Washing gels for dishes: what are they made, are harmful, and how can they be replaced?

Washing gels for dishes: what are they made, are harmful, and how can they be replaced?

From this article you will learn whether detergents are harmful for dishes, and how they can be replaced.

We often hear from advertising on TV that detergents for dishes are completely unfortunate, and even in them are added extracts from medicinal herbs to protect the skin of the hands. But is it? What are the detergents for dishes made of? How can you replace a store washing gel at home? We find out in this article.

What are the detergents for dishes made of?

The composition of the detergent gel for dishes:

  • Supervisory and active substances, alkali, betaine, enzymes, citric acid, sodium lauretsulfate-for laundering fat
  • Urea, hydrotope, benzotiazolil - for accelerated laundering of fat and other pollution
  • Cokokid, sodium chloride and other thickeners - for a viscous state of gel
  • Antibacterial agents - to combat microbes
  • Stabilizers - for foaming
  • Glycerin, phenoxyethanol, aloe vera or other medicinal herbs - to soften the skin of the hands
  • Flavors - for a pleasant smell
  • Dyes - to give the desired color
  • Conservatives - for longer storage
  • Salt of peroxide acids - for bleaching
  • Oxygen bleach (if it is in the composition, this is a good tool)

Particularly dangerous substances in the detergents for dishes:

  • Lemonen, hekvilcoric aldehydes - allergens, can provoke asthma
  • Dietanolamine - dangerous, especially for the liver
  • Cato, phenoxyethanol - preservatives
  • Chlorine
  • Phosphates (potassium orthophosphate, sodium hydrophosphate) or phosphonates
  • Triclosan
  • Ftalates
Composition of detergents for dishes

How to determine how harmful the detergent gel is for dishes?

The main components In a moisture gel for dishes is surface-active substance or abbreviated surfactants. All means containing this substance are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Anionic surfactants (they are also called A-Pav or A-Tenzids)-they cope best with pollution, cheap, but also the most harmful. Gels with anionic surfactants dry the skin of the hands, get inside us from plates and harm the heart, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, and light.
  2. Catial surfactants - fat dishes are washed worse, but not as poisonous as anionic.
  3. Ampholytic or amphoteric surfactants act differently: in an alkaline environment, like anionic surfactant, in acidic-cationic ones.
  4. Nonal or non -onogenic surfactants - the safest for humans and nature, decompose into water and carbon dioxide.

If a company that makes a detergent adheres to standards, then PAV should be no more than 5%.

Attention. There are also harmless detergents in which survey from plants, they are called saponins (soap walnut, soap root, cheurye extract). There are designations on such funds:

  • Ecogaratie
  • Eco Label
  • Qai
The most effective detergents for dishes are the most harmful

How do detergents work for dishes for humans and nature?

Although on a moisture gel for dishes it is written that it does not harm the skin of the hands, after use It may be the following effects:

  • Allergic reaction to the skin of the hands and throughout the body
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Breathe heavily
  • The development of a skin disease - dermatitis
  • The rest of the detergent from plates can get into the human body, accumulate there, and lead to intoxication
  • Pars from detergent cause malaise associated with lungs and bronchi, manifested by dry coughing
  • Constant inhalation of vapors or a small amount of substance from plates, even relatively harmful detergents, leads to a decrease in immunity
  • Detergents, which include phosphates, falling into the environment, harm reservoirs - water blooms from them (covered with algae)
With prolonged use of detergents for dishes, they can harm a person: allergies and skin diseases, inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi

How can you replace store detergents for dishes?

Shop detergents for dishes are harmful to the skin of hands, stomach. Them you can replace household products, less harmful to the skin of the hands, and safe (with the exception of calcified soda), for internal organs:

  • Ordinary vinegar - Together with other domestic substances removes fat, and disinfects the dishes
  • Laundry soap - it is made of organic substances, disinfects, softens water
  • Baking soda - disinfects, cleans and rinses fat
  • Calcinated soda - more caustic than baking soda, but even better softens water, disinfects, removes old spots and fat
  • Dry mustard - It washed off well
  • Ammonia solution Add to a home gel for better washing of fat spots
  • Rock salt - well cleans old fat spots, without scratching the dishes
  • Hydrogen peroxide - Removes fat

From these ordinary powders, liquids and solutions, you can prepare homemade detergents for laundering dirty dishes, stoves, tiles, baths and other objects in the house.

The usual household products that we use every day can replace store detergents for dishes

How do homemade detergents work for dishes for humans, nature, advantages and disadvantages?

At the prepared houses of detergents for dishes a number of advantages over store:

  • Not harmful to the ecology, health of people and animals
  • Less harmful to the skin of the hands
  • Do not contain strong allergens
  • Almost harmless to the stomach, intestines, lungs and other organs
  • Homemade detergent will turn out to be cheaper than good quality store
  • A home remedy is easier to wash off the plates than a store
  • A home remedy can have any aroma that you like, because you can add your favorite essential oil to it

Disadvantages of homemade detergents for dishes:

  • They are not so well laundered fat dishes as a store detergent
  • Homemade detergent gel needs much more than store
Mustard, soda, laundry soap, from which you can prepare homemade detergents for dishes, do not harm the nature surrounding us

How to cook homemade detergents for dishes and other household needs?

The above homemade detergents are universal, since they can be washed:

  • Dishes
  • The hob surface of the slab
  • Tiles on the wall and floor
  • Sink
  • Yellowish stains in the bathroom

Attention. If the plate or dishes are very contaminated, they need to be done as follows: rub with a homemade detergent gel and leave for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse.

Universal homemade washing gel for dishes and kitchen utensils: Recipe

For a detergent gel, let's take:

  • 0.5 pieces of laundry soap
  • 1 liter of water
  • 4 tbsp. l. ammonia solution
  • 3 tbsp. l. Powder of mustard and baking soda


  1. Half a piece of soap on a fine grater.
  2. We take the old one who does not feel sorry for the pan or the old bucket, and heat the water to the hot state.
  3. We pour grated soap into the water, heat until the soap is dissolved, then remove from the heat, and let it cool.
  4. When the liquid soap has cooled, pour the mustard powder and food soda to it, mix.
  5. We open the window, and pour a solution of ammonia into the mixture, mix quickly, pour it into glass jars, close with plastic lids and let it brew for 2-3 hours, and you can use it.
Ingredients for homemade detergent for dishes, baths, washbasins

Quick homemade washing gel for dishes, baths from laundry soap and soda: recipe

In the washing gel, let's take:

  • 0.5 pieces of soap (household)
  • 50 g of soda (food)
  • 1 cup of water
  • 10 drops of oil (etheric) lavender, lemon or pine


  1. We rub the soap on a grater, preferably small, and pour into boiling water, stir until the soap dissolves. Remove from heat, let cool a little and pour soda, mix.
  2. In the soap-soda mixture, add perfumed oil, stir it when it cools-you can use it.
If little time can quickly prepare a soda-so-wash detergent for dishes with the addition of your favorite essential oil

How to cook homemade detergents for dishes?

Soap-glycerin homemade detergent for dishes: recipe

Such a washing gel not only launders dishes, but also softens the skin on the hands.

For a detergent gel, let's take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap
  • 1 liter of water
  • 8 tbsp. l. glycerol


  1. The soap rubbed on a fine grater is stirred in hot water, heating it on the stove until dissolved.
  2. When the liquid soap has cooled, pour glycerin into it, mix, pour into a plastic jar and you can wash the dishes.
Ingredients for soap-glycerin detergent for dishes

Spying homemade washing gel for fat dishes: recipe

For a gel, let's take:

  • For 2 tbsp. l. baking soda and citric acid in powder, instead of acid, hydrogen peroxide or vinegar is possible instead of acid
  • 170 ml of warm water


  1. We stir soda in hot water, pour hydrogen peroxide or vinegar to it, shake, pour into a bottle with a lid and can be used immediately.

Attention. We use the sparkling washing gel as follows: we spread with gel with a sponge of fat dishes, leave for 3-5 minutes, wash off with warm water.

Soap-lime homemade detergent for dishes: recipe

Such a tool launders fat dishes well and is completely harmless to nature and animals.

For a gel, let's take:

  • Half a piece of grated laundry
  • 1 liter of water
  • 25 ml glycerin
  • 1 tbsp. l. citric acid in powder or juice of half fresh lemon
  • 1 tsp. alcohol or vodka


  1. Pour soap chips with boiling water and stir on the stove until dissolved.
  2. Remove from heat, let cool slightly, pour the powder of citric acid or squeeze the juice from the half of the lemon, glycerin, mix and you can wash the dishes.
Useful lime detergent-shaped water-toy water gel

Home washing gel for utensils: recipe

Such a washing gel launders heavily contaminated dishes well.

In the gel we take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder
  • 1 liter of water


  1. Pour the mustard powder with hot water, stir everything, and the gel is ready - you can wash dirty dishes.

Attention. If 1-2 tbsp. l. Drill soda, then this paste can even wash old fat spots on pots.

So, we figured out how harmful the shopping detergents for dishes are, and how they can be replaced.

Video: Washing tools - harm and reviews of specialists

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