How to understand whether you love a man, a guy really or not? What do you feel when you love a man?

How to understand whether you love a man, a guy really or not? What do you feel when you love a man?

In this article we will talk about how to understand whether you love a man for real. After all, love can also be confused with other feelings. Recognize love, passion, love, jealousy, etc. It doesn't work out right away. This takes time, further in detail.

One of the brightest feelings is love. Without this feeling, you can be full, cheerful, satisfied. But always in life something will not be enough. The soul requires love. Only with love can you live a full life. How to understand do you like a man for real? How not to confuse the real feeling with others - we will find out further.

And love, passion, and love have many identical characteristics, therefore it is very difficult to distinguish these feelings. Taking all these attachments to a man, a woman will feel a craving for her object of adoration. But this cannot be called love. Only checking time will help you understand your feelings and feelings.

How to understand whether you love a man, a guy really or not-chemistry

How to understand whether you love or not - there is no answer unambiguous. After all, there are people amid, they are attracted to a man for the time being, for the time being. They experience physical craving for the chosen object. At his appearance, it is felt that the heart jumps out of the chest, at night they cannot fall asleep, dreaming of meetings with a loved one. And most importantly - they forget to even eat during the day.

It is according to these signs that the girls think that such a connection with a young man is love. They do not even pay attention to the fact that sensations are somewhat different than those that were before. The explanations come to excuse that I am not the same as I was with another guy, and this guy is not the one that was before. That is why the feelings are completely different.

So no matter how to make a mistake, nor to grab love with something else (excitement, sexual lust, jealousy). Indeed, in all these feelings there is chemistry between people.

A person who loves feels not only a desire to see his partner, but a chemical reaction is launched in his head. Thanks to this reaction, phenylethylamine is formed, and he, in turn, helps to release dopamine, Norepinephrine. These hormones help a person get excellent well -being.

  • A feeling of falling in love gives the development of hormones such as testosterone, estrogen.
  • If you have affection, then hormones will be released: oxytocin, vasopressin.

Different states give the production of different hormones. And in an oversupply. Usually people really like such states, and a person does not want to refuse them. They are looking for new impressions, they want to worry about it again and again.

What do you feel when you love a man?

To establish a formula of love, you will have to work. How to understand do you like or not a guy? It does not hurt to be able to distinguish sympathy from a warm feeling. For this, this formula is needed. It is she who will express the essence of your attitude to the chosen one.

As already mentioned, chemical processes in love and other vivid sensations of a person vary significantly. And with love, you will feel the following:

  1. Frequent insomnia.
  2. A huge supply of energy and riot of the nervous system.
  3. Problems with appetite and stomach. A person forgets to eat, feels nausea, unpleasant sensations in the digestive tract.
  4. Lovers are afraid of separation, they want to see each other more. If there is no contact for several days, then it looks like collapse.
  5. Enthusiastic reactions when you see that your beloved reciprocates.
  6. If there are no such manifestations of feelings in another person, then anxiety, fear appears.
  7. When a person does not give you response feelings, then apathy will appear.

Thoughts appear in my head that literally torment both day and night. Why is he so with me? What is wrong, where is his feelings for me?

IMPORTANT: However, all these sensations are not always signs of a high feeling. Some may talk about chemical communication. About a kind of slavery. The girl is dependent on a person due to manipulations.

How to understand whether you love a person - signs

There are different types of love. Girls sometimes wonder how to understand whether you love? After all, sometimes they fall in love with a respected person, he cannot be a family member and sleep with his beloved. Love can be unrequited, you can even love for the popularity of a person or beautiful eyes.

Almost everyone would like to feel loved. Few people want to live alone. And here is the main thing to be able to distinguish true love from other feelings.

Signs of true love:

  • Obsession.When you are in love, you can think about a partner day, night. Everything else suffers from these thoughts that is not so important. Everyday deeds and any work is difficult. All thoughts about him, you think how to make a soul mate happy.
This is Love
This is Love
  • You do not pay attention to shortcomings. Because when love lives in your heart, the whole world shines with bright colors. The bad is fading into the background. The girl in love is able to justify even the most rude attitude towards herself. She will find any excuses for him, forgive everything, if in love. And if he gives a bouquet of flowers, she will again see the prince in him on a white horse. This is the chemistry of love, which is why they say that love is blind. When the first passion subsides, bad character traits become noticeable. A girl can already judge whether it is worth connecting life with this person or not.

  • In love poorly controls emotions. These are also chemical reactions occurring in the body thanks to hormones. You will need to know and feel that your boyfriend loves you. You will be set up for his emotional mood. Thus you can understand whether you love. Sometimes you will doubt whether you love this person at all. Especially when he makes you badly. Then forgive. This is considered the norm.

  • You want to involve a man in all his affairs, plan them with him. When amazing or everyday stories happen to you, you want to devote a man in them. Such a sign is considered a consequence of love for the second half. You want to hear his voice so that he takes part in your life as much as possible. You want him to understand your condition and support.
  • You want give a soul mate with gifts.DIY cute things made by your own hands are like a continuation of your love for him. You want to give him useful things so that he does not freeze in the cold, take care. It is gifts that bring hope for the origin of great love and relationships for life.
  • You want your loved one, because you pay a lot of attention.If you are in love, then try to follow the hairstyle, clothes, make efforts to smell. It is important for you that the subject of your adoration will notice you, do not take your eyes off you. Lovers, and receiving retaliatory feelings addressed to the girl, are noticeably good, losing weight, get younger, their skin condition improves.
  • You can change preferences and tastes. You can try what you did not like before. If you had not eaten fish before, then with your love you can change your tastes. Even if you have not danced before, now you will start.
  • You are planning yours the future with the second half.It is clear that when a girl thinks about the future and wants to build a relationship with a guy, she loves him. After all, few people need to endure not their person next to them, and even more so to make plans with him about living together.
  • When you want not only short meetings and fleeting communication, but dream of communication. Strong relations - not only physical contacts, but also spiritual. So that the contact between you is strong in all plans.
  • You begin to make adjustments to your life, Change the routine, wardrobe, old habits for it. Previously, get up to carry it to work, wear dresses, with cuts that he likes. Prepare unusual dishes for yourself, buy products that the guy likes. This can last some time. When love passes a little, you are disappointed in a person, then you will easily return to old habits again.
  • Lovers girls become the owners. And not only girls. I want to be angry when your half pays attention to other girls. Or girls are not indifferent to him. You are ready to make the unimaginable only to be his only dream. You want to be with him 25 hours a day. Therefore, no one has the right to his attention except you.
  • You look like his image everywhere. When you are haunted by his shadow, this is definitely love. Well, if a person is next to you. And you pay attention to him, but he is not there. And you still see him. He pops up in the image of young people who are somewhat similar to him, you are looking for similarity with this person in different images. It seems to you that here he is standing, but take a closer look - no, this is a stranger.
  • FROM you like all the conversations. You can talk about all sorts of nonsense, but at the same time it will be good for you. The clock of joint pastime is flying like minutes. When you love, you want to be near. You are not afraid to tell him even that you are in love with him.
  • When you you do not see a loved one for a long time, you miss and think about your object of adoration even more. Your mood is falling if your beloved has left or works for a long time and does not remember you. You will feel devastation if he does not write at the usual time, will not wish you good night. You will store his little gifts, like talismans, re -read the messages that he sent earlier.
  • The girl in love - the most defenseless and vulnerable creature. The cute creature is ready to open to your boyfriend completely. Girls discuss their dreams, fears, experiences, etc. Only dear will understand you and support you, he will surround you with care and understanding. In turn, you are a reliable rear for him. Thanks to you, he will feel his strength, he will be able to turn the mountains for your well -being.
  • In case of strong disagreements, quarrels, misunderstandings - lovers do not part. They reconcile again and undergo tests together. Conflicts are often present in relationships. It seems that a quarrel is an occasion for parting, the cold attitude of one of the partners after conflict situations is an occasion to think about correcting the situation. Moreover, both partners should work on themselves, otherwise the continuation of the relationship is impossible.
  • You feel the difficulty in the manifestation of attempts to focus. A girl in love is especially hard to do. There is no strength to work, there is no strength to engage in ordinary business. Everyone thinks what he is busy with, his plans come out in the first place.
  • You have an irresistible desire to become the wife of your man, you will definitely want to introduce your parents to him. If you have decided this step, then this person is really dear to you.
  • You like eye contact with this person. You will have no constraint at the same time. You will look sincerely, your gaze will be full of care, love. Thanks to this, you will develop oxytocin. The hormone that gives excellent health. And you will gain confidence.
  • You are not interested in other guys. You will not even think about how beautiful a neighbor lives on the left, because you have a loved one and he is the best. You do not need to flirt, and why. After all, with such actions you can only bring trouble and lose relationships, and you so want to save them.
  • You have no much desire enter the quarrel with your beloved.You understand that people are different, and have a different idea of \u200b\u200blife. Despite some disagreements, you are still trying to maintain your relationship. Sometimes you sacrifice yourself and your principles.
  • You try to please his environment and family.You want to be a particle of his life, therefore his mother, dad, brother, sister should know about you. And you want to communicate with them too. Of course, I want to spend time as much as possible surrounded by his friends and relatives, like him. Be part of this team.
  • Love is not only a lot of positive emotions, it is also stress condition. You have panic attacks, emotional burnout. You can get out of the blue. You can be angry with everything that happens for no reason. Especially when you are worried about the subject of your sighing. So that stress left you, do something pleasant for yourself. Perhaps communication with friends or buying new shoes will cheer you up.
  • If you love, then stop pay attention to annoying habits. If earlier you could not tolerate snoring or cod of joints on your fingers, now you can already not pay attention to it, because next to you is your loved one who is the subject of your adoration.
  • People who are a bright feeling, they have a high pain threshold. Thanks to the hormones that stand out in a person in love, the most unbearable pain will not be felt as acute as in the usual state. During the tests, scientists found out that lovers seeing the photo of their subject of adoration, they forget about pain. Only love can calm down even the most severe pain.
  • You will like everything the quirks of the second half, Even when others will hate him for these distinctive character traits. Even thoughts about these features will make you smile.
  • You will have nausea, and sometimes sweating occurs periodically. Yes, these are all hormones of love. They make us experience such unpleasant sensations. You can write off this for different pathologies or unpleasant conditions, but this is not the cause of this state. Such signs pass when you get used to your chosen one.
  • You will do everything so that dear smiles. To give an answer to the question - whether you love your young man or not, pay attention to your desires. Would you like to make him laugh or take care of him in a spiritual plan. If so, then this is definitely a bright feeling.

No matter how you feel next to the object of adoration, for yourself you can draw conclusions yourself. After all, once you already felt love or for the first time you feel it. And she works brightly on a person, it is difficult to fight her. Line emotions can be misleading.

And when you do not feel safety, you feel unprotected, it is possible if the passion sets a little, you can put your feelings in order.

Also read the articles on our portal on a similar topic:

  1. How to survive unrequited love?
  2. Love stories - read online for free;
  3. What is attachment to a person?

Video: How to understand do you really love?

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