Beautiful hips and buttocks using fitness residents: use, benefits, contraindications, top 36 exercises

Beautiful hips and buttocks using fitness residents: use, benefits, contraindications, top 36 exercises

In order to achieve sports success and a fit body, use a fitness response.

Harmony and at the same time rounded, pleasant to the eye of the form - a modern fashion trend that many girls seek to support. Such a very feminine combination each of them achieves in different ways, one of which is fitness resin.

Beautiful hips and buttocks using fitness residents: benefits

What's this? Soft latex that forms a ring, and of varying degrees of rigidity, depending on which you can choose the intensity of the load. The resistance of the elastic band during its stretching creates an additional load, therefore, the muscles carry a large load and are more strengthened. The word "fitness" in the name indicates that this peculiar simulator is aimed at achieving the desired forms and consolidating the result.

  • Dense elastic latex ribbon in the form of a ring when stretching forces various muscle groups to strain, depending on which area of \u200b\u200bthe body it is located. In addition, it is very simple for use, since no additional shells or simulators are required. Just putting it on the upper or lower limbs, you provide training in several muscle groups at once, thereby acting on the zones that you want to adjust. You can easily put the buttocks, hips and arms, back, stomach, chest - in a word, all parts of the body that you are unhappy.
  • Fitness response strengthens the general physical shape, makes the muscles elastic, helps the girls to keep the most attractive areas of the hips and buttocks in normal, makes the figure more feminine, emphasizing its reliefs. With its help, you get rid of problem areas, strengthen the muscle corset, keeping it in good shape.
  • Fitness response evenly distributes the load throughout its area of \u200b\u200bits action, without leaving unused areas, in addition, you control the level of this load yourself.
  • The advantages of the device include its compactness, which makes it possible to wear it in a bag and use it at every opportunity.
  • A very important point is that it does not create the risk of injuries or increased loads on the vertebral and ligament, and therefore can be used even by beginner fans of fitness, without using additional weight.
  • Without loading the joints and ligaments, such an expander can be used to improve the condition of the hips and buttocks, abandoning exercises such as squats and attacks, which are not always recommended, for example, during the injuries of the knee.
  • Due to several degrees of resistance, you can choose a load convenient for you, in addition, it can be increased by involving a second elastic band.
  • Almost any exercise from a complex of classical physical education You can perform with such an elastic band that will increase the load on the muscle correction.
Great efficiency
Great efficiency

Your personal fitness training will become even more effective when using this device. Separately, its effectiveness should be noted precisely for the muscles of the buttocks.

An important advantage is the availability of pricing policy (for 1000 rubles. You can purchase a complex of elastic bands of varying degrees of resistance), and strength and reliability provide prolonged use.

Contraindications for the use of fitness response

Classes with a fitness reserve do not belong to particularly increased physical exertion (unless, of course, you are engaged in days with it).

Therefore, general contraindications for the use of fitness residents are applicable to it:

  • oncological and epileptic diseases
  • mental health problems
  • injured spine
  • heart problems (heart attacks, strokes)
  • the presence of recent traumatic brain injuries
There are contraindications
There are contraindications

The doctor may also not recommend classes in aggravated conditions of chronic diseases, with colds.

Beautiful hips and buttocks using fitness residents: Exercises

Similar exercises, designed to pump precisely the hip area, look quite simple, but they are designed purposefully for this muscle group, so they should be performed, accurately observing the instructions.

Exercises using fitness response:

Experts recommend that you give classes for about half an hour, it is worth engaging in 3-4 days a week. Repeat movements from 10 to 20 times, making one (for beginners) or two approaches.

  1. Standing, twist the elastic band located on the ankles, lifting and lowering the legs.
  2. Standing in the position of the bar we take our legs alternately.
  3. Having rested with your hands on the floor, make the movements of a horizontal run.
  4. We perform the well -known movement "Bicycle".
  5. Lying on the back, lift the buttocks, as if becoming on the bridge.
  6. We lean on our hands on your back, raise the buttocks and spread our legs in this position.
  7. Standing in the same gluteal bridge, we make swings.
  8. We pull the knees to the chest, lying on the back and raising the buttocks.
  9. Lying on the stomach, breeding our legs.
  10. We lie down on the stomach and alternately raise our legs.
  11. The same is lying on the back.
  12. We lean on our hands, raising the torso and spreading our legs to the sides.

    With an elastic band
    With an elastic band
  13. We lie down on your back, raise our legs bent at the knees and take them away.
  14. We fix the gum on the hips and squat.
  15. Squat again, moving the elastic band under the feet.
  16. We jump out of the squat.
  17. We take a step to the side and squat, thus moving.
  18. Walking with a goose.
  19. Having fixed the gum on the hips, we move in a goose.
  20. Having placed the elastic band under the feet, bending over and straightening it up on ourselves.
  21. Standing we take the leg to the side and squat.

  22. The same exercise, only the leg is given back.
  23. Leaning, we take the leg back.
  24. Standing, alternately lift the leg forward.
  25. Squat, straighten, taking the leg to the side.
  26. We take a few steps sideways.
  27. Walking from foot to foot.
  28. We jump and take a step to the side.
  29. Standing, take the leg to the side, and then take the side to the side.
  30. We take a lunge forward, then raise the leg.
  31. Lying on the side lift the leg.
  32. Lying on the stomach bend our legs, placing the elastic band on the caviar.
  33. Lying on the side, leaning on the hand, spread the legs with a shell.
  34. Standing on all fours, throw your leg on the buttocks, fixing the elastic on the hips.
  35. We repeat the exercise by moving the gum to the feet.
  36. Standing on all fours, take the leg bent at the knee.
A variety of exercises
A variety of exercises

Repeat these exercises with a fitness reserve In any place convenient for you. This will not take much time, and the effect will pleasantly surprise.

Video: Training with an elastic band for fitness

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