Is it possible to call a child before birth during pregnancy: signs

Is it possible to call a child before birth during pregnancy: signs

The reasons why you cannot call the name of the child before birth.

Most often, when two stripes appear on a pregnancy test, future parents begin to think about how to call their baby. It is exactly that the field on the second screening is known, at 20-22 weeks. At this moment, parents are finally determined which name will wear their child. However, at the same time, a lot of questions arise from friends, how parents intend to name the child. However, in most cases, you can hear a refusal. Mother does not want to reveal the secret of the name of the child. 

Is it possible to name the name of the child before birth?

It should be understood that during pregnancy, a woman is guided by hormones. In this connection, her mood changes, as well as the condition. Therefore, the name of the baby can change several times. Psychologists, researchers claim that the child, being in the womb, hears her voice, getting used to his name or nickname. He understands what his name is already in the womb. Accordingly, if the mother changes his mind, a kind of dissonance may occur. Therefore, many women do not say the name of the child so that he does not get used to him. There are several more reasons why the name of an unborn baby is hidden. 

Is it possible to call the name of the child before birth:

  • If parents have not yet chosen a name, or doubt between several options, it cannot be called. 
  • Some women believe in superstition and signs, so they are in no hurry to tell the name of their child, believing that, having learned this information, evil people can get trouble. Accordingly, if the child is in the womb, and no one knows his name, he is protected. You can call the name of the child only after baptism. 
  • Many people only have their own truth, therefore, strange, unusual and original names can cause violent emotions. Accordingly, acquaintances can say that the name is inappropriate, terrible, no one calls children that.
  • In order not to be upset, not to panic, it is best to hide the baby’s name before his birth. This is necessary to avoid negativity in your direction. In fact, hiding or not hiding the name of the unborn child is the case of parents. If they do not believe in signs, then they can safely call the baby and reveal the secret of his name. 
Who will be born
Who will be born

What is the name of the child before birth?

There are many signs that relate to the name of the child and often do not take into account. Although in fact the baby’s name may affect his future fate. It is best to call a baby a baby, baby, beloved, long -awaited, baby, bunny in the womb. Very often in Russian villages of newborn children, Bogdan was called or found before baptism.

As the child is called before birth:

  • In no case should a child be called in honor of a deceased relative. If you turn to the baby with this name in the womb, difficulties may arise during childbirth. In addition, an already born child can feel all the surprises of fate. This can reduce his life, influence it negatively. 
  • You can not give the name of a relative who went into the world of the deceased shortly before the birth of the baby. During childbirth, complications may occur that will lead to the death of a child or his serious illness. Many people believe in this, since it is indeed around this name that negative energy, otherworldly entities can fly. But sometimes there are exceptions. If a relative died a heroic way, in war, it is believed that this will help to extend the life of the unborn child. Therefore, during the Great Patriotic War there was a tradition to call children the names of deceased fathers or grandfathers. 
  • The baby, who is born in the family, cannot be called the grandmother in the dad’s line, and the boy by the name of his grandfather on her mother’s line. In other combinations, use the names of relatives is allowed. It is also worth refraining to call the baby the name of the saint if the date falls a day earlier than the child is born. It is believed that this will delay the development of the baby, he can speak late, in general, development defects may be observed. In addition, do not use the names of relatives who died in a tragic way. It is believed that if one of the relatives died of a serious illness, this fate can comprehend the baby. Even in the womb, the child gets used to the name that he programs his future life. Therefore, it is best to choose a neutral name. The child should have his own neutral road, which relatives, acquaintances cannot affect. 
Baptism rite
Baptism rite

Is it possible to change the name for the child: signs

There is an opinion that the child independently chooses a name. Of course, the fruit, which is located in the womb, cannot talk. However, very often in pregnant women there are dreams, or some incidents that push the choice of a particular name. Reflections regarding the future name remain unnecessary, because in the end the baby is called a different name. Many people have a question, but what is the name of the baby, who is in the womb, so that he does not get used to the name if his parents want to change him.

Is it possible to change the name to the child, signs:

  • It often happens, despite the development of high technologies that the child in the womb is not entirely placed correctly. The ultrasound sensor cannot consider the gender of the baby. Accordingly, in this case, parents are forced to come up with two names in order to tune in in case of the birth of a boy or girl.
  • It is recommended to choose consonant names that are called both boys and girls: Alexander, Eugene. Thus, it will be easily given to the child the same name, regardless of his gender. 
  • The child is allowed to change the name only during the baptism of the baptism. In Russia there was a rite called crossing or degeneration. Typically, the ceremony was used in Western Ukraine, if the child was very ill. Accordingly, specially before the baptism of the child was called a fake name.
  • They resorted to such cunning in families where high child mortality was observed, and the pregnant woman constantly lost their kids or they were born dead. It was believed that the ceremony of rebirth, renaming a person, with a change in his name. Accordingly, with the old name after baptism, all diseases, troubles and severity go away. 

Why can't you call the child’s name before childbirth?

If you believe in signs, then it is best to secretly keep the name of the child for several reasons.

Why cannot you call the name of the child before childbirth:

  • Without knowing the name, evil entities can not penetrate the child, take his soul. Accordingly, the birth will pass safely, successfully, both for the mother and for the child. 
  • Mom with a baby in the womb will not receive a portion of negativity from relatives and acquaintances who will not like the baby’s name. The kid in the stomach will not get used to his name, and parents can easily change it after the birth of the crumbs, if they change their minds. 
  • The energy flows of a particular name set up the fate of the child, having a significant impact on it. To get rid of stereotypes, not to influence the fate of the child, it is best to keep the name secret, or not to come up with it before the birth of the crumbs. 
Choice of a name
Choice of a name

Who should call the child at birth?

If you believe statistics, then in most cases, the names that men choose for children are boring and uninteresting. Most often, a man is guided by the names of close relatives or his friends. Often the girl is called the name of the wife, and the boy is the name of relatives. It is believed that women come up with merciful names that are better suited to children. 

Who should call the child at birth:

  • A lot of controversy arises in young families, who should give the name to the child. There are a number of arguments according to which the baby gets a middle name and surname from his father, so a woman, mother should choose a name, so that at least something the baby gets from her.
  • On the other hand, many men are sure if a boy is born, it is they who should become the authors of the name. If the girl, then the right to choose is given to his wife. In every family, spouses solve their own way. Often names are chosen at a family meeting.
  • According to statistics, about 15% of pairs cannot agree and come to some consensus. In 15% of cases, the child’s name is selected as a result of a draw or by using a coin.

Why can't you give a name to a child during pregnancy?

Now all signs seem ridiculous, but in ancient Russia the taboo name was associated with human protection. It was believed that the unclean power, as well as the sorcerers, recognizing the name of the fetus, the child that a woman under the heart wears, can send damage. If in those days the name was revealed to the baptism of the crumbs, this was considered a serious sin that could cause a serious illness or death of the baby.

Why can not give a name to the child during pregnancy:

  • To protect the child from magic rites, the name was hidden and called the baby with a false name. Then the tradition appeared to call the baby two names at once. One was for relatives, and the second for acquaintances and outsiders, strangers. Accordingly, only relatives knew the true name. It was often used to treat the child. 
  • The human name in the days of ancient Russia was used for a significant number of magical rituals, including those that concerned the baby. Despite the fact that the child is defenseless, he cannot answer the offender in any way, there were many people who wanted evil to the child. With his help, they wanted to improve their health, change their life for the better. One of these varieties of magic rites was considered to have a names by name. A newborn who was born dead, without signs of life, called out by various names of relatives who had already died. If the child came to life on a particular name, it was it that belonged to the child. 

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Children until baptism, immediately after birth, were called “without a cross”. They were considered unclean, because demons could easily approach them. If a person is without a name, he was called an expert. If the child was seriously ill so that he did not die nameless, he was called after birth a maternal or temporary name. The child was not called the present name, they did not give him. Only after the baptism of the child did his own name appear, which corresponded to the shrines. If the child was born very weak, then he was baptized immediately after birth, without waiting for 40 days. It was not allowed that the child would die unbaptized and without a name. It was believed that the baby, who was dying of unbaptized and without a name, fell into hell, his soul was taken by the magical, demonic essence. 

Video: Why can't you call the name before childbirth?

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