Is it possible to download triceps and biceps on one day, at the same time: what is the best way to combine the training of arms and shoulders?

Is it possible to download triceps and biceps on one day, at the same time: what is the best way to combine the training of arms and shoulders?

We download our hands: triceps, biceps, deltas. Training plans, video tutorials with exercises.


Want to have a beautiful, toned body? In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to download triceps and biceps on one day, and whether there will be a double effect if they download them at the same time. Bonus-the best exercises from leading fitness trainers.

What is the best way to train your hands: along with your shoulders or separately?

Having visited the gym for the first time, beginners turn to coaches, in thirst to get the perfect individual training plan. Well, this is exactly what is announced at the reception, because the basic programs are at every step on the Internet. As a result, newcomers receive the very basic program, and absorb the first “myths”. For example, pumping triceps and biceps on one day is not effective, and it is better to distribute it to different split schemes. The first day biceps sways with the back, and the other day is triceps with the chest.

It would seem that if a professional claims so, then this is the truth from the first instance, proven years of training. Yes, undoubtedly, this program is good for a beginner, who is only entering the taste of training and, so to speak, “warms up” the body. But if the goal is to work out triceps and biceps as well as possible, do as Arnold Schwarzenegger, select a separate day for training and download triceps and biceps one day separately from the back and chest.

So it turns out that the fitness trainer is deceiving naive newcomers? Not at all! Just the program of the beginner and the training “on the result” is completely different. As well as the difference in training programs for men and women.

Biceps training
Biceps training

The training for a beginner includes back training (large muscles) and biceps training (small muscles), the next day the chest (large muscles), and triceps (small muscles) are worked out. During this period, the load is distributed evenly, preparing the muscles for large loads.

When there is a goal to work out all muscle groups carefully and for the maximum result, it makes sense to listen to the guru in this matter - the magnificent Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was he who was remembered by the masses as a standard of relief and a luxurious owner of the proportional muscles of the chest, shoulders, back and hands.

And he tirelessly repeats that for an excellent result, it is necessary to pump triceps and biceps on one day, separately from the chest and back. And that's why! If at the beginning of the workout to work out the small muscle, then less energy remains for large. It turns out the worst result. If, work out large muscles, and then switch to small ones (as the coach advises), then a little strength remains and the small muscles are worked out for a general tone, but not for a chic result.

Therefore, Arnold developed his training system: Legs + back, legs + chest, legs + biceps + triceps. Regular alternation of programs made it possible to achieve great heights.

What is the best way to download biceps in one day?

There is no consensus on what biceps is better to download on one day, and it cannot be. Everything directly depends on the stage of training athlete, as well as on his goals.

It is best for beginners to download biceps with their backs. Girls are not recommended to give a large load on biceps, and therefore it is best to leave biceps with the back. But men, to achieve the best result, are recommended to download triceps and biceps in one day.

Biceps, triceps and deltas training: before and after
Biceps, triceps and deltas training: before and after

Is it possible to download triceps and biceps on one day, at the same time?

As already written earlier, Arnold Schwarzenegger recommends pumping triceps and biceps in one day. But is it possible to download these muscles at the same time? Yes. And below we give several super shoes for the successful study of these muscle groups.

So, the first rule of successful training is not to let the muscles get used to. The more often you change the approach to training, the more effective the result will be. Therefore, professionals most often recommend training according to this scheme:

  • 1 training: Separately, the triceps is first worked out, after it a set of biceps exercises;
  • 2 training: exercises that work triceps and biceps at the same time;
  • 3 training: ladder with weight gain;
  • 4 Training: ladder with weight loss along the approaches.

As you can see, with the same cycle of exercises, you can constantly stimulate muscles and not let them get used to it.

It is worth remembering that biceps and triceps are the muscles of the antagonists, so there will be either biceps or triceps in the exercise. In order to pump them at the same time, it is necessary to alternate one exercise for triceps, the second for biceps.

For newbies For pros
Basic exercises to choose from Isolating-1 exercise, base-1-2 exercises (as the body withstands, to work carefully). 4-5 basic exercises, 1-2 isolation.
Additional power loads To choose from, but in each workout to work out every bundle and muscle fiber.

In total, the beginner in the process of training 2-3 exercises for triceps, and 2-3 biceps exercises.

Biceps training exercises. Please note that a video lesson is given to each exercise, according to the proper implementation of the technique. Master the technique to avoid injuries!

  • Lifts for biceps dumbbells;

Video: Lifting dumbbells on biceps standing! Technique!

  • Flexion of the hands on the upper block;

Video: Bending on the upper block for bitsuha

  • Raises on the biceps bar standing;

Video: Lifting the rod on the biceps standing

  • Rise EZ-STANGIA to Biceps standing;

Video: Ez-sting rising on biceps standing

  • Raises on the biceps rod with a reverse grip;

Video: Rise with a reverse grip

  • Hammer;

Video: Flexion of hands with dumbbells Hammer: Technique and nuances

  • Biceps lift on an inclined bench;

Video: Lifting dumbbells on biceps sitting. The most effective bank

  • Lifting dumbbells with one hand on Scott's bench;

Video: lifting dumbbells on biceps in Scott's bench

  • Bending with one hand on the lower block of the simulator;

Video: bending the hands from the lower block in the crossover: technique of execution

  • Raises of the bar in the Scott simulator.

Video: Biceps on the Scott's bench

Carefully follow the correct implementation technique, do not rush so as not to injure the elbow joints.

Exercises for training triceps:

  • The bench press;

Video: Exercises for the chest. The bench press is lying

  • Bench press to the bottom;

Video: triceps exercises. Bench press on a vertical block

  • Reverse push -ups;

Video: reverse push -ups. ABC of exercises

  • Bench press, narrow capture;

Video: bench press lying with a narrow grip

  • Extension of the hands in inclination;

Video: extension of the hands with dumbbells in inclination: technology and nuances

  • Extension of the hands on the block;

Video: Standing the hands on the block

  • The bench press lying down, French;

Video: bench press head down

  • Extension of the hands from behind the head;

Video: Exercise for triceps. Extension of the hands with dumbbell

  • Bench press with a reverse grip;

Video: Devil's backbone with a reverse grip

  • The dumbbell of the dumbbell sitting with one hand.

Video: French bench press with one hand: technology and nuances

It is important to remember the correct muscle swing technique. The muscles are worked out, stretching and filling with blood, and give time to recovery. In the first year of training, you cannot download biceps and triceps more than once a week, otherwise there is a risk of “scoring” muscles, preventing them from recovering. What is even worse-it will be injured due to overstrain.

Biceps and triceps supernet:

  • The basic exercise for a choice for triceps: repeat 8-12 times;
  • Minute of rest;
  • Basic exercise for a choice for biceps: repeat 8-12 times;
  • Minute of rest;
  • Cycle of 3 approaches each exercise with a minute vacation.

It is important to remember that such super sites are very effective, but also heavy for the body. Turn them into the program no more than once a month in order to improve the quality of training, and at the same time not to overdo it.

What is the best way to train your hands: along with your shoulders or separately?

To begin with, let's figure out what shoulders are. It would seem known to everyone. But unfortunately, many confuse the shoulder shoulder. Look at the diagram below to understand which part of the body we will train with biceps and triceps.

Schematic separation of the shoulder, shoulder and forearm
Schematic separation of the shoulder, shoulder and forearm

So, the part of the hand that is just above the biceps and triceps is called the shoulder (shake delta). By the way, biceps and triceps also belong to the part of the hand called the shoulder. In the shoulder there are small bundles of muscles that can be worked out both with hands and in the process of training the back and chest. It is possible to pump triceps and biceps one day with delta and even recommended by many eminent coaches.

In this section, we give a list of exercises that are responsible for training the shoulders (deltoid muscles):

  • Army bench press is a basic exercise that is recommended for all newcomers. The bench press remains in training and professionals. Do not forget about the right technique, and you will avoid excessive load on the joints;
  • Rod of the bar to the chin (an alternative to the chest);
  • Dumbbell Stances standing;
  • Dumbbells of dumbbells sitting;
  • Machi-divisions dumbbells standing;
  • Silenger "Butterfly" - abduction back;
  • Twins dumbbells in inclination.

At the very beginning of training, it is recommended to load deltas on 1 base exercise in training every other day. That is, training of delta, for example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The remaining days are a vacation for this muscle group.

It’s better to start shake your hands from biceps or triceps?

In the programs how to pump triceps and biceps on one day, there is no single system and algorithm of action. But most are still inclined to work out the triceps training program first, and leave the biceps training for the snack.

At the same time, in super shoes, on the contrary, it is recommended to combine exercises among themselves: biceps training, triceps exercises, and again on biceps.

Try different approaches, and develop the one that is suitable for you. Remember that during the training process you must thoroughly work out both muscle groups.

How to pump up shoulders and triceps in one training: program

In this section, we will tell you how to download triceps and biceps on one day, along with the deltas, but the main emphasis will go to triceps and delta.

Program No. 1

The name of the exercise The number of approaches Number of times in the approach
Army bench press 3 10
Breeding dumbbells to the sides of standing 3 10
Breeding dumbbells to the sides at the end (tilted forward with a straight back) 3 12
Lifting the bar above the head frontal 3 12
Shrags with a bar 3 10

Do not forget about stretching after training. Thanks to it, the muscles are saturated with oxygen, and are also restored faster.

Program No. 2

The name of the exercise The number of approaches Number of times in the approach
Sitting dumbbells to the sides 3 12
The rod is vertical 3 12
Bearing of the bar in Smith simulator 3 10
Work on the block, abandoning the hand in the side 2 12
Shurs with dumbbells 3 10

Remember that these are two basic directions aimed at the general strengthening of the muscle corps. For a thorough and uniform study of each muscle fiber, an individual training plan is necessary.

How to pump up shoulders and biceps in one training: program

In this training program, we will tell you how to pump triceps and biceps one day with a delta, while the emphasis will be made on biceps.

Program No. 1

The name of the exercise The number of approaches Number of times in the approach
Breeding dumbbells to the sides at the end (tilted forward with a straight back) 3 12
Biceps dumbbell lifts 3 10
Standing dumbbells to the sides 3 12
Bench press lying, French 3 10
The bench press is sitting 3 12
Cross -thrust on blocks 3 12
Raises of the bar in the Scott simulator 3 10
Shrags with a bar from the back 3 10

This program is designed for a serious level of training, and beginners can halve the number of exercises.

Program No. 2

The name of the exercise The number of approaches Number of times in the approach
Shrags with a bar 3 12
Work on the block, abandoning the hand in the side 3 10
Hammer 3 10
Standing dumbbells to the sides 3 12

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