Why you can’t measure and wear someone else's clothes and shoes: signs, energy of someone else's clothing. If people give their clothes, can it be taken?

Why you can’t measure and wear someone else's clothes and shoes: signs, energy of someone else's clothing. If people give their clothes, can it be taken?

To finish the things of relatives, older brothers and sisters, to buy a used one in a second-hand, commissioning-for many of us this is a normal practice, because it significantly saves the family budget, and sometimes it is just the only way to dress ourselves, children. However, is it so safe as we think?

Does it not work that we, saving our money, make ourselves and our health even worse? Let's figure out if you can wear someone else's clothes and if so, how to do it right.

Energy of someone else's clothing: Her influence

  • It is unlikely that today someone does not know and does not believe that each thing has its own energywhich is able to significantly affect our life, state of health, well -being and even mood.
  • It is important to understand that everyday things, jewelry and other clothes, which a person wears constantly, literally impregnated with his energy. In other words, things “hear and see” everything that happens to their master and how the sponge absorbs all this into themselves.
  • Well, if you come across thing, decoration, Any other subject, a successful, healthy, energetically “pure” person, but what if it turns out the opposite? After all, almost all of us are sick, cursing, angry. Someone does evil and negativity intentionally, someone under the influence of emotions - This also needs to be taken into account by purchasing a used thing.
  • The same goes for things that give, sell Under the pretext of "put on once." And it’s good if this thing is really a native and close to you, for example, if it did not fit him in size, he grew out of it, putting on once, etc. Another thing is when you get a thing from someone else's hands, for example, a wedding dress , an envelope for the discharge of a child, a ring, a worn once, etc.
  • You cannot know how the fate of the bride who sells the dress is, whether the baby is healthy, who was prescribed in the envelope who gave the ring a woman and why she now does not want to wear it.
  • Energy of clothing So strong that with them you will receive the whole negativity of their owner. If you bought a thing of a person who is sick or sick, there are no guarantees that you will not get sick of anything either. If you bought a bride’s dress, who soon became unhappy in marriage, you risk repeating her fate, etc.
The energy of clothing is extremely strong
The energy of clothing is extremely strong
  • Particular attention should be paid in this regard things from pawnshops, things that you buy from dubious people (like a drink on the street). Not only did these things absorbed the energy of their owners, they also absorb the negativity of the place in which they are. And as you know, a pawnshop is not a place with the best energy, because they are handed over stolen things, things are also presented here by need, when, for example, a person does not have a livelihood, etc.

Do not underestimate other people's things, their energy and influence on us. It is worth remembering that some people specifically lead, shift damage, the evil eye to their things, and then give, sell them, give them to people to get rid of the negativity and transfer it to another person. This is fraught with serious consequences in the form of serious diseases, accidents and even deaths.

Energy of someone else's clothing: danger for adults, children

  • Worn things for adults carry great dangerthan for children. Why is that? Everything is very simple and quite logical.
  • Adults wear other people's things of the same adults who are very often sick, sometimes do badly, they say badly, abuse alcohol, etc.
  • Respectively Things are overtaken by bad energy, Which, after that begins to negatively affect the life of the new owner.
  • In adults, wearing other people's clothing with bad energy most often ends with the appearance of different ailments, poor mood, irritability, constant fatigue, apathy And even depression. Relatives of such a person may notice that he was as if replaced, that a person has become unbearable, aggressive and stranger.
  • Children are bothering children who are energetically much cleaner and safer, not counting possible ailments and situations where damage or negativity is conveyed through children's things.
Children have pure energy
Children have pure energy
  • Children, especially small ones, do not swear obscenities, not aggressive, do not drink, do not want other people of evil, are rarely in the company of bad people, therefore, the energy of the most pure and just such energy will be charged with their things.

Based on this judgment, we can conclude that you can carry out clothes for your brother, sister, other children (if you are sure that they are healthy and intended through their clothes no one wants to harm you) your children can. Moreover, if there are good relations between such children, then such a ritual will bring them closer even more.

Why you can’t wear someone else's clothes, shoes: signs

There are many signs why you can’t wear other people's things. It is worth saying that to this day they are relevant. Here are the main ones:

  • If a wear and measure the clothes of the late person Before 40 days from his death passes, there is a risk of living the same life as him.
  • Wear and measure the clothes of a person who is sick - Get on the same disease. This also applies to such ailments as pneumonia, osteochondrosis and chronic such gastritis, etc.
  • Put on, measure, wear boots, shoes, any other someone else's shoes - Try on the life of the owner of these things. You run the risk of going the whole path that the owner of the shoes went.
  • Putting on and using someone else's clothes, things, You let into the energy of the person to whom this thing belonged. Accordingly, if the energy is bad, “sick”, then she will not bring anything good to your life, but “give” you diseases, difficulties and experiences can easily.
Each alien thing retains the energy of its master
Each alien thing retains the energy of its master
  • It is important to understand that signs associated with the energy of other people's clothing and shoes, They have quite a logical, not a mystical explanation. The thing is that signs occurred in ancient times when medicine, knowledge of hygiene was at a completely different level.
  • Together with the things of the deceased, sick, stranger, it was easily possible to pick up some serious, or even deadly illness, like typhoid, plague, because it is not known what a person who bore a thing died, whether a person who sold your hygiene has been observing the rules of hygiene etc.

In addition to things, it is strictly forbidden to bother with someone's cross-bells and jewelry, especially if they served as a talisman for a person. To wear and even try on other people's crosses, jewelry - to pick up the fate, difficulties, illnesses of the person to whom these things belong.

Is it possible to wear someone else's clothes if you give it?

  • It happens that you do not buy someone else's thing, and you are brought to you as a presentation. What to do in this case is it possible to wear other people's clothes and shoesif it was given it to you? After all, it is embarrassed to refuse and not accept a gift, and there is not always a desire to abandon the presentation.
  • Alien clothes, shoes, jewelry, except for the ground cross, can be worn, but before that it is worth holding some rites to remove someone else's energy from clothes.We will tell you about them further.
It is important to remove someone else's energy
It is important to remove someone else's energy
  • And, of course, you can wear someone else's clothes Only in the event that a close, dear person in whom you are 100%gives you 100%. Otherwise, it is better to throw a thing or just not accept.

Why can't you give your clothes to other people?

Is it possible to give clothes to strangers? Giving your thing to other people, you give them part of yourself, your energy, good luck, health. It is wrong to say that in no case should you give your things. You can do this, but extremely carefully and strictly observing the rules.

  • Giving not cleaned things to other people, you give them part of your energy and, accordingly, you simply will not grab it.
  • Man, receiving yours clothes with your energy, It will involuntarily influence you with its energy and this will not always be a positive influence.
Through your things on your energy, you can influence you
Through your things on your energy, you can influence you
  • It is also worth knowing that not all things can be given. For example, a personal mirror should not be given in any case, it is not even advisable to just give it to familiar people.

You can’t just give it up, give things that you wore on a naked body, like bras, night shirts. The same things include bedding, all hats, things related to money - barceushes, purse.

How to clean the energy of clothes?

As already mentioned earlier, give your own and accept, put on, measure, wear other people's things, shoes, jewelry only after conducting the rite in which you will clean the clothes from the energy of the past of the owner.

So, you can remove energy from things in this way:

  • Wash them in water In the usual way, but before that, soaking in a basin with some silver object. Silver Negative “draws” well, so this method is an excellent solution to the issue.
  • You can also clear the thing of someone else's energy with salt. To do this, pre -soak it in salt water. And then wash carefully.
  • Another way clean the thing of the bad energy of the old owner - Read the prayer “Our Father” with a lit church candle.
  • You can clean clothes, large items, like beds, sofas, etc., fumigating them with smoke of herbs such as issop, wormwood, thistle, Ivan da-Maria etc.
Big things can be fumigated
Big things can be fumigated
  • Sprinkle things with holy water and mentally talk to them. Ask them to serve you faithfully, and not to cause evil. Promise for things to take care of them, store it, etc.
  • Gold Silver can be cleaned by melting. The same goes for products from these materials.
  • Also, jewelry can be cleaned of negative energy, washing under running water and leaving in a container with water and silver.
  • If you need to clean the thing of a deceased or sick person, contact the Church, to the priest or healer. The energy of such things is extremely strong and negative and is able to badly harm the new owner.

Cleaning your things before giving them to someone, you can like this:

  • Collect all things, pack them in a bag or carefully put in a stack in front of you.
Give the pile of clothing
Give the pile of clothing
  • Look at things, thank that they served you faithfully, did not let you down.
  • Close your eyes and relax. Do not spare the given things in any way. Understand for yourself that now these are not your things, they do not belong to you.
  • In no case do not regret the person you are going to give/sell the thing. Speak to yourself that you will still get a thing (if you hand it over to the commission or sell it to a stranger), ask the thing to serve the new owner.
  • Do not expect gratitude, if you give or give your thing for free.
  • Do not amuse yourself that you have done a good deed. Believe me, what you have done will be counted, but you can’t think about it.
  • Look at the things folded, imagine how they are enveloped by a white haze, a veil. Gather it with your hands and put it in yourself, so you will take your energy to yourself, and things will become “carriers” of neutral energy, which will not harm the new owner.

The opinion of religion about the energy of other people's clothing

  • The religions of the world do not express strict prohibitions on wearing other people's things, shoes, the use of other people's things, like beds, household appliances, etc. However, it is worth remembering that wearing other people's things should be treated very carefully, because energy accumulates on clothesand not always good.
  • As you can see, you can wear and measure other people's things, but you need to do this extremely responsibly. Even if you are a skeptic and do not believe in signs and esotericism, you should not neglect measures of precautions when wearing other people's things, because it is unlikely that one of us wants to or their relatives to check the reality of negative consequences.

We also advise you to read interesting articles about energy:

Video: Is there an energy of clothes, things?

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