Is it possible to buy goods for aliexpress cash on delivery? How to order goods for Aliexpress and pay for later?

Is it possible to buy goods for aliexpress cash on delivery? How to order goods for Aliexpress and pay for later?

From this article you will find out if you can use Aliexpress cash on delivery and how to do it.

Each skating lover on the Internet knows about this method of paying for purchases as a cash on delivery. Therefore, when making orders for Aliexrest, buyers think about the possibility of using this method on the site. Let's find out the answer to this question.

If on Aliexpressyou went for the first time, then we advise you learn the article on the link. From it you will learn how to make purchases and receive orders.

Is it possible to buy goods on aliexpress cash on delivery?


In fact, this question can be answered definitely - no, it is impossible.

Aliexpressit works in such a way that the purchase of goods is possible only by prepayment, so it makes no sense to try to find a seller who agrees to send the parcel in a forth way. At the same time, you should not think that the buyer will not have any protection.

Aliexpresshe perfectly understands that security is important to each client, so a whole separate customer protection system was created. Each client makes an advance payment immediately, but the seller receives it only later, when the client confirms the receipt of the goods. If this does not happen or the purchase is defective, then the money can be returned.

In extreme cases, if at the moment you do not have enough money to buy a product, then you can use the loan. How to do it read here.

Video: How to buy on AliExpress? Payment of the order

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