Is it possible to eat greened potatoes from the light than it is harmful? What to do if the potatoes are green?

Is it possible to eat greened potatoes from the light than it is harmful? What to do if the potatoes are green?

The reasons for the greening of potatoes and the feasibility of eating it.

Potato- this is The root crop of the nightshade family, the tubers of which grow and ripen in the ground. Many housewives are faced with green fruits, and do not know what to do with them. In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to eat green potatoes. 

What is the potatoes green from?

Many people think that the potatoes have not ripened. In fact, this is not so, and the Rubborn has nothing to do with the ripening of the root.

What is the potatoes green from:

  • In general, initially, all plants contain chlorophyll, which, under the influence of photosynthesis, stains the leaves or other parts of the plants in green.
  • This substance is also contained in potatoes.But since initially the fruits are in the ground, the passage of the process of photosynthesis is impossible, due to the fact that the light does not penetrate.
  • As is known from the biology course, the reaction occurs under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, in contact with the sun's rays and a green color appears.

Potatoes turn green in the light, what poison is produced?

AT Processes do not occur in the ground, cellar or in a dark room, respectively, potatoes retain their natural color. Only when direct sunlight enters it, photosynthesis occurs, thereby the upper part of the fetus is painted green. Many noted that, in connection with this, the taste of fruits is changing, they become bitter with an unpleasant taste and smell. This is due to the course of photosynthesis processes and the selection of a certain poison. 

Potatoes turn green in the light, which poison is produced:

  • These fruits contain a substance called Solanin. This is glycoside, one of the strongest poisons. It was first opened in 1820, but then shoots, leaves, stems and green potatoes were used to make insecticides.
  • Scientists noticed that a remedy prepared from the shoots of potatoes is very effective in relation to a large number of insects, as well as pests. It began to be used to spray garden plots and gardens. It was then that the opinion arose that green potatoes cannot be eaten. 
  • At the moment, solanine, as well as alkaloid glycosides are used widely in medicine. Typically, they are used in the manufacture of heart products that enhance blood circulation, and also make blood thicker. This can sometimes save a person during a heart attack. Alkaloid glycosides are also used in the treatment of strong toxicosis of pregnant women. 
Green tubers
Green tubers

Why is green potatoes dangerous?

Solanin is a strong poison, it is normal in ordinary potatoes, which has a natural yellowish or pinkish tint.

What is the danger of green potatoes:

  • In light fruits, there is a very low concentration, approximately 0.05%.
  • But closer to autumn and spring, with improper storage and from exposure to direct sunlight, this poison is released as a result of chemical reactions, under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
  • Thanks to this, part of the potato, which was exposed to sunlight, becomes green. This suggests that it is in these areas that the maximum concentration of solanine. 

Solanin's actions on the human body: 

  • Causes inhibition of all parts of the nervous system 
  • Contributes to the breakdown of red blood cells, their destruction 
  • Contributes to digestion worsening, and violates food digestion 
  • Impairs vision 
  • Increases body temperature 
For sale
For sale

Is it possible to eat green potatoes if you cut the green part?

Many women have a question, can there be potatoes that have become green? To this day, there are sources that indicate that such potatoes cannot be eaten, it is necessary to immediately throw it away.

Is it possible to eat green potatoes if you cut the green part:

  • However, in most cases, housewives are in no hurry to part even with such tubers. This is what scientists say about this. This glycoside is destroyed when exposed to high temperature and heat treatment.
  • If the hostess cleanses such a tuber of potatoes, cuts it into pieces, focuses or weld, then all glycoside will turn into absolutely safe components that will not contribute to poisoning.
Potato bushes
Potato bushes

Is the green potato dangerous: Synthum Symptoms with Solanin

Yes, but only if it is raw. The main symptoms of Solanin poisoning are: 

  • Headache 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Vomit 
  • Expansion of the pupils 
  • Cloud of vision 
  • Temperature rise 

If this is some kind of severe case, then a coma occurs, as well as convulsions. In fact, cases of poisoning with this glycoside due to potatoes practically did not happen. 

Is the green potato dangerous:

  • You can not give it to animals. It is worth thinking about this by the owners of the economy, pigs, who are often fed with rotten vegetables or scraps, potato peel.
  • If you have a large number of green potatoes, in no case should it be fed to animals without heat treatment.
  • If you want to feed the cattle with such potatoes, you need to cook, boil it. 
  • Accordingly, it is impossible to feed them with raw tubers, which became green.

Potatoes are green when stored, can I eat?

Potatoes are green when storage, is it possible to eat?As found above, it can be eaten. But after heat treatment. However, it is best to use for other purposes. This is an excellent planting material, the green color will not affect the shootings, and in no case will improve the growth of new potato bushes. Therefore, if you plant potatoes, add such root crops until spring and put them in the ground. 


Interesting: few people know, but Solanin is contained in almost all nightshade, including tomatoes.Accordingly, if you disrupt the tomatoes in green form, use them without preliminary processing, you can also be poisoned. However, this will need a large number of fruits. What about the preparation of acidic or sauer tomatoes?With heat treatment, as well as with salting, most of the solanine is also split. Therefore, green tomatoes can be eaten after they are acidified or marked with the use of vinegar and other spices. 

Green tubers
Green tubers

Solanin and potato riots

Oddly enough, but in 1840 in Russia it was forced to plant potatoes. At this time, Europe already knew that in such fruits, as well as bushes, there is a solanine, and is a harmful poison. Therefore, potatoes at that time did not eat in Europe at all, the same thing happened with tomatoes. Accordingly, such plants were used for bouquets and jewelry. Usually, with their help, clubs and greenhouses were simply decorated, they were grown as decorative plants on window sills. 

Potato poisoning:

  • Culture led to potato riotes that took place in 1840 and 1844 in Russia. The initiators of the riots were peasants who were forced to plant potatoes and eat it. However, due to ignorance, and a small amount of reliable information, most of them did not know how to eat culture for food.
  • There were many cases when the peasants ate not only tubers, but also a tops, as well as bushes. In addition, raw fruits were eaten. As a result, the tubers that lay in the light became green, the concentration of Solanina in them increased. After a person eaten one or two green tubers of potatoes, he began malaise, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. That is why peculiar riots arose, the peasants believed that the authorities wanted to poison them. 
  • The government, in turn, introduced the obligatory crops of potatoes for the reason that for several years in a row there was a poor crop of grain, so it was not possible to feed everyone. The amount of food was reduced, so the number of people who want to rebel increased.
  • Pthe axial of potatoes was one of the ways to protect themselves from hunger, but the peasants rebelled, since it was necessary to distinguish the land on which grain previously grew for crops. The government forcibly forced to change the crops of grain to potatoes. Due to these poisoning, which often occurred due to ignorance, the peasants resisted, avoiding cultural plantings. 

At the end of 1843, the obligatory crops of this nightshade culture were canceled. As a result of this, in somelands, in which potatoes were still planted, they continued to do this, because grain crops in such an area grew very poorly, unlike root crops. It was after 1843 that the popularity of potatoes began to grow. 

Potato bushes
Potato bushes

Potatoes turn green during storage, what to do?

In order to avoid the greening of potatoes, it is necessary to carefully monitor the beds, and bury the bare tubers as a result of severe heavy rains.

Potatoes are green when storing, what to do:

  • After all, even if root crops are spent one day under the influence of sunlight, they will become green and unprofitable. In the same way, it is necessary to properly store root crops after harvesting.
  • To do this, use a cellar, or a balcony, but protected from direct sunlight. It is necessary to cover the potatoes with a cloth, or hang on the balcony of the blinds, place in a closet in order to prevent the penetration of sunlight.
  • The potatoes do not turn green from the action of artificial lighting, since ultraviolet rays are required to undergo photosynthesis. 
Ripe tubers
Ripe tubers

Green potatoes can be consumed, but you must first remove the skin from it, and cut the green areas in which the most solarine. This potato is dangerous only if it is consumed raw.

Video: Damage to green potatoes

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