Is it possible to spread herpes on the lips with toothpaste?

Is it possible to spread herpes on the lips with toothpaste?

Herpes on the lips not only causes unpleasant sensations, it also greatly spoils the appearance of a person. Such a rash, as a rule, is manifested at the most inappropriate points. Not everyone has medications for the treatment of the disease, therefore, home remedies are used. Consider whether herpes on the lips can spread toothpaste?

In the fall, in the spring of the human body weakens, therefore various diseases of an infectious nature are spread. They are often accompanied by herpes. He, as a warning that the immune system fails. This is due to weather conditions, hypothermia, the negative impact of stressful situations as a whole on the patient’s body systems. Another virus is transmitted by contact. But we are not about the causes of the manifestation of herpesvirus infection, but about its treatment. We will find out whether it is possible to treat herpes toothpaste.

Is it possible to spread herpes on the lips with toothpaste?

Most often, herpes occurs after contact with another person infected with herpetic infection. If you used the common dishes, a towel, touched the affected place, then the virus will instantly manifest itself with you. It is unpleasant that rashes always look too noticeable on the lips. And I want to get rid of them faster. Is it possible to treat toothpaste at home or not? After all, the necessary pharmacy drugs are not always at home.

Treatment of colds on the lips
Treatment of colds on the lips

When herpes manifests itself on the lips, the first thing to do is to highlight a separate dishes, a towel, do not let anyone use your cosmetics, observe simple hygiene requirements. It is worth taking care of your relatives and friends so that they do not get sick. It is good if you noticed herpes at the stage of manifestation, when the blisters have not yet appeared on the lips, there is only an unpleasant sensation.

Already in this state, in the phase of the occurrence of herpes, treatment can begin. With internal discomfort, herpes tablets help perfectly, toothpaste is not particularly effective in this case. And if there are external signs of the disease, then the herpes on the lips will have to be treated for several days. And this requires auxiliary products, it is better if these are pharmacy drugs.

In folk medicine, non -standard methods of treating diseases are used, the treatment of herpes toothpaste is a non -standard approach. However, many are used by many. because in toothpaste there are substances that help to cope with manifestations of herpetic infection:

  1. Whole a number of extracts Useful plants, thanks to them, undergoes inflammation on the skin and a astringent effect is manifested. To such components in the toothpaste, you can reckon the extracts of mint, chamomile, oak bark, etc.
  2. The product includes urea, It positively affects damaged skin. Effective in the fight against herpes.
  3. An excellent component in toothpaste that destroys pathogenic bacteria is fluorine. It oxidizes and destroys the membranes of microbes.

As you can see, in the composition of toothpaste there are really useful components for healing of the skin affected by herpes.

Treatment of herpes toothpaste - scheme

It happens that there is no desired medicine in the first -aid kit, then home remedies are used. Toothpaste to treat herpes on the lips has been used by people for a long time. It is applied to the affected area for several hours or at night, left until it dries. The bubbles dry quickly, the paste contributes well to this. For treatment, toothpaste is suitable without any additions, or rather without dye. It is desirable that it be white.

Treatment of herpes toothpaste is possible only from external rashes. It is impossible to completely get rid of the disease with the help of this product. Bubbles are smeared only once every few hours. If the procedure is often done, then you can harm the delicate skin of the lips and face.

Carry therapy in the following sequence:

  • Wash your hands in front of the process
  • Prepare a product and a cotton wand, apply toothpaste to this stick.
  • L tam the herpes wound toothpaste, just try not to smear healthy skin cover around rashes.
  • Let the pasta dry out, the wound should also get dried. After six hours, you can only rinse toothpasis with water. Do it carefully. It is impossible for the virus to spread further.
Treat herpes toothpaste
Treat herpes toothpaste

When herpes is just starting to spread, there are unpleasant sensations, then you can already apply toothpaste on the lips. This will help stop the development of this infection precisely at the place where discomfort is felt.

IMPORTANT:It happens that after applying a toothpaste, an unpleasant burning sensation will be felt. Do not be afraid of this sensation , Indeed, the product has components that affect the source of infection. If there are severe pain, do not tolerate them, remove toothpaste from the affected area as neatly as possible with water.

Herpes on the lip - treatment with toothpaste: which pasta is suitable?

Folk healers say that toothpaste has a drying and mild anti -inflammatory effect. If we talk about herpes on the lips, then this symptoms are not the first stage of the disease. No doctor will advise the treatment of herpes toothpaste. However, such treatment is often carried out.

That's just the toothpaste should be chosen correctly. Any product is not suitable for such purposes. There are a number of criteria for a suitable pasta that will eliminate the symptoms of herpetic infection:

  • It is not recommended to use toothpaste with bleaching effects against herpes. Such products in their composition have a large number of components that aggressively affect the skin.
  • You can not use gels for brushing your teeth, or colored products. The gel will not bring any relief at all, and dyes are harmful to the skin.
  • In order to get rid of rashes, only a white toothpaste will be needed. It is important that the shelf life of the product does not expire.
  • Pay attention to the composition of the toothpaste. If there are herbs, or rather extracts of natural remedies, then this toothpaste is ideal for the treatment of herpes.

Is it possible to spread herpes on the lips toothpaste - contraindications

Treatment of herpes toothpaste often fails. Everyone who decides to get rid of herpes on the lips in this way should be careful. After all, the components present in the paste can provoke allergenic reactions.

Does the toothpaste treat the cold on the lips?
Does the toothpaste treat the cold on the lips?

It is not recommended to use toothpaste to eliminate rashes in other parts of the body, such as mucous membranes or genitals. Paste is used only on the lips, face, other places that are not closed by clothes.

With constant complaints of the patient about herpes, you cannot self -medicate, in such cases, the help of a specialist is simply necessary. A dermatologist is unlikely to recommend that his patient gets rid of dental paste rashes, the drug does not heal the infection, only masks symptoms and is not always effective.

You can also read articles on the topic of herpes here on our portal:

  1. Herpes on the lips, in the nose, how to treat?
  2. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy - treatment;
  3. Zinc ointment from herpes;
  4. What ointment to treat herpes on the lips?

Video: How to treat herpes with folk remedies - toothpaste?

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