The guy, the man kisses the girl on the cheek - when meeting, when goodbye: what does this mean?

The guy, the man kisses the girl on the cheek - when meeting, when goodbye: what does this mean?

If a man kisses on the cheek, it is always nice. But what does this mean, especially if a stranger does it?

A kiss on the cheek can mean completely different emotions. Usually it symbolizes the manifestation of family, friendly or romantic feelings. But this gesture does not always mean deep love aspirations. Sometimes it's just a greeting, an expression of interest or affection.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The guy kisses the girl in the neck". You will find out what this means why he loves to do so.

From this article you will learn what it means if a familiar man or even a stranger hugs and hugs and kisses a woman on the cheek. Read further.

If a familiar man hugs and kisses the woman on the cheek at a meeting: what does this mean?

The man hugs and kisses the woman on the cheek when meeting
The man hugs and kisses the woman on the cheek when meeting

Men are characterized by different gestures. But, if a familiar man hugs and kisses a woman on the cheek at a meeting, what can such a gesture talk about? This situation may mean several points at once:

  • Friendly gesture
  • Romantic intentions
  • Related bonds

In the first case, a man may just be a friend. In this context, the kiss is a manifestation of respect for a friend and strong friendship. He can also mean that the current friend strives for something more than just friendly relations. The nature of the kiss can depend on the intention of a man-friend. If he does not try to fall in love with a person of the opposite sex, then the kiss will be light and short. But, if he flares up some feelings and is the hope that friendship will grow into something more, the kiss will be protected, and the hugs are stronger.

As for romantic intentions, for the man and the woman who have them, a kiss on the cheek is a common thing with great meaning. It means greeting, consent, support, deep affection. It can be as long as possible and go into a more serious action - a kiss on the lips.

Relatives (guy and girl) very often kiss each other on the cheek with greetings. In addition, congratulations in the family circle are often accompanied by this warm gesture. On a relative, you can kiss a girl, a woman in sympathy, support, comfort.

An unfamiliar man kisses on the cheek - why: what does this mean?

The kisses of strangers on the cheek should be treated with caution, at least in order to observe personal hygiene. What can they mean? Why is a man doing this?

  • Usually, a guy with such a gesture is “trying on”, trying to understand the girl’s intentions.
  • If he feels the consent of the woman, kisses pass into the lip area.
  • If he does not receive a satisfactory answer, further touch will be completely inappropriate: they can completely push a person of the opposite sex.

A woman who allows herself to kiss a cheek to an unfamiliar man, clearly sympathizes with him and analyzes the strengths of the partner. After that, she decides whether to reciprocate. Usually all of the above occurs at a subconscious level. A kiss on the cheek from a stranger can have a business character. In a working meeting or informal communication with a colleague.

When farewell, a man kisses on the cheek: what does this mean?

When parting, a man kisses on the cheek
When parting, a man kisses on the cheek

After the meeting is completed, a kiss when parting on the cheek has different meaning:

  • Friendly farewell
  • Hope for further rapprochement in the presence of love feelings

In the first case, the kiss does not carry any special meaning. It also means a cute friendly gesture, which is a pleasant end of the meeting.

A more interesting situation occurs after a date. If it went well and the partners are satisfied, but still not so close, a kiss on the cheek is an ideal way of farewell. At certain points, on the initiative of one of the partners, he can go to the lips. Also, a kiss on the cheek when farewell means confidence in the partner: the man, as it were, shows that he is completely relaxed next to the girl and is ready to open to her if he has not yet done it.

How to hint the guy on a kiss on the lips?

It often happens that the guy, kissing on the cheek, does not go to a kiss on the lips, although, it would seem, the time has already come. He needs to hint, but this must be done as neat as possible so as not to push the partner. Here are the tips:

  • Look in his eyes more often. An error will avoid visual contact. The guy can consider it either for constraint, or for a lack of interest. In both cases, he will most likely refuse a kiss.
  • It is also important to maintain dialogue. It is worthwhile to be interested in the details of his life and openly answer his questions. This will give the guy confidence.
  • Do not forget about tactile contact. Touch the hand, shoulder - this is normal. Such gestures will help to get closer and "melt the ice." But such touch should be related and light. For example, you can just take a partner by the arm during a walk.
  • The look should be periodically translated to partner lips. Soon the guy will notice this sign, it will prompt him to action. But here, obsession will be superfluous, do not focus on the lips for more than 2-3 seconds.
  • During farewell, you can linger a little and look at the partner. This is a direct intention to a kiss, a man must understand and kiss the girl.

There are many more options, how a girl can hint at the guy to kiss on the lips. For example, you can pay attention to the cold, then the guy will acquire or give his jacket. This will bring partners closer. You can focus on your lips: touch them a little with your finger or bite (the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise it will look vulgar).

I kiss the cheek - a psychologically thin tactile gesture. He brings a man and a woman closer and physically. Many people perceive him seriously, rarely he is left without attention. It is important to note that the moments described above “work” at a subconscious level. But in any case, a kiss on the cheek is a symbol that has a certain meaning: be it a manifestation of friendly feelings or romantic intentions.

Video: How does a man kiss a woman - what does it mean?

Video: 7 signs that the guy wants to kiss you

Video: 9 types of kisses and their meaning

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