Happy bills, Feng Shui money: What are the numbers? The value of numbers and letters on happy bills to attract money

Happy bills, Feng Shui money: What are the numbers? The value of numbers and letters on happy bills to attract money

Overview of happy bills on Feng Shui.

Fen-shui - The Chinese teaching, according to which, with the help of certain objects, as well as money, we can attract wealth, success, love and financial well -being. Great importance in theshui It is given to money, or rather bills and numbers indicated on them. In this article welet's tellWhat bills are considered happy. 

What a happy bill?

In general, almost all esoterics, regardless of the current that they represent, are inclined to the opinion that money brings money. That is, in order to get rich, you need to find a happy bill.

What a happy bill:

  • To do this, it is necessary to find a banknote on which certain figures or designations are indicated. It is believed that such money should always be in a place that attracts wealth, and in which large bills most often lie. That is, this is a wallet.
  • However, at the same time, in no case should they be spent, it is best if they are the guards of your wallet andumnators wealth. In order to find your happy banknote, you need to carefully look at existing bills.
  • Please note that they are written, in particular for series and numerical values. The best option is those in which at first in the letter designation of the series there are your initials, or the first symbols of the name. If you found such a banknote, in no case do not waste it, hide in a secluded place of your wallet. Usually such money is hidden in a wallet with lightning.

How to find happy numbers on bills?

Next, you need to look at numerical values. Each figure has a certain meaning that can attract and repel wealth.

Happy numbers on bills:

  • The most favorable on the state of your financial resources is the number 8.
  • If you find a banknote on which there is this number in the serial issue, be sure to save it.
  • Quite well affects the material component of the number 7. However, fortogo, In order for it to work, three of her repetitions are needed. That is, it is a triple repetition of numbers 7.

Happy bills 128

  • However, this is not the only figure that will help to attract funds and improve the financial situation. There are certain combinations by which you can attract funds. 
  • Combination 128 - carries strong energy. It is these numbers in the series locatedcontract, One after another, they are considered a good sign, and will help you improve the material component. 
  • Oddly enough, but bank cards work similarly to banknotes and bills. Therefore, you can ask the bank employees to select you a card that corresponds to happy numbers.

What are the numbers of the bills are happy?

Fen- expertsshui It is believed that certain numbers correspond to each name and person. Calculations are quite simple. To do this, you need to write a number that corresponds to a certain letter over each figure of your name, patronymic, surname.

What are the numbers of the bills happy:

  • For example, the letter A corresponds to the number 1, and the letter in number 3. Thus, the serial number and position of the letter in relation to the numbers will correspond to its number.
  • Therefore, first write on a sheet of paper your name, surname, patronymic and above each letter indicate the number corresponding to the serial number according to the alphabet. Now it is necessary to add all the numbers received until one digit.
  • As a result, you will receive three certain numbers that correspond to your name, patronymic and surname. Now it is necessary to find a banknote that contains these three digits. They can be located both in order and in the spread.
  • It is believed that the most effective are the numbers that are located in order. In no case do not spend such a banknote, but store it in a wallet. Some specialists in the field ofshui It is believed that it is necessary to hang such a banknote directly above the desktop.
  • It is believed that this is a financially successful position that attracts money. Therefore, a happy bill will be there as well, and will attract money, improving your financial situation.

Happy bills 777, 888, 999

Of great importance should be given to repeating numbers. It is best if the repeat is a repeat, eights and nine.

Happy bills 777, 888, 999:

  • The combination of numbers 7, 8 and 9 is magical. It is best if they are located in order on a map or banknote. Eights showed well. This is a symbol of infinity, respectively, the money will pour a river to you.
  • It is best if a huge amount of eights are located on a banknote, on a serial issue. In the same way, nine showed themselves. But besides these repeated numbers, they act quite well on the financial position and other combinations.
  • It is believed that if you saw three triples at the end, then they make such money for sale. If you are working in business, and some kind of product is stuck, you can speak such a bill. Soon you will sell a product that you could not sell for a long time. Other numbers act very well on success. 

However, not always such repetitions, and not only they can attract money. It is believed that the bills that you forgot in your pockets since last season are very successful.

How to find a happy bill:

  • Try to save that kind of money, even if these are some not big bills, several rubles. Also, the money and coins that you brought from your vacation also proven themselves. It is also advisable to store them in their wallet or in some secret place that attracts money. For example, it can be a safe or in the table you work.
  • But besides, the bills that you received when issuing the first salary can be considered happy. Be sure to look at all the bills and find those on which several seeds, eights or nine are located in a row. If desired, you can speak such money, or simply store it in a wallet, as a symbol of the first salary and unexpected profit.
  • Usually the first salary is associated with new emotions, pleasant enough. Therefore, such bills will also attract money. Mandatory retain the funds that you received in the course of accidental earnings. It can be a lottery, or some kind of happy ticket. 

Business with numbers 222, 555 - happy or not?

Please note that the repeated numbers in the serial issue do not always have a good effect on the financial situation.

Bills with numbers 222, 555, happy or not:

  • Separately, it is worth paying attention to the repetition of numbers, in particular doubles, as well as five and six. That is, if you saw several doubles, five and sixes on the bill, then good luck in financial matters should not be expected.
  • Try to get rid of such bills as soon as possible. They promise instability, as well as cash losses. Three units in a row attract money, but all funds will come to you not stable, but certain periods.
  • So you are looking for banknotes on which there is a repetition of seeds, eights and nine. Repetition of other numbers is either unsuccessful or one that promises only temporary earnings, and not constant financial well -being.

Be sure to store a bill in your wallet that you received from a rich person. This may be the payment of the services provided with the best wishes. It is best if it is a payment of what you are doing in business or at the beginning of what your own business. Money from the hands of a very rich person carry the positive energy of material values. Therefore, with their help you can attract good luck and improve your financial situation. 

Video: Happy Feng Shui bills

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