I can't part with my lover - what to do? How to forget a lover and return to her husband?

I can't part with my lover - what to do? How to forget a lover and return to her husband?

How to forget a lover and return to the family? How to return relations with my husband after a lover?

The family is the union of two people close to each other. It is based on common interests, respect and love. Sometimes couples have to face the fact that their life becomes routine, and all love and mutuality disappear somewhere. Passion also disappears over time and the spouses begin to look for the necessary sensations on the side.

If you started a lover on the side, but at the same time realize that it is wrong and would like to break such a relationship, then we will tell you how to get away from him and return the old relations with your husband.

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Forget the lover

As a rule, women go to treason when they are unhappy with their marriage. Perhaps they have little attention, love, support and help. In this case, they begin to turn to the side for all this, to another man.

According to psychologists, women, unlike men, are looking for not sexual satisfaction on the side, but emotions and protection, so as not to feel lonely.

Sex out of marriage usually pours into a strong emotional connection, on which a woman is pushed by good reasons. When she goes to such a step, she usually considers everything, but then she still worries about this.

There are several of the most common reasons why a woman decides to treason:

  • She again wants to feel the right and beloved, and this is very good for self -esteem
  • I want new sensations, and just might be curious
  • In order to get a good position. In such cases, betrayal is not always desirable
  • As a revenge on her husband for his humiliation or betrayal
  • The desire to feel like young again and experience strong emotions
  • Satisfaction of sexual desire or feeling of power over a man
  • In gratitude for the help and support in difficult times
  • For making money
Lover or husband - whom to choose?
Lover or husband - whom to choose?

Today you can often find a situation when a woman is solved in random ties with wealthy men, in order to receive gifts or money from them. Usually no one can know about such a side of the woman’s life.

Although most women go to the left in order to get love, some are predisposed to this. This is usually due to the following reasons:

  • Mom cheated on dad or sister, girlfriend have lovers
  • Love for her husband is not so strong, and she is the main thing in the family
  • Treason is considered to be justified for her
  • Rich sexual experience and more education, unlike her husband
  • I want a romantic relationship and even there is already a candidate
  • Critical age or strip of failures in life
  • Long separation from husband
  • Tries to be independent and independent

Usually women change only with one man and as statistics show, they do not specifically seek him. Mostly men themselves meet such women. In addition, women still have a desire to be faithful to one, and because only a lover appears, all sexual ties are usually interrupted with her husband.

Often, women doubt that they are doing the right thing, betraying her husband. They think about what it can lead to, and why it is necessary, because in fact, nothing changes.

How to forget a lover and return to her husband: a psychologist's advice

How to part with a lover: tips
How to forget a lover?

Women, as you know, are more emotional and therefore they can easily succumb to impulses and not even immediately realize how dangerous it is to conduct such a game. The biggest risk is, of course, to lose their family, but mostly women go consciously.

By the way, according to psychologists, emotional treason is the most dangerous than physical. Refined women confirm that they are ready to part with their husband for the sake of a man to whom they are drawn, but they had nothing.

But you need to remember that the relationship with the lover will turn out to be failure. In rare cases, a woman becomes happy with her lover. The thing is that there are also many points that no one takes into account. Those women who have never achieved this, how they worried, did not sleep at night from this, how they were tormented by conscience, nervous breakdowns, and still had to go through the divorce proceedings. Happy couples eventually turn out to be extremely rare and they are more exception than reality.

In addition, the lover and can have a family, but only he may not talk about it so as not to lose a woman. And an intimate relationship with a married lady, too, is very convenient, because she is unlikely to want something serious, she does not need courtship and some obligations. And the woman herself will not hope that the lover will fight for their relationship, lead from her husband or demand attention. Such relationships, although they allow you to get physical pleasure, is morally a woman will be depressed.

The lover is married - what to do?
The lover is married - what to do?

So psychologists advise not to start such novels at all, but just try to return passion to marital relations. We will talk about this a little later, and now let's find out how to forget the lover.

  • First of all, be prepared that it will be unpleasant to part. Relations between lovers can be built in different ways and each model should be considered separately.
  • The first situation is that a woman turns a novel on the side, falls in love, but decides to leave, because her family is important. It is very difficult to do this, but still possible:
  • Imagine how you will divorce your husband. What then? What will you lose? What will be the reaction of children? Can you provide yourself? At the same time, you should not even think that a lover will help you with something, you cannot predict how he will behave in a particular situation. It happens that you can lose everything at once.
  • Compare the husband and lover. Think that they have good and raise each one to the step. There is no point in comparing disadvantages, because your husband is well known, but you cannot know the lover so well.
  • Try to spend more time with your family. Take a walk, visit the movies. The joint years unites the family best and you become closer.
  • Stop talking with your lover and cut off all the contacts. Just do not do it unexpectedly. Be sure to warn about your decision. Say that you are grateful to him for everything and remove it from everywhere. Do not think how he will be further, you must completely forget this person and leave good about him in memory.
  • Do not be afraid to admit to yourself what you have done. You are not to blame for anything. Everything is already done, so you just need to accept your act and calm down.

By the way, often women think about whether it is worth telling her husband about treason. In fact, it is quite difficult to give a clear answer here. Yes, it is never too late to admit, but only the consequences can be unexpected. If you are very tormented by your act, then do as you see fit.

The second situation - the lover was married and was not going to divorce his wife, and the woman, waiting for actions, suddenly understood the whole essence of what was happening. How to forget a lover in this case?

Fell in love with another - what to do?
Fell in love with another - what to do?
  • Thank your lover for the time and good relationship with him, but tell me that you do not need it anymore.
  • Try not to meet, not talk, and in general, it is better to start paying more attention to your husband, children.
  • Understand that you are now free to do anything and you can even go to rest.
  • Meet a lonely man and go on a date, but only if you are not married. You will feel the difference right away.

In no case do not call your lover’s wife and do not talk about what was between you. It is very ugly and stupid. Do not humiliate yourself, it will not decorate you at all. It will not be easier for you if you destroy the family out of revenge.

Remember that fleeting romantic relationships can make life brighter, but this cannot be compared with marriage and family life. There is a good, loving person next to you, you should not upset him.

The third situation is that everything is fine in relations with her lover, but he suddenly decided to part with you. How to forget your lover, if not you, but you were abandoned?

The lover threw - what to do?
The lover threw - what to do?
  • Do not try to sort things out, because so you will only run into aggression. Better let your relationship remain good in memory.
  • React to the situation calmly and take it for granted. You still knew that this could not last forever.
  • Live your usual life, take care of yourself, a family, more often with friends.
  • Do your self -esteem. Look at yourself from the side, highlight your virtues and qualities of character. You will definitely like it.
  • Treat the whole situation is easier and forget about the lover. Start a new life with your husband and work on a relationship.

How to forget a lover, return relations with her husband?

How to establish a relationship with her husband?
How to establish a relationship with her husband?

If it is not difficult to part with the lover, then it will be more difficult to return love in a relationship with her husband. As a rule, when a woman changes, she has almost nothing to experience her husband and difficulties arise from here. There are several techniques that allow you to return feelings and establish relationships:

  • Give your husband more freedom and do not try to lay great responsibility on him. Does it want to go fishing or meet friends? Do not forbid. Does it want to buy something? Yes, let him buy! After all, you fell in love with this man for his strong -willed character, eager for adventure or other qualities. Usually, the wires themselves make homebody from their husbands, and if you allow him a little more, you will notice exactly how he will change.
  • Remember why you decided to marry him. Maybe you just forgot about some of its qualities and no longer notice? Sometimes women cease to appreciate their man and see in him only continuous flaws.
  • Try to excite emotions in a man. Life in the family is not work and not monotony. Walk more often together somewhere, change something at home, update the wardrobe. Together you can come up with a lot of interesting things. And if you have children, then there is even more space for imagination. It is important that relations always bring joy and then will not want to look for them on the side.

Despite the fact that a fleeting novel can really make life brighter, nothing can be compared with the realization that you already have a worthy person who is ready to be with you, despite all the problems. And to decorate life is not so difficult, the main thing is to want.

Video: How to part with a guy? How to throw a lover? I can't leave him

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