Can or not give money for a birthday, March 8, to the boss? Why is it impossible to give money to children, educators, teacher? Give money: sign

Can or not give money for a birthday, March 8, to the boss? Why is it impossible to give money to children, educators, teacher? Give money: sign

Holidays when you can’t give money.

Money is a rather specific gift that can not be given to everyone. The fact is that many heroes of the celebration do not quite adequately perceive the presentation of such a presentation. In this article we will tell you when you can and cannot be given money. 

When can not be given money?

It is believed that the presentation of funds can cause a deterioration in the financial situation of the donor.This happens in two cases.

When you cannot give money:

  • If money is awarded on church holidays 
  • If several large bills are given in the evening 

It is necessary to adhere to several rules so that such a pleasant present for the hero of the occasion, does not become the beginning of the end for you. 


Why can't you give money to children?

There are many signs related to the delivery of money.

Why you can’t give money to children:

  • It is believed that money should never be given to children. After all, their life is just beginning, introducing peculiar financial assistance, you provoke a deterioration in your budget.
  • Thus, you give a piece of yourself and your financial situation. Preschool children poorly understand what colored pieces of paper are, even if they are a rather large denomination. The child still does not remember what was presented.
  • Therefore, preschool children are best handed gifts, but not money. If parents ordered a large amount of money, be sure to purchase some small trinket or toy. You can give joy to the baby. The child will definitely remember that you gave him, unlike money. 
  • Often parents themselves ask to hand money, especially if the birthday is a teenager, or a schoolboy. At this age, interests are changing, and schoolchildren can save on new videos, laptop, good perfumes. It all depends on the age and interests of the child. Therefore, if you are behind life, you have no idea what youth is interested in, it is better to help out money. 

How to give money correctly?

In order to give them, it is necessary to adhere to several rules.

How to give money correctly:

  • If the celebration takes place in the evening, in no case do not transfer the money from hand to hand. Put an envelope with bills on the table from which they should take the birthday person. This will help not to worsen your financial situation, it will be possible to maintain your own budget. 
  • To give money, be sure to purchase a beautiful envelope. Now the stores have a large number of beautiful cards, envelopes for presenting money, along with congratulations.
  • Therefore, simultaneously with the presentation of the presentation, you can read beautiful words or come up with them yourself. In order for the birthday person to spend money with benefit, it is necessary to give it in the morning. 
Piggy bank
Piggy bank

Is it possible to give money: signs

Some people can perceive the presentation of money as a handout. If a person can respond so painfully to the present, refuse to present it.

Is it possible to give money, signs:

  • It is believed that all the money donated on the evening in the evening is quickly flowing down. After all, they came quickly and easily.To prevent this from happening, be sure to give funds during the day. 
  • Do not give money for Easter, Christmas, christening.
  • Do not give the last bills. Better get an inexpensive gift and leave a little cash at home.
  • Make sure that the houses from time to time be large -scale money. It can be large bills, or funds rented for the purchase of housing, household appliances, or jewelry.
  • Try to have about one day the money that you are going to give a friend to lie in your house.

Can I give money or not?

It is worth considering the interests of the hero of the occasion. In general, money for some is the best gift. But for another category of population, this is the most useless present.

You can give money or you can’t:

  • A peculiar alternative to money is gift certificates for the purchase of goods in the chain of stores. It can be cosmetics and perfumes stores, a subscription to a swimming pool, or a gym. A woman will evaluate a certificate for a certain amount for going to a cosmetologist or in a beauty salon. This is also money, but they are not given in the form of bills. 
  • Most often, grandmothers give cash gifts to children. Especially if they live separately, they are weakly interested in what grandchildren need. The fact is that the interests of youth are changing rapidly, and it is very difficult for an elderly person to choose the necessary gift. Therefore, grandmothers can present something completely unnecessary, causing a bad mood among grandchildren. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the delivery of money to the grandmother. Most often they do this with pure heart and good intentions. 

Is it possible to give money for a birthday?

Many believe that the presentation of bills frees a person from the search for a presentation. Money is awarded with people without imagination, and those who do not want to bother with the purchase of a gift. Usually such presentations are chosen by banal people who are difficult to come up with something.

Is it possible to give money for a birthday:

  • Of course, often money is the best gift, especially if you have not communicated with a person for a long time, and are unfamiliar with interests. If you are not sure that the culprit of the celebration will perceive a creative gift, refrain from its acquisition, handing money. 
  • Do not be afraid to give money for the anniversary, or some big holiday. A person, while retiring, on celebration of a round date, spends a lot of money on organizing a holiday. Therefore, bills will be an excellent present. 
  • Relatives will never perceive money with contempt or cautiously. A close person never wants evil, so you can give your relatives money. This will be a great present, because a person himself will be able to dispose of how to spend them. 
Cash bouquet
Cash bouquet

What holidays can you give money for?

However, there are holidays when not only possible, but also you need to give money.

What holidays you can give money:

  • Wedding. It is believed that the best gift on the day of marriage is money. After all, the newlyweds equip a new family nest, and it is necessary to purchase a large amount of kitchen utensils, furniture for the apartment. Therefore, your money will be in handy. 
  • Birthday of children. This is relevant if the gift is presented with grandparents, grandfathers or kumovya. Sometimes it is difficult for people to track the situation in the toys market for children, they do not know what is fashionable, modern and is the most anticipated gift. Therefore, it is best to give money. 

Is it possible to give money for a housewarming?

On the housewarming, instead of presenting some trinkets, give money.

Is it possible to give money for a housewarming line:

  • While moving to a new apartment, people can spend a huge amount of money on new furniture, equipment and repair.
  • Be sure to give the amount all for you so that the owners of new housing can buy what is missing in the house.
  • In all other cases, you should not give money. 

A rather creative and unusual gift will be a transfer to a card, opening a bank account or deposit. You can present the hero of the occasion with a deposit contribution to his name. Thus, a person himself will decide when to remove the cash and what to spend it on.

Gift options
Gift options

Why can't you give money for March 8?

There are several holidays for which money is the most disgusting gift: 

  • Valentine's Day 
  • March 8 
  • New Year 
  • Mothers Day 
  • Day Angel 

In any case, it is not necessary to hand money for all these holidays. A good alternative will be a certificate for the purchase of goods in some store. Usually on such days, symbolic presentations are presented that are inexpensive, but are given with great love. All meaning in trepidation and emotions, during the choice of a gift.


Can I give money to the teacher, teacher?

Existseparate categories, which should not give money. 

Among them can be highlighted: 

  • Educators 
  • Teachers 
  • Teachers 

You can give money to the teacher, teacher:

  • Therefore, to give money to the teacher is a sign of bad taste, any employee of the education sector will abandon such a presentation. 
  • It is impossible to give money to teachers, the matter is not only in superstitions, but in the ban. Now all the money is handed over to school in the form of voluntary contributions, directly to the parent committee, and people responsible for this.
  • Therefore, it is not possible to hand the money to the teacher in no case. This gift can cost a professional work, and the child is by expulsion. Refrain from such gifts. 

If the teacher is very expensive, treats children well, you can express your gratitude to the presentation of chocolate sweets, tea, flowers and cards. Teachers will also evaluate gifts made by their own hands. You can collect money together with parents and purchase a valuable gift. It is better to initially consult with the teacher, and purchase something from household appliances or to class. It can be a TV, or a projector. Such a gift will expand the possibilities and make the lessons less boring. 


Is it possible to give money to the boss?

Even if the amount is collective, collected from all colleagues, it is impossible to give it in any case.

Is it possible to give money to the boss:

  • It is believed that the presentation of money to the boss can block cash flows. 
  • Often in such cases, employees do not receive a premium for accidental coincidence.
  • Therefore, refrain from presenting funds to the leader or person who is higher than you in position. 

Do not give money from the youngest to the older. It is believed that a person who is younger by age should not give money to the eldest. In this way, you can block your own flow of energy energy. In the near future you will find bankruptcy, a deterioration in the financial situation. Money is not awarded to unfamiliar people. It is not known how they will react to such presentations. The heroes of the celebration can perceive this as a kind of handout, or consider that you consider them to be in need. 


We give money beautifully

Money must be given correctly. No one will like it if he is dried by a handful of crumpled, small bills. Therefore, money must be presented beautifully, colorful and bright. There are many ways to present such a presentation. One of the simplest is the purchase of envelopes or postcards with a pocket.There are more interesting, creative options. 

We give money beautifully:

  • Bouquet of money. In this case, the money is curled up with beautiful corners or a tube, wrapped in cigarette paper, with the formation of a flower and binded by ribbons. 
  • Fold the bills in a beautiful hat box. Now in the stores of gifts and sweets you can purchase such boxes separately. Each bill is folded into a tube, bandaged with a ribbon, invested in a box. It is best to choose small bills so that there are a large amount in the box. 
  • Businesses are filled with balloons, first the money is turned into a tube. At the same time, the ball is inflated, handed to a person. Such an interesting way to present is quite cheerful, unusual, original. Usually people are positive about cash gifts, even despite the bad signs. 

The lover gives money, is it worth taking?

If you are meeting with a man for a long time, you should take money.

The lover gives money, whether it is worth taking:

  • Every woman independently decides for what purpose a lover needs.
  • For many, this is earnings and a way to support their own children. Often such gifts are permanent, help to pay for housing.
  • Even if a lover for sexual pleasures, you should not refuse money.

Can a man give money?

Please note that some friends can perceive such presentations.

Is it possible to give a man money:

  • Do not be surprised if you hear in response: you are a lazy, you could not choose a normal gift? If you know a person well, you should not experiment.
  • In the case of good relationships, friendship, get an original, non -casual gift.
  • It can be something unusual and non-standard, raising the mood of everyone present at the festival. 

How to take money correctly?

There are rules not only for people who give gifts, but also for those who accept them. In no case, immediately after the presentation of the envelope with money, it is not worth extracting and recalculating the bill.

How to take money correctly:

  • It is necessary to create a peculiar portal through which the money will get used to, they will flow to you. Hold them for some time in your pocket, and only after that you can extract from the envelope, recount.
  • You can’t immediately take the money from the ATM. It is best if you remove the cash day before the celebration and leave it at home. It is believed that the presence of cash in the house attracts good luck, and helps to improve the financial situation.
  • If the money is not brought home, then the energy is drying out, and problems of material nature may begin. 

Words when you give money

In no case do not say the phrases during the delivery of money: 

  • Don't deny yourself anything 
  • Buy yourself what you want 

Thus, you show a neglect of the hero of the occasion. It is best to do it more respectfully.

Words when you give money:

  • This is for you for a dream 
  • A small part of the vacation in Egypt 
  • To purchase pleasant little things 
  • I give you the opportunity 

Such phrases during the delivery of money create a pleasant impression, and inspire the hero of the occasion. The phrase - do not deny yourself anything, can be perceived as resentment, neglect, and unwillingness to waste your time on acquisition, choosing a gift.

On a dream
On a dream
Many articles about money and their multiplication can be found on our website:

Best friends may be offended for presenting money, considering that you know it better than anyone else. The worst gift for friends is money. Come up with something creative, interesting and unusual. Usually they communicate with friends constantly, discussing certain topics, and the desired presentations. 

Video: Can I give money or not?

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