An increase in wealth: where, in what and how to store money on Feng Shui? How to charge a zone of wealth for storing money by Feng Shui: Tips

An increase in wealth: where, in what and how to store money on Feng Shui? How to charge a zone of wealth for storing money by Feng Shui: Tips

In this article we will talk about the correct monetary storage and increased wealth on Feng Shui.

Many dream of grandiose monetary accumulations, but for some reason the finances earned are not delayed for a long time in the house. At the same time, someone is trying to save, someone to work out, and someone treats, as a state, and simply floats with the flow. But the eastern wisdom of Feng Shui explains such a “disappearance” by an incorrect attitude towards their own finances and the inappropriate organization of space for them. After all, Chinese sages strongly recommend that you store money correctly and respect it in order to get the desired return.

How to keep money on Feng Shui correctly to increase your condition?

Feng Shui - This is the oldest philosophy, which explains the structure of the world through the movement of energy, which in turn helps to gain harmony in all areas of life. This also applies to financial issues - equipping your home according to Eastern philosophy, you can not only save your money, but also forget about poverty forever.

Important: banknotes not only love an account, but also a certain order. Many do not attach any importance to this, and very vain! In fact, these “pieces of paper” require, only for everything, respect for themselves. You need to treat money carefully - Do not scatter “anywhere”, do not kow or put clumsily in a pocket, and also not to tear. The accuracy and reverent attitude to their own bills will attract the energy of wealth and abundance.

The first rule is care and accuracy!
The first rule is care and accuracy!

How to store money in your wallet: General recommendations

The issue of choosing a wallet should be approached quite responsibly. Even if you do not use a purse or wallet, this does not mean that money needs to be put in a pocket of clothes or bags - at least it is wrong. Therefore, it is better to change your preferences or at least start using an envelope for money. The energy of increasing money depends not only on the size of the wallet, but also on a number of other criteria.

  • Money should be convenient, so do not bend it. Based on this, the wallet should be the corresponding sizes where the bills can be folded exactly. Therefore, a purse or wallet is best to choose large sizes. Inaccurately folded bills, torn or crumpled, do not give the energy of financial well -being to circulate. Over time, it fades away and, accordingly, the money gradually disappears.
  • Choose high -quality and expensive accessories. Suede, skin and other natural materials are best suited as a storage. Only wealth can attract wealth.

Important: the wallet should be without any defects! That is, it should not have the slightest holes, scuffs, scratches, etc. Otherwise, your capital will gradually “flow out” and decrease through the same holes.

This is what the average wallet of most citizens looks like
This is what the average wallet of most citizens looks like
  • Another criterion of the product is color. Of course, everyone has their own tastes and preferences. But it is best if the color of the wallet is Red or brown with gold inserts. But there is a slight separation depending on the date of your birth:
    • if The last figure of your year ends at 0 or 1,then choose light and light colors. It can be white, silver or gray kner, as well as all metal colors;
    • on 2 and 3 The number is the opposite contrast - give preference to dark shades. This is the same black that it is able to enhance the flow of energy in the right place, blue or purple. These are the numbers of the elements of water;
    • but brown and green suit for 4 and 5,that correspond to the tree;
    • red or on -board colors, as well as all shades of orange are ideal for the end at 6 and 7;
    • but 8 and 9- This is the earth, so it is better to choose warm and light colors - gold, beige, sandy, as well as green shades.

We also recommend reading an article about the correct color choice of a wallet for money, and most importantly - for its activation, in our article “How to choose a wallet and what kind of conspiracy to read so that money is to have?”

Cash hieroglyph loves gold and silver colors
Cash hieroglyph loves gold and silver colors
  • At the same time, an accessory for money shouldn't be too brightand attract the views of other people. A person may not wish him himself, but looking at your beautiful wallet, he will “scare away” the favorable energy.
  • Following philosophy, There should be nothing “superfluous” in the wallet!For example, old checks, candy wrappers, lists, etc. Only day and bank cards! All unnecessary garbage converts the energy of money, and prevents their increase.
  • Necessarily Find a place for Mayhua- 3, 5 or 9 Chinese coins interconnected by a red thread. This is an overly powerful Feng Shui tool that contributes to development and prosperity.

Important: never put coins or copiers together that are 4 or 8! This deprives you of the energy of the cash flow.

Do not forget to quit several Chinese coins
Do not forget to quit several Chinese coins
  • Businesses must be sorted! That is, separate small and large money into different compartments. If you carry bills of different denominations, such as dollars and rubles, then they need to be placed in different compartments. It is also necessary to separately put credit and discount cards. Plastic should not come into contact with paper - this violates the energy of the banknotes themselves.
  • Do not wear photos of loved ones in the wallet, How many do. This knocks down cash flows, and over time, the wallet ceases to carry positive energy.
  • Do not allow voids in your wallet, even if you are completely “reel”. The fact is that energy leaves an empty wallet, and it is almost impossible to return it.

Important: when we are calculated in the store, often give bills in a detailed form - and this is wrong. You need to curtail the money and give the seller. Then the money will be attracted to you.

How and where to store money in the house?

According to ancient Eastern wisdom, the best zone for storing its savings is located In the southeastern direction.It is there The zone of wealth. At the same time, money is loved by purple, lilac and green kner, as well as gold and silver shades. And also - give preference to wooden materials.

Find the southeast in your house
Find the southeast in your house

Important: Feng Shui approves the storage of money in the bank. Moreover, there they will be in order and under protection. But you must clearly monitor your financial flows. Better yet, invest in business, because they love movement and must circulate to make a profit!

  • The most ideal place is This is a study! But keep in mind that your savings should not be opposite the door. Otherwise, they will be straight and leave.
  • Oddly enough, the most excellent option where you can place the wealth zone and store money is considered canteen.Here the family is always gathering for a festive dinner. Therefore, in such a room there is always positive energy, which contributes to the increase in money. The only minus is that not everyone has it.
  • It is also considered a very good place hallway,since in it a person immediately relaxes and calms down, and all the negative remains behind the door. Therefore, the hallway is always positive energy. But there is one “but”! All guests pass through this room that can attract negative energy with them, which in turn can bring down the flows of the energy we need. And also she must completely free the passage for the flow of energy energy!
  • Kitchenit is also considered a fairly warm and cozy place for the storage of your savings. You can store money anywhere except for the stove,since fiery energy can “burn” all the money collected. It is also worth excluding storage Near the refrigerator.Since he will “freeze” your savings.
Choose a zone with positive energy
Choose a zone with positive energy
  • Living roomalso a good option. But if guests often come to you, then they can “intercept” the flow of monetary energy. But guests often come to visit empty -handed (take a note!), So they will share positive energy.
  • In the bedroom, monetary energy is practically not circulating!She "rests", as well as the owner of this room. But in order to attract wealth and declare the universe about the readiness to become a financially independent person, you need On the day of the pay, leave a small amount of money in the bedroom for the night. Since very successful people can afford to sleep on banknotes. The very next morning, this money can be spent or transferred to the zone more suitable for storing your wealth.
  • Despite the fact that water is an excellent symbol of the flow of money in the dwelling, but Do not leave savings in the bathroom.The energy that passes through the bathroom and the bathroom is too quick for storing money. Accordingly, those people who hide the nurtures in the drain tanks will not “crawl out” with debts.

Important: if you have a bathroom in the southwest part, then hang a mirror on the door. This will create the illusion that the room has disappeared. But the front door should not be reflected. But in such a situation there is a way out - hang a picture with a tree! Then negative energy will feed this tree, and not your finances!

Hang a picture with a tree to neutralize energy flows with a bathroom or bathroom
Hang a picture with a tree to neutralize energy flows with a bathroom or bathroom

General recommendations for housing for storing money

  • Initially is needed carry out general cleaning, which to allow to clean the room not only of unnecessary things, but also “clean” the path for the movement of positive energy at your home. Such cleaning ends with symbolic cleansing: fumigation with special herbs.
  • It is excessively important to clean the room and especially the wealth zone, which must constantly be kept in the strictest purity. You need to get rid of not only dust and dirt, but also From old things.According to many experts, all obsolete things accumulate a lot of negative energy. This does not make it possible to freely move the energy of qi, which is responsible for development and strength.
  • BUT Broken, broken or spoiled things should completely leave your house!They not only block the cash flow, but also any positive energy into your life.
  • In addition to the selected place for the storage, you need Clean and hallway,so that positive energy can "enter" into your house. Massive furniture is not suitable for the hallway, and you need to get rid of the accumulations of clothes and shoes. Especially if you do not wear it at the moment. You also need to pay attention to the front door.
    • It should not “scare away” positive energy, so you need to wipe it from dust and dirt as often as possible. And through the cracks and holes from the old castles, all accumulated energy can seep.
  • Follow the flowers in your house, Especially in the zone of wealth. Steppiece or sluggish plants do not allow your finances to prosper. Yes, and sucks juices from accumulated capital.

Important: but grapes, in a picture or in the form of an artificial accessory, is considered a symbol of poverty. Therefore, try to avoid it.

Put on order!
Put on order!

How to charge a zone of wealth in order to increase and store money at home?

  • To attract the right energy, it is worthwhile for a start to “charge” the zone of wealth. And for this you need to put a vessel with water or a fountain, aquarium- This symbolizes the movement and enhances the cash flow. Since one of the most powerful symbols to attract welfare is considered water.
  • If there is no such opportunity, then hang at least a picture of a reservoiror a fountain. In general, there should be a flow of water. But in this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it. The abundance of accessories, paintings or plants can lead to the exact opposite effect.
  • Near or in the very capacity Put silver or precious stones,half -led minerals are also suitable. They inform the universe about readiness for wealth and success in life.
  • They work very well goldfish.By the way, they can also be alive or only in the image. But it is best for a financial aquarium for 8 yellow fish and one black of the same breed. These are excellent defenders of well -being and abundance. Even if the fish die, this is not scary, you can replace them.

Important: it is worth remembering that aquariums cannot be placed on the window. This is fraught with the fact that all wealth will “fly away” during the ventilation of the room.

The main talismans!
The main talismans!
  • Money, like all individual creatures, has their own energy. Accordingly, you need to create favorable conditions for their "life". For this is worth it To equip this place with various symbolic elements. The most powerful is, of course, a monetary tree (fat man or succulent). But if you do not have enough time or desire to care for a living plant, then it is perfect and Artificial monetary tree with Chinese coins.
  • Various Chinese deities or amulets will help to increase the influx of financial energy into the house, for example:
    • laughing Buddha or Hotty, that fulfills desires;
    • place the face to the place of storage of money Three -haired toad,which acts as a powerful magnet for attracting money;
    • figures of the dragon or turtles;
    • owl figurine, which will protect you from rash expenses and transference;
    • elephant, responsible for well -being;
    • and even Dogas a protection!
  • Put a small mirror opposite the storage, which reflects all the savings. Thus, it will double them.
  • For prosperity is necessary Sunny heat and light.Therefore, it is important that the zone of wealth is well illuminated. Moreover, this should not be artificial lighting, but natural. The energy of the sun favorably affects the increase in finance.
  • It is also worth it Viterly ventilatethe selected place is mandatory to get rid of unnecessary negative energy.

To strengthen the flow of money into the house, you can Conduct a ritual with coins. They should be scattered at the corners of the whole house, while saying: “May he arrive in my house!” You can also put a blue plate or pot in the hallway, and starting with a growing moon, throw it on a coin every day. The more coins, the more money in your home. A clay or earthenware container is also great for this procedure. It is certainly necessary to throw it on a coin daily at it, then the cash stream will not be interrupted, and will attract wealth and abundance into the house.

Powerful magnet for money
Powerful magnet for money

Choosing the perfect accommodation for money or what to store money: tips

How to store money:

  • The most optimal place for storing bills is considered Red envelope,which can be done independently or buy in a special store.
  • It is recommended to add money by denominations - From large to small.It is very important to ensure that there is in the envelope even number of bills,otherwise, they will “break” among themselves. Experts also claim that it is best to store green or lilac banknotes.
  • Great for this Red box with velvet. Be sure to write on the lid or on the envelope "Luck", "wealth"etc. You can never write "For a rainy day" or "for the funeral",this attracts not only negative energy, but also brings this day.
    • "Loans" also falls under the ban, Since this will not allow you to get out of debts at the cosmic level. So, and increase your condition.
  • It is desirable that this No one saw the storage from outsiderseven if these are relatives or close friends. Therefore, do not boast of a new acquisition, but well hide it away from the guests.
  • Also, keep in mind that the ratings should have their own compartment, and there should be large bills on top.
Casket for money
Casket for money
  • Both a box and a piggy bank are suitable for trifles, But it should be quite spacious and very attractive. When choosing a piggy bank, it is worth relying only on its preferences, it should delight the eye of its master. The piggy bank can be put on the window and replenished as often as possible so that the energy flows are not interrupted.
  • If you want to completely forget about material difficulties and constant debts, first of all, Change your attitude to money. It is worth treating your savings wisely and follow all the rules of wisdom Feng Shui. Tune in to the positive, and only then there will be the desired effect, because Money feels your mood and love order.
  • They also recommend Chinese sages to do money for storing money A special bowl. And we recommend reading about the rules of its manufacture in our article "How to make a bowl of abundance?"

If you love your banknotes and cherish them, then they will also love you. Give, save, store money and spend it with ease and without any regret. It is worth remembering the golden rule: wealth comes only to the house where money is not the main meaning of life, but just a tool for improving it.

Video: Feng Shui for storing money

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