The man says - “My dear”: what does this mean? The word is dear, dear: when they say?

The man says - “My dear”: what does this mean? The word is dear, dear: when they say?

The man says - dear ... What can these words mean?

Sometimes a man says - “my dear”, not only to his mother or children, but also a beloved woman. Does this mean that he does not love this woman and only family ties due to common children connect him with her? Is it possible to combine love and a sense of kinship? We will talk about this in our article.

The man says - “My dear”: what does this mean?

If your man says to you: “My dear” means that you mean more for him than a woman whom he could call his beloved. Because love once originated, can leave, and your own soul cannot be betrayed and thrown in any life situation. Where serious passions boil between a man and a woman, love and hatred shares a very thin line.

The aphorism that from love to hatred is one step, very accurately describes such a relationship. But there is other relations between a man of a woman, when a couple is controlled not by passion, but by tenderness in relation to each other. When a jacket thrown in the damp weather on the shoulders of his beloved woman will say more than all the words about love. If at the same time a man says - “my dear”, this means that you are the whole world for him and the whole universe. You are for him air, without which it is impossible to live.

The word "native", "native": when they say?

The word “native”, “native” has the root of “gender” and its meaning is connected with the meaning of this word. The table below indicates the meaning of the word "clan".

The meaning of the Slovarod
The meaning of the word "genus"

If the word “native” or “native” refers to people, then it indicates that these people are in family ties. Relatives are not always really close people. And very often only a birth certificate or other document confirms kinship. But, inexplicably, other people's people who have the same way of thinking, the same views on life and the same moral principles are sometimes attracted to each other. If such people are a man and a woman, then they say to each other such wonderful words as “native” and “native”. Also, the word "native" can be used if we are talking:

  • About the place where the person was born.
  • About the house where he grew up.
  • About the region where the years of childhood or youth passed.
  • About the country in which he lived.

In the Russian language there is the word “darling”, which is used in the same sense as the word “native”. The word "darling" is less used in colloquial speech and more often used in poetry, prose of literary works, songs. The very beautiful and sad verse of Sergei Yesenin about his own house, homeland and mother entered the classics of Russian literature.

Video: Sergey Yesenin "I left my dear house"

The man says “my dear” - what washed these words?

I want to hear words about love from a man to every woman. Unfortunately, even if a man loves a woman, it is very difficult to pronounce them. And in reality, only a few women can hear such words. To some men, this is prevented by the fear that they will be incorrectly understood.

Some are afraid to look less courageous in the eyes of a woman. But in most cases, a man will repeat the model of behavior of his parents. If his mother and father talked in the family only on the topics of borsch, work, how to live to a salary and did not spoke to each other the words of love, then almost one hundred percent words of love will not be heard by the wife of this man. How to break such a model of thinking and behavior?

Such work is only a loving woman. Just tell the man about what she wants to hear. Let it look like coercion at first, but subsequently, it may be a habit of frankly talking about your feelings. If it is easier for a man to say “my dear” than “my beloved” do not panic, thinking that you are a relative for him, and not a beloved woman.

There is nothing “just like that” in life,

Meetings of souls cannot be random,

And the soul to the soul flies through the light and darkness

Attractionfascinated by secret.

A thin invisible thread

Does not allow them to get lost in the world,

To love the native soul

Each moment to enjoy together ...

Tell your men that it is very important for you to hear words about love from them. Let these be not poems, the author of which will be your chosen one, but ineptly voiced prose. The words “my dear” sounded from your man’s lips will respond to your heart with the response “thank you, my dear”. More interesting on our website in articles revealing the psychology of relations of men and women «Why does a man don't want to spend time with his family" and " Magic whispers for love«.

Video: Song of Mikhail Boyarsky "Thank you, dear"

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