BB-Glow-Tonal Cream for a year: pros and cons, the whole truth about the procedure, consequences, contraindications, price, photo before and after, customer reviews

BB-Glow-Tonal Cream for a year: pros and cons, the whole truth about the procedure, consequences, contraindications, price, photo before and after, customer reviews

A woman always strives for excellence and many would like to save time, not to lose him on a daily imposition of makeup on her face, to have a well -groomed face constantly. BB-Glow is one of the procedures that allows you to maintain an even face tone for a long time. Further more about her.

A new development of South Korean dermatologists has appeared on the cosmetics market to correct skin disadvantages on the face and treat the epidermis. This method has conquered the hearts of many women, because thanks to the BB Glow - tonal cream for a year, you can eliminate all visible spots on the skin, according to manufacturers. However, is everything so smooth and what side effects do this procedure exist? It does not hurt to deal with this issue in more detail, let's evaluate all the pros and cons of the BB-Glow procedure.

BB Glow - Tonal Cream for the Year: What is this procedure?

It should be said right away that it is impossible to make BB-Glow (foundation for a year) at home. Not all cosmetic salons do the procedure. She only gains her popularity among the fair sex, and many are not entirely sure that really thanks to minimally invasive therapy, you can forget for a year about problems with the skin of the face, such as acne, vitiligo, freckles, etc.

Cosmetologists advise only professionals, and not self-taught masters. Because the BB-Glow input process is quite scrupulous. All hygienic norms should also be observed in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. So chasing the low cost of the procedure is undesirable.

To make it clearer, the name BB-Glow means the input of the foundation into the upper layers of the epidermis using a special device with microeles. But before the process, the skin is nourished with a different composition, they make a scrub (clean). The basis of raw materials is titanium dioxide. Due to the penetration of particles into the skin, the effect is noticeable already some time after the procedure. BB-Glow also includes hyaluronic acid, pigment, various vitamins, mineral components, trace elements.

They say that the foundation, which is applied in this way, can be held on the skin of the face from a month to one year, only sometimes you need to repeat the procedure. This procedure is called BB Ideal Skin Glow.It is an excellent alternative to ladies who have various diseases of the skin, from vitiligo, ending with brown spots. They are also called: pigmented spots. By the way, they spoil the mood of women, and can even cause various complexes.

Smooth tone without foundation
Smooth tone without foundation

How to apply BB-Glow, step-by-step instructions:

  1. Firstly, a specialist cosmetologist cleans the skin of dead cells, using peeling. For this, special cosmetic compounds are used.
  2. Next, a foundation base is introduced into a special apparatus. The device itself is a special module and many nanoigols. Be sure to select the tone of cream for skin color.
  3. And now we finally move on to introduction into the upper layer of the epidermis, with the help of nano-heads, cream. The procedure is somewhat reminiscent of a tattoo. But not so painful, it seems that the skin is slightly scratched. Meanwhile, the cream will fill all uneven places and highlight the skin.
  4. On a tonal basis, as already mentioned, there is gilauronic acid, and it has a smoothing and tightening effect. Therefore, the client may notice how small wrinkles were smoothed.
  5. After full application of the foundation in the skin, the remains must be removed. A woman may have a feeling that the skin has a certain film or tonal base on the skin.

According to cosmetologists, the tonal basis applied in this way can stay on the face for a whole year. But do not think that it is so safe, there are certain contraindications and side effects to its use. Therefore, girls, before trying a new type of service in a cosmetic salon, should evaluate the positive and negative sides of the process.

BB Glow - Tonal Cream for the Year: Pros and Cons

To objectively give an assessment of BB-Glow, you need to know all the pros and cons of this procedure. Perhaps some bi-legou is simply not suitable or the price of the service will seem too expensive.

The minuses of BB-Glow include the following aspects:

  • High cost of the process.
  • There are unpleasant pain, for too sensitive people the procedure is not suitable.
  • There is a possibility of obtaining an imperfect tone of the face, especially if the BB-Glow is done with non-professionals.
  • It will be impossible to wash off the unable to wash the face of the face.

The pluses of BB-Glow include the following properties:

  1. Thanks to the BB-Glow, you have the color of the skin, you will get rid of dark circles under the eyes.
  2. The skin will become smooth, the relief of the epidermis is leveled, small wrinkles are disguised.
  3. After the procedure, acne will disappear, you will feel some freshness of the skin.
  4. In addition, with the help of BB-Glow, you will get rid of shallow scars, scars. Less commonly, rashes on the epidermis will take place.
  5. Freckles, various spots will disappear, you will protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation.
  6. The skin will become saturated with oxygen, the upper layer of the epidermis will moisturize, small flaws, traces of burns, a vascular mesh are masked.

The process of applying BB-Glow has many positive assessments. Many say that they are even pleased during the introduction of the foundation. But it cannot be said that this process has some kind of therapeutic character, it is intended more for aesthetic purposes. And cosmetologists recommend BB-Glow from 3 to 4 times a year.

IMPORTANT: Do not allow non -professionals to carry out the procedure, it must be performed only in specially equipped rooms, where there is a technique for disinfecting the necessary equipment.

BB Glow cream effect
BB Glow cream effect

BB Glow - Tonal Cream for the Year: True about the procedure

The effect of this procedure will be especially noticeable for customers with skin disadvantages on the face. With various spots, an uneven tone of the tonality of the epidermis. BB-Glow can stay on the skin for about a year, although sometimes to maintain a tone, you have to do the procedure for entering it every three to four months. While the BB-Glow is the only method to align the tone of the face for a long period of time, there are no similar procedures of this nature yet.

The essence of the BB Glow cream.
The essence of the BB Glow cream.

The process of introduction of BB-Glow is carried out by small injections, made special professional equipment. Nanihiloks do not hurt any deep points of the subcutaneous layers at all. The equipment must be disinfected without fail. Immediately after such a process, women should not receive sunbathing. If you do the introduction of a tonal basis not in special cosmetology salons, that is, the risk of obtaining hepatitis and other ailments. There are risks of manifestation of side effects.

Possible side effects and negative consequences

According to experts, there were no special negative consequences. However, before the process of introducing a tonal basis, testing should be done for allergenic reactions. Otherwise, there may be swelling, redness and other signs of allergies. Also, according to some cosmetologists, clients have the risks of the following consequences after the procedure:

  • Allergy to the components of BB-Glow. And what is the most unpleasant, if an allergic reaction gains strength, then it will be quite difficult to stop it, because it is impossible to extract the microparticles of leather cream.
  • After a period of time, when the old skin cells are listed, the zones between the foundation of and a natural shade of the epidermis.
  • The nature of the toxic action on the skin cells of the components of this cream has not been completely studied. Therefore, there is a risk of neoplasms of a different nature. And besides, a person may lose his smooth structure, there are risks of manifestations of scars.
  • And of course, as has been said more than once, It is possible to pick up various diseases that are transmitted through the bloodstream after the process of applying the cream. And this may be when the masters of the salons do not fulfill all the requirements for the processing of the material for the introduction of BB-Glow.

BB Glow - Tonal Cream for the Year: Contraindications

In any cosmetic procedure, including this one has a number of different contraindications. Moreover, non -compliance with measures threatens customers with serious consequences.

These include:

  1. Autoimmune processes in the body, ailments associated with blood coagulation, tumors of various etiologies, scratches, non -healing wounds on the skin of the face.
  2. Various damage to the skin in the form of boils, eczema, various dermatological manifestations. Nervous diseases, epilepsy, weakness, acute respiratory infections, flu, etc.
  3. Stress, menstrual cycle, interesting position in women (pregnancy).
  4. You can not carry out a tonal cream for a year if you have a baby on the Guards.

Unfortunately, cosmetologists have not yet studied this new type of improvement in skin tone on the face. And therefore BB-Glow is an unpotent procedure. Therefore, when making a decision to conduct her client, he herself should evaluate all the risks of her.

The woman, just like a specialist, does not know what action can manifest after the BB-Glow entry through years, as particles of the tonal foundation will further behave in skin cells. After all, it is impossible to get them completely. Despite the fact that skin cells are renewed once a month.

Other cosmetologists say that this procedure is not more dangerous than applying tonal foundations to the skin daily, because their effects can also be harmful due to the fact that the particles score pores.

BB Glow - Tonal Cream for the Year: The cost of the procedure

Despite the popularity of BB-Glow, this procedure is carried out not in every beauty salon. So far, the process is considered a novelty and licensing will be required to master the hostess of the salon. The procedure is quite expensive, so in the elite salon of Moscow the price for it reaches 25,500 rubles.But, if you look well, you can find for 5000 rubles.

BB-Glow effect
BB-Glow effect
BB-Glow on acne
BB-Glow on acne
Cream BB Glow from pigmentation
Cream BB Glow from pigmentation

BB Glow - Tonal cream for the year: reviews, photos

On the Internet you can find different reviews about BB-Glow-foundation for a year. There are also negative, there are positive ones. Of course, if the skin was without flaws before applying the foundation, then there is nothing to expect a striking effect from the procedure. Her condition will only improve slightly without any changes.

Stasia, 32 years:

After the birth of a child, I got small pigment spots on my face. And before that there was always a flat skin tone. That I just did not do the skin whitening with special creams, and made masks on the face. Nothing helped. Then I read on one site about this new procedure, about BB-Glow-a foundation for a year. I thought - why not try. I learned almost everything about the process, I read the contraindications I did not have that. I decided to try. I chose a reliable cosmetic salon and ordered a service. I was afraid that it would hurt. However, the process seemed even pleasant to me. The only thing that the procedure should be repeated, and the master individually approaches each client, assigning the repeated introduction of BB-Glow into the upper layers of the skin. After all, the effect of the tonal base is accumulative. I did not have any swelling, there was a slight redness that came down in two days. And now I enjoy the appearance of my skin on my face. Finally, I got rid of these annoying age spots that friends constantly noticed, and gave various invalid advice to get rid of them.

BB-Glow effect
BB-Glow effect

Oksana, 24 years old:

Despite the fact that my friends discouraged me from applying the foundation for a year, I still wanted to try a new oriental method to improve the color of the face. I think I’ll make one procedure, if you like it, then let the cosmetologist then give a tonal basis twice after time, as it should be, so that the cream holds for a whole year. Moreover, I was lucky, I received a discount of three thousand according to the action (Birthday of the salon). The fact is that I have many red freckles on my face, but I would like to get a perfectly-related face tone without this placing on the skin. After the procedure, I was a little upset, since there was no effect, but the cosmetologist assured me that you will see visible changes in 2-3 days. So it happened. I will definitely still do the tonal base of BB-Glow to save time for daily makeup.

Result before the procedure and after applying BB-Glow
Result before the procedure and after applying BB-Glow

Video: BB Glow - Tonal Cream for the Year

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