Simoron rituals are very effective for love, desire, money, work. Simoron Rituals: Instructions, reviews

Simoron rituals are very effective for love, desire, money, work. Simoron Rituals: Instructions, reviews

The technique of conducting Simoron rituals for luck, work, love.

Simoron - This is a school that appeared in Kyiv in the nineties of the last century. It is rather a school of psychological balance, as well as self -development, which allows you to come true to dreams and go to your own goal faster. In this article we will talk about Simoron rituals. 

Why is the Simoron rituals very effective?

The school of magic was created by the family of psychologists, and does not at all resemble a magical refuge in the literal sense of the word. Oddly enough, the founders did not come up with this school in order to carry out some magic rituals. The fact is that many healers, as well as esoterics for their rituals use special manipulations.

Why Simoron rituals are very effective:

  • These are mainly some miraculous herbs, fees and spells. ATsimoron They are also present rituals, but are comic manipulations, with an admixture of magic. The main task of rituals is to convince yourself of your own viability, increase self -esteem, as well as approach the goal, and tune in to its implementation. 
  • Almost all magical rituals that are carried out at schoolSimoron, carried out on the growing moon. It is believed that it is on the growing moon that it is necessary to proceed to the implementation of new plans, undertakings. The most interesting thing is that esotericists, as well as magicians, often use this approach.
  • Do not take too serious aboutsimoronsky Rituals, but many fans of this school say that despite some absurdity of rituals, they justify themselves, and help in the realization of dreams, plans, and ideas.
  • In most cases, all ritualscomicbut still help to convince a person of his wealth, and configure in the necessary mood. Indeed, the power of self -hypnosis is a very good thing that helps people get out of the most difficult situations.

The founders of the Simon school were psychologists who used these rituals as a kindauto -training, self -hypnosis and meditation. Rituals help to relax, but still do not forget about the goal. Thus, some routine deeds become more funny and unusual. 


Simoron Ritual "Panties" to attract money

Simoron Ritual to attract money "Panties on the chandelier." No matter how strange it sounds, but indeed during the ritual, underwear is attached to the chandelier. 

Simoron Ritual "Panties" to attract money:

  • It is necessary to purchase red underpants. They must be new, and beautiful, that is, you like it. Next, you need to come home and wash them. This is done in order to wash off someone else's energy.
  • Panties should contain only your energy. After the underpants are dry, it is necessary to put them on and walk exactly a day. Thus, panties will acquire your energy and become your thing. After that, the panties are again erased and dried.
  • After they are dry, you need to wait for the growing moon. Further, you need the entire period in which you will wear these panties, pronounce what you want to get rich and improve your financial situation. It is necessary to think and visualize your goal as often as possible, that is, to imagine how you have a huge amount of funds in your wallet, or you received a good bonus at work.
  • That is, any option for obtaining a decent amount of money. Thus, the panties will be charged with your energy, as well as the energy of the money that you imagined all the time. On the growing moon, it is necessary to hang these underpants on the chandelier.
  • The minimum period of time that they should sag on it is a day. At best, a month. Of course, to people who come to visit, it will seem some kind of absurdity. If you do not want to look slightly not in yourself, which is best to remove these underpants from the chandelier in a day. Further, they are hidden in a secluded corner, and are no longer worn. Every month it is necessary to conduct this ritual on the growing moon. 

Simoron rituals for love

With helpsimoronsky The ritual can attract love. For this, it is necessary to carry out a ritual with cottage cheese. Buy your favorite cottage cheese in the store, as well as dried fruits or nuts, what you love.

Simoron rituals for love:

  • You need to choose the most favorite dress, you will also need a church candle, crystal dishes, and a good mood. The entire ritual is carried out on Saturday, Wednesday or Friday. In the evening, you need to light a candle, and transfer the curd to a crystal dish.
  • After that, you need to sit down near the candle and hold your hand over the cottage cheese. You need to say the following words: Mother of God, you can do everything! Help me find my narrowed.
  • Next, add your favorite dried fruits, jam or nuts to cottage cheese. You need to mix all this thoroughly. In the process of averaging, say magical words: I conjure, I will toss, I will bewitch love for myself.
  • Next, it is necessary to eat a treat, whileneed To chew every spoon, enjoying it. In the process of eating cottage cheese, you need to represent a man, yourloven who is nearby. Please note that if you have a short haircut, then the need to remove all the hairpins from it. If long hair, it must be pre -washed and dissolved. You must be very beautiful, with makeup and hairstyle. 
Magic potion
Magic potion

Simoron ritual for a man

You can attract a man with a ritual with carrots. To carry out manipulation, you will need a wide, red ribbon, two small carrots, red paper and scissors.

Simoron ritual for a man:

  • It is necessary to wash the carrots, cut the tails from them. Carrots are laid outon the table Friend is near each other, and two hands are brought above them. It is necessary that they do not touch the vegetables, but at the same time be as close as possible to them.
  • Now, by the power of thought, imagine how the energy from your hands flows into a carrot. It is necessary to pronounce such words: I conjure, I will turn it, I will charge carrots with love. Now tell me, shaking your hands: one-two-three, my carrots are all in love.
  • Next, you need to take a segment of the satin tape and tightly tie two vegetables. It is necessary that they tightly fit each other. Next, cut a small heart out of colored paper and put in the center of the red ribbon.
  • Thus, it will be a kind of seal. After that, you need to imagine how you will find your love. After this ritual, untie the carrots, and eat them. Only in the course of eating it is necessary to imagine how you will find a narrowed one. Imagine something pleasant, what will attract your beloved man into your life. 
Attracting love
Attracting love

Simoron rituals for desire

Simoron Rituals involve the use of new means of communication and technology. After all, this is a pretty new school of magic. Using a regular mobile phone, you can achieve the fulfillment of desires.

Simoron rituals for desire:

  • For a ritual, you will need ordinary paper and a pen. Write on the sheet any of your wishes. Next, it is necessary to photograph it on the phone, and on top, in any graphic editor, add a heart or a distinctive sign.
  • It is necessary to make the resulting photograph a screech of your phone. After that, you need to say a desire, but, without using particles, I want or not. For example: i get a job with a big salary.
  • After that, you need to hold the phone between your palms and conspire: what The mobile phone stores, then flies to me. At the end, it is necessary to activate the desire with the first call. As soon as the call raises, you pick up the phone, the process will start.
  • Your desire will be conveyed to the forces from above that will help to fulfill it. Now each time, when you turn on the phone, you will see the picture with your desire. In fact, this is not super-technology at all, and not magic rituals, but a kind of psychotechnical, which is based on the strength of self-hypnosis and visualization.
  • A person will constantly see his desires before his eyes, and strive for their fulfillment. In fact, all these magical rituals are directed to convince a person of his own significance, increase his strength, and give confidence.

Simoron rituals are very effective for good luck

Are you a hardworking and very conscious person, but you constantly lack good luck and success? Then the Simoron ritual for good luck for you.

Simoron rituals are very effective for good luck:

  • To carry out manipulation, you will need a mechanical watch. They should be old, but work well. In no case can you use an electronic clock, since they do not work. Next, dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in a cup.
  • Moisten the fabric in the solution and wipe the clock. Bring them with your right hand. After that, draw the same hand with the index finger of the same hand, in the direction of the clockwise. You need to walk three circles with your finger.
  • Next, it is necessary to squeeze the clock between your hands and breathe on them. Thus, so that they will fog up. In the course of this, it is necessary to utter the following words: I inhale magic and good luck, the arrows are ticking, running and calling me success.
  • Further, it is necessary to pronounce such a conspiracy during a finger on the dial: Tick-so, tick-so, good luck with me, let it be so. Now put the clock on the hand and go with them.
  • It is necessary that they constantly catch your eye. This is a kind of visualization of desires. If the chronometer works well, this means that your desire will come true soon. 

Simoron rituals to work

Oddly enough, but the entrance doors can help you with desires. For this manipulation, you need to choose the day when you will be in a good and raised mood. For manipulation, you will need a clean white sheet, A4 format, also a red marker. Need a sticky tape or tape.

Simoron rituals to work:

  • On white paper, write in a red marker: "I work on highly paid work." It is necessary that it sounds in the present tense, without the use of particles I want or not. For example, I have a favorite job.
  • Next, it is necessary to fix the paper on the front door in the apartment with sticky tape. It can be a door to any room, but its front side. Close the doors, jump in place, smile. It is necessary that you make a transition to the other side of the room in a good mood.
  • It is necessary to imagine what you wrote on a piece of paper. You need to go through the doors back and forth 27 times. That is, it will take about half an hour to perform the ritual. Now at the entrance to any door, notimportant, Where they will be, at home or visiting, at work, to imagine that these are the doors of desires that will help you fulfill your dreams and planes. 

Simoron rituals: reviews

Despite the fact that the Simoron rituals are very interesting, unusual, and they are not very similar to magical manipulations, they still have many fans. Below you can read reviews about the effectiveness of such rituals.

Simoron rituals, reviews:

Oksana, 38 years old. For the first time I heard about such rituals from my friend. At a lunch break, she told how she hung red underpants on the chandelier. It seemed to me complete delirium, but decided to google, found a lot of interesting information. In fact, these are not quite rituals, but a self -hypnosis technique. I made a ritual with my underpants, and to my surprise, found money on the street. This is extremely rare with me, so now sometimes I practice such manipulations.

Eugene, 28 years old. I am a practicing psychologist, and I understand very well how these so -called rituals work. I recommend that many patients carry out such humorous actions, as they help improve mood, and bring closer to the goal. A great option for people with depression that have been lost in this life. I watched many times as rituals work.

Yuri, 30 years old. For the first time I heard about such rituals on TV, in one of the programs with a psychotherapist. He laughed, it seemed to me a complete absurdity. But still decided to experiment. To my surprise, the ritual on the door with a piece of paper worked. This is a kind of mark that helps tune in to fulfilling its own desire, since the door works as a kind of switch or reminder.

Magic rites
Magic rites

In fact, this is not at all a magical ritual, but a kind of self -hypnosis technique. In psychology, certain anchors are selected, symbols that will help you fulfill desires, using visualization. Thus, a person with the help of the door gives an attitude that this is a kind of mark that helps in the fulfillment of desires that attracts attention to them. Simoron Rituals are not magic, but psychological techniques that help to tune in to improve the emotional state. 

Video: Simoron rituals

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Comments K. article

  1. Wonderful and very useful article

  2. About cowards-confirming. It worked for me)))

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