Why doesn't a man want to spend time with his family and what to do with it?

Why doesn't a man want to spend time with his family and what to do with it?

In this article, we will talk why a man does not seek to spend time with his family and what to do with it.

Every woman is of the opinion that the family is the most important in life. Not every man has such an opinion on this subject. Some men constantly pretend, or they really do not have time for the family. How to be in such a situation? After all, I want my husband to be near and not only fulfill his duties, but simply communicated with you and rested.

Why does a man do not want to spend time with his family: reasons

Often the reasons when a man does not want to spend time with his family are the most banal. There are a lot of them, but we will call several of them:

  • Fatigue
The husband does not spend time with his family
The husband does not spend time with his family

If your husband only came home from work and is very tired, and they immediately ask him to do something around the house, then he will definitely not like it. And for a wife, it may seem that she does not ask for anything bad. She does not even think that she overloads the man.

The husband only came home and did not even have time to undress, and a list of things that he still need to redo it and just today are immediately falling on him. But how so?! After all, he plowed all day, and then there is some other shelves. Agree that there is nothing to be surprised at why a man does not want to come home, but prefer to relax.

  • Fear

It seems that there is nothing to be afraid of, but there are only many reasons for fear of men. For example, if the family has a baby, then a man may think that he will not be able to cope. The easiest option for him is to protect from everything and be nearby as possible. Unfortunately, many men behave like that.

  • Lack of interest
Her husband is not interesting with his family
Her husband is not interesting with his family

Unfortunately, men do not experience maternal feelings, and therefore they cannot love the newly born baby this moment. If he was planned from his beloved woman, then everything will certainly be as it should. The spouse will become a good father and he will like a new life. If a man was not needed by a man, then even after birth, he will not feel anything to him.

  • Work

Often men work a lot. If this suddenly happens, then the wife begins to worry when he lingers. What if he walks there, he says that he works? But in reality, he simply tries to provide his family and give her everything that is possible. And this requires a lot to work, so do not try to find oddities in everything.

  • Wife

This reason occurs more often than others. And this is extremely sad. Yes, often women destroy their family with their own hands, when they constantly reproach and scold her husband even for the very little things. And who will like it? Obviously no one.

Despite the fact that accusations may not be empty, it is better to put up with some things. For example, with constantly scattered socks or a toilet lid raised. Then it will become easier for everyone.

  • I don `t want
Why doesn't the husband spend time with his family?
Why doesn't the husband spend time with his family?

Sometimes men simply do not understand that the family is interesting and fun. It is perceived as routine work, which is performed regardless of desire. It is simply not clear to him why he should sit at home when you can take a walk with friends, sit at the TV or play on a computer.

  • Another woman or family

This situation is rare, but still. If your husband disappears for several days, does not come to spend the night and so on, then you should think. Perhaps everything is not the way you think, so you should not raise a panic, but it is better to figure out everything.

  • Routine

Sometimes family life becomes a routine and bothers a man. This happens often when all romance disappears, you do not go anywhere together, but only sit at home and do business.

  • Age crisis

When a man reaches the age of 35-40 years, then he has a revaluation of life. He looks at himself from the side and thinks what he achieved, what he could do, and also what awaits him in the future. Everyone passes through the crisis to one degree or another, but there are situations when a man goes into himself and does not want to see anyone around.

  • Secrets
How to return my husband?
How to return my husband?

Sometimes the spouse tries not to communicate with anyone, because he hides something and is afraid to tell about it. Or he is pursued by a feeling of guilt.

  • There are no common topics

And this also happens. When the spouse has nothing to discuss with the family and you have no common topics, even with children, then usually a man shunes to communicate.

What to do if the husband does not spend time with his family?

What to do if the husband tries not to spend time with his family or does he have no time for this? First, try to figure out why this is happening. A serious conversation will help you with this. But you don’t have to start scandaling and blaming my husband, just ask - what's the matter? Be soft, soothe it if it is nervous. Listen to what he will say and evaluate the situation.

When you determine the reason, you will need to think about what to do next:

  • If your loved one is overcome by fatigue, then let him relax. And it doesn’t matter that you need to hang a shelf or it's time to go to the store for new furniture. But he will relax and understand that at home you can really rest, and not just do business.
How to establish a relationship with her husband?
How to establish a relationship with her husband?
  • If the husband is scary to take responsibility for the child and he is worried that he will not be able to give him everything he needs, then you need to support him so that he will gain confidence that he will succeed.
  • When a man does not show interest in his child, it is very difficult to do anything in such a situation. However, his attitude may change, but you have to wait. Perhaps for years. If you are ready to take such a step, then be patient.
  • If a husband simply cannot physically spend time with you, because he has a lot of work, then talk and convince him that happiness is not in money. Try to help him earn money, find a job, learn to save.
  • Change yourself, if your character is not very good and you constantly report to your faithful for something. When he comes home, meet him with a good mood, and you can close your eyes for small flaws, because no one can do without them.
  • Try to diversify your life so that the spouse wants to be part of the family. For example, you can play in the evening, take a walk, do interesting things.
  • If a man found another or in general he has another family, then decide for yourself how you live on.
  • During the crisis, try to support the man to survive him with minimal losses. He must understand that all the best is just beginning, and the family is the main thing in his life. You definitely have to tolerate and become a “vest”.
  • Try to find common topics for conversation. It can be a film, group, music, sport and so on. If the husband likes his work, then always ask to share how his day went, what happened interesting and so on. You can even learn more about his profession so that it is easier for you to become an interesting conversationalist.

Video: How to motivate a man, husband to spend more time with his wife, family, beloved woman?

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Comments K. article

  1. Everything would be fine. Well, if he is one of those who always deny the problem? When I ask why? He speaks, no, this is not so. Although the problem really exists. Another moment. I work no less, but even more than him, but all things fall on me only on me. I could and would like to solve this issue, yes, only the interlocutor is constantly silent

  2. It is insulting and humiliating. Something to do, constantly adapt. Interest, etc. And what about me? My feelings? Two people are married ... And only one should try, establish, support. Well, because we really need it to the women, and the man he made us happy simply his existence nearby.

  3. And if he spends all his time on sleep and phone and nothing more? There is no opportunity to even take a walk he has no desire. It always turns out as if I were constantly sawing him (((

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