What patronymic will the child have if Father Yegor? Egor, George and Gregory is the same name or not?

What patronymic will the child have if Father Yegor? Egor, George and Gregory is the same name or not?

What patronymic will the baby have if Father Yegor? Look for the answer to this question in the article.

Egor is a beautiful male name. This name used to be called boys. Now it is a little outdated, but still many parents choose him. What will be the patronymic of the father of the father named Yegor?

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Does the Americans have a middle name?".

From this article you will also learn, Yegor and George are the same name or not. It describes a lot of interesting information, especially if you are the expectant mother and your husband Yegor. Read further.

Egor and George: Is this the same name or not?


There are currently many people who have a complete name Egor. But at the same time, Egor can be called and George. And in this case, this is a reduction. But disputes still go. Some people are sure that these names are not the same, they are different. Others, on the contrary, consider them the same. However, many children and adults registered, as Egorovichi means that the name Egor - independent.

For example:

  • Vladimir Egorovich did not allow anyone to his office.
  • In the metric of his grandfather, Georgievich was accidentally recorded, although he is Egorovich.
  • Mikhail Georgievich loved his daughter very much.
  • Anastasia Georgievna - director of a construction company.
  • Valentina Egorovna is a pensioner. Where did she get the money for European repair?

It turns out that Egor and George - different names. In short, George is Goga or Zhora. Of course, if desired, George can be called Egor - but this is already an unofficial option.

As for the abbreviations, then Egor Maybe both Zhora and Igor. For example, the musician Yegor Letov, in fact, was Igor. But, if the singer had a child, then he would not be Egorovich. Since the documents were Igor according to the documents. Accordingly, his offspring would have wore a different middle name - Igorevich.

Egor and George - Names close in meaning. However, it would be quite biased to talk about that this is the same male name. Some sources claim that the name George has one branch of kinship with names Egor and Yuri. And indeed it is. However, all these forms are complete. Therefore, patronymics in the children of Yuri, Yegor and George will be different.

George and Gregory: Is this the same name or not?

Despite the fact that the names George and Gregory have a similar sound and meaning ( "Thank God" or "Great"), this is not the same thing. Abbreviated options: from Gregory - Grisha, from George - Zhora.

Name Gregory comes from ancient Greek "Grigoreo"what it means "awake", but George from "Georgos". In this regard, it turns out that the names are completely different. But George, Yegor and Yuri are independent derivatives of the same name.

There are many Western options for these names:

  • George
  • Georgio
  • George
  • Jorge
  • Gevorg
  • Yorgen
  • Gurgen
  • Gregor, etc.

All this is the adaptations of the names George and Gregory in different countries. But the fact is that these are completely different names. For example:

  • Georgy Valentinovich was a responsible boss.
  • My personal hairdresser is called Grigory Mikhailovich Sviristelka. A fairly funny surname.
  • When Grigory Georgievich is born George Grigoryevich - this is a fairly curious situation.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

What patronymic will the boy have a boy if the father is the name of Yegor: what is the right thing - Yegorovich or Yegoryevich?

Boy Egorovich
Boy Egorovich


The correct version of the middle name is considered Egorovich - because the egor's name It ends with a firm consonant. By analogy, according to the rule of the Russian language: Egor - Egorovich, Peter - Petrovich, Valentin - Valentinovich, Maxim - Maximovich, Oleg - Olegovich, Artem - Artemovich.

However, if the father is not Yegor, but Egoriy (outdated option), then the child will be a boy Yegoryevich (in view of the end of the name "Iy") - Similarly with Vitaly - Vitalievich, Artemy - Artemyevich. But Egoriy is the Old Slavonic name, in modern society it is rare.

For example:

  • Why is Yegorovich - a whole house, but Yegor himself is not visible?
  • Egoriy used to his children: “Do not confuse! You are Yegoryevichs, not Yegorovich. ”
  • In 1941, the Russian soldier Yegoria love with a captive German. After which my grandmother was born, Getruda Egorievna.
  • Mikhail Egorovich, like his father, Yegor Petrovich, was an excellent forester.

Even more information about these patronymics. Read further.

Could the middle name of Georgievich have a boy of a boy, if the name is the name of Yegor?

If a Egor - Not a reduction from George, but a complete name written in the passport, then his child cannot be Georgievich. He will Egorovich.

If Yegor calls a man close to a man, but he has written in his passport Georgethen his child will be Georgievich.


  • Valentina Egorovna (Egor)
  • Oksana Georgievna (George)
  • Pavel Egorovich (Egor)
  • Maria Georgievna (George)

The man whose passport says the name Yegor will have children - Egorovich. There is no other option. And George - Georgievich.

For example:

  • Valentina Georgievna and Mikhail Egorovich loved each other in the 50s, and got married two days after meeting. They lived together a long and happy life.
  • Two friends, George and Yegor, children were born in the same year. In February, Yegor became the dad of the girl, Maria Egorovna. And a little later, in April, the son of George was born - Mikhail Georgievich. Of course, young people were godfather.

Now it is worth discussing female patronymics. How is it right? Read further.

What patronymic will the child have, if the name of the father is Yegor: what right - Egorovna or Yegorievna?

If the full name of the girl's father - Egor, then correctly consider that it will Egorovna. And if the father Egoriy - Then the middle name will be Egorievna. For example:

  • No matter how the cunning was Vitaly Yegoryevich, he was still “ugly”.
  • Svetlana Egorovna is our best specialist.
  • Yegor Valentinovich had both daughters and sons: Mikhail Egorovich, Alexey Egorovich, Marina Egorovna, Vitaly Egorovich, Anastasia Egorovna, Olga Egorovna. He loved all his children the same.
  • Elena Egorievna was very angry when she was called Egorovna. Indeed, in fact, her father was the bearer of the Old Russian name - Egoriy, which she was very proud of.

As you can see, everything becomes clear on examples. Read more.

Could the middle name of Georgievna have a girl in a girl, if the name is the name of Yegor?

Full passport name Egor gives the child to the girl patronymic Egorovna, but Georgievna It can only be if the father is on the passport George, and reduction Egor Used as an unofficial version.

Similarly, in the case of boys. Yegor's son is Egorovich, Egoriy - Yegorich, but George is Georgievich. It all depends on the full form of the name - that is, the option that is recorded in the person’s passport.

Is it possible for a child to give a middle name Grigoryevna or Grigoryevich if the father is called Egor?


A child born from a man having a passport name Egor, will have a middle name Egorovich. He cannot be Grigoryevich or Grigoryevna. But if the name of Father Gregory, then his offspring will have just such a middle name.

True, in the case when father and mother were not married, and at the same time Egor does not take part in the fate of the child and does not live with this woman, she can call the offspring not only Grigoryevichbut also any other patronymic. However, this is already a different sphere of legislation and office work.

Video: the meaning of the name Yegor - karma, character and fate

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