A man puts a hand on a woman’s hip: why, what does a woman think at that moment?

A man puts a hand on a woman’s hip: why, what does a woman think at that moment?

If a man puts a hand on a woman’s thigh, then this is an intimate moment. She reacts differently.

Touch is a very important way of communication in both animals and people. They allow you to very accurately express a lot of feelings and desires, dispensing with words. The same touch acquires different meanings depending on the situation in which it occurs.

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Women's hips belong to erogenous zones, so touching them are perceived brightly. The hips are less sensitive than the chest or lips, but are also triggers, including sexual arousal. Even light pressure or stroking can cause a sense of pleasure and pleasant goosebumps running along the spine.

Why do girls cross their legs?

If you look closely at people sitting in public places, you can see that most girls prefer a position with crossed legs, while men usually breed their knees. Many representatives of the fair sex even stand crossing the legs.

Traditional education prescribes to the girls to compress their knees tightly. But, oddly enough, this pose demonstrates not only “modest behavior”, but also favorably emphasizes the beauty of the legs. If the legs are long and slender, they look especially spectacular. If there are disadvantages, such as knotted knees, a small curvature, then this pose with crossed legs hides and makes the hips look more seductive.

Another completely natural reason is so warmer. Women are more often than men are subject to vegetovascular dystonia, so their legs and arms quickly freeze. The pose with crossed legs preserves heat better.

Why does a man put a hand on a woman's thigh?

A man puts a hand on a woman's thigh
A man puts a hand on a woman's thigh

The hips are a very sensitive part of the female body. When the male hand touches them, it almost always makes the heart beat more often. Touching the thigh can have many different meanings. So why does a man put his hand on the hip of a woman? There are several explanations in the language of gestures:

  • A man checks a woman's reaction. If she does not mind, then she is interested in the development of relationships.
  • Intends to move on to closer physical contact.
  • Expresses its dominant position - In this case, the touch is confident, strong. Domination is far from always associated with the humiliation or suppression of a woman - in most cases, this is an expression of leadership in sexual relations.
  • Frivolous flirting - Touch is a non -verbal way to express great sympathy.
  • An attempt to protect, manifestation of care. If a man picks up a stumbled woman, his hands will practically be on her hips (after all, a man does not dare to pick up under his chest even in an extreme situation).
  • Seduction. Men are well aware of both conscious and subconscious levels about the sensitivity of female hips. Gainting a pleasure to a woman with a touch, a man tries to excite in his chosen one a thirst for sex.
  • The prelude to the kiss. Many men greatly shy in front of the first kiss, as they are afraid to be strongly rejected. The touch seems to them more acceptable. If a woman does not like it, she will just step aside. If it allows you to touch yourself, then you can go to kisses on the lips.

For men, hips have not only purely aesthetic attractiveness. This part of the body allows you to determine how ready for conception. During the period of ovulation, the woman looks most attractive, and her gait slightly changes - the hips swing a little stronger. A sharp male eye perfectly notices this, even if a man does not know anything about all these biological subtleties. He just finds a woman especially attractive and desirable.

What does a woman think when a man puts her hand on her hip?

The male hand on the thigh causes a storm of sensations and a whirlwind of thoughts in the woman’s head. So what does a woman think when a man puts her hand on her hip? She most often has similar thoughts:

  • It is urgent to decide if I want him to continue.
  • Probably, now we will move on to kisses, I hope I have a fairly fresh breath.
  • Oh, it was necessary to foresee it and shake your legs well in advance.
  • Is it too much I let him? Probably needs to be stopped.
  • So glad! It is a pity that you need to stop him.
  • It is unacceptable! I hope no one noticed.
  • Too a lot allows yourself, we must send it away! How to do this: rude or polite?

No matter what thoughts they swarm in the head, it must be remembered that touching the thigh expresses not only a sexual flirting. It can also be an expression of affection, admiration, desire to protect other emotions. Therefore, before answering, you need to carefully assess the situation. The context and proximity of relations with a man who touched the thigh is the most important factors that should be taken into account when trying to form a response to his actions.

Touch that should pamper a man at the beginning of a relationship

Body language is very rich. He can help strengthen the romance of beginning relationships. The following touch is especially expressive. Here is the touch that it is worth pampering the man at the beginning of the relationship:

  • Kiss on the cheek and on the forehead. This affection reminds a man of past childhood, wakes up the warmest feelings in him.
  • Light tickling. Also the memory of childhood, because all the kids love to play this game with parents.
  • To smoothing your hair. Universal affection of all living creatures with hair.
  • Stroke on the cheek. This touch causes so strong emotions that tears can even run into your eyes.
  • Tie a tie for a man. A delicate and very effective way to declare your dominant position. To do this, you will have to practice and learn how to make beautiful nodes.
  • Snuggle up to a man while joint watching a movie. So any film will give a lot of pleasure.

All these touches are perfect for those relationships that have already turned into true love. From time immemorial, people with the help of gestures and touch expressed their feelings. The ability to understand the language of the body helps to more accurately determine the intentions of a person, correctly respond to his touch and develop relationships.

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