Museums-quarters of St. Petersburg: names, address, photo. Museums-Quarters of Dostoevsky, Nekrasov, Blok, Rimsky-Korsakov, Isaac Brodsky, Akhmatova, Zoshchenko, Pavlov, Samoilov, Kuindzhi, Lev Gumilyov

Museums-quarters of St. Petersburg: names, address, photo. Museums-Quarters of Dostoevsky, Nekrasov, Blok, Rimsky-Korsakov, Isaac Brodsky, Akhmatova, Zoshchenko, Pavlov, Samoilov, Kuindzhi, Lev Gumilyov

In this article, we will talk about museums-quarters, which in St. Petersburg certainly need to be visited by both guests and local residents.

Go to visit the genius - isn't it tempting? To visit his native walls, surrounded by the usual furniture and with such a creative eye with a view from the window ... Well, this is quite possible! We invite you to take a walk with us through the most interesting apartments-museums of St. Petersburg.

Dostoevsky Museum-apartment: address, photo, description

By the address Kuznechny Lane 5/2 All fans of the brilliant Russian classic can come. It will be easy to navigate - on the corner of the house there is a descent into the basement. At the indicated address, Fedor Mikhailovich lived and created in the last years of life. Here were written, for example, "Writer's Diary", "We are talking about Pushkin", Legendary "Brothers Karamazovs."

Dostoevsky Museum-apartment in St. Petersburg
Dostoevsky Museum-apartment in St. Petersburg

The writer’s apartment is quite extensive. It consists of The hallway, washroom, living room, office, dining room, personal room of the wife of Dostoevsky, children's room. During a trip to all these rooms, you can see the items that the writer himself personally used - they were presented as a gift to the museum of his relatives. The interiors are restored with amazing accuracy.

Of course, the first thing grateful readers should pay attention to literary exposition. Numerous books published during the life of the writer always arouse increased interest. Like photos with autographs.

There are also images of the so -called "Petersburg Dostoevsky". That is, numerous photographs and illustrations that forever captured the city in which the classic created.

Important: in addition to the exposition itself, visitors will be able to enjoy the conference, additional exhibitions, and performances of the Chamber Theater.

The hat from the Dostoevsky museum is covered with a special protective cap
The hat from the Dostoevsky museum is covered with a special protective cap
The museum table apartment looks very cozy
The museum table apartment looks very cozy
Children's room museum-apartment
Children's room museum-apartment

Museum-apartment of Nekrasov: address, photos, description

Foundry Prospekt, house number 36 - Here the doors are open to all admirers of Nekrasov’s talent. The place is a significant for him, because here passed the last 20 years the life of Nikolai Alekseevich.

One of the contemporaries of Nekrasov called the rooms of his dwelling "The history of Russian journalism." This is not surprising, since it was here that the editors were located "Domestic notes" and "Contemporary" - The most popular Russian magazines of the second half of the century before last.

Speaking of journalism. In 1985 The so -called "Panaevskaya half" Museum apartments. She was successfully recreated in honor of the co -editor and just a good friend of Nekrasov - Panaeva.

Viewers will also be able to see the whole a collection of personal belongings The owner of the apartment, manuscripts. No less interesting finishing options for poems and poems, Which were complemented by illustrations performed by famous artists.

Important: L.N. Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Ostrovsky, Turgenev, Saltykov-Shchedrin were visiting the landlord at one time.

Nekrasov Museum-Quarter is decorated with the works of famous artists
Nekrasov Museum-Quarter is decorated with the works of famous artists
Nekrasov’s apartment-museum is quite bright and cozy
Nekrasov’s apartment-museum is quite bright and cozy
The bedroom of the Museum of Nekrasov
The bedroom of the Museum of Nekrasov
Manuscripts in cabinets, portraits on the walls - eyes scatter from the abundance of exhibits of an apartment -museum
Manuscripts in cabinets, portraits on the walls-eyes scatter from the abundance of exhibits of an apartment-museum

Block Museum-apartment: address, description, photos

On Decembrist Street in house number 57 He lived and actively created Alexander Blok. Here to the 100th anniversary of his birth A memorial museum began his life. Friendly meetings took place in these walls with Akhmatova, Mayakovsky, Yesenin, Stanislavsky, Meyerhold.

Currently, the museum is divided into two parts. First on the 4th floor - This, in fact, is housing the poet and his wife. Furniture and other objects of the situation really once belonged to these people. They are placed in office, dining room, bedroom, room of the wife of the block.

Dishes, serving table, interesting collectible ceramic items, a closet, a lamp, a portable stove - this is only a small list of objects from the exposition. Some things have an interesting story - For example, the tablecloth is woven in a serf workshop, which was related to the poet’s great -grandfather.

But 2nd floor busy literary exposition. Manuscripts, books, autographs - all that fans of the Bloc are looking at with bated breath. And, of course, his personal things.

Important: in the museum, from time to time, interesting cognitive events for children are held.

This Museum apartment belonged to the block
This Museum apartment belonged to the block
Another view from the Block Museum
Another view from the Block Museum

Rimsky-Korsakov Museum-apartment: address, photo, description

Prospekt Zagorodny, house number 28 -This address was once close to the famous composer Rimsky-Korsakov. By the way, today this memorial museum is one of a kind In St. Petersburg dedicated to any composer.

It is this place Rimsky-Korsakov the last 15 years He called his life "home." It was here that were written almost all of his operas - 11 out of 15.

Some visitors who meet the history of the place are embarrassed by the fact that more than 15 years after the death of the composer, the apartment was communal. But in fact, almost the entire atmosphere in it is genuine, just like in life Nikolai Andreevich. The fact is that the furniture at that time entered careful storage to the descendants of its owner.

The apartment is made of front, office, dining room, living room. But the rest of the rooms have already been reconstructed and are an exposition dedicated to creativity.

Walking through the composer’s personal rooms, visitors will be able to admire, for example, on his favorite working chair and desktop. And what admiration causes unique old bureau! The walls are decorated portraits of ancestors the owner of the apartment, which belonged to the famous from the XIV century noble family.

Important: the piano deserves special attention. In addition to Rimsky-Korsakov, Rakhmaninov, Stravinsky, Glazunov, Scriabin played on it.

The famous piano in the apartment-museum of Rimsky-Korsakov
The famous piano in the apartment-museum of Rimsky-Korsakov
It feels like the owner of the Museum apartment will return at any moment
It feels like the owner of the Museum apartment will return at any moment
Numerous portraits of the ancestors of the composer and now decorate the walls of the Museum apartment
Numerous portraits of the ancestors of the composer and now decorate the walls of the Museum apartment
Creative exposition of the Museum of Rimsky-Korsakov
Creative exposition of the Museum of Rimsky-Korsakov

Isaac Brodsky Museum-apartment: address, photo, description

Art Square, house number 3 - A symbolic address for the painter. It was here that Brodsky lived. Only not the poet Joseph Alexandrovich, but the painter Isaac Israilevich - the beloved student of Repin.

The house is notable not only because the artist lived in it 15 years. It is worth noting that they designed it Benois and Rossi.

Second floor It was designed in such a way that magnificent acoustics were created in his halls. This in the year before last they took advantage of vielgorean columns, stunning in these halls chamber concerts. Tools and vocals sounded in them, according to reviews, divinely. They also passed here literary evenings.

What will the visitor see in Brodsky’s apartment itself? His furniture, numerous Books. They are also of interest Photos with autographs Famous creative personalities - this creates a special atmosphere.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention paintings by Brodsky himself, which you can admire in the same museum. Also immediately located cloths of other Russian artists, Which is carefully collected by Isaac Israilevich.

Important: it is strongly recommended to visit the museum and fans of modern fine art - exhibitions of this kind are periodically held in it.

Of course, the artist’s apartment-museum cannot be represented without canvases
Of course, the artist’s apartment-museum cannot be represented without canvases
These canvases forth gracefully into the interior of the Museum apartment, like furniture
These canvases forth gracefully into the interior of the Museum apartment, like furniture
Literally every free piece of the wall of an apartment-museum is decorated with paintings
Literally every free piece of the wall of an apartment-museum is decorated with paintings
In these halls, now belonging to the Museum apartment, concerts and readings of literature were once held
In these halls, now belonging to the Museum apartment, concerts and readings of literature were once held

Anna Akhmatova Museum-apartment: address, description, photos

By the address Foundry Prospekt, 53 All fans of the legendary poetess can come. Sheremetyevo Palace on Fontanka, Southern Wing, third floor - With the help of this clarification, finding the coveted museum will be even easier.

You need to go from the side of Liteiny Prospekt Monument at the gate will not allow you to get lost. It was here that Anna Akhmatova worked and created and created 30 yearsexcept for the period of evacuation to Tashkent. After 100 years After her birth, it was decided to open a memorial museum.

At the moment, an apartment-museum contains approximately 50,000 exhibits! Personal things, wardrobe items, letters, manuscripts, book publications, photographs, drawings - all this can be found. By the way, there are collected works not only by Anna Andreevna, but also other representatives of the Silver Age.

Important: despite the fact that in St. Petersburg you can find several museums dedicated to the poetess, this one is considered the most popular.

In this house there is an apartment-museum of Anna Akhmatova
In this house there is an apartment-museum of Anna Akhmatova
Such a monument will definitely not allow you to pass by the Museum apartment
Such a monument will definitely not allow you to pass by the Museum apartment
Dining rooms of Anna Akhmatova
Dining rooms of Anna Akhmatova
Multiple photos create a special atmosphere in the Museum apartment
Multiple photos create a special atmosphere in the Museum apartment
Anna-Akhmatova personal belongings that can be seen in the Museum apartment
Anna-Akhmatova personal belongings that can be seen in the Museum apartment

Museum-Quarter Zoshchenko: address, photo, description

Malaya Konyushenny Street, 4/2 - The address at which Mikhail Zoshchenko once lived from 1934 until the end of life. At first, the author occupied an apartment in 5 rooms. And then, when it began to publish it less, he changed housing to a more modest 2-room In the same house.

Since in the future the apartment belonged to the descendants of Mikhail Mikhailovich, all the situation remained genuine. Furniture and even personal items have been preserved excellently, and today everyone can admire them. Books, documents, first editions Conscious of Zoshchenko’s talent will certainly be interested.

In the former office of the writer's wife Museum employees decided to place literary exposition. It is curious that you can touch the beautiful not only by viewing such an exposition, but also thanks to specially organized literary evenings.

Important: in addition to Zoshchenko, other geniuses of the pen once lived in the indicated house. For example, Evgeny Schwartz, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Eduard Bagritsky, Nikolai Zabolotsky.

In this house, in which the Zoshchenko Museum-Quarter is located, many well-known representatives of literature lived
In this house, in which the Zoshchenko Museum-Quarter is located, many well-known representatives of literature lived
Rooms at the Zoshchenko Museum-Quarter are quite compact
Rooms at the Zoshchenko Museum-Quarter are quite compact
Workplace of the Museum of Zoshchenko
Workplace of the Museum of Zoshchenko

Museum-apartment Academician Pavlov: address, description, photos

The famous academician lived on Vasilievsky Island on 7 lines in house number 2, in 11 apartment. It is noteworthy that the indicated house was built under Peter I. Then in 1725 He was transferred to the disposal of only Academy of Sciences. Ivan Petrovich later lived on the 2nd floor this remarkable house.

Several rooms and halls store furniture, household items, various memorabilia Family Pavlovs. You can also admire your beloved Pavlov pictures of artists-forwards, photos, See valuable the documents. Special attention deserves library Academician.

Also, walking along the museum, you can see A collection of icons and paintings on religious themes. True, this is a merit Spouses Ivan Petrovich - he himself had an ambiguous attitude towards religion. But to the formation Collections of insects He already attached his hand personally.

The situation is really recreated to the smallest details. Probably due to the fact that the first director of the museum during the whole 25 years Spended the daughter of Ivan Petrovich - Vera Ivanovna. Even now, an ideal order reigns in the office - just like during the life of his master.

Important: the guide will tell not only the academician of Pavlov and his family, but also about other famous scientists of that period.

Living room of Pavlov’s apartments, decorated with paintings
Living room of Pavlov’s apartments, decorated with paintings
Pavlov’s apartment-museum also accommodates the library of the academician
Pavlov’s apartment-museum also accommodates the library of the academician

Samoilov Museum-apartment: address, description, photos

Strength street, house number 8 - A familiar address for those who read the acting dynasty of the Samoilovs. Vasily Vasilievich Samoilov, representing the Alexandria Theater, owned this house 18 years. He occupied 2nd floor, And the rest gave up.

In the future, he owned housing the son of the actor. Some things have left the auction, and in 1899the house had at all sold. Soviet time, of course, also laid a mark on it in the form communal apartments. The idea that you can create a museum arose in the 90s.

The descendants transferred the museum to the disposal personal things founder of the acting dynasty and items of his situation. Also available paintings, which the owner of the apartment wrote.

Speaking of paintings. There is a separate one portrait room, who demonstrates the immortalized on canvases representatives of this dynasty In several generations. As well as other outstanding actors of the XIX-XX centuries.

In addition to portraits, here you can find and personal items of other actors Alexandria Theater. And also admire Theatrical things.

Important: the Samoilovs had a personal concert hall in which Auer, Rubinstein, Dargomyzhsky were invited. Now it is held in it from time to time theatrical evenings and evenings dedicated to chamber music.

The Samoilov Museum-Quarter both before and now creative evenings are being held
The Samoilov Museum-Quarter both before and now creative evenings are being held
Many portraits stop visitors of the Museum apartment near them
Many portraits stop visitors of the Museum apartment near them
Also, visitors to the Museum apartment have a chance to admire real ballet costumes
Also, visitors to the Museum apartment have a chance to admire real ballet costumes
Exquisite items of decor-museum cannot but admire
Exquisite items of decor-museum cannot but admire
Museum -apartment - find for admirers of ballet art
Museum-apartment-find for admirers of ballet art

Museum-Quarter Arkhip Kuindzhi: address, photo, description

By the address Embankment named after Makarov, Birzheva Lane, house 1/10, apartment No. 11 I once lived during 13 years old The legendary landscape master. Before that, the house - by the way, the same age as the painter himself - belonged to the merchants.

The most important thing that attracted artistic nature in housing is an insanely beautiful view from the Mansard workshop. The Petrograd side and the shooter of the Vasilievsky Island, visible at any time from the window, could not but inspire. A flair did not deceive the master - masterpieces were created here. And after 150 yearsafter the birth of Kuindzhi, a memorial museum was created here in his honor.

The museum exposition will tell everyone about the work and pedagogical activity of Kuindzhi. Presented as his works, so creations of students Arkhip Ivanovich, his followers. Of course, you can see and personal things. In addition to the workshop, visitors are available for familiarization dining room, office, living room.

Important: this house is called the "House of Artists." Korzukhin, Klodt, Kramskoy, Bruni, Shishkin created in different time intervals in it.

Awesome workshop of Kuindzhi
Awesome workshop of Kuindzhi
In the Kuindzhi apartment-museum is quite comfortable
In the Kuindzhi apartment-museum is quite comfortable
In the Kuindzhi apartment-museum you can familiarize yourself with interesting canvases
In the Kuindzhi apartment-museum you can familiarize yourself with interesting canvases
Creative evenings once reigned in the walls of this museum apartment
Creative evenings once reigned in the walls of this museum apartment

Museum-apartment Leo Gumilyov: address, photo, description

Kolomenskaya street, corner of Kuznechny Lane, house No. 1/15, 2nd floor, apartment No. 4 - The long -awaited address of the scientist and poet Leo Gumilyov. He dreamed of a separate apartment in a cozy, unsuccessful area for a very long time. But it so happened that the dream came true only at the end of his life, and before that Lev Nikolaevich had to live in communal apartments.

Until today it has been preserved the genuine atmosphere of the dwelling - As it was at the time of the departure of this extraordinary person. The arrangement of the apartment before moving the scientist into it from the hospital was carefully engaged in spouses and students.

The largest room was living room. She - cabinet. The regiments filled with various scientific literature created a really working aura. Which touchingly diluted gifts from fans.

Special attention deserves gifts from the mother - The legendary Anna Akhmatova. The wall of the living room decorates "Persian miniature" from her. A rather mysterious thing that the poetess also accepted as a gift. Akhmatova also gave her son chinese ashtray As a reminder that both of them worked on the translation of the creations of Chinese poets.

Important: evenings are also held in the walls of this museum dedicated to the father of the scientist - the famous poet Nikolai Gumilev.

In such an atmosphere of the Museum apartment, Lev Gumilev worked
In such an atmosphere of the Museum apartment, Lev Gumilev worked
The walls of the Museum apartment are decorated with the work of the wife of Gumilyov, who painted professionally
The walls of the Museum apartment are decorated with the work of the wife of Gumilyov, who painted professionally
The mysterious Persian miniature from the Museum apartment, donated by Lev Nikolayevich Mother
The mysterious Persian miniature from the Museum apartment, donated by Lev Nikolayevich Mother

Museum apartments are a special charm. Every minute it seems that the door is about to open-and the owner of the home will appear in the opening of his own person. Despite the decades separating us, and sometimes even centuries, this sensation is quite justified. Talented people are really always next to us - both in the fruits of their activities and in similar memorial museums.

About the Kirov Museum-Quarter:

A little about Pushkin’s Museum on the Moika:

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