious rites
  • Future children will wear the middle name of Georgievich or Georgievna. If parents live in another country and the name is slightly different (for example, in Georgia a common form - Givi), then after registration in the governing bodies, this option cannot be changed in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to choose either the full form of the name - George, or the version that is used in the country of residence without subsequent adjustments

Complete and abbreviated name, as will be on behalf of George and Igor?

George and Igor are full forms of names. They are used in official appeals, religious ceremonies, in filling out legal documents and as an adverb for senior media. When communicating with loved ones, friends and relatives, it is permissible to use abbreviated options. For example, for George you can use the following versions:

  • Gosha
  • Zhora
  • Zhorik
  • Goshun
  • Goshka
  • Goga
  • Gogi
  • Gunya
  • Egosha
  • Gulya
  • Hera

It is noteworthy that others came from this name, which later became independent forms:

  • Yuri
  • Egor

Therefore, using them as a diminutive form for George is wrong.

Reduced for the name
Reduced for the name

For an unofficial appeal to the Igor’s carrier, it is permissible to apply the following variations:

  • Igor
  • Grief
  • Igor
  • Gosha
  • Gotya
  • Goose
  • Igor
  • Igoruha

Can George call Igor and vice versa?

Since in both names there is the same unofficial dialect - Gosha, many of us may not make out how to properly use the full form of the name when addressing a person.

Important: based on various origin, meaning and variations, one can definitely answer that Igor cannot be called George. Such a combination is not permissible in the reverse order.

Gosha can also be called a representative with the name Yegor. Therefore, in order to minimize the risk of inappropriate circulation, it is necessary to ask the full form of the name at the initial stage of dating.

What patronymic suits a boy with the name George and Igor?

Based on the general significance, as well as the personal qualities that are endowed with the carriers of the name George, it is worth noting that the most successful and complementary in the semantic meaning will be:

  • Antonovich
  • Denisovich
  • Vadimovich
  • Arturovich
  • Vladimirovich
  • Valerievich
  • Petrovich
  • Alexandrovich
  • Anatolevich
  • Semenovich
  • Yurievich
  • Egorovich
  • Filippovich
  • Lvovich
  • Kirillovich
  • Maratovich
  • Timurovich
  • Ashotovich
  • Tamerlanovich
Middle name for those born under the name George and Igor
Middle name for those born under the name George and Igor

For carriers of the name Igor, the best patronymics will be:

  • Emmanuilovich
  • Olegovych
  • Petrovich
  • Valentinovich
  • Kirillovich
  • Sergeyevich
  • Alexandrovich
  • Egorovich
  • Georgievich
  • Filippovich
  • Valeryanovich
  • Nikolaevich
  • Mironovich
  • Iosifovich
  • Aronovich
  • Leonidovich
  • Lvovich
  • Vitalievich

The character of the name is George and Igor

Many believe that the right choice of name is able to endow a person with both negative and positive personal qualities. Therefore, it is necessary to treat his selection extremely carefully. It is also often customary to name a child in honor of relatives or celebrities in the hope that in the future the baby will be able to borrow character traits or inherit the creative abilities of an older representative.

Generally Igor's carriers from childhood show:

  • Leadership skills
  • Ambitiousness
  • Creativity
  • Non -standard thinking
  • Interest in science and art

Igori do not like to feel part of the team, so they try to stand out in every possible way, often getting into unpleasant situations. During the period of youth, they are of little interest to girls, since their requirements for the opposite sex are often unjustified. Men named Igor always defend their innocence, love to argue and show strength. Representatives of this name have high chances to succeed in such areas:

  • The science
  • Sport
  • Art
  • Management and administration
  • Trade
  • Military service
The character of the name is George and Igor
The character of the name is George and Igor

The nature of men with the name George is somewhat different:

  • They are less ambitious, but they can also achieve career heights
  • Boys with this name are immersed in their own world and reluctantly let outsiders into it. This gives an impetus to search for inspiration, which subsequently helps the dahlias to develop creative inclinations
  • They are extremely responsible, responsive and simple -minded. They always try to help those in need and will never throw even strangers in trouble
  • At the same time, George is somewhat cunning, so the external innocence is often fraught with personal benefit
  • Representatives of this name do not tolerate lies
  • George has increased sexuality, especially if Vitalievich has a middle name
  • In mature years, they love to spend time with children and in the company of the spouse, but the lack of personal space can provoke depression
  • Georges are needed by freedom, so they in every possible way try to avoid additional duties

George and Igor: sexuality, love, marriage, family life

The carriers of these names want to see different qualities in their chosen one, since their worldview is somewhat different from each other.

Igori prefer a quiet family life, which is filled with understanding and complete confidence in each other. In general, the following features are characteristic of men with this name:

  • The sexuality of representatives of this name is somewhat reduced
  • They store loyalty to the spouse and are tied to children. Therefore, they are looking for a companion, who perfectly complements their personal qualities
  • In family life, they are quite frugal, often there are stingy
  • They try to suppress the authority of the wife in every possible way, assuming the solution of all the most important issues
  • They enter into marriage quite late, but because of inanimateness and strict nature they are often divorced. Despite this, excellent caring fathers come out of Igor. They are always ready to support their child in every way, both financial and morally
Igor and George in a relationship
Igor and George in a relationship

Now let's talk a little about George:

  • As a rule, George is particularly sexual. This man prefers passionate and experienced young ladies. During carnales, George thinks not only about himself - he is important not only his pleasure, but also the pleasure of his partner
  • In a love relationship, the representative of this name is very picky. Knowing his ability to conquer the hearts of ladies with just a look, he perfectly uses this trick. That is why George has many women, but he is in no hurry to start a serious relationship
  • When this man meets that one, everything will change in the root. George in love is ready for a lot in order to win the heart of his beloved
  • In family life, a representative of this name manifests himself as a loving husband and a caring father. Knows how to take responsibility not only for his life, but also for his family

What women do George and Igor like?

Representatives of these names are different to choose a life partner. For George, the most important qualities in a woman are:

  • Easy to rise
  • Initiative
  • Independence
  • The ability to make decisions
  • Unobtrusive
  • Wisdom
  • A wide range of interests
  • Loyalty
  • Honesty
  • Creative inclinations
  • Passion
  • Intelligence

For, to interest George, you need to take into account its criteria for choosing a partner:

  • They are looking not just a companion, but also a friend, since they themselves lead an active lifestyle
  • Their heart is able to conquer a woman who has many friends, loves to accept companies and arrange parties, and also knows what to occupy herself in the moments of her husband's creative crises
  • George will not be suffered by the chosen one of total control and the requirements of constant guardianship
  • Representatives of this name also have increased sexuality, so the companion should be liberated and ready for experiments
  • Men with this name do not want to take over excessive concerns, so they prefer representatives of the weaker sex who will be able to establish life, as well as conduct financial expenses without their participation
  • For Georgiev, the best family model is the one in which a woman is able to plan a budget and engage in raising children, without requiring him constant control and attention
Women for Igor and George
Women for Igor and George

Men named Igor want to see such character traits in their chosen one:

  • Humility
  • Honesty
  • Loyalty
  • The ability to maintain an economy
  • Lack of bad habits and a wide circle of friends
  • Economic
  • Thrift
  • Hard work
  • Sense of humor

For, to conquer Igor, it is necessary to take into account the following characteristics:

  • They will not be able to get along with an ambitious, vulgar person who does not represent life without friends, discos and reception of guests. The best choice for Igor will be a mature intellectual, which will show softness in relation to his requirements and agree to play the role of the mother of the family
  • Men who are a carrier of this name will not tolerate a careerist and a woman for whom the family will not be the main priority in life
  • They want to subjugate their beloved for their framework of worldview and, in case of resistance, will immediately leave her, going in search of a new lover
  • A woman is obliged to follow her appearance and take care of Igor
  • They are noble and gentle in relation to the fair sex, but even in marital life they prefer to control all aspects, avoiding even minimal mistakes

Name George and Igor: compatibility with female names

In addition to the main qualities that are looking for the carriers of these names in future chosen ones, numerology determined which women will become the most successful party for their married life.

For Igor, the best partners are women with names:

  • Angelina
  • Aza
  • Tala
  • Gelena
  • Olesya
  • Oksana
  • Vesta
  • Irina
  • Natalia
  • Lina
  • Elena
  • Dominica
  • Leah
  • Aurora
  • Veronica
  • Elena

Unfortunate for marriage will be:

  • Alla
  • Angelica
  • Bertha
  • Love
  • Elizabeth
  • Tatiana
  • Juno
  • Tamara
  • Julia
  • Stele
  • Pauline
  • Raisa
  • Wanda
  • Alina
Compatibility with the name of women
Compatibility with the name of women

For George, women with names will be the best companions:

  • Barbara
  • Svetlana
  • Galina
  • Natalia
  • Faith
  • Nina

The representatives of the following names are unsuccessful for marriage:

  • Anna
  • Rimma
  • Catherine
  • Zinaida
  • Marina
  • Mayan
  • Alevtina
  • Angelina

Amulet and talisman for George and Igor

Talismans have long been used by us as protection from the evil eye, damage and evil thoughts. Our ancestors believed in mysticism and higher powers, therefore they endowed animals, plants and stones with unique abilities.

Today, this tradition is somewhat outdated, but for those who do not believe materialists and their theories, a small list of totems that will become useful for men with these names is offered. The following items can be used as amulets for Georgians:

  • Sapphire jewelry
  • Figure or toy of the White Eagle
  • Plants (poplar and lily of the valley)
  • Jewelry and protective threads of green, blue, blue or white

Also The acquisition of an icon with the image of the patron:

  • George Amastrides
  • George the Victorious
  • George Athos
  • George Serbian
  • George Athenian
  • George Limniot
  • George Andrianopolsky
  • George Khosevita
Charm for a man
Charm for a man

For men named Igor as a talisman, you can use:

  • Beryl jewelry
  • Plants (Margaritas, Veroba, Grab)
  • Figures of an elephant or sparrow
  • Items of red, gray-blue, blue or white color

Summing up, it can be noted that the names Igor and George are different not only in sound and writing, but also to the meaning. They also differ in origin and variable modern forms. For example, the name Igor came to us from the Scandinavian countries, and George was widespread in ancient Greece.

Also, men who are carriers of these names are characterized by characters and life priorities. For Georgians, the main thing in life is self -development and improvement of the world, and for Igor family and career. Therefore, these names are not used as synonyms for one person.

Video: The meaning of the name George

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